How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 152: What's wrong with kissing?

Chapter 152: What's wrong with kissing?

"Are you alright, Janica?" Lucas's voice was soft, laced with concern as he entered the infirmary.

"Yes..." Janica replied quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

The news about his childhood friend had reached him quickly, and without a second thought, Lucas had rushed to the infirmary to see her.

Janica was still recovering from the lingering effects of the potion and spell Professor Luke Walker had used on her.

Even though she was slowly healing, the side effects were still evident, leaving her in a fragile state.

As she sat by the window, the warm glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a soft, golden light.

The sunlight caught Janica's fiery red hair, making it shimmer and seem even more vibrant against the backdrop of the fading day.

Despite the weariness that clung to her, the light seemed to accentuate her natural beauty, making her stand out even more in her weakened state.

Lucas knew Janica was slowly getting better, and the doctors had assured him that there was nothing too serious to worry about.

Yet, he couldn't shake the anxiety gnawing at him as he watched her stare blankly out the window. It was that distant, unfocused gaze that unsettled him the most.

"Are you sure? Maybe I should get the doctor?" he asked, his worry evident in the way he hovered near her bed.

"It's fine..."

"How about some water? You might feel better after drinking something"

Janica shook her head gently, a small, tired smile playing on her lips.

"No, I'm telling you, I'm really alright..."

She could see the anxiety etched into Lucas's features, the way his brow furrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line.

He was always the one looking out for her, always trying to make sure she was okay.

The weight of his worry made her heart ache, but at the same time, it touched her deeply.

She liked to see this caring side of him, which he rarely gives her.

As she watched him, Janica couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Seeing Lucas this way, so utterly concerned for her, was both endearing and a little amusing.

A small chuckle escaped her lips, breaking the silence between them.

"What's so funny?" Lucas asked, a puzzled expression crossing his face as he tilted his head slightly.

"Nothing," Janica replied, but the laughter in her voice betrayed her amusement.

The sight of Lucas's worried face, so earnest and sincere, was something she hadn't seen in a long time.

It reminded her of their younger days when he would fret over her scraped knees or scold her for being reckless.

There was a sweetness in his worry, a tenderness that she cherished deeply.

Even though she appreciated being pampered by him, the last thing she wanted was for him to be so consumed by worry that he couldn't relax.

"Really, Lucas," she said, her voice softening with affection. "You don't have to worry so much. I'm okay, I promise."

Lucas looked at her, his eyes searching her face for any sign that she might be hiding something.

But all he saw was the familiar, warm smile he had known for years. It was a smile that, despite everything, still had the power to reassure him.

"Alright," he finally relented, though the concern in his eyes hadn't completely faded. "But if you need anything, anything at all, you'll tell me, right?"

Janica nodded, her smile widening a fraction. "Of course, I will. But for now, all I need is for you to sit with me for a while. That's all."

Lucas smiled, a soft, relieved expression settling on his face as he pulled up a chair beside her bed.

The two of them sat in comfortable silence, the golden light of the sunset enveloping them as the day slowly came to a close.

As the sun slowly set, casting its lingering golden light across the room, Janica's mind was a swirling mix of emotions.

The vibrant colors of the sunset reflected the complexity of her thoughts, painting her heart with hues of gratitude, confusion, and something else she couldn't quite name.

Despite the warmth of Lucas's presence beside her, she found her mind drifting back to the man who had saved her.

'I have to give him my thanks...'

The thought echoed in her mind, persistent and undeniable.

At the time, she hadn't been able to properly express her gratitude to Riley for what he had done.

The chaos and confusion of the moment had clouded her thoughts, leaving her unable to find the right words.

But now, in the quiet of the infirmary, the reality of what could have been began to sink in.

If it hadn't been for Riley, she might have been lost to a never-ending spiral of shame and pain, unable to bear the weight of what she'd almost endured.

Her body felt warm, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush as she remembered Riley's gentle touch.

The way he had been there for her, steady and reassuring, had left an impression on her that she couldn't easily shake. It was more than just gratitude; it was admiration.

