How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 121: Ponders for love

Chapter 121: Ponders for love

Drying my wet hair with a towel, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror.

"My hair's grown quite a bit..."

Given that a whole semester had nearly passed, it made sense.

The passage of time had begun to take its toll on me, and my busy schedule had left little room for personal grooming.

I had been so preoccupied with planning for the future that I had neglected my present needs.

"I should probably get a haircut before it gets too long."

Despite the appeal of the original Riley's refined look, I preferred the hairstyle I had sported since childhood. It felt more like me.

As the night's darkness settled over the academy, the view from my window was illuminated by the vibrant lights of the commercial district.

The contrast between the quiet dormitory and the bustling streets outside was striking.

Today marked the end of the festival's first day, but it felt as though the event had only just begun. The sense of excitement and chaos was palpable.

Dressing in fresh clothes, I shook off the lingering fatigue and flopped onto my bed.

"Today was really exhausting..."

I had come to the festival with the simple goal of observing Lucas's progress. Yet, the day had unfolded into something much more complex.

The unexpected involvement of Duke Luther Heavens, my victory over Lucas, and the unintentional but significant impact I had on Seo's storyline by incapacitating a minor villain -all of it had been overwhelming.

Lying back, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of events.

'All's well that ends well.'

I had always held that notion close, believing that as long as the results were favorable, the means by which they were achieved mattered little.

Yet, with the whirlwind of recent events, that belief was becoming increasingly difficult to uphold.

Everything had been proceeding according to plan, staying within the boundaries of my envisioned future.

However, as the pieces of the puzzle continued to shift and realign, I couldn't ignore the looming sense of impending change.

The butterfly effect was about to make its presence felt, rippling through the intricate web of my future plans.

Certain elements were bound to alter the course of events in the later acts, whether I welcomed them or not.

Key figures like Clara, Snow, Rose, Dorothy, and Lucas would inevitably reshape the arc of Act 2 in ways that were both unpredictable and significant.

The only choices left were to brace for the impact or to make strategic moves to influence the outcome.

Clara's contract with me offered some leverage, a tool I could use if the situation became too complex or unwieldy.

It provided a safety net, allowing me to navigate potential upheavals with a bit more control.

Still, it was preferable to avoid relying on such measures, as it would be far better if things did not escalate to that point.


A deep sigh escaped my lips as I tried to push aside the throbbing headache that had settled in.

The complications and intricacies of the day weighed heavily on my mind, each thought intertwining with another in a tangled mess of frustration and uncertainty.

As I closed my eyes, various images and memories flitted across my mind, but one face stood out distinctly-Seo's.

Her smile from earlier in the day was etched deep inside the deepest parts of my memory. "Are you sure we should just leave him back there, Riley?"



"I'm sure those dumb guards of his will do something about it. Anyway, how about we grab some ramen for lunch?"


That was the first time I had ever seen her genuinely smile, and it was a sight I hadn't expected to see so soon.

Despite her brother's dire condition, the way Seo had uncharacteristically smiled throughout the rest of our time together was surprising.

Her concern for her brother was evident, yet the satisfaction she seemed to feel in that moment was undeniable.

It was as if the weight of the day had been momentarily lifted by the sheer relief of seeing him in a state of vulnerability, even if it was at the cost of his dignity.

The smile she wore was so beautiful and genuine that it almost made me forget the pain and exhaustion that had been gnawing at me.

It was a fleeting yet powerful reminder of the humanity and warmth beneath the layers of conflict and strategy.

For a brief moment, the stress of the day melted away, replaced by a comforting sense of connection and shared experience.

I wasn't entirely sure what kinds of problems might arise for Seo because of what I did, but I was ready to face those consequences alongside her.

Given the current flow of Seo's storyline, I didn't think Hajey would be in a position to make any immediate moves. His influence and presence were effectively neutralized for the time


As we spent time together, I couldn't help but notice how Seo tended to blush deeply whenever our eyes met. It seemed like she was developing feelings for me beyond mere


Given everything we had been through-me stepping into the role of the main character in her story, our shared experiences, and the genuine conversations we had—it was hardly


Seo, despite her social awkwardness, was still a young woman with hidden emotions and vulnerabilities.

Her blushing reactions were clear signs that she was starting to see me in a different light.

I wasn't so oblivious to not notice that fact.

This wasn't just a fleeting thing that developed after the incident with her brother.

It was a culmination of all the interactions we'd shared-the physical touches, the honest exchanges, and the emotional support we had given each other.

