How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 103: Grand Festival 5

Chapter 103: Grand Festival 5

'He'll give me the limits of my opponents, he says....'

'All for Just for a moment of my time in the future?'

She repeated his words in her mind, trying to make sense of the proposition.

It seemed too simple, too absurd.

"How absurd...."

She couldn't fathom why Riley, of all people, would offer her such valuable information.

What did he mean by a moment of her time in the future?

Why did he know the limits of her opponents' budgets?

If he truly did possess this knowledge, what was in it for him?

Something didn't feel right, and Clara's instincts screamed at her to be cautious.

It was already peculiar that Riley had approached her out of the blue, and now, with this unexpected proposal, she couldn't help but feel even warier of him.

As she studied Riley's neutral expression, Clara weighed her options.

Accepting his offer could provide her with a significant advantage in the bidding war for the Gatefall Bridge.

However, it also meant putting herself in a position of potential vulnerability, owing Riley a favor that could come back to haunt her.

"Why are you offering me this information?" she finally asked, her voice steady but her eyes sharp. "What do you gain from this, Riley? What's your true motive?"

Riley's face remained composed, his eyes unwavering as he met her gaze. "Let's just say I have my reasons. Consider it an investment in future cooperation."

Clara's skepticism deepened.

'Future cooperation?'

What kind of cooperation could Riley be envisioning?

'Does he need me for something?'

She had always prided herself on her ability to read people and situations, but Riley was proving to be an enigma.

Still, the opportunity was too tempting to dismiss outright. If Riley's information was accurate, it could tip the scales in her favor.

But trusting him blindly was out of the question.

She needed to proceed carefully, to ensure she wasn't walking into a trap.

Her last talks with Snow mentioned Riley being a potential ally of theirs, but this...

This was far too convenient.

Clara's mind raced with possibilities.

'Is he doing this for Snow?' she wondered.

As much as Riley and Snow were considered to be close, this didn't make much sense.

The one benefiting from all of this would be her, not Snow.

The whole reason Clara was helping Snow in the first place was because of this same exact conversation they were having right now.

Snow's strategic brilliance had aligned perfectly with Clara's ambitions. But Riley's sudden appearance with insider knowledge threw a wrench into everything.

'Is screwing over Snow the main goal?' she mused. Although unlikely, it seemed applicable. After all, snakes tended to gather among those of royal blood, and Snow had the most exquisite of them all.

Riley might not seem like one, but at the end of the day, he had the same cold-hearted blue blood of those around him.

'He was a noble.'

His family line might seem insignificant, but the connections that tied him to a certain person offset all that.

Clara's thoughts drifted back to the many times she had observed Riley.

He was always composed, always calculating.

He moved through the academy with an air of detachment, never fully revealing his cards.

His neutral blue eyes had a way of piercing through people, seeing beyond their facades. But this offer... it was too transparent, too generous.

'Riley must have a hidden agenda,' Clara concluded. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was maneuvering her into a corner, setting her up for something bigger.

'But what? And why now?'

Clara might be a noble, but at heart, she was born a merchant. She knew how money flowed and, in turn, how people flowed.

She was like a cunning little fox, always waiting, watching, listening, and observing every person she encountered ever since she was young.

Her acute sense gave her a knack for understanding people based on their body movements, the sound of their voice, and even subtle little unconscious actions.

Clara could see it and smell it: Riley was being genuine right now.

'He knows something...' she mused, and his information seemed accurate.

If so, did she even need Snow?

She realized that her decision today could take the coin she flipped with Snow and reclaim it for herself.

Snow was a good leader and a kind person, but if there were no benefits to be gained by allying with her, then what was the point of joining her side?

As Clara considered her next move, she thought back to her merchant roots.

Her family, technically nobles of their own kingdom with ties to its royal blood, had built their heritage from the blood and sweat of merchants.

The Luminaria family thrived on commerce and business, and Clara had inherited that


"You know a certain white snowflake might break if I accept your proposal, right?" Clara's voice carried a playful edge as she probed Riley.

