How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 145: Wits and Plays 2

Chapter 145: Wits and Plays 2

(Warning subtle R-18 content ahead!)


A family renowned among the count-ranked nobles of the empire, the Walkers were the epitome of elite status.

With their striking good looks, their physique was reminiscent of the gods of old-muscular and chiseled, as if sculpted from marble.

Their faces, with features as perfect as those of the goddess of the world, were frequently admired and envied.

But it wasn't just their appearance that set them apart; their wealth was boundless. An endless supply of gold and resources granted them the means to acquire anything they desired.

To Luke Walker, this was the very definition of perfection.

From a young age, his life was marked by a series of privileges that others could only dream of.

His family's immense wealth meant that every desire, every need was effortlessly met. His status afforded him access to the highest echelons of society, and his inherent intelligence and power only amplified his sense of superiority.

Luke had always viewed himself as a figure of unparalleled distinction.

His upbringing was steeped in the belief that he was on par with, if not above, the imperial family that ruled the vast empire.

To him, the world was his playground, and his family's influence extended to every corner of the empire.

He was groomed to embody excellence in every aspect of his life.

His education was rigorous, his skills refined, and his ambitions cultivated from an early age.

The accolades and admiration he received only reinforced his self-image as someone destined for greatness.

In his mind, he was not just another noble; he was a paragon of perfection. His every action was driven by the belief that he was entitled to success and recognition.

What truly made Luke Walker realize his exceptional nature came on a day that marked his transition from innocence to a profound understanding of his own power.

At the tender age of thirteen, he found himself in a situation that would soon alter his perception of himself and his place in the world.

The day began like any other, but it quickly shifted when one of his maids, a young woman who had served him for some time, approached him with an intention that would forever change his life.

Luring him into a private room the made forced herself upon him.



"Young master does it feel good-?"

"Y-yes...?" Luke replied hesitantly, his young mind grappling with a blend of confusion and curiosity.

He was unsure of the implications of her action at the time, struggling to make sense of the situation unfolding before him.

At that age, Luke's understanding of such matters was limited.

The experience was bewildering and left him with more questions than answers.

Yet, as time went on and his experiences grew, he began to see the impact of that pivotal moment.

As he matured, Luke realized that he was no ordinary person.

While many of his peers struggled with typical adolescent concerns, he began to recognize a rare quality within himself—an irresistible allure that drew others to him.

Women, regardless of their status or background, seemed to be magnetically attracted to him.

This fascination went beyond mere physical attraction; it was a profound, almost instinctive response to his presence.

One girl after another, each new interaction revealed more about his unique charm.

His lovers, both fleeting and enduring, were drawn to him with an intensity that seemed almost magical.

Women flocked to him, eager for his attention and affection, without any overt effort on his part.

Luke Walker quickly realized that his influence over others was not just powerful, but almost supernatural in its effectiveness.

He discovered that a single glance from him could send shivers down a woman's spine, while a mere wink was enough to make them submit to his will.

A single, carefully chosen word could unravel their emotions and pierce through their previously unblemished innocence.

This uncanny ability to command and enchant those around him seemed almost like a natural extension of his being.

To Luke, the world transformed into a lavish garden filled with vibrant, delicate flowers, all ripe for the picking.

The innocence of those around him appeared as mere tools at his disposal, and the vast array of choices presented to him only further fueled his sense of entitlement and dominance.

He saw his life as a grand, uninterrupted pleasure cruise-a playground where he could indulge in every whim and desire without fear of consequence.

Despite his ease and comfort in navigating this world, Luke was not naïve.

He understood that there were boundaries and limitations to his power.

He knew that overstepping certain lines could lead to complications and potentially tarnish the pristine facade he worked so hard to maintain.

To maximize his enjoyment of this metaphorical garden, he became both meticulous and strategic in his approach.

Luke's meticulous nature ensured that he approached each situation with calculated


He carefully selected his "flowers" and "fruits," choosing targets who would best serve his needs without jeopardizing his standing.

His strategy involved not just taking what he wanted, but doing so in a manner that preserved his control and enhanced his pleasure.

