How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 151: Snowy Feelings 2

Chapter 151: Snowy Feelings 2

Right after Professor Luke's defeat, the academy staff was quickly informed about the incident, thanks to Princess Snow.

The news spread like wildfire, and it wasn't long before Janica was taken to the infirmary to receive the care she desperately needed.

Now, with the immediate crisis behind us, Snow and I found ourselves walking side by side through the academy halls, our pace slowed by the weight of what had just transpired.

"This situation is bound to cause quite an uproar in the academy soon," Snow remarked, her voice carrying a tone of inevitability.

I nodded in agreement.

'Yup, that's to be expected.'

This incident was going to send shockwaves through the academy, just as it did in the game.

The repercussions were bound to be severe, with the potential to further tarnish the academy's already damaged reputation.

The academy had been through so much drama just last semester.

There was the terrorist attack that had shaken everyone to their core, the assassination attempt on Princess Snow, and even the mysterious disappearance of two of the academy's top students.

'To which I was in avertedly involved in...'

Each of these events had chipped away at the institution's credibility, leaving it vulnerable to criticism and doubt.

Now, with this latest scandal involving a professor, the academy was in for yet another round of chaos.

As we walked, the quiet tension between us reflected the uncertainty of the days to come.

I couldn't help but think about how this event would play out in the broader context of the game's original storyline.

In the game, this kind of scandal would have caused significant delays in the academy's schedule.

The upcoming written exams and the much-anticipated Duo exams would likely be pushed back by at least a week, if not more.

Student opinion will probably be split regarding the delay.

On one hand, some will welcome the extra time to prepare, especially given how important this semester's Duo exams are.

This time, the exams won't just influence class rankings; they'll also play a critical role in determining class placements for our upcoming second year.

It's a shift that adds significant weight to the exams, making the delay both a relief and a source of anxiety for different students.

While there will be another class evaluation test, that's more of an assessment for the first years, rather than something that will significantly impact us as second years.

I glanced at Snow, still somewhat in awe of how quickly she had assessed and managed the entire situation.

Sure, it was in line with her character-always composed, always ahead of the curve-but it was still surprising to see her in action.

There was a sense of relief knowing that she had taken charge, handling the staff and the aftermath with a level of competence that I could only admire.

It made me wonder just what she had said or done to keep me from being more involved than I already was.

'She's too reliable when it comes to matters like this,'

Snow had a knack for navigating complex situations, and her influence was palpable.

While the academy staff did glance at me, none of them seemed particularly inclined to ask me any questions.

It was clear that Snow had somehow deflected their attention, ensuring that I wouldn't be dragged further into the mess.

Anyway, how exactly did she suddenly end up in that situation?

In the game, Snow wasn't actually supposed to show up until later on, when she helped Lucas clear his name after killing or restraining the professor.

"It was a bit surprising to see you back there, Snow," I remarked, still trying to piece together how things had deviated from the original storyline.

Especially when you consider how busy she has to be with the upcoming student council elections. Piles of papers, notes, and preparations should've been enough to keep her glued to her office.

Snow perked her head up, her gaze neutral but attentive.

"My duties ended rather early, and I was actually planning on taking a short break outside to freshen up my mind. But then a certain mana signature suddenly spiked up, and before I knew it..."

"I see."

'So, it was indirectly my fault, huh?'

Did the effects of Monarch's Will amplify my mana output?

Considering the skill's effects, I thought only my presence was supposed to be expanded, but I guess my emotional state somehow reflects on my mana levels.

Snow's early arrival had completely altered the course of events, preventing the original scenario where Lucas would have taken the lead.

But then again, as I took on Lucas's role in that moment, I can't really complain much. Now that I think about it, what will happen to Lucas's and Janica's relationship progress now?

I made sure not to raise any flags with Janica by avoiding her and even keeping some distance all this time.

Even now, I made sure to keep her in direct contact with Snow after saving her, hoping to avoid any complications like those that occurred with the other heroines.

Walking across thin lines in relationships would only bring me closer to death.

