How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 129: A Break

Chapter 129: A Break

Two days had passed since the grand festival, and the echoes of its success still reverberated throughout the academy.

The event had garnered immense positive feedback from both the student body and the institution itself.

Scouts from various guilds and knightly orders were highly impressed, having had the chance to observe potential recruits in action.

Additionally, the tower masters from numerous magic towers across the world had eagerly witnessed what they hoped would be the emergence of a future archon.

In the aftermath of such a grand affair, Alice and I found ourselves buried in a mountain of paperwork, a stark contrast to the exhilarating days of the festival.

The once vibrant and bustling festival grounds were now quiet, with only the remnants of excitement lingering in the form of reports and documentation.

Alice, her usually bright demeanor now replaced with an expression of fatigue, glanced at the towering stack of papers before her.

Her eyes met mine with a mixture of tiredness and a hint of sympathy. "I'm tired, Junior. Can you help me out?" she asked, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

I looked at the pile of reports and summaries I was tasked with, feeling a similar weariness. "If you take over my work, I'll gladly do so, Senior."

Alice's eyes flickered for a moment as she saw the stacks of paper on my table as well.

"You know what? I'll stick to this," she said hastily, a smile of resigned acceptance forming as she began to clear through her own stack of paperwork.

We were in the thick of it, each of us managing different aspects of the post-festival cleanup.

Alice's role involved sifting through the reports, cross-referencing the general assets and ensuring that every detail was accurately recorded.

Meanwhile, I was responsible for drafting summary reports on the events that had unfolded over the past days.

Although the workload was quite troublesome, the task was made significantly easier thanks to my newly acquired skill.

[Skill: Archive (S)]

[Effects: Grants the user the ability to store, archive, and record memories from both the past and present, making them readily accessible at any moment. This skill provides a comprehensive repository of experiences and knowledge, allowing for easy retrieval and review.]

With this skill at my disposal, I could skim through a document just once and have every detail instantly recorded in my memory.

The skill's comprehensive nature meant that retrieving and reviewing information was as effortless as flipping a switch.

Writing summaries and drafting reports became straightforward tasks since I could recall crucial details with remarkable ease.

I never anticipated using this skill in such a practical way, but it had proven to be incredibly useful beyond my initial expectations.

The efficiency it provided was a welcome surprise, making what could have been a tedious job a lot less burdensome.

As I glanced over at Alice, who was diligently working through her stack of paperwork, I couldn't help but appreciate the advantage my skill offered.

In all honesty, I could complete all of my tasks in just half an hour or so.

This would leave me ample time to help Alice out, but I had a feeling she might become suspicious if I finished my work too quickly and too easily.

It was better to pace myself and blend in with the pace of our work to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

Alice's frustration was palpable as she continued to grumble about the workload.

"Pres is really unfair, right, Junior? This was supposed to be her job, not ours~" she complained, her voice carrying a hint of exasperation.

I couldn't help but smile slightly at her annoyance.

"I swear I'll hand over my resignation later once she comes back," Alice added with a mock- serious tone.

"Are you even officially part of the council, Senior?" I inquired, trying to keep my tone neutral but unable to hide my curiosity.

"....!?" Alice paused, her face showing a mix of realization and frustration.

"If I remember correctly, you're not technically a part of the council. You've only been a member by name. You never signed any official papers agreeing to join, and you aren't even the vice president. That title is still up in the air."

Alice's eyes widened as she processed my comment.

With a frustrated sigh, she slammed her hand on the table.

"T-That's right! I'm not even part of the council, and now... grr. You know what? I'll really quit after I finish all this work!"

Despite her dramatic declaration, I nearly chuckled aloud at her reaction. It was clear that, despite her complaints, Alice would likely continue following Dorothy and participating in council matters.

Her sense of responsibility, or perhaps her stubbornness, meant she would stick with it even if she was frustrated.

President Dorothy, along with Senior Celine and Rose, were unable to attend the council today due to their involvement in the awards ceremony taking place at the gymnasium.

This annual event celebrated the top-performing students of the festival, showcasing their achievements and offering awards for their outstanding performances.

After the awards ceremony in the gym, the grand central square will open to all students until nightfall.

It seems a bit excessive to celebrate a semester break with such grandeur, but the academy has always had a flair for the dramatic.

They don't do things halfway, and this festival is no exception. I suppose it's all part of their charm, even if it feels a bit over the top.

Two weeks of free time-that's how much I have before [Act 2] officially begins.