Riley smiled, smoothly caressing her hair behind her ears, revealing her beautiful face even more. "That's only if you decide to abandon her."

'So that option is viable?' Clara almost chuckled out loud at his bold statement.

'If he's not preventing me from doing so...'

It was safe to assume that betraying Snow wouldn't affect his own agenda either.

And here she thought Snow had a good eye for people.

'To think that one of the people she was closest to had the potential to stab her in the back

like this.'

'Was the venom already injected the moment they met?'

Clara's assessment of Riley increased. She realized this man couldn't be trifled with as easily

as she initially thought.

But screwing over Snow just like this and jumping onto a new, uncertain ship wasn't her style.

The merchant ancestry in her screamed for more.

If she was going to set sail, why not take the whole fleet with her?

'Riley and Snow...' Clara thought to herself.

It was risky, but she decided to make use of them thoroughly.

Clara Luminaria was a merchant at heart, and she knew that in the world of commerce, loyalty

was a commodity, and profits were the ultimate goal.

"Alright, Riley. I'll take you up on your offer...." she said, her voice steady but filled with intent. Clara then grabbed Riley's collar and pulled him closer, her lips brushing against his ear. "But remember, a moment of my time in the future could cost you dearly," she whispered, a sly smile forming behind his back.

A momentary chuckle escaped Riley's lips as if finding the situation amusing. "Of course," he replied, his tone light but confident. "Just think of this as an investment... for you and me."

Clara released her grip on his collar, stepping back to look at him directly. Riley's eyes held a

mixture of amusement and respect.

Clara knew she had to tread carefully.

Riley was a formidable opponent, but if she played her cards right, he could also become a

valuable ally.

"Will a letter suffice as a form of our transaction?" Riley asked.

"Yes... just send it to me in the most convenient of your matter, just not after the grand

festival though"


As she turned to leave, Clara's mind was already racing with plans and strategies. She would leverage the information Riley provided, but she wouldn't rely solely on it. She had her own network of contacts and her own resources.

This was just another piece in the grand puzzle she was putting together. Whether Riley's involvement in her matters becomes positive or not. Can be decided by the

results of her ordeal.


Watching Clara make her way out of the empty corner of the halls, a smile almost escaped my


'That went surprisingly well'

I honestly believed that with the way I was handling things, she would be a bit more suspicious, but I guess the benefits of my offer were too much to ignore.

As our promise was just based on words right now, she'll probably wait for me to transact my

payment in the letter I'll send to her.

And depending on the reliability of the numbers and names I list in my letter, an actual

contract will then be established between us.

'I'll send her half of what I know tonight,' I decided.

Since Yui was a maid of Killian Hall, she could deliver the letter to Clara's dorm without much


Clara might complain about me telling her only half of what I know, but I had already given

her enough freebies. Plus, I'm the one taking the risk here, so she'll have to suffice with that.

I watched her until she disappeared around the corner.

'She was walking surprisingly fast... is she that excited?'

I guess even top tier merchants like her can't hide their happiness huh. Anyways, she's really good at this, huh? She was even making all those expressions just to try

and lure me into her supposed vulnerability. Acting as if she was scared of the consequences.

She's one hell of an actress.

Although I might personally like her more than most of the other Act 1 heroines, I knew at heart she was as cold as a snake and as sly as a fox.

If I don't hold my ground, she'll end up biting me before I even know it. Clara was a full-blown merchant. She'll take any advantages and profits as best as she could, and that includes exploiting a person's idiocy.

Words can be quite deceptive; after all, just like they say, the best liars always have the most

genuine smile.

'Until an actual contract between us forms, I can't let go of all the cards in my pocket.'

For now, at least I have a guarantee when that time comes in Act 2.

Turning around, I proceeded to head back to the training area.

'Janica might already be there...'

As I walked, I mentally prepared myself for the training session ahead. Janica likely already

started training.

If so, it would be a bit hard to ask her a question about Lucas then.

