How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 130: A Break 2

Chapter 130: A Break 2

It was a bright, sunny day, with the sun casting a warm glow over the academy grounds.

Despite the crispness in the air that hinted at the approaching winter, Princess Snow felt a serene comfort in the gentle breeze that swept across the open spaces.

The blue sky stretched endlessly above, and Snow's presence seemed to reflect the very essence of tranquility and grace.

As she made her way towards the academy square, her light steps created a rhythm that harmonized with the chirping of birds flitting about.

Students, both male and female, couldn't help but blush and admire her beauty. It was as though she had stepped out of a grand painting, her elegance drawing admiring gazes from all directions.

Even those merely passing by found themselves captivated, momentarily pausing to take in the sight of her serene walk.

Ellie, Snow's ever-dutiful personal maid, followed close behind. Her usual calm demeanor was disrupted by a hint of concern.

Snow's cheerful aura and graceful stride did little to alleviate the worry etched across Ellie's face.

"Your Highness... are you alright?" Ellie asked, her voice tinged with anxiety as she kept pace with Snow.

Snow's attention shifted momentarily from her surroundings to her maid. "Hm? What's wrong, Ellie?"

Ellie hesitated, her brow furrowing slightly. "No, it's just that... we've been walking in circles for a while now..."

Snow's brows knitted together in slight confusion. "Have we?"

"Yes..." Ellie replied, her voice a mix of concern and frustration.

Snow stopped and glanced around, her keen eyes taking in the scene.

The academy square was bustling with students and the occasional passerby, all of whom seemed to be drawn to her presence.

Realizing that she was inadvertently drawing more attention than she intended, Snow decided to take a break.

She spotted a nearby bench situated a few steps away from the crowd, nestled under the shade of a large, leafy tree.

The bench looked inviting, offering a momentary escape from the throng of curious onlookers.

With a graceful nod, Snow approached the bench and settled herself down, her movements smooth and deliberate.

Ellie took a seat beside her, still watching Snow with a mixture of concern and relief. The bench provided a respite from the attention, allowing Snow to gather her thoughts and reflect on the day's events.

Although the grand festival—the highlight of the academy's semester-had just concluded, Princess Snow felt no sense of joy.

The event, meant to be a celebration of the academy's achievements and a crowning moment of the season, passed her by in a blur of worry and unresolved feelings.

The vibrant festivities and the jubilant atmosphere did little to lift the heavy weight that had been pressing on her heart.

For days, Snow's thoughts had been consumed by one thing: Riley.

The complexities of his life, the revelations about his engagement to her cousin Liyana, and

the tangled emotions that followed had become an incessant echo in her mind.

Despite the festival's grandeur and the cheerful chatter around her, Snow remained preoccupied with these troubling thoughts.

Snow had come to terms with her feelings for Riley a while ago.

She had resolved to win his affection, to make him see her as someone special in his life.

She was prepared to face any complications that might arise from pursuing a relationship with him.

Her determination was unwavering; she was ready to overcome any obstacles that stood in her way, even if it meant navigating a complicated and potentially scandalous affair. Ellie, her ever-observant maid, had noticed the shift in Snow's demeanor.

With a concerned look, she approached Snow and spoke in a gentle, yet candid tone.

"Your Highness... Is this because of Sir Riley again?" Ellie's voice carried a mix of concern and empathy.

Snow's gaze turned towards Ellie, surprised by the directness of the question. "....?" Ellie continued, her tone softening as she addressed the princess's unspoken distress. "Please don't look at me so surprised. It's quite obvious. You know... I can tell how much he means to you. But for you to be affected like this-it's not becoming of someone in your position. You're a princess; you shouldn't let these personal matters weigh so heavily on you."

Snow's heart ached at Ellie's words. She appreciated the concern, but the reality of her feelings was not something easily set aside.

The engagement between Riley and Liyana felt like a personal blow, one that shook the very foundation of her plans and desires.

The idea of Riley being so close to another, especially someone as significant as her cousin, was a bitter pill to swallow.

"I-I'm not really affected..." Snow's voice faltered, the words feeling weak and insincere even to her own ears.

Ellie, who had been observing Snow closely, let out a long, exasperated sigh. She shook her head in a gesture of both sympathy and frustration. "Even if you say that, your face tells a different story. If only I had a mirror right now to show you how you look."

Snow's eyes, tinged with unshed tears and a mixture of vulnerability and determination, had taken on a softer, more fragile quality.

This unexpected display of raw emotion, while undeniably making her appear more human and relatable to those around her, was a troubling sight for Ellie.

The sight of her usually proud and composed princess being so visibly affected by her personal struggles was unsettling.

Ellie's feelings toward Riley were far from hatred; after all, it wasn't his fault that Snow's affections had been stirred.

In fact, Ellie could understand how Riley might capture someone's heart with his charm and


If she were in Snow's shoes, she might have fallen for him too. Still, she couldn't ignore the practical implications of Snow's situation.

"You know, your highness" Ellie continued, her tone both firm and compassionate, "pondering over someone like this won't help you sort out your problems. Besides, you haven't been able to uphold your duties properly because of this distraction. Even back at the grand festival, you almost lost to that magic senior. Your mind was elsewhere, and it nearly

cost you."

