How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 144: Wits and Plays

Chapter 144: Wits and Plays

A knight leaped from the battlefield and brought his blade down with devastating force, shattering a tower that had once been a bastion of defense.

With the debris of the tower scattered around, the king of the opposing forces found himself at a critical crossroads.

He had only two options: confront the deranged knight himself or call upon his subordinates to restrain him. In a swift, decisive move, he recalled the bishop who had been stationed at the front.

The bishop's club descended with lethal precision, crushing the knight's head in an instant.

But even with the immediate threat neutralized, the danger to the king was far from over. The opposing army, reinvigorated by their recent gains, surged forward with renewed vigor. A knight and queen clashed on the battlefield, their fierce exchange creating ripples of tension.

The king, realizing the shifting tides, retreated to his second tower, desperately trying to regroup.

As the forces of the enemy advanced, the pressure mounted.

The king's defensive positions were being steadily overrun, and it was only a matter of time before he would be cornered.

The game was slipping away, and the inevitability of defeat loomed large.


In the midst of the chaos, Snow, seated before the translucent chessboard, recognized the futility of her situation.

Her once formidable army lay in tatters, with key pieces lost across the board. The strategic advantage she had hoped to maintain was slipping through her fingers.

With a heavy sigh, she raised her hands in surrender, acknowledging the defeat that was now all but certain.

"I lost..."

"It would seem so" came the calm, measured response.

Across from her, the one and only Emperor of the Germonia Empire, Leopold Luvenitia White Germonia Leven, observed his daughter with a mixture of concern and detachment.

His commanding presence was a testament to his immense power and status.

Despite his stern demeanor, there was a softness in his eyes as he took in the sight of Snow's weary and troubled expression.

"Is something bothering you, dear daughter of mine?" he inquired, his voice carrying a rare note of gentleness.

The emperor's gaze lingered on Snow as he noted the deep furrows of frustration and fatigue etched on her face.

It was unusual for her to lose so profoundly, even in their frequent chess matches. Although Snow had never managed to win against him, her defeats had always been more about strategic errors rather than a complete collapse.

This time, however, something was different.

He could sense a shift in her demeanor, a subtle but unmistakable change in her emotions. Snow, usually so controlled and composed, was allowing her feelings to seep through.

The emperor had always known his daughter to be reserved, rarely showcasing her vulnerabilities unless it was something of significant importance.

"Are you having trouble with the elections?" he ventured, his voice steady but filled with


"No... not at all," Snow responded quickly, her tone lacking conviction. She was confident that securing the title of president was merely a matter of time, but something deeper was troubling her.

"Then why do you look so bothered?" Leopold pressed gently, his eyes narrowing slightly as The observed her struggle to articulate her feelings.


Snow's voice faltered, the words she had intended to express slipping away before she could fully articulate them.

She found herself unable to confess what was truly weighing on her mind, especially when it involved someone as personal and potentially troubling as Riley Hell.

Her father's discerning gaze was both a comfort and a challenge.

The emperor's protective nature was well-known especially since she's basically the reason of that over protection, and the thought of him discovering her preoccupation with Riley, and possibly taking action based on that, made her uneasy.

Snow was adept at hiding her true feelings, but the emotional turmoil she was experiencing was proving difficult to mask.

To regain her composure, she discreetly infused a trace of her mana into her temples, an old trick to help her clear her mind and calm her racing thoughts.

'What are you doing, Snow?'

'Why are you still bothered about it!'

The questions echoed in her mind, challenging her to confront the root of her disquiet.

She shook her head slightly, attempting to dissipate the troubling thoughts.

Her poker face, so carefully maintained, began to show signs of vulnerability as she slowly revealed her true emotions.

The memory that plagued her thoughts was recent and vivid.

Just a few days prior, while she was out walking to bolster her public presence for the forthcoming elections, she had encountered a scene that unsettled her deeply.

Riley and Clara were seated across from each other at a quaint outdoor café, their faces lit up with genuine, shared happiness.

