How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 134: A Short Wintery Visit 2

Chapter 134: A Short Wintery Visit 2

Stepping out of the Mage's Association building, the roaring voice of the floating boat faded into the distance as I took in the crisp, cold air.

There was something deeply comforting about this familiar scene-the wide, green

landscape and the towering mountains that loomed in the distance.

Hamen City—a place that marked the beginning of my journey home.

As one of the few major cities on the empire's borders, it had always been a hub of activity and a symbol of security within the duke's jurisdiction.

Despite the rarity of dungeons and monsters in this part of the empire, thanks to the duke's vigilance, the city was well-maintained.

The presence of guards and knights patrolling the streets was a constant reminder of the safety measures in place.

The city was under the care of Duke Luther Heavens, who, despite his claims of duty, had a personal reason for ensuring the well-being of this place.

His concern for his daughter, Liyana, was evident in every corner of the city. His actions, though framed as responsibility, were deeply rooted in his love and commitment to her safety.

As I walked through the streets of Hamen City, the late afternoon sun cast a golden hue on the buildings, but the thick stratus clouds forming overhead hinted at the impending snowfall. 'Snow will probably fall soon....'

Winter was on the cusp of arrival, and the first flakes were expected to touch the ground soon. The transformation of the city under a blanket of snow would be a sight to behold.

The crisp, invigorating air of Hamen City was a stark reminder of the distance I had traveled and the worlds I had left behind.

As I stood on the bustling street, the familiar sights and sounds of my hometown brought a bittersweet sense of comfort.

I glanced around, taking in the details I hadn't seen in what felt like an eternity-the quaint shops lining the streets, the well-manicured lawns, and the gentle hustle and bustle of daily life.

Despite the allure of exploring the city and reconnecting with old haunts, I knew my time was limited.

The pressing matters that had kept me away were still unresolved, and I couldn't afford to waste time on leisure.

I was keenly aware that the weight of my responsibilities was a constant companion, and I needed to focus on what lay ahead.

In the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the thought of Liyana. Given her aversion to the cold, I reasoned she might still be curled up in bed, avoiding the brisk morning chill.

I hoped she was resting, but I knew better than to underestimate her perceptiveness.

She was likely already aware of my return, and if my past interactions with her had taught me anything, it was that she would not be easily dissuaded from seeking me out.

The memories of that uncertain reality still lingered deep within me.

The emotions and unresolved issues still haunted me, making the prospect of facing her again both daunting and uncomfortable.

I was a bit confused how to navigate the situation, and the fear of repeating past mistakes lingered like a shadow over my thoughts.

For now, it was best to avoid meeting her directly if I could.

With a deep breath to steady myself, I took a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the surroundings before moving on.

I waved down a free carriage, its driver eagerly accepting my call.

"Hell County, please."

The coachman nodded and tipped his hat. "Right on."

As the carriage rumbled down the cobblestone streets, I watched the cityscape gradually give way to the open countryside.

The rolling green fields and distant mountains were a welcome sight, a reminder of the safety and familiarity of home.

I couldn't help but worry about my family's reaction to my delayed return.

They had likely been preparing for my arrival, and the thought of an extravagant welcome- or worse, a disappointed family-was not a pleasant one.

My little sister, in particular, had a knack for turning even the smallest delay into a grand event.

"Why are you so late you idiotic brother!!??"

I could almost picture her grumbling about my tardiness.


A small smile and chuckle escaped my lips at the thought.

In a large open plain where deep-rooted grass and golden fields of farmland stretched out as

far as the eye could see, a noble mansion stood proudly.

Its majestic presence overshadowed the modest houses scattered around it.

This was the only castle of House Hell, a testament to its grandeur and the legacy of its


Inside the mansion, the atmosphere was a blend of elegance and tension.

Magical lamps cast a soft, white glow, illuminating the room where a dozen people were

gathered around a white round table.

The faces around the table were a tapestry of emotions-concern, irritation, and anticipation, each reflecting the gravity of the situation.