As we continued our walk, the gravity of the situation started to settle in. I glanced at Snow, taking in her ethereal presence.

With snow-white hair and jewel-like eyes, she was as beautiful as ever.

Her iconic white cloak, combined with her own personal white uniform, always seemed to highlight her overall beauty despite the high contrast of her dress.

It was almost as if she was designed to stand out, a beacon of purity and strength in the chaos

of this world.

"By the way, why were you with Janica, Riley?" Snow's voice broke through my thoughts, her tone curious yet measured.

"I just happened to be there and noticed something off with one of the classrooms" I replied, keeping my voice even, trying not to give anything away.

Even if she asks, I can't exactly give any other proper answer other than this, she has an uncanny ability to see through lies so a half truth like this is the only thing I can give to her

right now.


Snow didn't seem entirely satisfied with my answer, but she didn't press the matter further. Instead, she glanced back at me, her gaze holding a slight hint of nostalgia.

"You know, Riley, it's been a while since we've seen each other..... If it's not too much to ask, can I take a moment of your time?"

Now that I think about it, what she said was true... This was technically our first real conversation since the semester started a few weeks ago.

Although we did occasionally see each other from time to time, no actual talk took place. Either she was too busy with her own responsibilities, or I was caught up in mine.

I can't say I was purposefully avoiding her because of my memories, but I can't exactly deny it


My complex emotions toward Snow were truly a factor, and deep down, I might have been unconsciously avoiding her.

As much as I wanted to avoid any flags with the heroines, that was just an excuse for being

such a lousy friend.

I groaned inwardly before finally speaking. "Sure..."

I didn't know what she wanted to talk about, but I could make a few guesses-probably

something related to the upcoming elections or maybe even something more personal.

Seeing my response, she smiled, a happy expression that seemed to light up her face... but for

some reason, it felt off.


"You know I'm running for presidency, right, Riley?"


We walked through the education district side by side, our presence together grabbing the

attention of onlookers.

It wasn't unusual-this early in the semester, the district was bustling with students

returning to their routines.

But as always, the noble students were particularly keen on gossip, and I could already see the whispers starting to spread, their curious gazes lingering on us a little too long.

Judging from their expressions, I knew that new rumors about me were bound to circulate


Walking with the already popular Snow, who was not just any student but a princess and a candidate for the student council presidency, would undoubtedly fuel speculation.

I had expected Snow to take me somewhere more private if she wanted to have a serious conversation, but instead, we continued our stroll through one of the most public areas of the


I couldn't help but wonder if this was the best choice for her image.

Associating with me didn't necessarily provide a good or bad image-it was more

complicated than that.

My reputation at the school wasn't exactly spotless, and aligning herself with me wouldn't do

much for her campaign.

Still, Snow was nothing if not strategic.

'She had to have a reason for this.'

Especially with all the eyes and ears around us....

"I'll be blunt with you, Riley," she said, her tone shifting as she turned to face me. "I want

you to join my team."

Her words hung in the air between us, heavy with expectation. I had anticipated this, but hearing it directly from her still caught me off guard.

Snow was offering me a place in her campaign, a chance to be part of something significant.

Yet, despite the sincerity in her eyes, I knew my answer even before she finished speaking.

"I'm sorry, but I can't"

Snow's gaze didn't waver, but I could see the question forming in her mind. "And why is that

the case?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I'm already running in support of someone else"

"Is it Rose?" she asked, her voice calm, but there was an undercurrent of something-

disappointment, perhaps? Or maybe just resignation.

I nodded. "Yes."

For a moment, Snow's expression remained unreadable.

She was excellent at masking her true feelings, a skill honed by years of navigating the

treacherous waters of noble politics.

But even she couldn't completely hide the flicker of emotion that passed through her eyes-a mixture of frustration and acceptance.

"I see," she said softly, more to herself than to me. "I suppose I should have expected that."

Her words hung in the air, carrying a weight that made me wonder if there had been more conversations between her and Rose than I was aware of. Had Rose provoked her somehow?

"Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it now," Snow continued, her tone lightening

slightly, though there was still a hint of something deeper underneath. "It's a shame, but I'll let her have you for now~"

Her words caught me off guard. "Excuse me?"

She turned to me with a playful smile, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and determination. "Once I become president, can you at least promise me to consider a position

in my campaign?"

I hesitated for a moment, but there was no harm in agreeing to consider it, especially since it was just a hypothetical situation for now.

"Gladly," I replied, though my mind was already racing with other concerns.

Glancing around, I noticed the number of eyes still on us, and a sense of unease began to creep

in. Lowering my voice, I stepped closer to Snow, my tone filled with caution.

"Is it alright for you to openly talk about politics like this?" I asked. "With the way you're speaking, it sounds like you've already arrogantly won everything. Even if you're the leading candidate... there are certain things you can't say publicly, right?"

Snow paused, meeting my gaze with a thoughtful expression.

For a moment, I wondered if I had overstepped, if my concern was unfounded. But then she looked away, her eyes distant as if she was contemplating something deeply.

"It's fine," she finally answered, though there was a subtle shift in her tone that I couldn't

quite place. "My intentions are not on political matters..."

Her voice trailed off into a mumble, almost as if she was speaking more to herself than to me.

The way she said it made me wonder if there was something else going on beneath the surface, something more personal that she wasn't ready to share.

But before I could press her further, Snow straightened up, her usual composure snapping

back into place as she gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't put your mind into it, just think of this matter as nothing more than just my whims~" Snow's voice had a playful lilt to it.

"...Ok," I replied, unsure of how else to respond.

I tried to focus on the rhythm of our steps, but the unease from our conversation lingered.

As we continued walking, I noticed that the space between us had closed without me even realizing it. I instinctively tried to create some distance, stepping back ever so slightly. However, before I could fully withdraw, Snow reached out and grabbed my right hand, her

grip gentle yet firm, preventing me from pulling away.

"Your Highness?"

"Snow," she corrected with a soft smile, her gaze meeting mine with a certain insistence.

"That's how you're supposed to call me, remember?"

"I thought that was only when we're in private?"

The thought of addressing her so informally in public, with so many eyes on us, made my stomach twist.

This wasn't just about avoiding awkward rumors anymore-it was about survival.

In an academy where reputations were everything, speaking to Princess Snow so casually

could have serious consequences.

If it were Lucas, who was a commoner, the students might have chalked up any informalities

to ignorance, but I didn't have that luxury.

As a noble, the rules were different.

Any misstep could fuel the gossip mill, and the last thing I needed was more exaggerated

rumors circulating about me.

It was bad enough being constantly under scrutiny; adding fuel to the fire would only make

things worse.

She does realize it isn't just the students around, right? I thought, my eyes flicking around the

courtyard. Although I couldn't see or sense them, I was fairly certain that a couple of shadow knights from the emperor were lurking around her right now.

These elite guards were always present, invisible to most, but I knew they were there,

watching and listening, ready to intervene at a moment's notice.

Once the emperor hears about this... then I'm screwed. Rumors have a way of spreading like wildfire in places like this, passing from one person to

another until they become distorted information.

And once that information reaches the emperor's ears, it's only a matter of time before it gets

to the duke. And when it gets to the duke... Liyana will hear it too.

I could already picture the cascade of misunderstandings and complications this would cause.

Liyana wasn't exactly the type to sit idly by if she thought someone else was getting too close

to me.

If she caught wind of any rumors, especially those involving me and Snow, things could spiral out of control quickly.

"It's fine... I don't want the two of us to hold each other back any longer, so just call me Snow

from now on"



"You know I can't-"



I sighed, realizing there was no winning this argument. Snow's persistence was both

charming and unnerving, and it was clear she wouldn't back down.

Chuckling to herself as if finding my resignation amusing, Snow pressed herself closer to me.

Her actions weren't just playful; they were deliberate, making sure everyone around us


I could feel the stares of the nearby onlookers, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

This was exactly the kind of scene that would fuel the rumor mill, and I couldn't help but feel

a growing sense of dread.

