How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 133: A Short Wintery Visit

Chapter 133: A Short Wintery Visit

"This place sure is huge...."

I couldn't help but mumble in awe as I stood at the base of the snow-capped Misty Mountains.

The sight before me was nothing short of breathtaking.

The mountains stretched up into the sky, their peaks lost amidst swirling clouds of icy mist.

The sheer scale of the range was overwhelming, and I felt a shiver run down my spine-not just from the biting cold, but from the grandeur of the landscape itself.

Even though I hadn't begun my ascent yet, the atmosphere around the mountain was already imposing.

The crisp, frigid air carried an almost tangible pressure, making me acutely aware of the mountain's massive presence.

I wondered if this was how seasoned climbers felt when faced with such colossal natural wonders-both exhilarated and daunted by the enormity of their challenge.

West Frost Mountain, as it was known, lay to the west of the academy's mountainous region. It wasn't exactly a stone's throw away, but it wasn't excessively remote either.

In the game this game this place was described as once the lair of a now-dead frost dragon, it was also the site where the master of the twins had left behind his legacy.

If we follow the game scenario, this location was depicted as a stable and engaging mini- game.

Players would navigate through a series of traps and combat various monsters to claim one of Karaka's esteemed legacies.

These ranged from legendary weapons to mythical and unique pieces of equipment.

The challenge was not overly complex for experienced players, yet the rewards were significant.

That was why no matter which character you chose to help assist the twins out, it was an almost instant clear win.

The entire purpose of this place was to set up the twins for the future godlike entities that was bound to shake this very world.

Yet, the irony was not lost on me.

Despite the mountain's supposed accessibility and the straightforward nature of its challenges within the game, the twins had somehow vanished during their encounter with it. Their disappearance was a mystery that gnawed at me, especially given the supposed ease of clearing this area.

The twins' unexpected absence left a gaping hole in my plans and an unsettling void in my investigation.

It was strange to think that they, who should have been more than capable of navigating the trials here, had seemingly vanished without a trace.

My mind raced with questions about what could have gone wrong but aside from the white golems they were guaranteed to encounter, nothing noteworthy came to mind.

If the entire purpose of this place in the game was to level up the twins' specifications, then by all logic, they should have been able to clear their scenario here without too much trouble.

The mechanics of the game were designed to provide a fair challenge, but not an insurmountable one, especially for characters of their caliber.

'Did the ghost of the frost dragon curse the twins or something?'

A chill of apprehension crept over me as I considered the possibility.

It was strange to think that something as mythical and ominous as a frost dragon's curse could be involved, but in a world where magic and monsters intertwined so intricately, it wasn't entirely out of the question.

'Afterall Dragons were by far the closest thing to living they were probably nature itself'

The game even describes their race as the absolute life form.

Dragons never truly die.... They just return to the concept and element of nature they were akin to.

So, the chances of a dragon ghost floating around in here wasn't that far fetched for a grim reality on this world.

My low luck levels had always been a concern, and now it felt like fate was conspiring against me in ways I hadn't anticipated.

'I should have been more cautious, more prepared for potential failures.'

Haah... well, there's no use in self-blame now.

What's done is done.

My focus shifted to the task at hand. I was here now, and I needed to gather information-any clue or insight that could help unravel the mystery behind the twins' disappearance.

With a deep breath, I centered myself and gathered the mana within me.

My breathing slowed, and a surge of strength coursed through my veins. I had to make the most of this opportunity.

The next floating boat would be arriving in about an hour, and I couldn't afford to miss it.

If I did, I'd be stranded in this remote area for an indefinite period, which was far from ideal.

[Skill: Mana Amplification] [Proficiency (80%)] → [Activated]

[Skill: Dash] [Proficiency (55%)] → [Activated]

[Skill: Flash Step] [Proficiency (10%)] → [Activated]

I felt the familiar buzz of energy as the skills activated.

With a quick burst of speed, I leapt up the side of the mountain, moving with the precision

and agility of someone well-versed in navigating such terrain.

The cold wind whipped past me, but the warmth of my mana shielded me from the worst of it.


