How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 141: Elections 3

Chapter 141: Elections 3

Arriving back at the academy, I was met with the familiar bustle of academic life that had greeted me when I first set foot here.

The scene was predictably lively-students and staff alike were reimmersed in the rhythm of their academic pursuits.

Conversations buzzed through the hallways as students reunited with friends, sharing stories of their vacations and discussing their upcoming plans.

The air was thick with anticipation, and the energy was palpable.

Some students were already making their way to the training halls, eager to capitalize on the free time before classes officially commenced.

The halls echoed with the sounds of practice-swords clashing, spells being cast, and the occasional shout of triumph or frustration.

The academy's reopening had reinvigorated everyone, and the sense of urgency to refine skills and prepare for the new semester was evident.

In these initial days, the academy was somewhat quieter than usual, with a temporary lull between the end of vacation and the start of the new academic term.

This period provided a unique opportunity for students to get a head start on their preparations for the semester ahead.

For many, it was a time to catch up on their studies, engage in additional training, or simply reacquaint themselves with the academy's rhythms.

As I recalled the curriculum for the upcoming semester, it was clear that the focus for the magic department would shift towards familiar taming classes.

These classes were designed to enhance students' abilities to interact with and manage magical creatures-a crucial skill for any aspiring mage.

If I built my specs for magic then maybe I could've enjoyed some plentiful knowledge on that class as well.

'It would've been very useful subject to properly enhance my bond with Raijin...'

On the other hand, the knights, like myself, were slated to delve into mana amplification techniques and aura origin.

These were entirely new subjects, introduced to us by two new professors who had recently joined the faculty.

And One of these professors would become a potential antagonist in Janica's scenario, which added an extra layer of intrigue to the upcoming classes.

While it was a concern, having Lucas around was a reassuring factor.

'He'll take care of that pervert....'

His presence and capabilities made me confident that he'd manage any potential issues with the new professor and the political machinations that were likely to arise.

Lucas was deeply intertwined with Janica's scenario's now.

His relationship with her is already pretty established as it is, especially with how close they are right now.

His relationship with her was already a deciding factor on that fact.

Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to see affection gauges but If I have to guess Janica's feelings for him is already way up to 60% by now...

As Janica's main scenario progresses, his eventual saving of Janica would lead to a blossoming of her affections for him, creating a dynamic shift in her character.

The transformation of Janica from a tsundere to an openly affectionate partner would be both a pivotal and entertaining development.

I recalled Janica's confession scene from the game-it was one of the highlights.

"L-Lucas, I like you!"


The way she expressed her feelings for Lucas, despite her initial reluctance and tsundere tendencies, had been both touching and memorable.

Her vulnerability and sincere confession had been heartwarming, a rare moment of emotional depth that added richness to her character.

Now, with the game's narrative no longer driving their interactions, the outcome of their relationship was solely in Lucas's hands.

How he responded to Janica's feelings and whether he reciprocated them would shape their future interactions.

If Lucas decided to pursue a relationship with Janica, it would have significant implications for his interactions with the other heroines of this year.

His options with the remaining heroines would diminish, making his choice of partner a critical decision with far-reaching effects.

Though it won't affect the other heroines entering next year though.

As in a sense most of them were crazier than Liyana to each of their own way....


Entering through the main halls of Heavenly Hall, I made my way toward the magical elevator. As expected, there were no students or staff in sight at the moment. The academy had just reopened, so the absence of activity wasn't unusual.

Yet, despite the lack of people, the place was immaculately clean. The maids, janitors, and caretakers clearly took great pride in their work.

It was probably the reason why Yui always seemed so pleased whenever I complimented her on her cleaning skills.

The pristine condition of the academy spoke volumes about their dedication.

I fastened my student council brooch to the side of my shawl.

The moment I did, its magic activated, unlocking the enchanted door in front of me.

Without this brooch, access to this particular student office would have been impossible.

I knocked on the door to the student council room once.

"Please come in," a soft voice responded from within.

I opened the door and was greeted by the familiar sight of President Dorothy working with a focused intensity. Her movements were precise and efficient, as if she were a well-oiled machine in the midst of her duties.

"Oh my, Mr. Hell, you're here quite early," she remarked, glancing up from her paperwork. Her tone was both welcoming and slightly amused. "You know you don't really have to come here anymore, right~?"

I gave a small smile, appreciating her effort to be casual. "That is so... I just wanted to finish my remaining duties before I leave."

