How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 116: Wins and Cons 3

Chapter 116: Wins and Cons 3

Screams of awe spread among the crowd as they witnessed another grand spectacle. It wasn't as thrilling as Riley's match, but it was by far one of the coolest to watch.

Rose gave one final glance to the duke before stepping off the stage.




A series of gentle claps echoed in front of her. Standing at the entryway to the waiting area was a young man, his eyes slightly closed.

"Congratulations, Miss Rose. That was a magnificent fight."

"... Who are you?" Rose asked, her voice cold and indifferent.

The man seemed slightly shocked at her reaction, but he didn't let it show.

"Ah, please excuse me. I guess it's been quite some time since we last had a conversation, so it wouldn't be weird if you've forgotten. My name is Theo Lightway. Does it ring any bells?" "Theo Lightway..." she mumbled, but she still didn't seem to recognize him.

"We were children when we first met, so I suppose you wouldn't remember me."

"Is that so?" Rose's voice remained neutral.

Theo smiled, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "Yes, we played together during the summer at the Lightway estate. You were always so focused, even back then. And the results are just to be expected for someone of your nature I guess? you've truly become an unparalleled existence in history."

"I see..." Rose said as she started walking past him.

But Theo grabbed hold of her hand, making her stop in her tracks.

"If it's not a bother to you, can I have a moment of your time?" Theo asked.

"Who gave you permission to touch me?" Rose's voice was icy.



The moment his grip landed on her hand, Theo's entire body was slammed into the wall of the entryway, creating a small web-like crater.

Blood spluttered from his mouth as he coughed roughly.


Theo groaned in despair as he felt his body being crushed by something invisible.

There was no indication that Rose used magic, yet he felt like gravity was moving in the other direction, pinning him against the hard wall. Its broken fragments cut through the back of his flesh.

Rose walked closer towards Theo, her golden eyes darkening. Her wand glowed with a threatening golden light as she pointed it right at him.

"Ah, please wait!" A loud scream echoed as a girl immediately ran closer, extending her arms in protest to shield Theo from Rose's menacing magic.

"P-please forgive my friend, Miss Rose! He's just a bit of an impulsive idiot. I don't know what he did, but he-"


Light magic struck near the girl's face, her eyes widening in shock as a part of her ear turned into dust.

"Agh!!" she screamed, but it was short-lived as she was also pinned against the wall with her friend.

"Do you take me for a fool?"

"W-what do you mean?" Theo attempted to reason with her, but just as his friend had experienced, light pierced through him as well.

A huge hole burst through his shoulder, and he screamed in agony at the searing pain.

Finding their two faces full of lies amusing Rose grabbed onto the back of her hand as she removed a rune placed on her uniform.

"This rune..." Rose began, her voice cold and cutting, "It's meant to disrupt mana in a radius. A tactic often employed by dark mages. Why would you use such a rune on me?"

Theo's eyes widened, panic evident in his voice. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. I swear, I didn't-"

But his pleas were met with a more intense burst of golden light from Rose's wand. A searing beam pierced through Theo's shoulder, causing him to writhe in agony. The girl who had tried to intervene lay slumped against the wall, her face contorted in pain.

"Do you think you can deceive me?" Rose's voice was a chilling whisper.

Her mana flared dangerously, her wand glowing with an intense light magic.

The magic itself was so potent that it threatened to escalate the situation further, but Rose was still in control, her eyes cold and calculating.


A commanding voice interrupted the tense standoff. Professor Harry, the dark mage professor of the academy, emerged from the shadows.

His presence was imposing, his long black hair framing a haggard face marked by sleepless nights. His eyes, deep-set and weary, conveyed a sense of authority and urgency.

"Professor Harry?" Rose's tone softened slightly but remained guarded. The professor's sudden arrival had shifted the dynamics of the confrontation.

"Professor Harry," Theo managed to gasp, relief evident in his eyes despite the intense pain. "You're here..."

Harry's eyes locked onto Rose with a mix of concern and authority. "Miss Brilliance, I understand your frustration, but this situation is not as it seems. Let's resolve this without further escalation."

Professor Harry's face was etched with genuine regret as he surveyed the tense scene. His gaze softened when it landed on Theo, who was still pinned against the wall, his face contorted in pain.

The dark mage's demeanor was that of someone who took responsibility seriously, even if it was for a seemingly minor oversight.

"It appears that my negligence has placed young Theo in a troubling situation," Professor Harry said, his voice laced with remorse. He turned his attention back to Rose, his expression


"What do you mean by that?" Rose asked, her tone still wary. Her wand remained at the ready, but the intensity of her magical aura had diminished slightly.

Harry sighed and pulled out his black wand, its surface adorned with intricate runic symbols. With a swift motion, he cast a spell that enveloped Theo in a shroud of dark magic.

The invisible lines of runes that had been etched into Theo's body became visible, revealing the intricate web of Claza and other runes.

The sight was both unsettling and illuminating.

"It seems that the rune you saw, Claza, was a result of a spell I placed on Theo," Harry explained, his voice steady. "This rune, among others, was used for specific experiments I conducted, which Theo volunteered for. I can see how this misunderstanding has occurred." Rose's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the runes now visible on Theo's body.

Despite her expertise with runes, she was not a master, and the sudden appearance of these runes after Professor Harry's intervention made her cautious.

She remained skeptical, her mind racing with questions about the timing and implications of

Harry's explanation.