Arriving at the top of the mountain, the word seemed to echo endlessly in my mind. From the moment I began my ascent to the present, the entire experience felt off.

This whole mountain, is pretty much described for its hazardous traps and the aggressive white golems that would spawn relentlessly, had been disturbingly quiet.

The very elements that were supposed to challenge and test adventurers were nowhere to be


Of course, it was reassuring that I hadn't encountered any problems along the way, but that only added to the weirdness of the situation.

This entire area was designed to be a gauntlet of peril, meant to challenge even the most seasoned adventurers.

Yet, my passage through it had been alarmingly smooth.

None of the traps I remembered from the game were triggered, and no monsters or golems

appeared to confront me.

It was as if someone had flipped a switch, deactivating all the defenses and obstacles that

were supposed to be in place.

'Even the training Golems were gone....'

The absence of any signs of struggle or activation made it clear that something had altered

the system.

The meticulous design intended to deter intruders was completely offline, leaving an eerie

calm in its wake.

'Was it because of the twins?'

It was a plausible theory. After all, the twins had a profound connection to their master, and if they had somehow come through this place, their presence might have influenced its current


However, given how much they revered their master and the technical grave this mountain represented, it was hard to believe they would have tampered with it in such a manner. Their respect for the legacy and the sacredness of the site would likely have prevented them

from desecrating it.

Yet, there was no denying the peculiarity of the situation. If it wasn't the twins, then what- or who-had caused this anomaly?

The usual signs of activation, like the glowing runes or the shifting mechanisms of traps,

were absent.

The golems, which should have been patrolling or engaging any intruders, were nowhere to

be seen.

Walking through this small town, which seemed as if it had been spirited away, gave me an

unsettling feeling.

The beauty of the place, as pristine and picturesque as it was, felt almost too perfect, like a

scene out of a fairytale.

It was hard to shake the sensation that something was off, that this place was more than it


The town was impeccably clean, with every surface polished and every corner neatly arranged.

It was so spotless that it seemed almost unreal.

There was no lingering mana in the air, which ruled out the possibility of illusion magic

creating this eerie perfection.

Everything seemed too orderly, too controlled, as if it were a staged set rather than a genuine,

inhabited place.

What made the situation even more baffling was the complete absence of the twin's master's


Every piece of equipment, weapon, and even the additional support items were nowhere to be


The golem core, located beneath the main house of the area, remained intact, but everything

else had been taken.

It was as though a phantom thief had swept through and left no trace, leaving the place

stripped bare.

The emptiness of the town and the disappearance of the legacy items pointed to one probable conclusion: the twins themselves.

Given the circumstances, it seemed highly likely that they were the ones who had taken

everything and disappeared. But why would they do that?

The twins were known for their dedication and commitment.

They were meticulous in keeping their promises and fulfilling their contracts, qualities that

seemed inconsistent with abandoning their master's legacy and running off. Their actions didn't align with their established values or behaviors.

They were usually driven by a sense of duty and respect, not by the urge to loot and vanish.

'Not to mention the promise that they both made to their master...'

The more I thought about it, the more I struggled to understand their motives.

The absence of any clear explanation and the sight of the town's unnervingly perfect

condition made the situation even more perplexing.

It felt as though I was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle, something that would make sense

of this bizarre scenario.

Sighing in annoyance and rubbing my temples to stave off the growing headache, I released a

pulse of mana into the air.

The scan, meant to detect any lingering mana signatures or disturbances, returned nothing.

The result was as expected but still frustrating. The mountain and its secrets seemed to mock me with their emptiness.

"Tsk... Did I just come here for nothing?" I muttered under my breath, frustration coloring my


The town, so perfectly maintained and eerily vacant, seemed to taunt me with its silence.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something crucial.

Before leaving, I made sure to place a discreet mark on the hard wooden floor of the small

house I had been in.

If anyone, presumably the twins, had been here recently, leaving a mark might help me track

any future visitors or provide some indication of their presence.

The people who knew the location of this place could be counted on one hand: the twins,

myself, the Emperor of the Germonia Empire, and the academy principal.

Among them, the Emperor seemed the most likely candidate to have the power and influence

to come and go from this place without leaving a trace.