They seemed engrossed in an animated conversation, their smiles and laughter painting a picture of camaraderie and ease.

The sight struck Snow with an unexpected pang of jealousy and confusion. Her heart had raced with an unfamiliar pain that she struggled to understand.

She had known Riley and Clara were acquainted and that they shared some form of


However, seeing them together in such a seemingly intimate and joyful setting sparked an unsettling question in her mind.

'Were they on a date?'

The thought lingered, stirring a mix of emotions within her.

Snow was accustomed to being in control, both of her environment and her feelings.

But this incident had breached that control, revealing a side of her that was unfamiliar and


She had always prided herself on her composure and strategic thinking.

Yet, this personal disturbance threatened to undermine her focus and effectiveness.

The prospect of Riley becoming romantically involved with Clara, or even just growing closer

to her, was a scenario she had not anticipated-and one she found difficult to accept.

Snow took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions as she faced her father's concerned


The struggle to balance her public duties with her private anxieties was becoming

increasingly complex.


She needed to navigate these feelings carefully, both to maintain her image and to protect the

fragile equilibrium of her plans and aspirations.

"Well," Snow said finally, her voice steady but laced with a hint of vulnerability, "it's just...

some personal matters I'm trying to sort out. It's nothing you need to worry about, your

majesty. I appreciate your concern, but I'll manage."

Leopold studied her for a moment longer before nodding slowly, sensing that there was more

to her unease than she was willing to share.

"Very well. If you ever need to talk or seek advice, remember that I am here for you."

Snow offered a grateful, if somewhat strained, smile. "Thank you, Father."

The emperor's call was drawing to a close.

Leopold, with his tight schedule and limited opportunities to engage with Snow on such a personal level, wanted to make the most of their time together.

The rarity of these interactions meant he sought to create meaningful moments, either through reminiscing about their shared past or by delving into her current experiences. Given Snow's evident discomfort and reluctance to fully disclose what was troubling her, Leopold was beginning to second-guess his choice.

Initially, he had hoped to create a space where Snow could openly share her thoughts, perhaps by discussing her experiences and challenges in her current role.

However, her reluctance to open up suggested he should have opted for a different approach.

'How curious...'

Leopold mused to himself, noting the rare vulnerability in Snow's demeanor.

This was a side of his daughter he had seldom seen-a combination of guarded emotions and

internal conflict.

He had always trusted in her strength and judgment, and he did not want to intrude further

into her private matters.

Doing so might imply a lack of faith in her abilities or undermine her sense of independence.

Leopold was uncertain whether the source of her worry was a personal or political issue, but he knew one thing for certain: his respect for her autonomy remained steadfast. While he was committed to supporting her, he was also mindful not to overstep boundaries.

His intent was not to pry but to be a supportive presence.

With a decisive motion, Leopold tapped twice on the armrest of his throne.

This simple gesture, a discreet signal to his shadow knights who were currently stationed

near Snow's presence, was all it took for them to understand his command.

These elite guards, ever vigilant and skilled in covert operations, were tasked with gathering intelligence while maintaining the utmost discretion.

In the coming days, Leopold would receive a detailed report on the circumstances

surrounding Snow's current state of mind.

He intended to respect her privacy but was also determined to ensure that any potential issues

were addressed.

Whether her troubles stemmed from her political endeavors or personal life, he would be prepared to offer support or guidance as needed.

As Snow said her final farewells, she gave her father, the Emperor, a courteous wave.

The mana in the room, which had been swirling in an almost palpable aura, began to dissipate, and the dimly lit chamber gradually brightened.

The shadows receded, revealing the grandeur of the imperial study. Her personal maid, Elie,

expertly moved to open the curtains, allowing the natural light to flood the room.

Snow rose from her chair with a sense of purpose.

The communication crystal, a crucial device for contacting the imperial castle and the emperor himself, it shimmered and then vanished as effortlessly as it had appeared.

With a slight gesture the imperial knights guarding her in the room dispersed, giving her the

privacy she needs.