Graduating earlier than his peers, Luke Walker had earned a reputation as the prodigy of his


Though not quite a genius, he was certainly among the top echelon of his class, admired for his exceptional abilities and acumen.

When he secured a position as one of the most prestigious teaching professionals in the continent, his sense of accomplishment was palpable.

The prospect of stepping into the hallowed halls of the academy, with its illustrious reputation and elite student body, filled him with a deep, almost palpable sense of joy.

From the moment he set foot inside the academy, Luke's mind was alive with possibilities. The academy was a sanctuary of youth and potential, a fertile garden of "innocent flowers" ripe for his cultivation.

The majority of the students were highborn nobles, individuals from families he had previously only dreamed of interacting with.

Their lofty status and prestigious backgrounds were both a challenge and an opportunity, but

Luke was never one to shy away from such hurdles.

He knew that, while the noble students might be beyond his reach for direct manipulation,

the academy also hosted the daughters of commoners and wealthy merchants.

These young women, striving for a better future, were equally part of his domain.

The blend of highborn and aspiring students created a diverse pool from which he could select those who would best serve his ambitions.

As Luke entered his first class, assigned to the prestigious S-Class of the knight department, he couldn't help but let a small, satisfied smile creep across his face. "Good morning, everyone m name is Luke Wlaker, starting today I'll be your new Aura

Origin's professor, as I'm a new professor here please don't hesitate to inform me of any

forms of ignorance on my part"

He took in the sight of his new students with a keen, almost predatory gaze.

The knight department, traditionally seen as a domain for young men, had surprised him with

its inclusion of several young women.

To his delight, among the students were three of the most strikingly beautiful women he had

ever seen.

Their presence was a source of immense gratification for Luke.

He had anticipated a classroom filled predominantly with young men, but the sight of these

women added an unexpected and thrilling dimension to his new role. Their beauty was not just a superficial trait; it represented a wealth of potential

opportunities, each one a potential target for his unique brand of influence.

'These flowers are mine for the taking~'

Luke's mind buzzed with anticipation as he imagined the possibilities.

These young women, with their allure and untapped potential, were ripe for his influence.

Once Luke had set his sights on his targets, he was confident that they would soon become

entangled in his web of influence.

He knew that once he got a hold on them, there would be no escaping his charm and manipulation; it was only a matter of time before all the girls at the academy would be drawn

to him, as they had been in the past.

His first and primary target was none other than Seo Gyeoul, the top-ranked knight department first-year student.

Renowned for her exceptional skills with her clan's hidden blade sword techniques, Seo was not only a prodigy but also one of the most stunningly beautiful girls in his class. Her cold, emotionless demeanor and apathetic gaze were a sharp contrast to the usual warmth and approachability Luke was accustomed to, and this only heightened his intrigue.

In his mind, Seo was the perfect challenge. Her icy exterior was precisely the kind of obstacle that made the eventual conquest all the more satisfying.

Luke imagined the day when her stoic expression would soften, when her indifferent eyes

would light up with affection for him.

It was a tantalizing prospect that drove him to pursue her with a heightened sense of


Luke made his move early, seeking to offer assistance in a seemingly casual manner. He

approached Seo, feigning concern for her well-being.

"Miss Seo, how about I help you with that?" he suggested smoothly, offering his assistance.

Seo's response was immediate and dismissive. "There's no need."

Day after day he tried to establish himself onto her mind.

"Ah, Miss Seo, your mana levels are spiking. You need to regain control so that your aura—"

"It's fine...."

Despite his best efforts, every attempt to establish a connection seemed to falter under Seo's

apathetic gaze.

His usual tactics, characterized by a blend of charm and seemingly genuine concern, appeared

to be ineffective.

No matter how much kindness he exuded or how much attention he lavished upon her, Seo remained unmoved.

This unexpected resistance left Luke momentarily bewildered.

After all, wasn't he supposed to be perfect?

His carefully cultivated charm had always managed to break down barriers in the past, so why

was Seo proving so resistant?

He had anticipated some level of challenge, but this level of indifference was uncharted

territory for him.

Luke's confusion quickly turned to curiosity. The more Seo resisted, the more determined he


Her cold demeanor was a puzzle he was eager to solve, a challenge that would make his eventual success all the more gratifying.