Dorothy's eyes softened, a hint of warmth in her otherwise professional demeanor. "Well, aren't you the diligent little junior. I don't mind the help, though."

She gestured to the stacks of papers and organized files around her.

Despite the streamlined process and her apparent efficiency, it was clear that there was still much work to be done.

I stepped further into the room, ready to assist with whatever was needed

She was right; I didn't really need to come here anymore. In about two weeks, Dorothy's term

as student council president would end, and so would my limited time here.

Three months-that was how long my stint in the student council had lasted.

It was mostly due to my late application, but even so, three months really wasn't enough to

fully grasp the context and background of an already enigmatic character.

Dorothy Gale, much like in the game, remained shrouded in mystery for me.

Apart from her role as the student council president and her position as the main antagonist for this upcoming arc, there was still so much I didn't know about her.

Despite the time I had spent in my council duties, I had hoped to uncover just a tiny bit more

about her.

However, the nature of our interactions remained largely formal and constrained, limiting any deeper connection or understanding.

In the game, Dorothy was portrayed as a character veiled in mystery, destined for a path of


She seemed like a creation of the developers meant to add a beautiful, mysterious villain to challenge the heroines and Lucas.

Her role was clearly designed to add dramatic tension and intrigue to the storyline. While I had been able to observe her professionalism and diligence from up close, there was an unmistakable distance that kept her true self hidden.

Her character was crafted to be a striking contrast to the more straightforward and accessible personalities of the other characters.

My initial reason for joining the student council was indeed Rose's offer, but staying on became about more than just fulfilling a commitment.

Dorothy Gale intrigued me. She was a character shrouded in mystery, a mystery I was drawn to


Despite the role she played in the game, as the student council president and a central figure

in the upcoming arc, I wondered if there was more to her than the narrative suggested.

The game painted her as a villain destined for ruin, a role that seemed almost too neatly

crafted, too convenient for the heroines and Lucas to overcome.

I couldn't help but think there had to be more beneath the surface.

What was the true Dorothy Gale like beyond the façade?

What drove her actions?

Was there a reason for her predetermined path of destruction?

I found myself questioning the very nature of fate in this world.

It was not just her fate I pondered but the mechanics of how such destinies were decided.

Were the roles assigned by some grand design, or were they shaped by individual choices and


These questions were akin to the ones I had about my own situation. Dorothy and I seemed bound by similar threads of doom.

While her fate was linked to Lucas's storyline, my own seemed sealed with no apparent


The contrast was striking-my death was set in stone, yet while Dorothy's story seemed more

malleable, potentially altered by the choices of others.

Yet in all the routes and scenarios only one answer came through her.... She was still bound to


It was a profound and unsettling realization.

Even though I had managed to change the course of events for Senior Alice with Lucas's


Dorothy's destiny felt more fixed, an unchangeable element of the world's design.

'Mirroring my own.'

I knew I had my answer, or at least I thought I did, based on my experiences with the main scenarios and my interactions with Dorothy.

Yet, despite having some clarity, the curiosity persisted. The situation now involved a new

factor: the possibility of rewriting an inevitable fate.

If I could successfully save Dorothy from her predetermined fate, could I then consider that a

sign that a happy ending was achievable for myself as well?

It was a question that gnawed at me, hinting at a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe,

the course of fate wasn't as rigid as it seemed.

As I contemplated this, I realized I was staring at Dorothy more than I intended. She must

have sensed my gaze because she turned to me with a hint of concern.

"Is something wrong, Riley?" she asked, her tone gentle but with an edge of curiosity.

I quickly shifted my focus, not wanting to reveal the depth of my thoughts. "Nothing. I was just wondering if the other members aren't here yet. I also noticed some of

our personal staff are missing."

Dorothy's expression relaxed, and she responded with a nod.

"Except for Amy, who's fetching some paperwork for me right now, only three members of

the student council are present at the moment. That includes you and me. Celine is probably

still back at her hometown and will likely enroll late this semester. Rose said she'll come later

this afternoon, and the same goes for Alice."

"I see," I replied, taking in the information.

The absence of the others gave me a moment to consider my next steps.

If there was any chance to influence the outcomes, this could be a crucial opportunity to delve

deeper into the mysteries surrounding Dorothy and, perhaps, shape a more favorable future.

As I continued to do my work and kept subtle glances at Dorothy.

From there, everything proceeded smoothly. Weeks passed and events flowed naturally, like water.

As the academy resumed its activities, the time for the academic elections started.

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