How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 114: Wins and Cons

Chapter 114: Wins and Cons

I almost died.

That final attack he just did-if I was even a second late in summoning Raijin, I would've died on the spot.

Even with the protective suits on.... I doubt it could've handled that much condensed aura and power alone.


My familiar, Raijin, licked his burnt fur with saddened whimpers, his gaze fixed on Lucas with a glare of anger and animosity.

"Calm down, Raijin...."

Looking at Lucas's tattered body falling to the ground, I'm still in disbelief as to what happened.

"W-Winner, Riley Hell!!!!!"

The announcer, Senior Dilan, announced hypedly, making the crowd go intensely wild with cheers of congratulations and sheer awe.

Looks like I really won... but I don't feel like it.

Although summoning one's familiar wasn't technically illegal in the grand tournament, as familiars were a main fighting source for summoners, it felt like I cheated to win.

This was supposed to be a battle between two knights, two swordsmen, and I had to rely on my partner's magic to actually win.

I did what I did not just to protect myself but to honor his strength as well. But for some reason, I feel so shitty inside.

"You did well, Raijin," I said to my partner, gently caressing his head. After giving him a reassuring pat, I unsummoned him, letting him get some proper rest.

Since Raijin was a Lightning disaster-type beast, heat-based attacks like Lucas's [Sun Strike] did minimal to no damage to him.

Still, I could tell he wasn't very fond of it.

Their overall properties might be similar, but Light and Lightning magic were entirely separate properties.

The emergency crew immediately approached the fallen Lucas, carrying him in a magical stabilizer. Healing magic was already at work as they took him off the arena.

No matter what anyone says, the true winner here is that guy.

Looking at the judges above, I noticed mixed reactions across their faces. The most notable was sheer shock and disbelief about the battle that had just taken place.

Lucas had fought with such tenacity and skill that it probably left a lasting impression on everyone. Even now, as he was being carried away, his determination and spirit were evident.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and admiration.

He had pushed me to my limits, and though I had emerged victorious, it didn't feel like a true win.

Lucas had shown incredible strength and resilience, traits that deserved respect and recognition.

As the crowd's cheers filled the arena, I took a moment to reflect on the battle. It had been a fierce clash of wills, and in the end, it had taught me a valuable lesson.

'I can't rely on Monarch's Will...'

The way the skill's effects were nullified in the presence of three superior wills was a stark reminder.

Against powerful enemies whose wills and egos were higher than mine, this unique skill would lose all its purpose.

It was a sobering realization that I still needed to grow stronger on my own. Professor Eldric observed me with a look of intrigue, his analytical mind clearly processing the events of the match. His silence spoke volumes about his assessment of the fight and my performance.

Professor Alex, on the other hand, wore an expression of shock. His eyes widened in disbelief at the sheer intensity and unpredictability of the battle.

It was clear he hadn't anticipated the outcome or the level of skill displayed by both fighters.

Senior, as always, was her bubbly self. Despite the worry etched on her face, she managed to maintain her characteristic smile.

She gave me a thumbs up, a gesture of encouragement and pride.

Her attempt to hold back from rushing to my side spoke to her concern for me, yet she

respected the arena's boundaries and the need for composure.

The Duke, with his neutral and penetrating gaze, assessed me with a level of detachment that only someone of his stature could muster.

His red eyes, like those of a god of judgment, scanned me critically.

After a long moment of evaluation, he began to clap his hands.

The other judges followed suit, their applause a testament to the remarkable display of skill and endurance they had witnessed.

The audience's cheers swelled once more, a wave of sound that washed over me. The clapping and cheers blended into a chorus of acknowledgment and respect for the battle fought.

Despite the

Exhaustion and lingering pain settled heavily upon me, but amidst the weariness, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment.

The arena's roars were now fading, replaced by a calm that wrapped around me like a blanket

of quiet.

'I really won against the protagonist huh....'

The realization sunk in as I stepped down from the stage, the weight of my victory finally

settling in.

The cheers and applause that had accompanied my descent now seemed distant, muffled by the overwhelming fatigue coursing through my body.

Seo's worried gaze met mine as I reached the edge of the arena. Her expression softened with relief as she rushed to my side.

"Congratulations, Riley," she said, her voice steady but filled with concern.

"Yes, thank you," I replied, forcing a smile despite the searing pain that flared up as the adrenaline began to wane.

My body was trembling from the aftereffects of the intense battle. Each step felt like a monumental effort, my muscles protesting with every movement.

The pain that had been masked by adrenaline surged back with a vengeance, stabbing through

my senses and clouding my vision.

The victory that had seemed so exhilarating moments ago now felt distant, overshadowed by

a wave of discomfort and fatigue.

Seo's concerned eyes were the last thing I saw clearly before my vision became a swirling haze. The edges of my sight darkened as my body's strength gave out.

My legs buckled, and I fell forward.

