How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 113: Golden Will Interlude

Chapter 113: Golden Will Interlude

"You've gotten stronger, Lucas."

When those words came out of Riley's mouth, Lucas couldn't understand the heated tension rising within him. Why did he suddenly say that?

"You..." Lucas muttered, the only word he could manage in response.

The acknowledgment from the swordsman before him stirred something deep within.

Riley had always seemed like someone who wouldn't acknowledge those who couldn't defeat him, and yet he had a gentle smile on his face when he gave that compliment.

'Was it even a compliment in the first place?' Lucas wondered. Or was it just a hidden insult?

He didn't know, nor did he want to ponder it further. He couldn't afford to get distracted right now; he had an advantage and couldn't let Riley's words take it away from him.

Steeling himself, Lucas raised the output of his aura, golden light swirling around him with increasing intensity.

Their swords clashed again, each strike resonating with a metallic ring that echoed through the arena. The crowd watched in stunned silence, mesmerized by the intensity of the battle.

Clash after clash, their swords danced.

Lucas pressed his attack, his movements fueled by a mixture of determination and frustration.

Each strike was met with precision by Riley, who seemed to move with an almost preternatural grace.

The two warriors were a study in contrasts. Lucas, burning with fervor, poured every ounce of his strength into each attack.

Riley, on the other hand, remained cool and collected, his eyes never leaving Lucas's form.

It was clear that Riley was studying him, analyzing his every move.

Riley had a subtle smile etched across his face as if he was enjoying the battle now.

But it didn't last long as Riley's smile diminished, replaced by a hidden smirk underneath his gaze.

His sword was still dancing alongside Riley's, their clashes seeming never-ending as they got into a relentless momentum of dodges and blocks.

No matter how hard he tried, his attacks never reached Riley. But that didn't mean Lucas wasn't aware of his stamina and mana reserves.

Lucas realized, albeit a bit late due to his hot-headedness, that in terms of stamina, he had a far greater output than Riley could muster.

Riley had gotten slower ever since the start of their fight, and little by little, the tip of Lucas's sword had started to scratch the surface of Riley's skin.

Sure, it may seem unsuccessful at first glance, but it was a fact that in a battle of attrition, Lucas had the advantage.

If he just maintained his pace, more skilled or not, Riley was bound to take a hit.

Lucas's eyes narrowed, focusing intently on Riley's every move.

Lucas's mind raced with strategies, trying to decipher Riley's next move.

He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment.

Riley was getting tired; that much was a fact.

But how could one explain the current situation?

Why did the amount of mana around him suddenly surge?

When lightning started dancing in the sky, Lucas's mind raced in caution.

'What's going on?'

Lucas didn't have enough time to ponder as his senses kept screaming at him to brace himself for the inevitable danger.




Lucas's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to comprehend the situation.

Riley was exhausted, yet he had managed to summon this overwhelming power.

It didn't make sense.

'Riley knows magic?'

Questions raised inside him once more.

How could Riley use magic?

Wasn't he a knight?

Magic and aura never aligned with one another.

That was a fact administered in the whole world: from person to person, only one aspect could grow inside of you.

Once you have mana, you're either going to become someone who refines it and becomes a knight, or someone who manipulates it and becomes a mage.

Of course, there were certain exceptions as magic knights do exist, but that trait was as rare as finding a needle in a haystack.

Riley never exhibited that type of talent, nor did he indicate that he had the ability to use magic.

Why did he keep such a talent a secret?

More and more, Riley was becoming a much more mysterious existence for Lucas.

The lightning above crackled



Golden lightning descended, sending a crescendo of golden explosions around the arena.

Each bolt carried enough magic within it to be labeled as an A-rank attack spell.

The lightning above crackled and sizzled, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield. It was like

a natural disaster given form through magic, and sizzled, casting an eerie glow over the


It was like a natural disaster given form through magic.

But what made matters worse was the fact that all the lightning seemed to be listening to Riley's command as they all landed right at him or at least near him.

Lucas knew he had to shield himself using his aura, the intense heat and raw power of the

lightning making his skin tingle even through his protective barrier.

But throughout it all.... He couldn't help but smile despite the danger.

'Is this your way of going all out, Riley?'

Lucas's mind raced as he dodged and blocked the strikes of golden lightning.

The sheer power of the attacks was overwhelming, and he felt his aura shield weakening with each passing second.

Riley's mastery over the lightning was evident, and it was clear that he was not holding back.

The realization that Riley had been hiding his magical abilities all this time added another layer of complexity to their fight.

It was as if Riley was a puzzle that Lucas was slowly piecing together, each new revelation adding to the overall picture.

