How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 140: Elections 2

Chapter 140: Elections 2

"The second semester starts tomorrow...."

As Lucas gazed out the window, the snow continued to blanket the world outside, casting a serene, if somewhat melancholic, glow over his small hometown.

The cold air that drifted in as he opened the window carried a crisp freshness, and the white mist of his breath mingled with the wintry air.

The endless snowfall and the pale, overcast skies had become a familiar backdrop to his thoughts during his vacation.

His time at home had been a mix of hard work and moments of quiet reflection.

Training had been a priority, but Janica's frequent requests and the biting cold had limited his progress.

Still, he had managed to hone the basics of his skills, which provided him with a sense of accomplishment despite the interruptions.

Lucas was somewhat disappointed that he couldn't push his training further, but he recognized that vacations were not solely for rigorous practice.

They were also a time to relax and rejuvenate.

The snowy weather, while at times frustrating, had also rekindled memories of the past and offered a chance to appreciate the simpler moments of life.

As the second semester approached, Lucas felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

The break had been a welcome respite, but he knew that the challenges of the new semester awaited.

For now, though, he allowed himself to enjoy the final moments of this winter break, cherishing the memories and the quiet peace of his home.

'Janica will probably come soon....'

Lucas stood by the window, letting his thoughts drift back to the grand festival and the unexpected defeat he faced at the hands of Riley.

The memory was still vivid in his mind, each detail etched into his recollection.

The fight had been the most challenging he had ever encountered. Riley's movements were fluid yet precise, a blend of technique and raw power that Lucas had rarely seen.

At that moment, despite his superior strength and overall swordsmanship, Lucas had been bested.

The way Riley wielded his blade, the weight behind each strike, and the flawless execution of his techniques had left Lucas with a lingering sense of bitterness.

Even now, the taste of that defeat remained sharp in his mouth.

"Riley, you really are a genius," Lucas muttered to himself, his voice carrying a mix of respect and frustration.

He remembered their last clash that day, the power intensity of their gazes that they had shared together, in that very moment Riley's performance had further solidified Lucas's realization.

Riley had not been at his strongest during their encounter.

Lucas knew that even if he had been aware of his summoning abilities, the fight wouldn't have turned out differently.

Yes, he was caught off guard, but deep down, Lucas recognized that was just his excuse. The truth was, Riley had managed to outmaneuver him through sheer skill and ingenuity.

The defeat had been a significant learning experience for Lucas.

As he continued to train and refine his abilities through his remaining day's here, Riley's face and the way he fought were always in the back of his mind.

Every swing of the sword, every strategic move he made, was influenced by the lessons learned from that encounter.

Riley's performance had pushed Lucas to elevate his own skills, ensuring that he would never be caught off guard again.

Despite the bitterness of his defeat, Lucas couldn't shake the lingering curiosity about Riley's abilities.

He had been astonished at how effortlessly Riley had adapted to his new techniques, adapting strategies and countering moves with an almost uncanny ease.

While Lucas understood that geniuses like Riley could perform such feats with a natural grace, the sheer speed of Riley's adaptation was something he found both intriguing and enigmatic.

However, he didn't dwell on it too much.

He knew that obsessing over Riley's abilities wouldn't change the outcome of their last encounter.

Lucas sighed deeply, feeling the cold seep through the window as he watched the snow continue to blanket the village in white.

To combat the chill, he began circulating mana through his body to keep himself warm.

The warmth spread through him, a familiar and comforting sensation as he prepared for the day ahead.

As he looked out the window, his gaze caught sight of a familiar figure. She was draped in a warm robe that glistened in the morning light.

Her red hair, radiant and vibrant, shone brightly against the stark white of the snow-covered landscape.

The contrast was striking, making her appear almost otherworldly.

The snow around her seemed to shimmer and part, as if it were drawn to her presence, enhancing her already remarkable beauty.

Carrying what seemed to be a large, bulging traveling pack, Janica's eyes flashed with annoyance as she spotted Lucas through the window.

Her frustration was palpable, and Lucas couldn't help but furrow his brow in curiosity as her figure drew nearer.

"Lucas, you dumb idiot, do you know what time it is?" Janica's voice echoed with a mix of frustration and urgency, her words cutting through the crisp morning air.

She moved with surprising speed, her movements a blur as she approached the window with a determined stride. "Hu up and get dressed! The

Lucas's mind raced to catch up with her words.

floating ship is about to land!"

For a moment, he was bewildered, trying to make sense of the situation. It took him a few seconds to register the gravity of her message.

They were supposed to be boarding a floating ship back to the academy, but hadn't they been scheduled for this afternoon?

He glanced at the clock and his eyes widened in realization. "Shit...!" The dawning realization hit him like a cold wave, and panic surged through him. He quickly shot up from his seat, his mana spiking as he scrambled to his feet.

"We're going to be late, you dumb lazy idiot!" Janica's voice rose in frustration, her words almost a roar as she marched over to the window. "Hurry up and get dressed, pack your things —we're going to need a lot of mana to make up for lost time!"

Lucas rushed to his cabinet, fumbling with his clothes as he threw them on in a hurried frenzy.

The urgency in Janica's tone spurred him into action, and he could feel the adrenaline pumping through him.


'Déjà vu.'

That was the feeling washing over me as I stood in the middle of the bustling station,

Liyana's arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace.

Her face was a picture of sadness, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears that she was trying

so hard to hold back.

"So you're going now, darling?" Liyana's voice was soft, almost pleading.

