How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 120: A Festivals Happy End Interlude

Chapter 120: A Festivals Happy End Interlude

The first day of the Grand Festival concluded splendidly, leaving a lasting impression on both audiences and students alike.

The excitement and energy that had permeated the event from the very beginning did not wane, and as the day drew to a close, it was clear that the festival had achieved its goal of captivating and satisfying everyone involved.

The combat displays, showcasing the incredible skills of the academy's students, were a highlight of the day.

Each match was a testament to the rigorous training and talent nurtured within the academy's walls.

The specialized departments had also made their mark, with demonstrations that spanned a wide range of disciplines and abilities.

The variety of performances was not only entertaining but also highlighted the academy's commitment to producing well-rounded and versatile individuals.

Scouts from across the globe were in attendance, their presence a clear indication of the festival's significance in the world of talent recruitment.

The academy's reputation for excellence was on full display, as the performances of its students drew attention and admiration from those looking to discover the next generation of exceptional individuals.

The event effectively showcased the prestige and capability of the academy to nurture and develop talent, reaffirming its status as a leading institution in the field.

As the festival wrapped up for the day, there was a collective sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The academy had not only met but exceeded expectations, setting a high standard for the remaining days of the festival.

It was a grand success.

The grand duke of the empire felt this as well.

The grand duke's steps echoed through the empty halls of the colosseum, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere earlier in the day.

Duke Luther Heavens's sharp gaze swept across the space, his senses acutely attuned to any irregularities.

The festive cheers had faded, leaving behind a silence that seemed almost too perfect, too still.

As he continued his inspection, the duke's mind was occupied with the curious absence of his daughter's presence.

He had distinctly felt Liyana's energy during Riley's fight-an unusual and potent surge of mana that had briefly pierced through the chaotic ambience.

It had been a fleeting, yet unmistakable sensation.

The energy he sensed was unmistakably linked to Liyana, whose mana was uniquely identifiable to him.

His concern deepened as he scrutinized every corner of the colosseum.

There was no trace of her now.

The energy that had briefly illuminated the scene had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

The Duke's face grew taut with worry, a frown forming as he pondered the implications. 'Strange...'

He recalled the intensity of the fight and the unusual surge of mana that seemed to belong to Liyana. It was a stark contrast to the usual flow of energy he was accustomed to sensing.

He had been so absorbed in the grand spectacle of the day that he had overlooked this anomaly.

Now, in the stillness of the colosseum, his senses were more alert, and the absence of Liyana's energy was unsettling.

'Could it have been a misperception?' he mused, though he doubted it. His instincts rarely failed him, especially regarding something as important as his daughter.

He knew the energy he had felt was genuine, and the sudden disappearance of her mana from the scene was troubling.

Usually, such a potent burst of mana would leave traces even if only for a fleeting moment. When a mage of such power-especially one as significant as an Archon or a Swordmaster- interacts with the world, their energy tends to leave an imprint.

This residual mana often clings to the surfaces and objects it passes through, creating detectable traces that an experienced mage could sense or even see.

Yet, as Duke Luther Heavens circled the colosseum with his heightened senses, he found no evidence of such lingering energy.

The walls, the floors, and the air showed no signs of the powerful mana he had sensed earlier.

It was as if the energy had been absorbed or dissipated completely, leaving no trace behind.

'Maybe I saw it wrong...'

The duke considered this possibility as he walked through the empty colosseum.

His initial apprehension seemed to wane, replaced by a sense of doubt. It was conceivable that his heightened state of alert had played tricks on him.

After all, Liyana was not supposed to be anywhere near the colosseum today.

She was back at the duchy, managing affairs in his absence.

Liyana, while undeniably talented and a formidable mage in her own right, was not beyond the scope of detection for a swordmaster of Duke Heavens's caliber.

Her mana, while impressive, should not have been able to evade his senses if she were truly


He recalled her skill level, which, though high, was not extraordinary enough to elude his keen senses.

In terms of magical prowess, she was on par with, if not slightly behind, the top mage students at the academy.

The duke sighed inwardly, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. It was clear that he was not going to uncover any further answers within the colosseum.

The event had been a grand success, and his focus needed to shift back to his duties and


The lingering questions about Liyana's presence could wait until he returned to his duties at

the duchy.

He made his way towards the exit, his steps echoing softly in the vast, now-empty space.

The grandeur of the colosseum, once alive with the sounds of the festival, now seemed

distant and inconsequential compared to his concerns.

As he neared the exit, his thoughts turned to his son-in-law, Riley Hell.

Despite the unease that had gripped him earlier, he felt a sense of duty to check on Riley and ensure that everything was okay with him as well.

Duke Luther Heavens chuckled inwardly as he imagined his daughter's likely reaction. He could almost hear Liyana's exasperated voice, chastising him for not checking on Riley. "You let Riley get hurt and never went to see if he's okay!!??"

Liyana's protective nature often bordered on the obsessive.

She had a wild, motherly instinct when it came to Riley, a trait that was both amusing and concerning to her father.

Her behavior could be extreme-sometimes she would even try to lock Riley in her room, a gesture that was more about her struggle to express her feelings than any genuine desire to

confine him.

