How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 137: Vacation Lvls

Chapter 137: Vacation Lvls

[Status Info:] [Riley Hell]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 81]

[Strength: B [0/80]]

[Agility: D [0/50]]

[Endurance: C [0/60]]

[Luck: o] [????]]

[Power: C [0/60]]

[Available Status Points: 41]

[Skills Info:]

[Intermediate Swordsmanship (Proficiency 78%)]

[Piercing Strike!] [Proficiency (96%)]

[Mana Amplification] [Proficiency (95%)]

[Time Dilation] [Proficiency (98%)]

[Dash] [Proficiency (65%)]

[Heavy Strike] [Proficiency (55%)]

[Thought Acceleration] [Proficiency (20%)]

[Flash Step] [Proficiency (15%)]

[Blood Rampage (Rare)] [Proficiency (11%)]

[Raging Storms] [Proficiency (10%)]

[Golden Lightning] [Proficiency (10%)]

[Passive Skills:]

[Monarch's Will (Locked)]

[Passive Effect: Charisma + EX]

[Current proficiency: 45%]

[Influence: 90]

[Presence: 90]

Days passed like a mere blur, and the evening began to dim over the heavens family's castle.

In a secluded corner behind the grand estate, I stood gripping my sword with all my might, my knuckles white with tension.

Before me loomed a formidable foe-an enormous creature that resembled a minotaur, but with a distinctly demonic aura.

Its hulking form towered over me, a grotesque blend of muscle and menace.

The beast's horns were massive and menacing, curving ominously from its forehead. It was as if the very essence of darkness had been twisted into this creature's form.


The demon roared with a primal fury that shook the air around us. It planted its colossal hands on the ground, preparing to charge with its massive horns aimed directly at me.

The earth trembled with each of its powerful steps as it rampaged on all fours, despite its humanoid torso.

The roar echoed through the wind, a deafening challenge that seemed to reverberate within my very bones.

"You'll die if you face him head-on. Loosen your grip," came the calm, reassuring voice from behind me.

The words were a beacon of clarity amidst the chaos.

I trusted the advice implicitly, even though it went against my instinct to hold on tightly to my weapon.

It was a struggle to adjust my grip, as letting go felt unnatural after so many battles where clinging tightly had become second nature. But the promise of growth and strength was a powerful motivator.

As the minotaur demon charged, its sheer force created shockwaves that rattled the ground. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and the heat of its fiery breath. I took a deep breath, following the guidance given, and loosened my grip on the sword.

With renewed focus, I prepared for the clash.

My muscles tensed, my mind sharpened, and I entered a state of heightened awareness.

[Time Dilation] [Proficiency (98%)] → [Activated]

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the minotaur's massive form drew nearer.

The roar of its charge grew deafening, but with the activation of Time Dilation, I had a precious moment to think and react.

If this skill wasn't a passive ability, its horns might have already been inches from my chest.

I adjusted my grip on the sword, feeling the loosened hold allow for greater flexibility.

With a swift, practiced motion, I leaped into the air, twisting my body with agility.

The slower passage of time made it easier to control my movements, as I spun in mid-air, readying my blade for the decisive strike.

[Thought Acceleration] [Proficiency (20%)] → [Activated]

[Flash Step] [Proficiency (15%)] → [Activated]

My thoughts raced, calculating the precise moment for the attack.

I could see every detail of the demon's charging form, every ripple of muscle, and every angle

of its menacing horns.

With the activation of Thought Acceleration and Flash Step, I blurred through the slow- moving world, my body moving with unprecedented speed.

I concentrated my mana to amplify the sharpness of my blade and the strength of my muscles. As the demon's neck came into clear view, I summoned all my might and precision.

[Heavy Strike] [Proficiency (55%)]

I swung with all the strength I could muster. My blade cut through the air with a gleaming silver trajectory, a blur of flashing metal.

The air crackled with the force of the swing, and the sharpened edge of the blade sliced through the demon's neck in a swift, decisive motion.


The blade moved like a crescent moon, the amplified mana causing the cut to be more powerful than ever. The demon's roar was abruptly silenced, its head severed cleanly from its body. The force of the strike sent shockwaves through the air, as my surroundings blurred for

a moment.