It feels like a brief respite, a chance to regroup and prepare for the unpredictable challenges


I've managed to get some reassurance from Clara, but there are still so many unknowns. I need to use this time wisely, making sure I'm ready for whatever comes next. Returning home is a priority. I know my mother and the rest of my family are worried about


Their letters have been filled with concern, and I can imagine their faces as they read about the troubles I've faced.

I owe it to them to visit, to reassure them that I'm okay and to catch up on what I've missed. It's important for me to reconnect with them, to remind myself of what I'm fighting for. 'The thought of meeting Liyana again is a bit nauseating but... since those weren't my memories, I'll just have to push through with all this accumulated hatred in my heart.'

But before I head home, I need to address something crucial. Lillian and Lily-what happened

to them?

Their sudden disappearance is troubling, and their presence was vital for the endgame scenario I'm anticipating.

I can't afford to let their absence go unexplained. I have to find out where they went and

ensure they're safe or bring them back if they're not.

They're crucial allies, and I need them by my side.

The break gives me a unique opportunity to tackle these issues.

I'll use this time to investigate their whereabouts, visit my family, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. It's a lot to juggle, but it's necessary.

"Junior Let's race through this~!"


'I should probably visit father before he returns back to the duchy....'


As the principal's voice echoed across the grand gymnasium, the words of congratulation floated above the assembled students.

"Congratulations to all of you that are here. You are all the pride of the academy and have proven yourselves to be the absolute best of your respective years here at the academy."

The principal's words, though meant to be uplifting and encouraging, barely registered with

Rose Brilliance.

As the second-ranked student in the magic department among the first years, she was expected to stand out among her peers.

Yet, despite the grandeur of the ceremony and the accolades being lavished upon them, Rose's attention was elsewhere.

She scanned the crowd, noting the faces of her fellow students, each of them basking in the glow of their accomplishments.

The ceremony was a spectacle-students adorned in their finest uniforms, families and friends cheering from the sidelines, and the principal delivering a speech that, while

impressive in its delivery, felt hollow to her.

Rose's thoughts drifted back to the previous day.

The conversation she had with Duke Luther Heavens still occupied her mind.

The details of their discussion, the weight of the decisions they had made, and the implications of their agreement were far more pressing than the congratulatory remarks she

was hearing now.

She remembered the Duke's stern yet respectful demeanor, the way he had weighed his words


Despite the Duke's outward demeanor of respect and politeness, the outcome of their talks

left her deeply unsettled.

The Duke had been courteous, yet his actions spoke volumes. He had handed back her contract

with an air of finality, as if it were a mere formality rather than a serious proposal.

The way he had dismissed her thoughts and refused to entertain any alterations to the

contract was jarring.

She had expected him to negotiate or at least show some willingness to consider adjustments. Instead, he had treated her suggestions as inconsequential.

What troubled her more was the Duke's firm, almost dismissive attitude. His resolve seemed unshakeable, as if he had already made up his mind about her proposal before they even


This reaction was at odds with the respectful tone he had used throughout their conversation.

In her monochromatic world, where colors often faded to shades of grey, the Duke's reaction stood out starkly.

His behavior was perplexing, especially after he had promised to review the contract


Rose's ability to read people had always been sharp, but the Duke's reaction was difficult to

decipher, given the darkness of her perception.

She struggled to understand why he had been so resolute in his denial. Was it a personal issue,

a matter of principle, or something else entirely?

The Duke's refusal seemed odd and out of place, considering the benefits the contract would

bring to the duchy.

Rose tried to rationalize the Duke's behavior.

Was there something she had missed or failed to account for in her proposal?

She had put forth a well-considered contract, one that was meant to benefit both parties, and

yet it had been rejected outright.

The more she thought about it, the more she questioned whether there was a deeper issue at


Rose's thoughts continued to churn as she reflected on the Duke's reaction.

The Duke's refusal to engage with her contract was not just a matter of politics or strategy-it

was deeply personal.

Rose realized with a sinking feeling that the Duke's decision was likely influenced by his

strong affection for his daughter, Liyana.

The Duke was known for his unwavering commitment to duty and honor, but he was also,

undeniably, a father deeply protective of his child.

Riley's role at the center of Liyana's affections had probably led the Duke to consult with his daughter before making any decisions.

Rose's mind raced through the implications of this realization.

If Liyana's opinions had weighed heavily on the Duke's decision, it meant that the dynamics

she was dealing with were more complex than she had anticipated.