If he could manage to win her over, it would not only affirm his prowess but also elevate his

sense of accomplishment.

Seo Gyeoul's status and prestige were far beyond Luke Walker's own.

He was acutely aware of this disparity, understanding that he needed to tread carefully when

making his moves on her.

Seo's high standing as a knight, coupled with her foreign origin, placed her in a position of

power and influence that Luke knew he had to respect.

Despite this, to him, she was nothing more than a tantalizingly exotic fruit waiting to be


In Luke's eyes, Seo was like a rare, honeyed fruit from the East-a refreshing change from his

usual conquests.

He had not had the pleasure of experiencing Eastern women in a long time, and the allure of

Seo was proving to be a potent temptation.

As days turned into weeks, Luke's initial subtle approaches began to give way to a growing


He had made every attempt to establish a connection with Seo, but her icy demeanor and

persistent indifference made progress painfully slow.

His usual methods of charm and gentle persuasion were failing, and he was growing

increasingly frustrated.

By the end of the third week, Luke's frustration had reached a boiling point.

He decided it was time for more drastic measures.

Drawing on his past experiences, he prepared to use a potion designed to enhance a woman's

desires an effective tool he had employed in the past to sway even the most resistant hearts.

This potion, known for its potency, had never failed him before. However, just as he was about to execute his plan, a formidable obstacle presented itself.

Riley Hell, the second-ranked student among the knight department, emerged as an unexpected complication.

Riley was a figure Luke considered to be nothing out of the ordinary-a fellow genius with a

similarly apathetic outlook on life.

To Luke, Riley was just another talented individual in a sea of promising students, his

presence barely registering as a threat.

Yet, Riley's presence was becoming increasingly significant.

It seemed that every attempt Luke made to get closer to Seo was met with subtle interference

from Riley.

Whether intentional or not, Riley's mere existence was beginning to create an invisible barrier between Luke and his target.

One day, Riley's cool, commanding voice cut through Luke's thoughts. "Professor... know your limits," Riley said with a tone that left no room for


The words were a warning, a reminder that Luke's efforts were encroaching upon territory

Riley considered his own.

Luke's irritation flared as he remembered what happened that day.

'That bastard!'

'Who does he think he is?'

He had not anticipated Riley to be a significant barrier of his plans.

In his mind, Riley was just another student-someone who should be easily overshadowed by

his own prowess and authority.

The fact that Riley was now seemingly putting him in check was an unexpected twist that

Luke found both vexing and intriguing.

'So, the rumors about those two were true...'


Luke's realization that Riley and Seo shared a discreet yet significant relationship was a bitter

pill to swallow.

The closeness between them, though not overtly public, was confirmed by Riley's warning, implying that the rumors about their connection were indeed accurate.

The revelation forced Luke to reconsider his strategy entirely. Seo was no longer a viable

target, as Riley's presence and influence in her life were too strong to overcome. The irritation Luke felt towards Riley was palpable. The nerve of Riley, warning him so brazenly, was infuriating.

Luke wanted nothing more than to confront Riley, to rip away the veneer of calm and poise

that the young knight presented.

However, he was not foolish; Riley's reputation as a figure of considerable importance in the academy was well-known.

He had connections with influential figures-the empire's princess, a renowned golden merchant, and even the academy's principal, who had explicitly cautioned the new professors about Riley's significance and the importance of avoiding any conflicts with him. Luke knew better than to engage in a direct confrontation with someone of Riley's stature.

The academy had made it clear that Riley was a key player in its intricate web of power and influence.

Engaging with Riley recklessly could lead to consequences far beyond his control. As such, despite his frustration and desire for retribution, Luke recognized that pursuing Seo

any further was a futile endeavor.

Letting go of his pursuit of Seo was not an easy decision, especially given his curiosity and the

challenge presented by Riley.

However, Luke was pragmatic.

He understood the necessity of moving on and redirecting his efforts elsewhere.

'Oh well- there's still plenty of flowers to choose from-'

The academy was a vast landscape teeming with opportunities and potential targets.

Sighing with a mix of frustration and resignation, Luke prepared to leave his classroom when the door suddenly swung open.

