How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 115: Wins and Cons 2

Chapter 115: Wins and Cons 2

After Riley and Lucas's magnificent fight, the Grand Festival proceeded with the scheduled bouts for the day.

The top students fought with all their might, showcasing their talents and prestige to the world.

Each match that followed was both exciting and elicited enthusiastic cheers and claps from the audience.

Yet, an underlying tension permeated the arena.

It wasn't as fun and exhilarating as the first match, many thought.

The thrilling battle between Riley and Lucas had set a high bar. Both the audience and the judges found the subsequent matches entertaining, but none could capture the sheer spectacle and intensity of the initial clash.

The first fight had been a blend of skill, raw power, and emotional depth, leaving a lasting impression that overshadowed the following contests.

Despite the top students' best efforts, the atmosphere carried a sense of anticlimax.

Every clash, every spell, and every strike, though impressive in their own right, seemed to pale in comparison to the epic duel that had come before.

The audience, while still engaged, could not shake the feeling that the festival had peaked too early.

The judges, too, shared this sentiment. Professor Eldric's initial excitement had waned, replaced by a more measured, contemplative demeanor.

Professor Alex, though still appreciative of the students' efforts, couldn't help but glance occasionally at the spot where Riley and Lucas had fought, as if hoping for a repeat of that electrifying moment.

But even with the crowd's slight disappointment, a certain someone was rather happy about the outcome, ignoring the hidden pressure Riley and Lucas had created for the other students.

"Next up, the one and only golden child of light, Rose Brilliance, versus the top seat of the magic department among the second years, Gustav Vatsug!" the announcer called out enthusiastically.

With a subtle smile across her face, Rose took nonchalant steps down the staircase, her golden hair shimmering under the arena lights. Ignoring the senior right next to her who eyed her with a certain interest, Rose's mind wandered and daydreamed about the spectacle she had just witnessed.

It was the first time in her entire life that she saw the entire world in front of her embraced with beautiful colors like that.

Colors she had completely forgotten, and colors she had yet to see. The one clash between Lucas and Riley was enough to bring those vibrant hues into her previously monochromatic eyes.

As she approached the stage, she recalled the intensity and the raw emotion of their battle. The lightning, the powerful auras, and the sheer willpower displayed by both fighters had painted a masterpiece in her mind.

Rose felt renewed, as if she had been shown a glimpse of a world beyond her understanding.

If doubts about Riley still lingered in the past, they were now completely gone. Her want for Riley had transformed into something she needed.

'Riley, you really are special~'

She had always known she was special, but after witnessing that fight, she was even more convinced.

A conclusion crystallized in her heart and mind upon seeing it: she needed Riley to escape her colorless world. For that, she was willing to do whatever it took to make him hers.

But to achieve that, she first needed to address the obstacles that would arise once she started making her move on Riley.

Eyeing the duke up above, plans formed in her calculative yet whimsical mind. One of the hurdles she had to overcome was right there.

This whole event was the perfect opportunity to make her move and gain her own momentum. Her initial plans with Riley in the student council might not work, but with the duke being around, she could formulate a new strategy without relying on the council's influence.

After her match ends today, she needed to find a way to have a conversation with him. Positioning herself on the opposite side of the stage, Rose scanned her opponent with a neutral gaze. Her eyes betrayed no emotion towards the young man in front of her, only reflecting a hidden disgust.

Gustav Vatsug, a second-year student, was quite popular and well-known among his peers. Not only was he the top seat of the magic department in his year, but he was also considered very handsome.

Gustav, who was accustomed to girls fawning over him, was taken aback upon seeing Rose. She was a real beauty; unlike anyone he had ever met.

Her pristine white skin, combined with the aura and grace of her golden blonde hair and golden eyes, exuded a mixture of prestige and elegance.

He understood that Rose was of high noble status, but in person, she seemed more like royalty—no, she was someone close to the existence of a goddess.

Despite his usual confidence, Gustav felt a sense of awe and intimidation in her presence.