Liyana's intensity might seem excessive, but Duke Luther understood that it was her way of showing love and commitment.

He was genuinely glad that Riley had come into her life. Before Riley, Liyana had often been lonely, her vibrant spirit constrained by her duties and responsibilities.

He was prepared for the challenges ahead, especially with the potential backlash once Riley's and Liyana's engagement became public. Despite the likely objections from the empire's nobles, Duke Luther was resolute.

He would defend their relationship and overturn any opposition.

The thought of his daughter's happiness and the future she would build with Riley made all

the challenges seem worth facing.

"Your grace...." A young maid slightly bowed in front of him as she put up the ends of her skirt

in a formal greeting.

Her black hair swayed by the gentle evening breeze of the academy, as her ere eyes scanned

her master from head to toe,

"Did I make you wait Lillian?"

"No your grace this humble servant of yours just arrived a few minutes ago"

"I see"

As Lillian's gaze met his, the duke could see the quiet pride in her eyes. It was a reflection of

the loyalty she held for him and the respect she had for her position.

He appreciated her dedication, especially after a long day of overseeing the festival.

The gentle evening breeze fluttered through Lillian's black hair, and the duke couldn't help

but feel a sense of calm wash over him.

Despite the grand events and the chaos of the day, these small moments of genuine connection and loyalty grounded him.

He turned his attention to the coachman, who had been waiting patiently. The man's demeanor was equally calm and respectful, a perfect complement to Lillian's. "Thank you both for your patience," the duke said warmly, his voice filled with genuine


The coachman nodded; his smile unwavering. "It's our honor to serve you, Your Grace."

As Lillian opened the carriage door with practiced ease, the duke's attention was captivated

by the unexpected visitor.

The young woman before him, Rose Brilliance, was indeed a notable figure-her reputation as a prodigious genius preceded her.

Her golden hair, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, seemed to glow with an ethereal light. Her eyes, sharp and intelligent, held a glimmer of curiosity as they met his.

The contrast between the dusky evening and her radiant presence made her stand out even


Rose approached with a grace that matched her impressive stature. "Duke Luther Heavens,"

she began, her voice smooth and respectful, "It's an honor to finally meet you. If it's not too much trouble, may I have a moment of your time?"

Her bow was both polite and dignified, her demeanor reflecting a blend of respect and


The duke, though momentarily surprised, felt a sense of intrigue. Rose's presence, though unexpected, was clearly intentional.

The effort she had put into arranging this meeting spoke volumes about her determination

and the importance she placed on this interaction.

The duke considered his options.

He was aware of the time constraints pressing on him; he needed to check on Riley and

prepare his report for the emperor.

However, he recognized the value of a conversation with someone of Rose's caliber. It could

offer insights or opportunities he might not anticipate.

He turned back to the carriage, gesturing towards it with a courteous smile. "Would a talk on

the go be acceptable to you, Lady Rose?"

Rose's eyes lit up with a hint of relief and gratitude. "That would be perfect, Your Grace.

Thank you."

The duke offered her a hand to assist her into the carriage, a gesture that was both formal and


As Rose took her seat, he followed suit, the carriage's plush interior providing a comfortable backdrop for their conversation.

Lillian and the coachman took their positions, and the carriage began to roll, the rhythmic

sound of its wheels against the cobblestones marking their departure from the colosseum. Inside, the atmosphere was one of poised anticipation.

The duke leaned back in his seat, his expression a mix of curiosity and cautious interest. "Lady

Rose, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening?"

Rose's lips curved into a confident smile, her eyes glinting with a hint of mystery. "Your

Grace, I have a proposal that I believe will be mutually beneficial. It concerns a matter that might prove to be more trouble than it's worth to handle on your own."

The duke's interest was piqued further. "Beneficial to me?" Rose's gaze remained steady, her tone poised. "Yes, and also to me as well. However, I

believe it's something you will find quite advantageous. I would like to present you with a proposal-a deal, a contract, or even a purchase if you prefer to think of it that way. The terminology is flexible, as long as the essence remains clear."

The duke's brow furrowed slightly. "And what exactly does this proposal entail?" With a graceful wave of her hand, Rose conjured a piece of paper using her celestial magic.

The parchment appeared as if by magic, floating gently into her hands before she offered it to the duke.

The document was neatly inscribed with agreements and promises that hinted at significant benefits for the duchy.

The most notable aspect was a clause affirming total support from the Brilliance family head.

The duke took the parchment, his eyes scanning the contents.

The proposal outlined a series of commitments that would elevate the status and prestige of

the Heavens Duchy, promising both material and influential gains. The presence of the Brilliance family's support was particularly striking. "For such a beneficial contract... do you seek something from me in return, Lady Rose?"

Rose's smile widened as she considered her next words carefully. Her mind was already working through the details of how to present her request. "Indeed, I do have a request. It's a

matter that involves a rather complex process, but I'm confident that someone of your standing can handle it."

The duke's curiosity sharpened. "And what is this request?"

Rose leaned back slightly, her eyes locking with his.

"Riley Hell. I would like to have him." The carriage fell into a profound silence

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