The decapitated head hit the ground with a resounding crash, and the body crumpled


I landed gracefully, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, my breath steadying as I surveyed the aftermath of the fight.

Huff.... Huff....

Although I did my best to calm my adrenaline-fueled nerves, my breath still came in hard,

uneven coughs.

The minotaur's demonic body lay sprawled on the ground, its head detached and lying some

distance away.

'That was the strongest version of Heavy Strike that I could muster...'

Despite the power behind the strike, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

The result, while effective, felt underwhelming compared to the strike I had delivered against


Back then, the force had been immense, the execution flawless.

Now, despite my higher proficiency and increased abilities, this attack seemed almost...


The comparison troubled me.

The proficiency I had now was much higher than before, so the strike should have felt

smoother, cleaner, and stronger.

I questioned whether activating [Monarch's Will] might have been necessary to achieve that

level of power and finesse.

Well, whatever the case, this fight had certainly pushed my limits and provided a valuable


As I caught my breath and wiped the sweat from my brow, the familiar chime of notifications

echoed in my ears.

[Note: Congratulations, you have leveled up!]

[Note: Congratulations, you have leveled up!]

[Level: 81] → [Level: 83]

[Available Status Points: 41-47]

Two levels for a single monster, not bad at all.

Now I've gained a total of 4 levels during this short semestral vacation.

But to think this thing was worth levels, It was clear that the minotaur was stronger than I had


The experience gained was a significant boost, to my overall specs now.

I smiled slightly, a sense of accomplishment settling in, despite the lingering questions

about my performance.

Perhaps I should evaluate my abilities more thoroughly, adjust my strategies, or even push further with the activation of [Monarch's Will] to fully understand the extent of my power.

Looks like I'll have to rely on my sealed skill even more.

The system's loopholes might be my only ticket to maintaining my edge.

'Though I wonder how much I can exploit before the system catches on and adjusts its


As I pondered, a sharp clapping sound pulled me from my thoughts. "Congratulations, son," came the Duke's calm and measured voice.

He had appeared right behind me with his usual air of indifference, despite the immense

pressure his presence exuded.

It was impressive how he managed to mask his aura so effortlessly while still having it be so


"Thank you," I responded, turning to face him.

The Duke's red eyes surveyed the scene-the bodies of the defeated monsters scattered

around us.

His gaze then settled on me with a mixture of approval and amusement. "You've improved significantly these past few days," he remarked. His tone held a hint of satisfaction as he looked over the carnage.

"I think I can confidently say that I can leave Liyana in your hands now?"

The Duke's words carried a certain levity, as if he found the notion somewhat amusing. His

humor wasn't lost on me, and it tugged at the edge of my patience.

I sighed inwardly, trying to maintain my composure.

It wasn't that the Duke's training methods were inherently bad; they were simply rigorous

and often tested my limits in ways I wasn't used to.

After a brief and somewhat meaningful reunion with my family, I had dedicated the rest of

my vacation to training under the Duke's intense regimen.

Well, it was on his request... Although I did try my best to make sure I'll have an easy and relaxing vacation.

His expectations were high, and his standards even higher.

The days spent in the Heaven's family's territory had been grueling, but they had also been


The constant pressure and demanding tasks had pushed me to refine my skills and rethink my

strategies. Training nearly every day and night under the Duke's relentless regimen had pushed me to my limits, sharpening my skills and boosting my overall strength.

Being personally trained by such a highly esteemed figure, known as the strongest swordsman in the world, was both an honor and a grueling challenge.

Apart from Liyana, I was likely the only person in the world who received such intense and

focused training from him.

However, that didn't mean I found the process easy or enjoyable. In fact, the Duke's methods were often harsh and unrelenting.

Last night, for instance, I barely managed to get any sleep.

The relentless onslaught of monsters he had me face was exhausting.

From Feral [White Orcs] whose brute strength was overwhelming, to the [Red-Capped Goblin

Riders] who were quick and tricky, and even [Lich Lords] with their sinister magic-I had

been pushed through an endless gauntlet of B-A rank monsters. Each wave was a test of endurance and skill, and each battle took its toll.

Despite the exhaustion, the training had its benefits.

