How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 142: Elections 4

Chapter 142: Elections 4

When winter arrives, the world transforms into a pristine expanse of white. At first, the sight of snow blanketing everything is surreal and astonishing.

But as time passes, it becomes a familiar, almost mundane part of life.

To me, the constant change that winter represents is both a reminder and a symbol of the world's perpetual flux.

Even if the white landscape feels repetitive, its potential for change and the promise of new beginnings makes it special.

Several weeks have passed since the academy reopened, and now Act 2 is on the horizon, unfolding whether or not I'm fully prepared for it.

Despite my efforts to avoid immersing myself in every detail of the upcoming scenarios, snippets of information inevitably slip through.

As I made my way back to the dorms after finishing classes early, I overheard a conversation between two students passing by:

"Hey, are you voting for the princess this year?"

"Hmmm, I'm leaning towards the golden child."

The exchange was casual, but it hinted at the unfolding political dynamics and the choices students were making in the ongoing scenario progression.

I was on my way to train with Seo before the day ended, but these snippets of conversation made me reflect on the significance of the flow of the scenario's right now.

Judging by their neckties and brooches, it was clear that these students were seniors.

The ongoing political battle for the next student council president was beginning to heat up. Although it wasn't yet a topic of widespread public discussion, it was only a matter of time before the full-scale competition between candidates would unfold in three months.

From what I'd gathered so far, Princess Snow was leading the pack in terms of popularity. Her prestige, beauty, and vast knowledge made her a natural front-runner.

It was no surprise she held the top spot. However, what caught me off guard was the surprising strength of Rose's campaign.

She was remarkably close to Snow in terms of support, despite lacking significant backing.

Her reputation as a renowned mage seemed to be her main asset, yet it was evidently enough to make her a formidable contender.

On the other hand, Dorothy's return to the race had stirred some buzz, but it was more of a curiosity than a serious contender for now.

Many students were puzzled by her decision to run again.

The general sentiment was one of skepticism: "Why is she running again?"

This question lingered in conversations, reflecting a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Dorothy was indeed quite popular, but her campaign was shrouded in ambiguity.

Unlike Snow and Rose, whose campaigns were straightforward and clear-cut, Dorothy's efforts seemed to raise more questions than they answered.

This struggle to gain momentum was evident in the way her campaign failed to gain significant traction compared to her competitors.

'I pity her....'

No matter how much she struggles she's bound to lose.

Many students are under the same thought that it might be time for Dorothy to step back and enjoy her remaining days as a third-year student before transitioning into the demanding role of a fourth-year student.

The pressure of focusing on future academic achievements, thesis, and career planning would soon overshadow any current pursuits.

In this context, Dorothy's once-celebrated popularity might be working against her, contributing to the growing perception that it was time for her to take a break from the spotlight.

It was a somber thought that the very popularity which once defined her could now be a hindrance.

This shift in perception was aligning with the course of the scenarios as depicted in the game, making me smoothly follow my own plans and strategies moving forward.

Lucas, as anticipated, had been swept along with Snow's rising prominence. His frequent appearances alongside her had become almost expected.

Snow, with her strategic acumen, was effectively leveraging Lucas's presence to enhance her own standing.

The way she maneuvered within the academy's political landscape revealed a level of cunning that seemed almost serpentine in its precision.

'We haven't talked lately....'

Interestingly, Snow's influence was also having a notable effect on the perceptions of commoner students.

With Lucas, a commoner himself, aligning closely with Snow, there was a noticeable shift in how other students and even her own party was viewed.

Commoner students began to hold Snow's faction in higher regard, seeing it as a symbol of rising opportunity and acceptance within the academy's social structure.

The first chapter of Act 2 had done its job of setting up the political landscape and the goals of the major parties.

Now, as the election season continued, there was a period of relative calm.

The groundwork for the upcoming semester's elections was laid out smoothly, meaning there wasn't much I needed to adjust in the main scenario at this point.

The flow of events seemed to be proceeding according to plan, transitioning neatly into the second and third chapters of Act 2: [Wits and Plays] and [Joining Sides]

From what I could discern, Kagami was likely to align herself with Snow's faction.