"Ellie, let's go out for a bit..." Snow's tone was firm yet serene.

"Are we going to see the principal again, Your Highness?"


Ellie swiftly moved to assist Snow, grabbing her coat and preparing to accompany her.

As she adjusted the garment, she briefly considered whether to apply some makeup to perfect Snow's appearance further.

But she quickly dismissed the idea; Snow was already impeccable. Her elegance was inherent, and no additional touches were necessary.

As they prepared to leave, Snow's thoughts drifted back to the recent, unsettling vision she

had witnessed: Riley and Clara together, sharing a moment that seemed intimate and


Her heart, which had been steady and composed, now fluttered with an unfamiliar anxiety.

Despite her efforts to dismiss it, the image of Riley and Clara lingered in her mind, causing

her calm demeanor to falter slightly.

'I'm sure what happened back then was nothing significant...' Snow reassured herself, though the image remained stubbornly vivid.

The unexpected sight of Riley and Clara, so seemingly close, gnawed at her, stirring a disquiet

she had not anticipated.

Her steps were hurried but controlled as she moved through the palace corridors, her mind

wrestling with the implications of what she had seen and its impact on her plans and feelings.

Snow struggled to make sense of her emotions as she recalled the sight of Riley and Clara at

the café.

While she knew that Riley and herself were not involved, and thus she had no claim to jealousy, the image of them together lingered in her mind.

The café they had chosen was well-known among students for its reputation—a place where

couples were said to forge eternal bonds, much like the infamous Panda Café known for its mythical connection to everlasting love.

Despite understanding that her feelings might be irrational, Snow couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort.

It wasn't just the setting that made her uneasy; it was seeing Clara, whom she had always

perceived as a master of manipulation, showing an unprecedented level of warmth and affection.

Clara's smile was uncharacteristically genuine, a stark contrast to the cold, calculating

persona she usually presented.

'A cold-blooded Snake....'

Snow had interacted with Clara enough to form a solid impression of her.

To her, Clara was not just a shrewd and intelligent woman; she was more like a predator-an

embodiment of a venomous snake or a cunning fox.

Clara's way of operating was always with a sense of self-preservation and strategic gain, her demeanor cold and calculated, ready to strike if it served her interests.

Yet, in that café, Clara had seemed like a different person entirely.

The usual facade of the cold, mercantile strategist was absent, replaced by the image of an

ordinary girl who was genuinely enjoying herself.

The sight of Clara's unguarded happiness, especially in the presence of Riley, struck Snow as

deeply incongruent with the image she had of Clara.

The way Clara looked at Riley, with a blend of affection and ease that seemed foreign to

Snow's understanding of her, was particularly disconcerting.

Snow had always seen Clara as someone who would never let down her guard, someone who

would never engage in anything without a calculated purpose.

Yet, there Clara was, apparently in the midst of a casual interaction that seemed free of

ulterior motives.

Snow couldn't help but wonder if this new, seemingly innocent side of Clara was an elaborate

ruse or a genuine expression of emotion.

Was Clara merely playing a part in a deeper, more complex scheme, or was she experiencing a

moment of real vulnerability and connection?

The ambiguity of Clara's actions made it difficult for Snow to discern her true intentions.


Snow let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of her thoughts pressing heavily upon her.

She was acutely aware of Riley's magnetic effect on the women around him.

His connections with the academy's top beauties-Alice, Seo, Rose, Janica, and there was also

her cousin Liyana. And now, with Clara seemingly joining that list, Riley's status as a lady magnet seemed undeniable.

It wasn't just his striking appearance that drew attention; his strength and capabilities further amplified his allure.

Snow clenched her fist, a faint aura of frost emanating from her as she felt her frustration mounting. The internal struggle was becoming unbearable.

She had always thought that there was something meaningful between them, something that

had started when Riley had cried into her shoulder that day, the way he had clung to her, and

the way he had apologized repeatedly in his confusion.

The moments they had shared had felt significant, and his gaze whenever he looked at her

seemed to suggest that there was more to their connection.