The Duke's dismissal of her contract was not merely a strategic choice-it was a reflection of

his personal feelings and his desire to shield his daughter from potential conflicts or risks associated with Riley.

Rose sighed, a mixture of frustration and resignation filling her.

If the Duke's stance was driven by his protective nature towards Liyana, it added a layer of

complexity to her plans.

It was clear now that her initial approach, which had seemed so promising, would not be successful given these personal stakes.

However, Rose also saw a glimmer of opportunity in this realization.

If she understood the Duke's motivations, she could potentially use that knowledge to her


She needed to reconsider her strategy, taking into account the Duke's familial loyalty and his desire to protect his daughter.

There might still be a chance to navigate this delicate situation if she approached it with the

right perspective.

The realization that the Duke's affection for his daughter played a crucial role in his decision-

making process also meant that she needed to be more nuanced in her dealings with both Liyana and Riley.

Rose had to adapt her strategy to account for the emotional and personal factors at play, rather than solely focusing on the political or financial aspects.

'It's annoying how he can easily dismiss my family's influence....' Despite her irritation at being dismissed so abruptly, Rose acknowledged the Duke's position

of power and influence.

He was, after all, one of the highest nobles in the empire, and his authority was not to be


Even though her offer to aid the duchy was significant, it was clear that the personal concerns surrounding Liyana had overshadowed her proposal.

The realization hit her with the force of a thunderbolt: if Liyana's opinion was crucial to

securing the Duke's approval, then pursuing Riley through traditional means had become nearly impossible.

The Duke's protective stance towards his daughter had erected a formidable barrier between

Rose and her objectives.

Her original plan, although still in play, was now overshadowed by the complexity of the

emotional and personal stakes involved.

Rose knew that if she continued down this path, it could lead to significant repercussions not only for her own household but also for Riley and his future.

The thought of the trouble her plan could cause made her hesitate.

The safe approach she had hoped for, encapsulated in the original contract, was out of reach


As she pondered her options, a new strategy began to form in her mind.

If securing Riley through the Duke was no longer feasible, then perhaps the solution lay in a

more direct approach.

If removing Riley from his current circumstances was the only way to get what she wanted,

then she would have to consider that route.

Rose's gaze shifted to the bustling scene around her, her eyes reflecting a mix of

determination and cunning.

Riley was someone she needed in her life-someone she could not afford to lose to the

complexities of family loyalty or personal attachments.

Her ambition and desires were too intertwined with his future to let go of him now.

She crossed her legs, her posture a blend of relaxed contemplation and steely resolve.

The challenges before her were significant, but Rose was not one to back down from a fight.

The contract, though a valid option, now seemed less likely to succeed in light of the Duke's unwavering protection of his daughter.

A faint, almost imperceptible smile played on Rose's lips as she considered her next steps. She knew she had to be cautious and calculated.

The indirect approach might be fraught with risks, but it could also offer her a chance to

reshape the situation to her advantage.

'I'm sorry, oh dear unknown princess....'


'Riley will be mine!'


After getting her reward and the short ceremony ended.

Rose's heart raced as she hurried out of the gymnasium, her mind fixated on Riley's face.

The grand festival had been a showcase of the academy's finest, but her thoughts were

already miles away, consumed by her new resolve.

She was determined to move forward with her plans, undeterred by any obstacles or


There were too many eyes on Riley, too many competitors vying for his attention and favor.

To succeed, Rose had to ensure that all focus was on her, that she was the one who captured

Riley's interest fully.

The stakes were high, and the competition was fierce. Rose couldn't afford to let any opportunity slip away. With a sense of urgency, she used a hint of magic to quicken her pace, her footsteps echoing

through the empty hallways as she made her way towards the Heavenly Hall, the seat of the student council.

She knew that Riley would likely be there, buried in council work. If she hurried, she might catch him before he became absorbed in other matters.

As she rounded a corner, the dimly lit hallways of the Heavenly Hall greeted her.

The quiet ambiance was a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the ceremony she had just


But as Rose approached, her steps faltered, her breath catching in her throat.

The sight before her was one she had not anticipated.

Riley, the center of her thoughts and desires, was locked in an intimate embrace with another


Tears glistened in Riley's eyes as he clutched the woman tightly against the wall, his

expression one of deep sorrow and regret.

"I'm sorry, Snow...."

Riley's words were thick with genuine emotion, each syllable resonating with a profound

sense of remorse and longing.

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