Her words dripped with the same kind of melodrama that I had come to recognize all too well.

Her arms tightened around me, and she gave me that familiar, heart-wrenching look-like a puppy begging for just a little more time. "Can't you stay a bit longer?"

I sighed inwardly.

This was the same old Liyana I had known from before, despite the occasional changes in her


She had started acting differently recently, but now she was back to her old self, using her charm and affection to try to keep me here a bit longer. It was both endearing and


Around us, people's eyes were drawn to the scene, their gazes lingering as they took in the

sight of the beautiful girl with the striking presence.

It was a common reaction, and I couldn't really fault them for it.

People here seemed to have a fascination with the extraordinary, and Liyana, with her graceful and attention-grabbing demeanor, was definitely a sight to behold.

The hustle and bustle of the station, with its cold winter air and snow-dusted surroundings, served as a stark reminder of the end of our time here.

Nearly two weeks had passed since the start of the semester vacation, and now, as the season turned colder, it was time to return to the academy and face the challenges that awaited us.

Despite the charm and drama Liyana was laying on thick, I knew I had to leave. The academy and its responsibilities were calling me back. I looked at her, trying to muster a reassuring smile, knowing that my departure was inevitable.

"Liyana," I began gently, my voice soft but firm, "you know I have to go. The academy won't exactly won't for their students, right?"

Right now, I was standing at the Mage Association's building, making my way towards the floating ship that had just safely landed behind me in the hangar.

The gleaming vessel awaited, its silhouette contrasting starkly against the snowy backdrop.

The crisp air was filled with the distant hum of the ship's engines and the hustle and bustle of others preparing for their departure.

I knew I had to hurry, but a familiar hurdle was holding me back. Liyana, ever the emotional presence, was clinging to me with a gentle, almost desperate grip.

Her arms were wrapped around me, and her voice, though soft, was insistent and filled with a note of sorrow that tugged at my resolve.

I gently pushed her away, trying to maintain a level head. "Liyana, I have to go now."

Her eyes, large and pleading, looked up at me with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "But...

you only just got here," she said, her voice a whisper of disappointment and frustration.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

Despite the familiarity of her touch and voice-a touch that stirred unwarranted memories and emotions I was still grappling with- I knew I had to focus on the task at hand.

"My ship is already here," I explained, attempting to sound as calm and resolute as I could. "Besides, it won't be long before the next break anyway."

"But that's still a couple of months away, darling," Liyana protested, her voice carrying a hint

of desperation. Her gaze was unwavering, searching for any sign of leniency or change in my


I could feel the weight of her emotions pressing down on me.

Her presence was a constant reminder of the complexity of our relationship and the expectations that came with it.

Despite her affectionate pleas, I knew I couldn't afford another mental breakdown like the

one I experienced with Snow.

I had to remain focused and composed.

"I understand," I said softly, trying to offer some comfort despite the urgency. "But I really

need to go now. We both have our responsibilities, and it's important that I keep up with


Liyana's expression softened slightly, though the sadness in her eyes remained.

She reluctantly loosened her hold on me, her fingers trailing off my arm as if trying to grasp

the last moments we had together.

With a final, lingering look, I turned towards the ship, before giving Liyan one final glance....

As she waved me a warm goodbye.

The smile etched across her face.... made the hatred in my heart soften for a bit.

I only have a year and a half now before my fate of death comes.

'By then I'll have to face the Liyana of that reality.'

My hands slightly shook, whether it was from the cold or from the thought... I can't be sure.

Once on board, I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering emotions.

The ship's engines roared to life, and as we lifted off, I looked out at the shrinking landscape

below, the snow-covered streets of Hamen fading away.

'It would've been nice if this ship made a stop to Arkein city, then maybe I could've had

shared a ride with Senior Alice'


"Lady Liyana..."

A young maid, her expression tinged with concern, approached Liyana as she watched the ship

Riley had boarded ascend into the sky.

The vessel's silhouette gradually disappeared into the horizon, leaving only a faint trail

against the pale blue expanse.

Liyana's red eyes, usually so vibrant, now dimmed to a deep, somber hue as she followed the

ship's retreating path.

The maid, with her respectful demeanor, spoke gently, "The Duke would be worried if we

don't return now..."

Liyana turned to her, her gaze hardening slightly but still maintaining a veneer of calm.

"Father can be quite protective, but don't worry, Lily. I've already informed him of my late


The maid nodded, a hint of relief flickering across her face as she began to step back, positioning herself slightly behind Liyana.

She knew the importance of maintaining decorum, especially when dealing with the Duke's

daughter. Liyana's fingers tightened around her chest, where there was no heartbeat to be felt. The emptiness seemed almost symbolic, a stark contrast to the turmoil within. Despite her efforts over the past few days to recreate the intense emotions she felt during Riley's departure, those feelings remained elusive.

The sensation she yearned to experience again-the profound, uncontrolled emotions that had overwhelmed her in Riley's presence-had vanished as quickly as it came.

It was as if the heartbeat she had felt before, the one that had stirred such depth within her,

was now a distant memory.

The echo of that profound emotional experience seemed to have dissipated, leaving her with

a hollow space where genuine feelings once resided.

Liyana tried to reconstruct the moments of intensity she had felt, replaying the scenes in her

mind, but the sensations were nowhere to be found.

It was a frustrating and unsettling realization that the powerful emotions she had so eagerly

embraced were now gone, replaced by a stark, disquieting emptiness.


As the maid fell silent, Liyana's gaze remained fixed on the sky, her thoughts consumed by

the void of her emotional state.

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