"Ah, Professor Luke, you're still here? Great!"

The voice was unmistakable-Janica, her red hair cascading like a fiery waterfall, her green emerald eyes sparkling with a genuine sense of urgency and excitement.

She looked flustered, her breath coming in short, hurried gasps as though she had sprinted to

reach him.

Janica hurried inside, her enthusiasm barely contained.

She clutched a stack of papers tightly in her hands and approached Luke with a look of

innocent anticipation.

"This is regarding the club I mentioned to you last time. We've gotten the clearance from the

dean! Hehe, but we still need an advisor...."

Luke's lips curled into a soft, amused smile as he took in Janica's earnest expression. With a

slight chuckle, he reached out and patted her head in a gesture of encouragement. "Sure, I'll sign it for you."

As Janica's face lit up with joy, Luke's eyes shifted subtly.

His expression was carefully neutral, but beneath the surface, a calculating glimmer danced.

A hidden smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he observed the glint of the pink glow from

the ring on his finger—a ring that now seeped into Janica's mind with its subtle, persuasive


Luke's gaze lingered on Janica, taking in her features.

She had a beautiful face, a promising figure, and a family with a respectable standing-well

off, but not as wealthy or influential as his own.

She possessed qualities that could be advantageous, especially considering her enthusiasm

and earnestness.

As he slowly signed the papers, his mind whirred with new possibilities. His eyes, momentarily glinting with a dangerous edge, reflected his shifting thoughts.

In the midst of their seemingly casual interaction, Luke's focus had shifted. Janica, with her

charming naivety and accessible status.

She had become his next best target. Luke's eyes gleamed with a mix of calculated excitement

and dark satisfaction as he prepared to set his plan into motion.

With a snap of his fingers, the magic within his ring activated, its subtle enchantments beginning to weave their influence.

He knew it was a bit hasty, but there was something invigorating about getting a head start.

After all, what was the point of having such power if he didn't indulge in a bit of fun along the


"Miss Janica," he called out, his voice smooth and inviting. Janica turned toward him, her expression curious and slightly puzzled. "Hm?" With practiced grace, Luke's hands moved toward her, ostensibly to address a minor detail.

He gently reached out and brushed a stray leaf from her red hair.

"There's a leaf sticking to it," he said, his tone deceptively casual. As his fingers made contact, they inadvertently grazed the sensitive skin of her ear and neck.

The touch was light, but it carried an unexpected intensity.

A warmth spread through Janica, her breaths quickening and her heartbeat accelerating in


The sensation was foreign, causing a strange and disconcerting mix of pleasure and confusion

that she had never felt before.

"Miss Janica, are you alright?" Luke's voice carried a note of concern as he gripped her

shoulders with a tender yet firm hold.

The touch was both soothing and unsettling. Janica's mind raced, struggling to make sense of

the new, intense feelings coursing through her.

The once-clear path of her thoughts became clouded, and the world seemed to tilt slightly on

its axis.

"P-Professor, I don't feel so good..." she managed to stammer, her voice trembling. She instinctively tried to push him away, her intuition sensing an underlying danger in the


Her steps were shaky as she attempted to leave the room, seeking escape from the sudden

surge of disquiet.

But Luke was already there, his movements smooth and deliberate.

He moved with an effortless grace that belied his intentions, reaching out to lock the door

behind her.

The click of the lock seemed to echo ominously in the now-confined space.

"Please don't e too hasty, Miss Janica," he said softly, his voice carrying a hypnotic edge.

know you're not feeling well right now, but don't worry. You'll feel quite good very soon- Oh, and you probably won't remember a thing, so just let yourself go and let me handle the rest~"

His words were laced with an unnerving calm, their soothing quality in stark contrast to the

sense of dread creeping over Janica.

The magical influence of the ring continued to seep into her consciousness, blending with her

growing confusion and discomfort.

Luke's intentions were clear.

He wanted to eat this fruit, right here right now.

In the confines of the room, with the door securely locked and Luke's presence looming over

her, Janica faced the unsettling reality of her situation.


'Lucas.... Please save me'

Her quiet calls for help were the only thing she could do under her charmed state.

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