Snow's gaze fell to the ground, the weight of Ellie's words sinking in.

The festival, which should have been a moment of pride and celebration, had been marred by

her preoccupation with Riley.

Her performance had suffered, and she knew it.

Ellie's concerns were valid; Snow's personal turmoil was beginning to affect her public responsibilities, and the upcoming elections were looming over her like a dark cloud.

Ellie's final remark struck a chord. "At this rate, if you continue to let this affect you so deeply, you might need to reconsider your plans for the upcoming elections next semester."

"If you can't maintain your focus and perform your duties with the excellence expected of you, it might be better to step back for now."

"T-That's..." Snow's voice trailed off, her mind grappling with the weight of Ellie's words.

Ellie sighed, trying to offer comfort while navigating the delicate subject. "I understand how the revelation about Riley's engagement must be shocking to you. After all, who would have expected you to fall for your cousin's fiancé?"

Snow's gaze fell to the ground, her heart heavy with the implications of Ellie's words.

The very thought of Riley being engaged to Liyana had been a bitter pill to swallow, and it was clear from her expression that the revelation had left her really disheartened. The thought of attending Riley's and Liyana's wedding in the future made her want to cry her heart out... at first, she thought that her feelings... the fuzzy butterfly like feelings she felt was something she would cherish her entire life... the love that she felt, Snow though that it was the best thing that could've happened to her but now... she was having second thoughts. She knew whatever she was feeling right now was normal but.... She didn't like it one bit.

"But is that really a problem?" Ellie continued, trying to provide some clarity. "Aside from the few initial moves you made, you haven't really gained much momentum with him, right? Liking someone or falling for someone isn't a sin. Even in the goddess's doctrine, love is considered a special thing and something you should seek out. Of course, if that love already belongs to someone else, it complicates things..."

Snow's eyes flickered with uncertainty, her internal conflict evident. Ellie's words were meant to soothe, but the reality of the situation was far from simple.

"But the point is!" Ellie persisted, "loving Riley isn't wrong in itself. You've only recently discovered his relationship with Liyana. As long as you don't-"

"E-Ellie... Are you suggesting that I should give up on Riley?" Snow's voice was trembling, a

mix of hurt and confusion coloring her words.

Ellie looked at Snow's seriously sad face, feeling a pang of sympathy. It was clear that Snow was still navigating the complex emotions of love and desire, and Ellie knew she had to be

cautious in how she phrased her advice.

"Uh... well, not exactly. It's not that simple."

She took a deep breath, searching for the right words to convey her thoughts. "It would be best if you start to lessen your interest in him, at least for now. It's important to respect Riley's current relationship and the boundaries that come with it. But this doesn't mean you have to completely abandon your feelings. Instead, focus on finding a way to deal with them in a manner that doesn't compromise your own well-being or responsibilities." Snow's expression was a mixture of hurt and determination. "So, you're saying I should step back, but not necessarily give up?"

"Yes," Ellie confirmed softly. "Give yourself time to process your emotions and respect Riley's relationship with Liyana. You need to find a balance between your personal feelings and your duties. It's about protecting yourself from unnecessary heartache while still

honoring your own feelings."

Snow closed her eyes, letting Ellie's words wash over her.

The warm breeze brushed against her skin, mingling with the chill of her internal turmoil.

'Maybe she's right...' Snow thought, her mind grappling with the complexity of her emotions.

At the end of the day, Riley and she were not really anything significant at the moment.

The affection she felt for him was just that—a spark from her own heart, not necessarily reciprocated or even acknowledged by Riley.

Her feelings were one-sided, and the realization weighed heavily on her. "Protecting myself... honoring my feelings..." Snow murmured, the words feeling both foreign and oddly comforting.

Her gaze lifted to the bright blue sky, and she glanced over at Ellie's troubled face.

"Ellie... just how exactly am I supposed to do that?" Snow asked, her voice tinged with

frustration and uncertainty. The task of reconciling her emotions with the reality of Riley's engagement seemed overwhelming.

Ellie's expression softened as she considered Snow's question. "Hm- how about meeting him

again for starters?"

Snow blinked, caught off guard by Ellie's suggestion. "Eh? But didn't you just say that it would be best to avoid him?"

Ellie shook her head with a small, knowing smile. "I didn't say you should avoid him completely. That's just your own interpretation. The truth is, avoiding him might only deepen

your feelings and make things more complicated. Sometimes, the first step to healing is to

face the situation directly."

Snow furrowed her brow, trying to process Ellie's advice. "You mean I should see him again?"

"Yes," Ellie affirmed. "You don't have to put yourself in a position where you're constantly reminded of your feelings, but meeting him again could help you come to terms with the reality of the situation. It's about getting used to it, making peace with your emotions, and

not letting them control you" "Alright," Snow said, her voice resolute. "I'll see to Riley right now...."

Seeing Snow's energized face Ellie felt a sigh of relief before worry lingered in her heart and


Afterall matters of love wasn't really her specialty.

'Well as long as her highness is happy it's fine right?'

The advice she gave was for the better good.

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