Rose's demeanor was calm and composed, her expression giving nothing away. She regarded Gustav with a cool indifference that made him feel uneasy.

Yet at the same time, the hidden pressure from those indifferent eyes of hers made him even more excited.

Gustav licked his lips, his thoughts racing with possibilities.

If he could score a few good hits and have her fall for his charms, wouldn't that make him the most admired guy in school?

"Haha, it's the first time we've formally met each other, right, Miss Rose?" Gustav began, trying to sound charming.

"I'm sure you already know by now, due to the announcer's words, but allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Gustav Vatsug. It's a pleasure to be in the presence of someone so beautiful."


"Since we're fighting to showcase our best, why don't we give the people a proper spectacle?" Gustav continued, undeterred by her silence.

"But since it's a little unfair for us since the crowd gets to have all the fun, why don't we make things a bit more interesting for the two of us? How about if I win, I can invite you to dinner tonight?" He flashed her a confident smile.

"Ah, are you shy perhaps? No need to worry, I won't bite~" he said with a wink, trying to break through her stoic exterior.

Rose's silence was deafening, her expression a mask of indifference. She found his attempts at

charm pathetic and his arrogance irritating.

Gustav's overconfidence was palpable, but it did nothing to rile Rose's emotions.

Gustav tried to strike up any form of conversation he could, and yet no reply came back as

Rose just looked at him neutrally. Gustav's brows twitched in annoyance.

'Is this girl deaf?' he started to wonder.

There was no way he, the one and only Gustav, could get ignored by a girl like this. Rose might

be beautiful, but he was much prettier- at least as far as he believed.

Ignoring him was the same as ignoring the goddess of beauty itself, right?

He couldn't even fathom Rose purposely ignoring him.

"Since you're too shy to reply, I can take your silence as a yes, right?" he said arrogantly,

trying to regain his confidence.

"Let the match begin!" the announcer called out, signaling the start of the duel.

With the announcer's call and confirmation, the two mages faced off, their wands and staffs raised against one another. Gustav knew Rose was strong, but at the end of the day, he was a second-year and the top seat at that, whereas Rose was just the second-ranked among the first years. In terms of power and experience, he believed he was far superior. He had the

advantage here.

'I'll show you how to respect a man, you arrogant brat!' he thought, his determination fueled by wounded pride.

Gustav immediately launched a barrage of spells, hoping to overwhelm Rose with sheer


Fireballs, lightning bolts, and wind blades flew toward her, each one meticulously crafted to display his prowess. He smirked, expecting her to falter under the pressure. However, Rose remained unfazed. With a wave of her wand, she conjured a shimmering barrier of light that effortlessly absorbed and deflected Gustav's attacks. Seeing this, Gustav was momentarily shocked but didn't let it falter his mind.

Right now, he had the advantage. His barrage of attacks would have surely expended Rose's

mana, and making a complicated barrier spell like she did would keep her momentarily contained. This meant she couldn't cast any offensive spells at the moment.

So, right now, in order to win this fight as fast as he can to embarrass this woman, he needed

to cast a more powerful spell that'll surely break through her barrier.

"Oh, will of the wind, hear my voice and-"

He began to channel his mana, preparing to cast his spell.

But before he could finish his chant, he was momentarily blinded by a flash of light.

Shock and surprise washed over him as he saw a gigantic spear made of light forming beside


"Chant less incantation?" he shouted in disbelief.

He didn't have time to even ponder what was going on.

[Mid-level Light Magic:]

[Luminous Spear]



The spear shot forward with incredible speed, piercing through Gustav's defenses like they

were paper. The explosion that followed was deafening, and a blinding light enveloped the


Gustav was thrown backward, his body crashing into the ground with a resounding thud.

The audience gasped, their eyes wide with astonishment. The sheer power and precision of

Rose's spell left them in awe. Gustav lay on the ground, dazed and disoriented.

He struggled to get up, his body aching from the impact.

Rose stood calmly; her expression unchanged.

As the whole stadium quieted, the announcer took his cue and announced the winner.

"Winner: Rose Brilliance!"

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