After all, distraction was the worst enemy of concentration, and I didn't really want to bother

her just because I wanted to ask a certain question or two about Lucas. Should I just head straight towards the secret passage of the Killian gardens?

Since Seo and I decided that would be our new meeting place for private meetings now, she

should arrive there before the afternoon ends.

And a good old personal training wasn't that bad anyway.

With that in mind, I hastened my steps, intending to head there. But then, a certain red color

grabbed my attention.

Protruding out of a small wall near the magical trash burners, it was squirming slightly under

my gaze. 'What the heck is she doing?'

Walking towards it, I looked down as I watched the red-headed woman in front of me squirm

in fear under my gaze.

"What are you doing, Janica?"

Janica's face turned a deeper shade of red as she quickly tried to compose herself, brushing off

the dust from her clothes. Her eyes darted around nervously, avoiding direct eye contact with


"Ah-hahaha R-Riley? Hoho.... What a coincidence to think I would see you here...." Janica's nervous laughter echoed in the narrow hallway, her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. "Uh... I

was just... um... checking something," she stammered, clearly caught off guard by my sudden appearance.

'Right....' I thought, raising an eyebrow.

She fidgeted uncomfortably, her hands clasping together as if seeking some form of escape. "Yes, well, you see... I thought I saw something unusual and decided to investigate."

She continued, her voice trembling slightly.

"Like, ah, you know.... Ah-ah, t-that's right, you know about those tiny mana rats, right? The

ones tormenting the dorm master to this day? I-I saw one of them entering the trash burner,

so I thought, U-uhm... it died?"

Just like in the game. 'She's really bad at this, huh...'

Although her genuine honesty and her inability to lie straight might seem like a good thing, it

was an extreme liability in most cases.

Especially if you're trying to speed run a certain route handling Janica's weakness was just

most of the times too much of a hassle.

That was why it was best advised in the community guidelines to remove Janica from the

party from late [Act 1] all the way to the end of [Act 2], to have a steady and smooth sailing of the main story.

Unless of course you were a hardcore [Hero's legacy] gamer fan like me who wanted to

experience every inch and corner the game had to offer, just to try and have a tiny bit more percentage in immersion points.

It seemed she also realized how absurd her excuse sounded by the deep red blush spreading

across her cheeks.]

'Why is she even here?'

Dust and small ashes from the burner had soiled a portion of her dress and face, making her look like a lost, dirty little kid on the verge of tears from embarrassment.

In an attempt to cheer her up a little, I grabbed a small handkerchief from my pocket and

moved to clean her face. But before I could reach her, she moved like lightning, dashing off behind me.

"I-I already have L-Lucas s-so please don't l-lay your hands on me as well!" she stammered,

her voice trembling.

"Huh?" I said, completely taken aback.

"I promise I won't t-tell anyone about what happened today..." she continued, her words

tumbling out in a rush.

"Wait, Janica, I was-" I tried to explain, but she cut me off.

"Please don't make me your next target G-GOOD BYE!!!" she shouted before running off like

an unstoppable bullet train.



'Why the heck would I target her? and What in the actual hell is she even talking about?'

I stood there, bewildered by her outburst.

It took a moment for her words to sink in, and then it hit me. 'Wait... was she here this entire time? If so, did she see me and Clara talking?' The realization dawned on me, and I felt a mix of frustration and amusement. If she had

indeed witnessed my conversation with Clara, it might explain her bizarre reaction.

She must have jumped to some wild conclusions.

As I stood there, replaying the events in my mind, it dawned on me.

'Clara must have noticed Janica's presence.'

That would explain why she had cast that barrier and acted strangely throughout our

conversation. Those strange, almost seductive antics suddenly made sense.

Even the moment she subtly manipulated me using her telekinesis, into caressing her hair felt

like part of her strategy.

With a sigh, I shook my head in both amusement and disbelief.

'Clara... you really are something else' I thought to myself, a small smile tugging at the

corners of my lips despite the confusion and unexpected turn of events. Watching Janica ran off in the distance.... I knew my reputation here in the academy was about

to get worse.

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