She could see now why so many were drawn to him, why so many flowers seemed to bloom in

his presence.

Riley wasn't just cool and handsome; he was reliable in a way that made people feel safe, as if they could entrust everything to him without fear.

For a moment, as she recalled how he had looked at her with those calm, steady eyes, Janica felt as though she could have left all her worries behind, letting Riley carry the burden for her.

The thought brought a strange sense of comfort, but also a pang of something deeper, something that tugged at her heart in a way she hadn't anticipated.

Clutching her chest, she turned her gaze back to Lucas, who had been watching her with quiet


Before she knew it, her hand reached out, grasping his.

The contact was a lifeline, grounding her in the present moment, but it also brought with it the rhythmic thumping of her heartbeat, loud and insistent in her ears.

"Janica?" Lucas's voice was soft, his brow furrowed in concern as he felt the subtle trembling

of her hand in his.

Thump-! Thump~!

The sound of her heartbeat echoed in her mind, a reminder of the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. But as she held onto Lucas's hand, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

'Don't let yourself get confused Janica....'

Letting out a soft sigh, Janica's grip on Lucas's hand tightened ever so slightly, as if anchoring herself to the warmth and comfort he provided.


"Did you hear about what happened yesterday, Riley?"


As expected, the news had spread like wildfire, igniting conversations and gossip throughout

the academy.

It was the kind of scandal that couldn't be contained, no matter how hard anyone tried.

A newly hired professor from the knight department had attempted to force himself on a student-a shocking and disgraceful act that had everyone talking.

The entire academy was abuzz with growing worry and concern.

The principal must be under immense pressure, scrambling to address the concerns of the

school's sponsors and donors.

I could only imagine the stress she was under, trying to placate a group of high-ranking individuals demanding answers and assurances.

"Were you involved in it, Riley?"



"You could tell?"

"You didn't show up yesterday...,"

I sighed, a reluctant breath escaping my lips as I continued to swing my blade through the

cold winter air.

The snow fell gently around us, each flake drifting down like tiny shards of ice, but I hardly

noticed the chill.

Seo had always been sharp, her mind quick to pick up on the smallest details despite her air

headed nature.

Even though, publicly, I hadn't been involved in the incident-thanks to Snow's interference

-Seo had pieced together the truth.

Considering she had expected me yesterday, my absence was probably enough for her to start putting two and two together.

"I did get involved, but only at the start," I admitted, my voice steady as I met Seo's gaze. "Everything else was resolved by the princess."

"I see... Did Janica get hurt?" Seo asked, her tone still neutral, but there was a hint of concern

in her eyes that I couldn't ignore.

"No, fortunately, I arrived just in time before anything could happen," I reassured her.

Seo nodded, her expression remaining as calm and collected as ever, but I could tell that she

was relieved.

Despite her usually detached demeanor and the limited interactions she had with Janica, it was clear that Seo did consider her a friend, at least to some degree.

'Though it's a bit sad that they're not as close as they were in the game,'

In the original storyline, Janica and Seo had a bond that was stronger, forged through shared experiences and mutual respect.

But here, things were different-more distant.

With how skillfully Snow handled everything yesterday, I doubted that any of the complicated

matters would reflect back on me.

The academy might start asking me certain questions, but I didn't think they'd

overcomplicate an already resolved situation.

Snow's involvement had been swift and efficient, leaving little room for any loose ends to be

tied back to me.

The real focus now would likely shift to the consequences of the incident, especially with

Snow's direct involvement.

Unlike in the original timeline, where Snow had stepped in later, this time she was fully hands-on, dealing with the matter earlier than usual.

This proactive approach had likely sent shockwaves through the academy's staff, who must now be sweating bullets trying to figure out how to appease a most likely furious emperor.

As Seo watched me with her usual studious gaze, her eyes tracking each of my movements, she sipped her fruit juice casually, despite the lingering cold that hung in the air outside.

The contrast between her focused observation and the almost leisurely way she drank from her cup was oddly comforting.

