How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 146: Wits and Plays 3

Chapter 146: Wits and Plays 3

Reality and expectation often diverge in unexpected ways, a truth Kagami Kento came to understand as he embarked on his journey at the academy.

From a young age, Kagami had nurtured dreams of a better future, one where he would rise above the weight of his clan's expectations and carve out a path for himself.

"You're the pride and joy of our clan"

"Remember, Kagami, our Meteor Fist technique must only be used against those truly worthy of facing it"

"Kagami, be strong"

Born into a prestigious martial clan in the eastern empire, Kagami was expected to embody the pinnacle of their ancestral legacy.

From the moment he took his first steps, the weight of these expectations rested heavily on his shoulders.

The admiring gazes and intense scrutiny of those around him were both a burden and a badge of honor.

While the heavy stares of his peers and mentors could have been overwhelming, Kagami chose to embrace them.

He saw them not as a chain but as a symbol of the great potential that lay within him.

Despite his young age, Kagami was aware of his unique position.

Out of the five siblings in his family, he alone possessed the rare talent to inherit and perfect the clan's renowned techniques.

This bestowed upon him not just the expectation of greatness but also a profound sense of responsibility.

His strength and aptitude were evident, and he took pride in his ability to live up to the high standards set before him.

Kagami's dedication to the martial code was unwavering. He adhered strictly to the rules and customs that defined his clan's way of life.

The martial code, with its emphasis on duty and honor, was his guiding principle-one that mirrored the knightly code of honor he encountered at the academy.

This code was not merely a set of rules but a way of life, shaping his worldview and actions. However, as Kagami settled into his life at the academy, he began to confront the stark contrast between his idealistic dreams and the complex reality he faced.

The academy, a place he had envisioned as a haven for honing his skills and achieving greatness, presented challenges he had not anticipated.

While Kagami had always been strong and talented, the real world proved to be a far more intricate and challenging arena than he had ever anticipated.

Entering the academy, he had envisioned himself as someone slightly above the ordinary, a prodigy in his own right.

However, this idealistic self-image faced a harsh reality upon encountering his peers.

He had believed that his strength and the discipline instilled in him from his clan would set him apart, but the academy was a different world altogether.

The skills and prowess of his classmates were astonishing, far surpassing his expectations.

He quickly realized that brute force and sheer talent alone could not solve every problem within the academy's walls.

The academic and social challenges presented to him required more than just physical strength-they demanded strategic thinking, adaptability, and a nuanced understanding of complex dynamics.

Kagami was struck by the sight of his peers, many of whom were not only as capable as he was but in many cases, significantly stronger.

The realization that his strength, once a source of pride, was now dwarfed by the abilities of those around him was a bitter pill to swallow.

His lofty hopes and plans of becoming the best at the academy were shattered by this stark reality.

The image he had built of himself as the epitome of martial prowess seemed almost naïve in the face of the extraordinary talent present in the academy.

While Kagami's initial reaction was one of hurt pride, it was not directed at his classmates. He held no ill will towards them; instead, his frustration was directed inward.

He was disheartened by his own misguided self-perception.

The ego that had once driven him, fueled by his clan's praise and his own achievements, now seemed to betray him.

He resented himself for believing that his strength alone would be sufficient to conquer the academy's challenges.

That was why Kagami resolved to push himself beyond his limits, embracing the burden of expectations placed upon him with renewed determination.

The realization that he had been living under the illusion of superiority stung deeply.

He was no longer just a standout in his own little world but had found himself among a multitude of equally or even more capable individuals.

The metaphor of being "a frog in a well" rang true, highlighting his previous ignorance of the broader scope of competition and challenge he faced.

As the semester progressed, Kagami's focus sharpened.

He was no longer content with his previous level of training; he knew he needed to adapt and evolve if he was to meet the high standards set for him and truly become the best version of


Determined to close the gap between himself and his formidable peers, he intensified his training regimen, pushing himself harder than ever before.

He frequented the public training gym located in Killian's Hall central halls, a place renowned for its state-of-the-art equipment and its role as a hub for rigorous physical training.




With heavy breaths and sweat pouring down his face, Kagami tackled his bench presses with relentless vigor.

His sets went well beyond the hundred marks, with each repetition, he would increase its


Despite the intense focus on his training, Kagami was acutely aware of the attention he was drawing from other students.

The gym, often bustling with activity, became a stage for him as he pushed his limits. Whispers and comments fluttered around him, a mix of admiration and curiosity.

"Kagami sure is aggressive today"

"I heard he stepped up his training after almost getting beaten by his second-year opponent

last semester"

"Look at those muscles"

The varying opinions and hushed conversations did not bother Kagami.

He had come to understand that within the academy, especially among the students of noble

status, gossip and rumors were a constant undercurrent.

Kagami's gaze shifted to his right, where another figure was hard at work.

The young man next to him, with golden hair that shimmered under the gym's lights, was a

striking contrast to Kagami's intense focus.

Riley Hell, a fellow knight department student and the second-ranked in their class, was engaged in a workout routine that mirrored Kagami's own.

His sweat-soaked physique and the determined expression on his face spoke volumes about

his dedication.

Kagami wiped the sweat from his brow and approached Riley, who was in the middle of his


The air between them crackled with a competitive energy as Kagami spoke up, breaking the rhythmic clinking of weights.