"There's actually something I've been curious about this entire time, Riley," Snow began, her

voice dropping to a more serious tone. "What exactly is your relationship with Miss Seo?"

"We're friends...."

If you didn't consider the rumors surrounding Seo and me, it was clear as day that we were just friends-though, in Seo's case, we were best friends. "And Miss Rose?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied my reaction. "Rose is also a friend," I answered, though in truth, she was more like a partner in our shared


Our relationship was complicated, but I couldn't exactly explain that to Snow without raising even more questions.

"Then... what about Miss Clara?" she continued; her tone almost too casual.

"The same as the last two...." I replied, feeling increasingly uneasy with where this

conversation was heading.


Snow hummed thoughtfully, as if processing the information I'd given her. "Why are you even asking me such questions?" I finally asked, unable to hide my curiosity.

Snow wasn't the type to ask things without a reason, and the pointed nature of her questions

made me wonder what she was really getting at.

"I just find it interesting, that's all. You're surrounded by so many remarkable women, yet you maintain that they're all just 'friends.' Even with all the rumors suggesting otherwise," Snow remarked, her tone light but with an underlying curiosity that made me pause.

"I didn't think you were the type to listen to nonsense,"

"Believe me, I don't, but I do find it entertaining nonetheless," she responded, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Fufu... Am I also part of this labeled 'friends' group of yours, perhaps?"

"In a sense..."

"You really have no mercy.... that hurts you know~"


"But I guess that's what makes you a bit special in front of their eyes..."

"Hm?" I raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure what she meant by that. Was she talking about the other heroines, or was there something else she was hinting at?

"But I'm glad~" she added, her voice softening, taking on a tone that made my heart skip a



Snow stopped walking and locked eyes with me, her smirk fading into something more tender, something far more genuine.

The playful air around her seemed to dissipate, replaced by an expression that was both

earnest and disarming.

Her smile was the most genuine, the most vulnerable I had ever seen from her, and it struck

me in a way that made it impossible to look away. As our bodies pressed together in the slight crowd, the space between us seemed to shrink,

and it was as if the rest of the world fell away, leaving only the two of us in this moment. "Riley Hell, you know I see you as more than just a friend, right?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper, yet it felt like her words echoed in the silence that suddenly enveloped us.

The moment those words left her lips, time seemed to come to a standstill. The bustling noise of the students around us faded into nothingness, as if the world itself had

paused to give weight to what she had just confessed.

My mind raced, trying to process the gravity of her words, but I found myself unable to move,

unable to react, as if rooted in place by the sheer force of the moment. Her confession hung in the air between us, charged with an intensity that made it hard to


I could feel the heat radiating from her body, the closeness of her presence overwhelming my


Her gaze never wavered.

This wasn't just a playful flirtation or a casual conversation.

Snow was trying to tell me something real....

"I don't know if you'll hate me for this," Snow began, her voice trembling slightly but

resolute, "but jealousy is quite the hateful thing. After all, as much as I am a princess, I'm still

a girl in love."


"Trying to balance Pushing and Pulling just doesn't seem to work on you, Riley. Not my way

nor your way, even though I've tried to be obvious.... That's why I'm going to be a bit more

selfish now Riley, pushing everything I've got towards you," Before I could react, Snow closed the distance between us once more, slightly turning me to

face her as she pulled me in.

The warmth of her body pressed against mine, and for a moment, I felt a soft, comforting

warmth on my lips as her breath mingled with mine.

Her eyes were closed, and I could feel the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath she


It was reminiscent of our previous encounter, but this time it felt more intense, more lingering, as if she was pouring every ounce of her feelings into this one, single moment.

"Riley, I like you..." she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath, but it carried a weight that seemed to crush all the noise and activity around us.

It was then that I realized time had not stopped, but Snow's powerful declaration had made

everything around us pause.

The bustling students who had been passing by, chatting and laughing, had come to a


Their gazes were fixed on us, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity.

The whole scene had become a tableau of shock and awe, with Snow's confession as the


My fate can't be changed....

'I'm seriously going to die'

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