The thought of the Emperor being involved added another layer of complexity to an already

convoluted situation.

It was unsettling to think that someone with such authority might have a hand in this


"Damn it... this is getting more out of hand than I expected," I grumbled, frustration

simmering in my tone. The mystery of the twins' disappearance and the strange state of the town seemed to be spiraling beyond my control.

Letting go of my complicated thoughts, I focused on the task at hand.

The floating boat that would take me back was scheduled to arrive any minute now.

I couldn't afford to waste more time in this desolate place, not with so many unanswered

questions and the pressing need to return to the academy.

"So much for discovering answers, I guess..."


Inside a grandiose room, bathed in the gentle light of a soft morning, a beautiful lady savored

the crisp, fresh breeze flowing through the open windows.

Her room, adorned with elegant furnishings and delicate decorations, seemed to reflect her

refined tastes and serene demeanor.

She took a deep breath, her smile widening as she closed her eyes, allowing the invigorating

chill of the morning air to envelop her.

As she reopened her eyes, the deep red hue and vertical pupils reminiscent of a reptile's gaze

gave off an unsettling contrast to her otherwise enchanting appearance.

The expression on her face was a peculiar mix of amusement and possessiveness, a look that

betrayed her true feelings despite her serene exterior.

"Darling, your troubled face is really cute-" she murmured softly, her voice carrying a hint of


Her gaze was fixed on the reflection of a young man that danced across the surface of a nearby


The reflection, although distorted by the delicate glass, seemed to capture her fixation


She was fully aware that her indulgence in these little distractions was pushing the limits of

her current situation.

[The White Queen], an entity of considerable influence, was poised to intervene if she overstepped her bounds.

Yet, she dismissed the thought with a casual wave of her hand, her expression unbothered.

'Her influence is confined to the academy itself, not its students, and certainly not darling~' she thought with a smirk.

For Liyana, watching Riley was an unparalleled source of entertainment, a delight she refused

to relinquish despite the looming constraints.

The prospect of having to limit her interactions with him seemed a trivial concern compared

to the joy she derived from observing him.

In her mind, Riley's struggles, victories, and the very essence of his being provided a

fascinating spectacle.

The door to Liyana's opulent room creaked open slightly as a young maid, Lily, entered with

cautious steps.

Her eyes widened in mild surprise upon seeing her mistress already awake and in high spirits.

"Young lady Liyana... good morning," Lily greeted softly, her voice filled with a mix of respect and curiosity.

"Good morning, Lily-" Liyana responded with a bright smile, her tone bubbly and light-


Lily, slightly puzzled by her master's unusually cheerful demeanor, ventured a question. "You're up quite early young lady Liyana.... Did something nice happen?"

"Nn~" Liyana shook her head with a gentle smile. "Nothing much, just a happy thought."

With that, Liyana approached her expansive wardrobe.

With a snap of her fingers, the wardrobe sprang open, revealing a dazzling array of dresses

and casual outfits designed to accentuate her beauty and charm.

Each garment seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly allure, fitting for someone of her


"Lily, did you buy the thing?" Liyana asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. Lily's cheeks flushed a delicate pink as she nervously met her mistress's gaze. "Yes..."

"Good- I'm sure darling would love to see me in it once we spend our lovely nighttime together," Liyana purred, her excitement palpable. As she spoke, she twirled gracefully, and one of the exquisite dresses magically adorned her form.

The transformation was seamless, the dress fitting perfectly and enhancing her already

stunning appearance.

"It's been so long since we've slept together, darling~" Liyana murmured, her excitement radiating through her words.

The anticipation of their evening together seemed to fill the room, her mumbles of joy and

eager anticipation creating an atmosphere that left Lily feeling both uneasy and overwhelmed.

Lily stood by, her uncertainty growing as she witnessed her mistress's exuberant and

somewhat erratic behavior.

The intensity of Liyana's enthusiasm was almost too much for her to handle, making the maid

unsure of how to respond to her master's fervent declarations. And in those confused yet blissful moments of watching her master's happiness..... A call for

help glistened for a moment across her red eyes.

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