"Hey, about what you said earlier," Kagami began, trying to sound casual but unable to hide the undercurrent of curiosity in his voice. "Where did you hear it from?"

Riley paused, setting down the barbell with a controlled thud.

His piercing blue eyes met Kagami's with a hint of amusement, as if he had been expecting

this question.

"Hm? I thought you said you don't want to hear anything about baseless rumors," Riley replied, his voice calm and measured.

"If the facts behind it are somewhat reliable, then... what you said is a hard matter to just


Especially if it was matters relating to his family's technique....


For the past few weeks, I've been putting in extra effort to catch Kagami Kento's attention. The guy has a knack for gravitating towards those who take their responsibilities seriously- people like Lucas, who excel academically and uphold their duties with a sense of purpose. It wasn't that hard to make a good impression, especially once I started showing up to class earlier and maintaining a more disciplined approach.

I knew that to get him to notice me, I needed to align with his values.

It's been a bit of a grind, making those early mornings and managing my academic

responsibilities with precision.

But the payoff has been worth it. Kagami and I have managed to get to a point where we can

train together openly.

It's a significant step, one that's brought us closer and allowed me to observe him up close. When Kagami trains, it's hard not to notice the sheer size of his muscles.

His uniform might hide his bulk somewhat, but once he's in his training gear, it's impossible

to miss.

The way his biceps bulge with every movement, the intensity of his focus-it's impressive, almost overwhelming.

There's something about his physique and demeanor that commands attention.

His build and the aura he exudes make him look like someone who's been molded by tough,

relentless training.

I can see why many people steer clear of him; his imposing presence and tough-guy look are enough to make anyone think twice before striking up a conversation.

I haven't had the chance to see Kagami's performance in the Grand Festival yet, so I'm not entirely sure where he stands in terms of raw power.

But if the game's scenario holds true, he should be relative to around the B-A rank in terms of

skill and abilities.

'I wouldn't be surprised if Kagami had already unlocked his clan's special skill by now.'

[Comet's Tail]—it's one of the few S-rank skills that Kagami could acquire relatively early in

the game's storyline.

The developers seemed to have bestowed this immense power on him, likely to match and relate his otherwise intimidating and bulked-up build with his strength and skills. Though, despite its power, the devs did place some restrictions on it, allowing him to use it only once a day, presumably to prevent him from becoming too overpowered. 'Though they never thought about putting some restrictions on the main heroines though...

Seo and Rose are great examples of that'


Rumor has it that during the Grand Festival, a dazzling blue fire erupted from his fists as he

decisively defeated his opponent.

The visual spectacle of that blue flame matched the description of Comet's Tail, making it a

safe bet that Kagami already possesses this powerful ability.

A smile curled at the corner of my lips.

Just like Luc

many of the significant characters who could potentially aid me in overcoming

Liyana in the future are growing stronger without my direct interference.

Right now, the first chapter of the main scenario should be wrapping up, with the election

routes where the heroines running for presidency have been diligently establishing and subtly enhancing their political moves and value.

This initial phase has likely seen the heroines completing their significant goals, setting the stage for the next chapter.

As we transition into [Act 2, Chapter 2: Wits and Plays], the dynamics shift. This arc focuses on the heroines' efforts to recruit the most influential students to their

parties, thereby boosting their political influence and preparing for the upcoming voting

period. Their strategies will involve a mix of persuasion, alliances, and tactical plays designed to maximize their chances when the election heats up.

Kagami Kento, along with my classmate Gilbert, is a significant asset for any of the running


Their value stems from their representation of foreign countries, which is crucial in an

academy teeming with students from various nations.

The presence of these international students adds another layer of complexity to the political

landscape. Candidates who can secure the support of key representatives like Kagami and Gilbert will have a substantial advantage, gaining access to a broader network of influence and potentially swaying more votes in their favor.

Given the importance of international representation and the intricate web of alliances, it's

evident why the candidates are keen to align themselves with influential figures like Kagami

and Gilbert.

At first, I had my bets placed on Gilbert as a strategic asset for bolstering my chosen candidate's chances.

However, with Snow already having claimed him for her side, I now need to redirect my

efforts toward Kagami.

My goal is to influence him to join either Rose's side or Dorothy's side to balance the playing

field. Snow's acquisition of Gilbert has cemented her position as a strong contender, potentially making her presidency almost inevitable if things continue on this path.

While it would be ideal for Kagami to align with Dorothy to bolster her chances, I must face

the reality that convincing him may be more challenging than anticipated. Dorothy's campaign is already struggling, largely due to her previous tenure as president, which has led to a sentiment among the student body that it's time for a change.

Her chances of success in the election are looking grim, and despite Kagami's potential

influence, it's unlikely that it will significantly alter the voting numbers. Moreover, Kagami's own sense of pride and the reputation of his clan play a role in his decision-making.

He's not likely to associate himself with a losing cause, especially if it risks diminishing his

own standing. Given the current political landscape, where Snow's dominance is becoming increasingly clear, convincing Kagami to join Dorothy's side might be an uphill battle.

He probably doesn't want to risk being an enemy in front of Snow's eyes as well.

"Hey, about what you said earlier-where did you hear it from?" "Hm? I thought you said you don't want to hear anything about baseless rumors."

"If the facts behind it are somewhat reliable, then... what you said is a hard matter to just


He took the bait.


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