But now, as time had passed, Snow was beginning to doubt that her feelings were

reciprocated in the way she had hoped.

She realized that her waiting and patience were only making things more difficult for her emotionally, leaving her heart tangled in uncertainty and disappointment. Snow's contemplation was intense as she made her way to the carriage.

Her thoughts churned with the desire to finally address the confusion surrounding her and


She had always believed that relationships thrived on a delicate balance of push and pull, a concept she had tried to apply with him.

But her attempts to draw him closer had seemingly failed, leaving her with no choice but to

rethink her approach.

"Ellie, you said that relationships are all about push and pull, right?" "Y-yes?" Ellie replied hesitantly, slightly surprised at her sudden question.

"But if neither push nor pull works in balance, then... no form of relationship will also form."

"That's... right?"

Snow smiled at Ellie's response. She knew that while matters of the heart were not her priority

at the moment, they were becoming increasingly significant as they impacted her overall

well-being and her connection with Riley.

Riley lacks any Pushing aspect even if you openly try to pull him in. The realization that her efforts to pull him closer had not succeeded led her to a new strategy:

if pulling wasn't working, then perhaps pushing with all her might might be the answer. The balance had been disrupted, and Riley's seeming indifference was frustrating. Snow recognized that his lack of responsiveness wasn't necessarily due to a lack of interest

but rather a combination of his dense nature and perhaps a reluctance to take significant steps

in their relationship.

She needed to address this directly.

As Snow quickened her pace towards the carriage, she tried to rationalize her actions.

Despite Riley being betrothed to her cousin, Snow reassured herself that they were not yet married, and thus, her feelings and actions were still within her control. Snow want's Riley all for herself but she knows greediness can only result to madness. Polygamy was allowed in the empire, the only catch being that all the remaining wives must

not have a higher status than the first.

'Yes... if Riley marries me first then there would be no problem if all the other girls join'

Since she had the highest status out of all the girls surrounding Riley then..... Isn't she the perfect wife for him?

The Presidency was important to her as a means for a proper experience, before she starts

ruling the empire in the future.


She had held back for far too long now, and now it was time to make her intentions and

emotions clear.

This was not merely a matter of confronting Riley; it was about reclaiming her emotional

stability and clarity.

She was resolute.

This time, she would not hesitate.

Her feelings for Riley needed to be expressed clearly, and she was determined to make that happen, no matter the obstacles.

'Riley since you stole my heart.... I'll steal yours as well'

As the frosty winds of the winter's breeze lightly touched her silvery white hair, Snow blue

eyes dimmed with determination.

There was no stopping her now.

[Special abilities] [Crazy Magnet] [Activated!]

[Affected Beings: 4/∞]

The sudden notification from the system jarred me out of my trance.

The [Crazy Magnet] ability had been activated, and the message displayed that it had already

affected four beings.

I blinked, trying to comprehend the situation until Janica's frantic voice reached my ears.

"R-Riley, you can stop now!"


I looked up, confused, only to realize I had been holding onto Professor Luke Walker by the neck a I pressed him hard on the wall.

His face was contorted in a mix of fear and pain, his eyes wide and pleading.

He was struggling to breathe, his skin as pale as the snow outside covering the world into

white right now, his body trembling from the shock.

The professor's mana levels were visibly fluctuating, his once imposing aura now completely


His strength had waned to the point where he couldn't even attempt to fight back.

It was clear that my grip had rendered him powerless.

I released him immediately, my hands feeling unsatisfied.

"Ghuoockk... ugck!"

Professor Walker coughed violently, clutching his throat as he fell to the ground.

His eyes darted around in terror, seeking any escape from the situation.

He scrambled to his feet, his movements unsteady and frantic as he tried to distance himself

from me.

"Riley!" Janica's voice was urgent, and her hands were trying to pull me away from the scene.

Her expression was a mix of concern and alarm, in this colorless and ugly world only her face

was enough to get me out of my thoughts.... I can understand her concern.

But after what he did..... 'Why won't she let me kill this bug?'

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