I had a rough idea of where these feelings might have started.

The intimacy of our interactions, coupled with the honest and open way we communicated, naturally set the stage for deeper emotional connections.

Whether or not it was the intention, it was clear that one of us developing feelings for the

other was almost inevitable.

The boundaries between us were bound to shift even more after everything that had


'I'll probably get even more involved in her over arching arcs as well.'

After what happened with Snow and Rose, and especially the incident with Liyana, all of it should've been enough of a sign for me.

I knew I should've been more careful when interacting with any of the other heroines... potential or not Heroines were Heroines for a reason.

They may have their own sets of stories to be told but everyone of them was connected to Lucas's main scenario as a whole... the concept of love was bound to reach their hearts one

way or another.

Each interaction had its own set of consequences, and I should have been more aware of how

these relationships could evolve.

Seo, in particular, was different.

She was an innocent girl who likely viewed romance through the lens of fantastical bedtime stories, where everything was idealized and perfect.

Her naivety made her particularly vulnerable to the complexities of real-world emotions, especially given how deeply she had become involved in our story.

Reflecting on it now, I could see how her interactions with Lucas in the game had become increasingly intense and obsessive.

She had no immunity against the emotional whirlwind that such relationships could create.

Her innocent approach to romance was bound to be tested by the reality of our evolving


I smacked the top of my forehead, trying to think through the situation.

Of course, don't get it wrong.

It wasn't that I didn't appreciate Seo and the other girls.

With their almost goddess-like qualities coupled with there own unique sets of personalities.

Being lucky enough to get just even a subtle sign of affection from them in my lifetime was

already a dream come true.

'If I were to consider a world where everything was ideal and perfect.' Having an ending with any of them is the best thing for any person in this world.

Hell I would probably shout from the rooftops, proudly declaring my happiness and belonging to this fantastical world.

If any one of them were to become the love of my life, it would be an incredibly fulfilling


But alas.

Reality right now wasn't the romantic storybook I wished it could be.

This world was on the brink of ending in three distinct, catastrophic scenarios, each more

threatening than the last.

- A world ending Dragon.

- A vengeful Evil God.

- A Bitter queen.


Just thinking about them is already giving me a headache.

The only way to find any semblance of a happy ending was to forge a path through these

impending disasters, fighting tooth and nail to emerge victorious.

'To which I really needed to prepare Lucas for.'

As much as I wanted to reciprocate Seo's feelings, or those of any of the other heroines, I

couldn't afford to.

My current situation didn't allow for the luxury of romance.

There were too many intricate scenarios and complications looming on the horizon.

For now.

'I should put my focus on the main scenarios and nothing else....' Engaging in a romantic relationship with any heroine could entangle me further in these

convoluted story arcs, potentially making the situation even more dire.

The future was filled with tangled plotlines and looming threats.

I had to navigate through each of these complex arcs, fulfilling the expectations tied to each

heroine while preparing to confront powerful villains.

Liyana was a significant concern with her potential to cause the highest chance of a bad end,

but she wasn't the only threat.

The evil god and the white queen were still very much in play, each capable of bringing about

their own form of disaster.

Romance was a luxury I simply couldn't afford right now.

My focus had to be on ensuring my survival and protecting the world from its impending


Until I could guarantee a future where both I and the world were safe, indulging in romantic entanglements would only be a distraction for my goal of having a happy ending. Shaking off the intrusive thoughts, I sighed deeply once more. Overthinking these issues would only serve as a distraction from my plans and objectives.

I needed to focus on executing the strategies I had laid out and tackle each challenge as it


Decisions about the future would come in due time; for now, I had to concentrate on what needed to be done in the present.

With that resolve, I finally closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax, letting the day's stress

and fatigue wash away.

Tomorrow would bring another day of the festival, but I had no pressing reasons to participate further.

The crucial piece I needed to ensure my survival-Lucas-was already secured.

His role was pivotal, and I had confirmed his importance in my strategy.

My internal injuries were still a considerable source of pain.

Although I couldn't afford to slack off in my training, taking a short break to recover was not

only warranted but necessary.

After all, a brief respite could make all the difference in maintaining my strength and focus.

Yawning one last time, I let sleep's gentle embrace envelop me, granting me the rest I so

desperately needed.




[Note: You have been blessed by the mysteries of a forgotten world]

[Note: Effects of skill [Forgotten Guidance] has now been Activated]

[Note: Skill effect applying....]




[Note: Skill effect Success!] [Commencing Scenario Direction!]

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