Theo, still pinned and in evident pain, attempted to speak up. "M-Miss Rose, I truly apologize for the confusion. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Professor Harry's experiments sometimes involve complex runes, and it seems there was an unintended consequence. Please believe me, I didn't have any ill intentions."

Professor Harry nodded in agreement. "Theo is a valuable apprentice, and he has willingly participated in my experiments for a few gems, as compensation. It was an honest mistake on my part, and I assure you, it wasn't meant to cause harm or distress."

Rose's gaze shifted back to Harry, her expression conflicted.

She found it hard to fully trust the explanation given the timing and the pain she had


Yet, she was aware that Professor Harry held a reputable position, and if what he said was true, then this was indeed an unfortunate error rather than a deliberate act.

"I'll take your word for it, Professor Harry," Rose said, her voice tinged with hesitation. "But

I still find this situation highly suspicious. If what you say is true, then I expect full transparency in the future."

Harry bowed slightly, acknowledging her concern. "Of course, Miss Brilliance. I understand your apprehension and will ensure that such mistakes do not happen again." With that, Rose's eyes softened slightly as she turned her attention back to Theo.

The girl who had been injured was still on the ground, her face pale but conscious.

Rose took a deep breath, her wand's glow dimming as she began to calm herself. "Alright," Rose said, her tone more composed. "I'll accept your apology, but I expect you to be more careful in the future, Professor Harry."

Professor Harry nodded gratefully. "Thank you for your understanding, Miss Brilliance. I assure you, I will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents in the future."

As the tension in the room began to dissipate, Rose carefully released the magical pressure holding Theo and his friend against the wall.

Theo, though still shaken, was able to stand on his own as the professor's magic began to heal

the injuries.

"Let's consider this a lesson learned," Rose said, her gaze steady. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I

have to attend to other matters."

With that, Rose turned and walked away, her mind still processing the unexpected turn of events. The crowd outside continued to buzz with excitement from the tournament, unaware

of the behind-the-scenes drama that had unfolded.


"You Suicidal Idiot!"


Theo's face was red and bruised, a stark contrast to his usually pristine appearance. Susan's anger was palpable as she paced back and forth, clearly upset about the situation.

The room they were in was stark and minimalist, its cold ambiance a far cry from the warmth

of the grand arena outside.

The walls, adorned with a few simple paintings, seemed to close in on them, amplifying the


Susan's frustration was evident in every gesture. "You really messed up this time, Theo! You could have jeopardized the whole plan with your reckless actions!"

Theo winced as he touched his sore face, trying to gather his thoughts. "I'm sorry, Susan. I

didn't mean for things to get out of hand."

"'Sorry' doesn't cut it this time!" Susan snapped back, her voice shaking with anger. "You're

supposed to be careful. You're not just some novice who can stumble around and hope for the best. There are consequences to every action."

"Stop it, Susan," the calm voice of their boss cut through the air, diffusing the tension. The woman who spoke sat elegantly in a chair, her presence commanding attention. Her demeanor was composed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of disappointment and concern.

Susan's expression softened slightly, though her frustration remained. "But boss, Theo-"

"He's already learned his lesson no?" the woman interrupted gently but firmly. "Isn't that right, Theo?"

Theo's gaze remained fixed on the floor, ashamed. "Yes, boss..."

The woman's eyes were sharp but not unkind. "Theo, this was a mistake that should have

been avoided."

"I expect better from you. The rune you used was dangerous, and your actions almost led to a serious incident. You must learn to control your impulses and think before acting." Theo nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I und tand, boss. It won't happen again."

Susan, though still visibly frustrated, remained silent, respecting her superior's decision. Her anger simmered down, replaced by a more subdued concern for her partner.

The room was cloaked in an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the occasional shuffle of feet

and the soft rustling of papers.

Theo, his face still bruised from Susan's earlier reprimand, remained on the floor, his posture

one of defeat and remorse.

His usually confident demeanor had crumbled under the weight of his mistake, leaving him a

shell of his former self.

The boss, a woman of calm authority, regarded Theo with a mixture of sternness and

reluctant empathy. Her gaze softened slightly as she addressed him, though her tone remained firm. "Theo, if Oz

hadn't noticed your idiocy, that rune you were playing with could have ended up being

embedded in your head instead. "


"Truly, don't disappoint me anymore, would you?"

"I'm really sorry, boss!"

Theo's voice was filled with genuine regret as he spoke, his forehead pressed against the cold


The matter with the twins was already a pressing matter on him ever since they've lost the

two and it was also his mistake that time, so now being burdened with another problem due

to his own selfish thoughts and actions, he couldn't be more ashamed. His earlier bravado was completely gone, replaced by a deep sense of humility.

Their boss sighed, shaking her head slightly. Despite the seriousness of the situation, a small,

wry smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"As much as Theo's impulsive actions have brought us unwanted trouble, we now have a bit more information about how this rune functions," she said, holding up her hands. The rune [Claza] floated effortlessly above her palms, glowing with a soft, ominous light.

The rune's glow pulsed rhythmically, its intricate patterns shifting and swirling as if alive. It was a testament to the complex magic that had caused so much trouble earlier. The boss's analytical gaze scrutinized the rune, her mind already racing through the

implications of their new findings.

"With this new knowledge, we understand that placing this rune on someone with as high a

mana sensitivity as Rose's is nearly impossible," she continued, her voice laced with both relief and a hint of amusement.

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