At the head of the table, a heated exchange was unfolding.

"That bastard... it seems he doesn't want to return in full," a voice spat out with frustration.

"Reina!" another voice interjected sharply.

"What?" Reina snapped back, her irritation evident.

"Mind your manners," came the reprimand, clearly aimed at keeping the peace.

Reina glanced around the room, taking in the varied expressions of those present. The surprised looks directed at her only added to her frustration.

She sighed, clicking her tongue with impatience, clearly unbothered by the reprimand.

Krista, her mother and the current Countess, looked on with a mixture of resignation and


She took a deep breath, her face softened by a polite, apologetic smile as she addressed the distinguished guest at the table.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, Lady Liyana," Krista began, bowing her head slightly. "Reina is just... a bit overzealous about seeing her brother again. I hope her words of conduct don't leave a lasting impression. She's actually a very kind and good-hearted young woman."

Liyana, seated gracefully across from Krista, responded with a gentle smile. Her calm demeanor seemed to diffuse the tension.

"No, it's quite alright, Mother fufu.... I understand that Miss Reina didn't mean any harm," Liyana replied, her voice soothing and composed.

"I'm more than happy to overlook any indiscretions. Specially coming from my future sister

so please don't be too restrained with my presence. I'm just pleased to be here and to reunite

with Riley."

The room seemed to settle into a more relaxed atmosphere as Liyana's words eased the


Even with Liyana's reassuring words, Krista couldn't shake the small headache forming at the

back of her mind.

She let out a sigh of relief as Liyana's composed response eased some of the tension.

Despite Liyana now being her technical future daughter-in-law now as she was officially engaged to Riley-Krista still felt a deep-seated pressure.

As the one and only daughter of the Duke Liyana was a different creature entirely, Krista had once dreamt of hosting royalty and high nobility, envisioning grand affairs with the elegance and poise befitting her status.

However, now that she was in the position of hosting her future daughter-in-law and her own family, Krista couldn't help but reflect on how naïve those dreams had been. The reality of such occasions was far more nerve-wracking than she had ever anticipated.

The weight of her responsibilities seemed heavier now, especially with the anxiety of ensuring that everything went perfectly for Riley's return.

Of course it wasn't the first time Liyana visited their small county, but back then she had Riley to rely on to keep the young princess entertained.

In the grand dining hall, Krista was flanked by Liyana and her three maids, all of whom stood

by the table with a mixture of nervous anticipation and restrained impatience.

The entire family, except for the perpetually energetic Reina, mirrored Krista's unease.

They waited anxiously for Riley's arrival, their earlier enthusiasm now tempered by a growing sense of urgency.

The clock ticked away, its steady rhythm the only sound breaking the silence that had settled

over the room.

Despite the extensive preparations-an elaborate feast with an array of dishes meticulously arranged the food was slowly cooling, losing its appeal.

The warmth of the meal seemed to be fading just as quickly as the hope of Riley's timely

arrival. Krista's mind raced with possible explanations for the delay.

'Had something happened to Riley? Was he lost or delayed?'

The questions spiraled in her thoughts, amplifying her discomfort.

As the minutes dragged on, the atmosphere grew more awkward.

Each person in the room could feel the weight of anticipation pressing down upon them, their

breaths mingling in the chilly air.

Moments later, the distant sounds of horses' hooves and the rattling of carriage wheels

finally broke the silence.

The anticipation in the dining room was palpable, and the arrival of their long-awaited guest

was imminent.

A butler entered the room, his steps measured and his expression serious.

"The young master has arrived," he announced, his voice carrying a note of formality and


At the butler's confirmation, the count, a burly man with a crooked beard, couldn't suppress

his wide grin.

His shiny white teeth gleamed with excitement, a stark contrast to the tension that had

gripped the room just moments before.

The count's eagerness was clear; he had been waiting for this moment, and the arrival of his

son brought a sense of relief and joy.

However, the count was momentarily silenced by his wife's firm gaze.