My skills had noticeably improved, and I was now edging closer to being able to handle A-

rank monsters with relying on [Time dilation] and [Mana amplification] that much.

If I had possessed my current strength when I first fought Raijin, I might have had a fighting

chance on a mid-difficulty level.

Though, that was assuming Raijin had not gone all out like he did during our last encounter. [Available Status Points: 47]

"47 points..." I mused, eyeing the status points available for allocation.

Just three more, and I'd be able to upgrade my Agility stat, which had long been overdue for


My focus had primarily been on Strength and Endurance for some time now, leaving my

Agility lagging behind.

As a result, I'd grown heavily reliant on my active skills to make up for this deficiency.

Throughout my training, I've leaned on speed-based skills and the additional effects of my equipment, particularly the [Tears of Chronos].

This gear had become an essential part of my strategy, compensating for my underwhelming

agility. However, with battles becoming increasingly rapid and my opponents more formidable, it had become clear that my Agility stat needed to be improved.

The limitations of [Time Dilation] were becoming more apparent as the pace of combat

quickened. "You still need some readjustments with your new grip and fine-tuning on your mana amplification," the Duke commented, assessing me with a critical eye. His right hand rested on his chin, deep in thought.

"But everything else seems fine. In a few months or so, unlocking your aura shouldn't be



The concept intrigued me. It was a skill that would undoubtedly enhance my combat capabilities, but it came with its own set of challenges.

To unlock it, I would need to defeat more monsters, which meant enduring even more grueling training sessions and dangerous encounters.

The thought of unlocking Aura though was motivating though.

'Especially coming from him'

It promised to be a powerful addition to my skill set, one that could potentially tilt the

balance in my favor during tough battles.

Though acquiring Aura might shift my build path, it wasn't a significant concern.

My current focus on enhancing my physical feats had prepared me for such changes.

Given that my Power stat would also need an upgrade to fully access and harness Aura, I was ready to adapt my approach.

"The night is fast approaching. Let's head back now," the Duke said, his voice carrying a tone

of finality.

I quickly nodded in agreement. Stretching my already strained and torn muscles, I silently grumbled through the pain. That's when I remembered something crucial.

'That's right!'

I activated [Pain Nullifier (A)], my mind instantly recalling the effects of the skill:

[Skill: Pain Nullifier (A)]

[Effects:] This ability completely negates all physical pain inflicted on the user. It includes immunity to damage-over-time effects and any other status ailments that cause pain. With this skill, the user can endure harsh conditions without suffering physical discomfort.]

The moment I engaged the skill, all the pain I was feeling vanished, replaced by a strange,

anesthetic-like numbness.

It was a peculiar sensation, as if my wounds and fatigue were being enveloped in a comforting

void. Despite the oddity of the feeling, it was undeniably soothing.

However, I reminded myself to be cautious. While [Pain Nullifier] provided significant relief,

I needed to avoid becoming overly reliant on it.

Just as with my other main skills, using this ability excessively could lead to unintended


'Balance was key.'

As I followed Duke Luther back through the castle's grand hallways, the physical relief from

my Pain Nullifier skill allowed me to focus on the immediate challenges ahead.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows and enveloping the castle in the chill

of the encroaching night.

The thought of Liyana occupied my mind more than I cared to admit.

'She's been acting strange during this past couple of days...'

Her behavior recently was a puzzle I couldn't quite solve.

Despite her outwardly affectionate demeanor, there was a palpable distance between us,

something I couldn't easily pinpoint.

It could be my own paranoia.

After all, I'd been through an intense training regimen, and the stress of it all might be

affecting my perception.

Yet, there was something unsettling about the way she was acting.

It wasn't just her avoidance-it was the subtle, almost imperceptible changes in her behavior

that didn't sit right with me.

I couldn't afford to ignore this feeling.

All the heroines so far with the exception of a few like Janica and Clara are already acting

differently from their game counterparts, deviating from the scenario's I had come to expect. Liyana's potential shift was particularly concerning.

As the final boss in this convoluted narrative, her actions held significant weight. 'Heroine's acting differently was one thing but a last boss like her was another....' An unpredictable Liyana could spell disaster, far more dire than anything Rose might bring to

the table.

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