The impact was softened by Seo's quick reflexes as she caught me, her arms enveloping me in

a protective embrace.

A soft, mushy feeling enveloped me as I crumpled into her chest.

'It's so warm....'

The warmth and softness were a stark contrast to the harsh reality of the battle that just



"Whew~ what a fight," Professor Alex said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

The intensity of the battle had clearly left him breathless.

"Hoho, I did not expect this level of combat from the first fight alone," Professor Eldric added

with a grin that seemed almost permanently etched on his face.

The excitement and satisfaction in his expression were palpable.

He had witnessed many fights in his lifetime, but this one had truly captivated him, surpassing even the thrilling duels he'd seen between renowned fighters like Alice and Celine.

The arena, once roaring with the clash of swords and the cheer of the crowd, now settled into

a quieter hum as the professors discussed the spectacle they had just witnessed.

The mutual respect displayed between Lucas and Riley was unmistakable.

The sheer force of their wills and the precision of their techniques had set a new standard for

what they considered an engaging battle.

"But... was it public knowledge that Riley could summon a familiar?"

The question hung in the air, drawing thoughtful looks from those around.

Magic knights were a rare breed, those who could blend the art of magic with the prowess of


If Riley had such an ability, it would be a significant revelation.

Magic knights were not just skilled warriors; they were often placed in special classes or programs where their unique talents could be cultivated and maximized.

The professors exchanged glances, contemplating the implications of Riley's hidden abilities.

Magic knights had the potential to alter the balance of power in any combat scenario, and discovering that Riley possessed such a talent was both intriguing and alarming.

The idea that Riley could have been admitted to specialized training, where his dual talents could have been nurtured, opened up a myriad of possibilities.

"Well, who cares about that ~ Junior won, and that's all there is to it," Alice said with a casual

shrug, her tone a mix of satisfaction and resignation.

Her expression was one of bittersweet acceptance, reflecting both pride in Riley's victory and a hint of disappointment over the complexities that had unfolded.

"And besides, it's not like a student can't have a secret or two, right?"

"But even still, his talents could've been-"

"Just leave it be, Professor Alex. I'm sure the young lad had his reasons," Eldric interjected


His words were a gentle reminder that, despite their roles as educators and mentors, their primary function was to guide rather than control the students' paths.


Alex hesitated, then fell silent.

He realized the futility of pressing the issue further.

At the end of the day, the decisions and actions of the students were their own to make.

Professors like himself and Eldric were just there to offer guidance, but ultimately, it was the students who shaped their futures.

"Riley being able to use magic won't change his status in the academy that much. From what I

could tell, everything he used was rather wild and beastly in nature. You know how a familiar can grant a blessing to its wielder, right?"

Alex's curiosity was piqued once again. "So, there's a high chance it was just his familiar's

ability?" "Yes," Eldric confirmed with a nod. "The abilities Riley demonstrated seemed to align more with his familiar's nature rather than conventional magical training."

"It's possible that the familiar's innate power amplified his own capabilities, but it doesn't necessarily indicate formal magical training."

"I see... but that in itself is also amazing, no?" Alex said, his tone filled with newfound awe.

The realization that Riley could harness his familiar's abilities with such proficiency and at such a high-power level was impressive.

The bond between Riley and his familiar must be perfectly in sync for him to wield its power

so effectively.

"Yes, it truly is," Eldric agreed, his eyes twinkling with admiration. He then turned to Alice, who had a proud smile on her face.

"I believe young Alice over here can relate to such a strong connection."

Alice chuckled softly, her pride evident.

"Hehehe~ of course. It seems my influence on junior has been a positive light," she said, her

voice warm with satisfaction.

It was clear she felt a deep sense of accomplishment in seeing her Riley excel.

As the three professors continued their conversation, their focus shifting to the nuances of

Riley's abilities and the implications for his future, Duke Luther Heavens remained absorbed

in his own thoughts.

His keen senses, honed over years of experience, detected something unusual amidst the

mana fluctuations in the arena.

In a moment so fleeting it was almost imperceptible, the Duke sensed a ripple—a broken slip

in reality.

It was as if he had caught a glimpse of something hidden, something profound.

His sharp instincts alerted him to the presence of his daughter within the academy, a

realization that both surprised and confused him.

The presence seemed to emanate from the wolf Riley had summoned, a connection that was

puzzling and unexpected.

The only explanation that came to mind was that the wolf might be a gift from Liyana, a

thought that left him slightly curious.

"Your grace?" A voice pulled him from his reverie. It was Professor Eldric, who had noticed

the Duke's distant gaze and was trying to refocus his attention.

"?" Duke Heavens turned, momentarily pulled from his deep contemplation.

"Did you enjoy the fight?" Eldric asked, his tone courteous but curious. "Yes," Duke Heavens replied, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of introspection.

"It was a very honorable duel."

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