This was expected given the dynamics of their relationship and Kagami's political


Consequently, this would leave Gilbert in a precarious position, exposed and vulnerable.

With Gilbert potentially left without clear a iance, it presented an port

If I could steer him towards Dorothy's side, it might strengthen her position and improve her chances in the ongoing political battle.

This maneuver could help balance the scales and potentially change the outcome of the


'My primary goal for this Act was to ensure Dorothy's survival.'

As I mulled over the strategies to achieve that goal, I felt a wave of frustration and anxiety.

This wasn't just about playing my part in the grand scheme of things anymore-it was


The stakes were high, and Dorothy's safety was inextricably linked to my own sense of

purpose in this world.

But amidst this focus on Dorothy, I couldn't ignore the ominous note that had been bothering

me since it first appeared:


[Mission: Death to the Queen...]

The very words sent a chill down my spine.

What kind of mission was this supposed to be?

The phrase "Death to the Queen" was so vague and menacing, it felt almost like a taunt.

The system had given me no additional context, no guidance on what this mission entailed or how to approach it. It was as if the system was intentionally keeping me in the dark.

Ever since I had first set foot in this academy, the missions and their objectives had been relatively straightforward, tied to my immediate survival and progress.

They had always come with some sort of connection with my fate or at least a clear goal. But

this mission was different.

It felt like a dark cloud hanging over me, its intentions unclear but its implications deeply


Given that missions were directly tied to the main scenario, it seemed logical to infer that this one might be about preventing a specific type of death-or maybe even my own.

'Is it that certain Queen?'

I couldn't help but be unnerved by the cryptic nature of the mission.

The phrase "Death to the Queen" seemed to be a dark omen, possibly tied to something much

larger and more dangerous than I had anticipated.

My initial guess pointed towards Alice's main scenario.

If that was the case, I was in serious trouble.

Especially if it really was that world ending Queen.

[White Queen]

I wasn't nearly strong enough to confront whatever threat that title might imply.

Even with all my efforts, I felt woefully inadequate.

My main asset in this situation, Lucas, was still far from reaching his full potential.

Despite the promise of his S-class skill, it had yet to be unlocked, and his overall abilities were still in their formative stages. Relying on him was risky at best.

As these thoughts churned in my mind, I was abruptly pulled from my contemplation by a familiar voice that cut through the fog of my anxiety.

"Oh my, what a coincidence, nice to see you again, Riley~"

Looking up, I was greeted by the sight of a girl perched on the balcony of a nearby coffee shop.

She was casually sipping from a cup of coffee, her platinum blonde hair catching the light and swaying gently in the breeze.

Her demeanor was relaxed yet calculating, her warm smile betraying a glimmer of something more cunning beneath the surface.

She seemed to be deliberately drawing attention to herself, her posture nonchalant yet commanding. With an elegant wave, she gestured for me to join her at the coffee shop's


At this point, Clara Luminaria was already quite well-known in the academy-not just for being a top-ranked student, but also as a successful businesswoman.

She was arguably the richest self-made person at the academy, a fact that contributed to her

aura of influence and power.

As one of the main heroines and my current contract partner, her presence was always charged

with significance.

"We haven't seen each other for almost a month now. Come, there's actually a lot of things I

wanted to discuss with you," she said, her voice warm yet laced with an underlying note of

urgency. She gestured to the empty chair in front of her table, an invitation that felt almost

too calculated.

Judging from how the entire situation felt a bit too convenient, I had a suspicion that this meeting was orchestrated with a specific purpose in mind.

The way she had set up the encounter-so smoothly and effortlessly-suggested she had

been planning this for a while.

With a slight nod, I accepted her invitation and made my way to the coffee shop, slipping

inside and approaching the table. The café's interior was cozy, a stark contrast to the chilly weather outside.

Clara's presence seemed to dominate the space, and her calm demeanor only added to the

tension I felt.

'What's going on?'

As I sat down, I couldn't shake the feeling that this conversation would reveal more than just

casual updates.

Clara was a master of strategy and manipulation, and I had no doubt that her intentions for

this meeting went beyond mere pleasantries.

