How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 138: Vacation Lvls.5

Chapter 138: Vacation Lvls.5

The night deepened, and the stars above my open window shimmered with a serene brilliance, casting a tranquil glow into the room.

Even after spending nearly a decade in this world, the sight of the night sky remained a marvel -an endless expanse of twinkling lights that never quite lost their charm.

'You just really can't get used to it...'

I mused, the thought lingering as I watched the celestial display.

The beauty of it was both soothing and humbling, a stark reminder of how small and insignificant my personal struggles seemed in the grand scheme of the universe.

With a peaceful sigh, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the calm to wash over


It was a fleeting moment of tranquility before the weight of the coming challenges pressed upon my mind.

I turned my attention to the letter on my desk, a blank canvas waiting for my thoughts to shape it.

I had to set everything straight now.... I needed to take into account everything that is bound to happen for this scenario.

'I'm gad I didn't forget to bring my diary like book with me.....'

Afterall all the memories and knowledge I have of the game is written in this one piece of notebook.


The first chapter of Act 2 was looming, and with it, the kickoff of the main scenario.

[Act 2 Chapter 1: Elections] was set to begin in about a week.

This chapter would mark a pivotal turn in the story, as the dynamics within the academy would shift significantly.

According to the original storyline, Snow and Clara would have already secured substantial influence among the student body by now.

Their strategic moves during the semester break would have established them as formidable contenders, with Snow in particular holding a commanding lead over her opponents.

By the time the new semester commenced, her rivals would be acutely aware of just how far ahead she was in the race for prominence.

Snow's dominance was expected, but the nature of the competition and the impact of their strategies were variables I needed to anticipate.

Once the new semester began, Snow's influence would become undeniable.

Rose and I would face the full brunt of her power, with Rose orchestrating her own plans in the background-plans that, to my knowledge, remained shrouded in secrecy.

'Since she isn't telling me anything after all this time....'

My role seemed to be relegated to merely weathering the storm while being carried along by Rose's momentum.

Though the prospect of such a passive role might seem somewhat relaxing, it was far from ideal. The thought of being swept along without agency or influence did not sit well with me.

If I wanted to navigate this turbulent period effectively, I needed to ensure that I had a key ally who could help me make a difference.

That was why Clara was crucial in this regard.

Securing her support and turning her into a reliable asset was imperative and the greatest guarantee I have so far.

I had already provided Clara with the names and values of Snow's primary opponents, hoping to leverage her position and influence.

So, she's probably done messing with them and sucking all of their gold coins dry now right...?

'The bridge is guaranteed to come to after her family's name'

Given her loyalty to Snow, Clara's actions and decisions were likely to be heavily swayed in Snow's favor, which could significantly undermine my ability to affect the course of events. However, since I've already established a strategic alliance with Clara, she's basically my potential asset and figure to counterbalance Snow's dominance.

Snow's rise was anchored on two primary factors: Lucas, the protagonist who had garnered the support of the common people, and Clara, who had become Snow's vice president and integral ally.

Their combined influence was formidable, and Snow's position seemed almost unassailable. Meanwhile, Dorothy, much like Rose, would be navigating this arc independently.

Her fate was precariously balanced, and depending on the trajectory of the story, she could either be saved or face ruin. I was determined to alter her fate, ensuring that she survived the coming trials.

My intention was clear: to intervene in her story and protect her from the dire outcomes that awaited her.

'I need to save another fantastical witch....'

She's too much of an asset to just willingly let go of.

Once Dorothy was cornered, it was inevitable that she would emerge as the final villain of this Act.

Though her role might be more akin to a mini-boss compared to other heroines, the stakes remained high.

The potential for any of the other main heroines to become the final villain was a looming threat, and each could tip the balance in unforeseen ways.

Considering the dynamics of the first-year heroines, the overall flow of this Act became clearer:

Janica, she was unlikely to play a significant role in the major events of this Act.

Her influence and involvement would remain minimal, focusing more on secondary aspects rather than the central conflict.

Seo, would be currently preoccupied with personal and familiar matters, meaning Seo's attention would be diverted from the central conflict.

'Her role was set to be limited, as her focus lay elsewhere.'

Meanwhile Snow's presence was a guaranteed pivotal.

Whether she emerged victorious or faced defeat, her actions would have a profound impact on

the course of events within the academy.

Her influence was a constant and major factor, shaping the overall trajectory of the story.

Rose Gaining support and winning was crucial to me in a lot of ways.

Her win was essential not just for navigating the Act but also for securing a favorable guarantee in the academy's treasury...

The outcome of her involvement would determine whether I could access the resources necessary for future strategies but it wasn't my last option.

Clara was bound to me through a contract, Clara's loyalty and actions were somewhat assured.

Her role as a key figure was more or less quite predictable now so focusing my attention on her would do more bad than good....

Just like in the game it was best to leave her on her own matters until she gets what she wants.

And lastly Senior Alice, although not a main heroine, Senior Alice occupied the role of a secret ally. Her support would be instrumental for the mini-boss of this Act, Dorothy.

'The person I intend to save.'

I needed to reach out to Clara now to ensure she adhered to our contract. Despite her shrewd nature, she was known for honoring her commitments, particularly when bound by formal agreements.

A moment of her time could be crucial, especially in the context of the upcoming conflict with


My original plan was to leverage Clara's support to fortify my position and prevent Lucas and others from disrupting my strategy to defeat and save Dorothy.

However, with the shifting dynamics, Clara's role might now pivot from being an asset to a potential guarantor for Dorothy, especially if the situation continues to tilt in Snow's favor.

This was a troubling development.

My efforts to not manipulate the story ever since that first mistake back at the terrorist

incident, had already alter the expected course of events had already caused ripples.

It was clear that I was tampering with the main scenario, but given the nature of the game and

the complex web of interactions, my interventions were inevitable.

'I didn't want to mess with the main scenario.... But who am I kidding?' The storyline was far from pristine; it had been skewed from the beginning, and the necessity

to adapt and make changes was a reality I had to face, even if it was against my preferences.

[Dorothy Gale] the current student council president and a character whose role fluctuates between enemy and ally, was a factor I couldn't overlook.

Her position in the story made her an essential piece in the intricate puzzle I needed to solve.

To alter my own grim fate, inevitably intertwined with Liyana's, I had to secure the strongest allies and keep them as formidable as they were in the game.

Dorothy, with her complex and often tragic storyline, was a perfect candidate for such a


If she, like me, was a mere pawn destined for obscurity or worse, then I would work to alter

her fate as well.

If the scenario decided that she was doomed, then perhaps a character already marked for doom could find redemption and strength through my intervention right?

After all, if my aim was to rewrite my story's end, why not extend that to others who were

similarly doomed?

The key players Lucas, Seo, Janica, Snow, Rose, Alice, and Dorothy. Would be allies I can't

ignore for the future that is to come.

Especially with Liyana acting super strange now....

Finishing my letter, I yawned and rubbed the corners of my eyes.

The parchment Clara had given me was in pristine condition, since it has celestial magic

placed on it, its magical properties would ensure it would reach her side as soon as I infused it

with my mana.

With that done my body immediately went to the bed encasing my self in the warmth luff of

the godlike pillows in the Heaven's family's castle.

I closed my eyes and went peacefully asleep.

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