But even as he marveled at Riley's prowess, Lucas knew he had to stay focused.

The battle was far from over, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down. Summoning all his strength, Lucas reinforced his aura shield and prepared for the next wave

of attacks.

The golden lightning continued to rain down, each bolt striking with precision and power. Lucas's mind raced with strategies, trying to find a way to counter Riley's newfound abilities. Looking at his eyes, Lucas could see it: Riley was giving it his all now. It wasn't the same apathetic gaze he always gave him; it was an eye that looked directly and straight at him. Gone was the disdain engraved in it, replaced by nothing more than respect and excitement. As a knight, Lucas knew that he had to return the respect he was being given in kind. He needed to go all out as well. Just as Riley was giving his strongest, Lucas had to give his

strongest too.


As the last of the lightning bolts descended upon him, Lucas braced himself. The lightning bolt clashed into his golden aura, sending shockwaves through the air.

The sheer power of the attack forced Lucas to dig deep, drawing on every ounce of strength he

had to withstand it.

Riley's overall stature changed once more.

An overbearing pressure descended upon the entire arena, and Lucas could feel the tension of unparalleled energy commanding him to give up and kneel before the man in front of him. Riley's blue eyes met his, the golden glow within them defying the cold intention behind


The intensity of Riley's gaze was almost overwhelming, but Lucas refused to back down.

He straightened his stance, tightening his grip on his sword, and met Riley's eyes with equal


The arena was silent, the audience holding their breath as they watched the two warriors face off. The air was thick with anticipation, every moment stretched to its breaking point. Lucas knew that this was the climax of their battle, the point where everything would be


Drawing upon his deepest reserves of strength and willpower, Lucas summoned all the aura he could muster.

The golden light around him intensified, shimmering with a radiant brilliance that matched the golden lightning that had just struck him.

He could feel the energy coursing through his veins, his entire being focused on the fight.

"Lucas, remember not to push yourself, okay? You haven't mastered that technique yet."

Recalling the kind words Princess Snow had given him during their training sessions, Lucas

couldn't help but shake his head in frustration.

'I'm sorry, Snow.'

But for the knight in front of him, he couldn't afford to hold back his strongest attack right now. Ignoring the overbearing pressure Riley extended, Lucas raised his sword.

His aura flared up inside him as the whites of his eyes turned red from the veins of his blood


His heartbeat raced like a running horse as the refined mana inside listened to its wielder's


"A knight's honor manifests in the turbulent times..."

Golden light gathered and coated the sword before white light converged it into one.

Rainbow strands danced like tails upon his sword, and searing heat covered his hand. He could feel the pain inside his body, but he gritted his teeth and ignored all of it. "Most knights die of dishonor before they can even have the chance to see it." The air around him seemed to tremble with the intensity of the power he was channeling. Each breath felt like fire in his lungs, each heartbeat like a drum pounding in his ears. He knew this attack would take everything he had, but there was no turning back now.

"Remember this kiddo once you see a manifestation of that honor, see through that you become a part of it and grab it in your own palms...." "Honor whatever it is that's in front of you"

Riley watched him with a mix of respect and anticipation, his own mana flaring in response.

The golden light in Riley's eyes burned brighter, mirroring the intensity of Lucas's resolve. It was clear that both warriors understood the significance of this moment.

The rainbow strands of light swirling around his sword shimmered with an ethereal beauty,

casting a radiant glow over the arena.

The audience watched in awe; their breath held as they witnessed the sheer power being


For the sake of winning and his honor.

'I shall fight your strongest with my strongest!'


Screaming with all his might, Lucas swung his sword. The space around his weapon seemed to

distort from the searing heat of his white blade.


A crescent of white light erupted from his blade, an attack moving at the speed of light,

flashing forward towards Riley.

White flash!


The ground shook from a massive explosion against the grand arena's walls.



Lucas breathed heavily, his haggard face forced to look down at the hard ground as blood

filled his eyes and ears. His gaze was hazy, and his ears were still ringing. He didn't know what

had happened nor could he try to find out. He could only try to look forward in front of him.

The announcer seemed to be shouting something, and the crowd seemed to have gone wild

with cheers.

Did he win?

Lucas didn't have time to ponder as he made a last look in front of him. The only thing he could see was Riley... looking down upon him.

And the threatening snarls of a gigantic white wolf whose red eyes dimmed between blue and

red, glaring at him angrily with half it's body eerily glowing as orange flames burned a part of


"You win, Lucas..."

Riley's words were the last thing Lucas heard before he finally fell down and closed his eyes.

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