"Thank you for joining me," she said, her smile never wavering. "I trust your first few weeks back at the academy have been going well?"

Her eyes were sharp, observing me closely as if trying to read my thoughts.

I could sense that she was assessing my reactions, looking for any signs of discomfort or


It was clear that she had something specific she wanted to discuss, and I needed to be prepared for whatever it might be.

As I settled into the chair, I took a moment to compose myself. Clara's presence was commanding, and I wanted to be prepared for whatever she had in mind.

"Yes, things have been relatively smooth," I replied, trying to sound casual. "I've been quite

busy with the new semester and my various duties. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" "Hm, busy I see~" Clara's tone was light, almost teasing.

"So, what is it?" I pressed, sensing that she was steering the conversation.

"You really are quite strict on the uptake," Clara said with a playful smile. "I actually wanted

to enjoy some more casual talk; you know?"

"With how much you value your time, I doubt that," I said, unable to keep the skepticism out

of my voice.

"Ho~ how do you know I value my time so much?" Clara raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"You're basically the owner of most establishments here. I doubt a businesswoman like you could just waste her time nonchalantly," I replied.

"Is that so..." Clara sighed, as if my answer didn't amuse her. With a snap of her fingers, a golden parchment materialized in her hands. It was covered in

multiple layers of runes, shimmering faintly in the café's soft light. She held it up, her eyes

locked onto mine.

"You probably already know what this is, right?" she asked, her tone now serious.

I nodded, feeling a shiver run down my spine under her intense gaze.

Like a venomous Snake that had held its fangs under the papers faint body her Platinum eyes

shimmered slightly of pure poison.

The parchment was unmistakable-a seal of ownership, a powerful artifact in the world of

business and politics.

"This little one here is the seal of ownership for the Gatefall Bridge," Clara continued, her

voice carrying a subtle edge. "Because of you, my family now owns it, Riley and I truly thank you for that."

I knew that the bridge was bound to end up in her hands considering the information I had provided her.

However, the speed at which she acquired it was unexpected.

I was sure that even if she won and bought the bridge fairly, the Merchant Union wouldn't

have just stood by idly.

The sheer scale of her maneuvering to secure such a significant asset so quickly was impressive-and possibly came with a lot of bloodshed as well.....

Judging by the coldness in her eyes, I could guess that it wasn't all smooth sailing. "I was

really surprised by how accurate and reliable the information you've given me was, Riley... to the point that I'm even starting to doubt you. Just how did you find out about such


"..." I hesitated.

Even if I wanted to provide an answer, I couldn't reveal that my knowledge came from my

understanding of the game's lore.

It was a delicate situation, and the less she knew about the true source of my information, the


Clara's gaze remained sharp, but there was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. "But don't worry,

I know how to handle business properly. I won't stick my head in matters I don't understand. This is actually just one of the reasons why I called you out." "The student council president elections are close," Clara said, her eyes locking onto mine

with an intense focus. "Judging from the recent contract we made, I can tell that you have some kind of plan to interfere in the elections in some way, right?" "In a sense, yes," I admitted, recognizing that evasion would be futile now.

Clara's gaze didn't waver. "Hmm~ Since you're trying to make use of me, even fully knowing my alliance with Snow, are you planning to run for president yourself?" "No," I replied firmly. "It's true that the privileges and power of the student council president are tempting, but unfortunately, like you, I don't have the leisure time to enjoy

such matters. If I had to devote my time to it over my training, my priorities would shift in the wrong direction."

"Really? That's quite a shame," Clara said, her tone laced with disappointment. "I was

actually planning to fully support you if that was the case. After all, my contract with Snow isn't exactly that well-established-there are certain loopholes that could be exploited." "There's no need for that," I said, shaking my head. "You can continue supporting her side

and fulfill your end of the deal with her."

Clara raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Then what was the reason for you to go out of

your way to take up my time?"

I considered her question carefully.

It wasn't a matter of strategy or politics; it was more personal and pressing.

As I pondered, the only clear answer I could give emerged.

"Because I want to save someone," I said, my voice steady. Clara's reaction was immediate and dismissive.

She looked at me as if I was stupid.

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