Krista had instructed him to remain reserved, to avoid spoiling the mood or making any

disrespectful remarks in the presence of Lady Liyana.

The count, though eager to express his delight, respected his wife's wishes, knowing that Liyana's presence was a delicate matter.

As the tension in the room began to ease with the arrival of Riley, the count felt a wave of


With Riley's arrival, the atmosphere was expected to shift, and Liyana's more composed demeanor would likely help temper the exuberant emotions within the family.

"I'll go and greet him," the count suggested, his excitement evident in his tone. He stood up

from his chair, his movements brisk and purposeful.

Despite Krista and the others' suggestions that the whole family should go to greet Riley

together, the count shook his head.

He preferred to leave the grand greeting to himself, allowing the others to focus on preparing

for the surprise.

As he walked with slightly hurried steps toward the entrance, the count's excitement was


Mana surged within his fist, a physical manifestation of his eagerness to see how much Riley

had grown and improved.

His thoughts were a mix of anticipation and pride.

'Let's see how much you've improved, oh dear son of mine! Hahahaha,' he mused with a

broad, infectious grin.

His mind raced with all the news of Riley's achievements and struggles so far, and he was

eager to witness his son's progress firsthand.


Stepping out of the carriage, I gave a slight wave to the coachman, acknowledging his service.

I handed him a few sets of silver coins, more than the standard fare.

His eyes widened with appreciation as he took off his hat and gave a respectful nod before driving off into the distance.

The smile on his face was a testament to his satisfaction with the generous tip. Having amassed a considerable amount of gems during my time as an S-class student, I had taken the opportunity to convert most of them into gold before returning to my hometown.

It was one of the rare instances where we could exchange our accumulated gems freely, and I

wasn't about to pass up such an opportunity.

Gems, while valuable in their own right, didn't always translate into the best value in gold, and I wanted to make sure I had enough cash on hand for the foreseeable future. Still, I made sure to retain around 50,000 gems in my account at the academy. Despite their lower conversion value, gems were essential for various in-game transactions

and emergencies.

I didn't want to be caught off guard or financially strapped once I returned to the academy.

My consistent mission hunts, small part-time jobs, and the monthly allowance from the academy had helped me earn a bit more than expected. However, in comparison to other noble kids, my earnings were modest.

As I approached the mansion's front stairs, I couldn't help but appreciate the familiar

surroundings. The grand estate of House Hell stood proudly before me, and I took a moment

to savor the view.

The pristine landscape, the grandeur of the mansion, and the serene atmosphere felt both nostalgic and comforting.

I knew this was only a temporary visit, so I wanted to make sure I took in every detail before returning to my usual busy life.

My thoughts drifted to the upcoming semester. If Rose won the student council president elections, my monthly earnings were set to increase significantly.

That would make it easier for me to scale back on my money-making activities and focus

more on other aspects of my life.

Additionally, my connection with the goldkeeper, Boseman Yuliel, who inexplicably sent me a monthly allowance of around 20,000 gems, added another layer of financial stability.

For now, my situation at the academy was secure, but given the unpredictability of recent events, it was wise to stay prepared.

I intended to give the gold I had converted as a gesture of gratitude to my parents, acknowledging their hard work and contributing a bit to the upkeep of our household. With that in mind, I approached the mansion's front stairs, taking slow, deliberate steps. However, as I drew closer to the mansion's doors, something unusual happened. The ambient mana around the entrance seemed to spike, causing a sudden shift in the

atmosphere. Before I could react, the front door swung open abruptly, and a fist enveloped in a deep red aura shot out toward me.

Instinctively, I raised my hand to block the incoming strike, catching the massive fist with


My father's booming laughter echoed through the air as he greeted me with his usual



"What are you doing, Dad?" I asked, my tone a mix of surprise and exasperation. "HAHAHAHA! It seems all the news about you were true..." he chuckled, his eyes twinkling

with mischief.

This guy was as eccentric as ever...

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