Classes were suspended due to yesterday's incident, but they were set to resume early


The interruption had pushed back some events, as expected, but not as significantly as I had

feared, which was a relief.

The academy was trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy, despite the underlying

tension that now permeated the halls.

Tracking the key players' movements in this arc was proving to be a challenge. With so many

variables in play, it was difficult to predict how things would unfold.

However, these few days of downtime provided me with an opportunity to prepare more

thoroughly for what was to come.

I had plans to tackle the Star Dungeon with Kagami, hoping to boost his specs and ensure he

was ready for the battles ahead.

And just to be extra cautious, I was considering having Seo join the team.

Her presence would be a safety net, a way to mitigate any unforeseen dangers that might arise

during our expedition.

The twins' disappearance still gnawed at the back of my mind, a mystery that remained


The possibilities were narrowing, but each potential outcome was more unsettling than the last. Whatever had happened to them, it was clear that this was no ordinary disappearance. I would need to treat matters regarding the side characters much more carefully now, less I

want another twin incident disappearance...

As I mulled over these thoughts, Seo broke the silence, her voice cutting through the crisp air.

"I also heard another interesting thing..."


"Did you kiss the princess?"


I had tried my best to forget and ignore what had happened yesterday, but it seemed that the

rumors had spread faster than I anticipated.

Seo's question hung in the air, and I could feel my muscles tense slightly, the weight of the

situation settling back onto my shoulders.

Of course, she would hear about it-everyone had.

The academy was a breeding ground for gossip, and something as significant as this wouldn't

stay hidden for long.

I tried to maintain my composure, though the memory of that moment flashed vividly in my


Snow's unexpected kiss had thrown me off balance, and now, facing Seo's probing gaze, I wasn't sure how to respond.

Denying it would be pointless, but acknowledging it would open up a whole new can of

worms that I wasn't ready to deal with.

Seo continued to sip her juice, her expression neutral but her eyes sharp, waiting for my response. It was clear that this wasn't just idle curiosity like she usually does....

The way she looked at me was different than usual, her already cold eyes seemed colder than


There was an edge to her gaze, a sharpness that made the air around us feel even more frigid.

It wasn't like Seo to be so intense, but the situation we were in was anything but ordinary.

"It wasn't my intention... and besides, the rumors are probably exaggerating everything again. I wasn't the one who initiated it," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"So you did kiss?" Her question was more of a statement, and the weight behind it made my

chest tighten.

I hesitated, knowing that anything I said could potentially make things worse.

But lying wouldn't help either. "... Yes," I finally admitted, feeling the word hang heavy in the

cold air.

Seo remained silent, her expression unreadable.

She seemed to be processing the information, her mind working through some internal


After what felt like an eternity, she nodded to herself, as if coming to some sort of conclusion.

"Did you like it, Riley? The kiss, I mean," she asked, her voice calm but carrying a hint of something else—something I couldn't quite place.

"I can't say..." I replied, my voice trailing off. I couldn't deny that I had enjoyed it-who

wouldn't feel a rush of excitement if someone as beautiful as Snow suddenly kissed them? Despite the complications it brought, that much was a fact. But admitting that to Seo felt like

stepping into dangerous territory.

"So, you're not sure......"

Seo's gaze bore into me, and for a moment, I thought the conversation might end there. But

then she spoke again, her tone softer, yet somehow more intense.

"Then... if I were the one who kissed you... would you like it, Riley?"


The question caught me completely off guard, and before I could fully process what she was

asking, I noticed something unsettling.

When did she get so close? Just a moment ago, she was standing a few meters away.

But now, she was right in front of me, her face inches from mine.

The sudden proximity made my heart race, and I could feel the heat of her breath against my


Then, just like a repetition of yesterday, Seo's hands gently but firmly grabbed onto my face,

her fingers cool against my skin.

Her eyes closed as she leaned in closer, her lips aiming for mine. It was happening so fast that

my mind struggled to keep up.

Instinctively, my hands moved to push her away, trying to stop what was happening before it

could go too far.

But just as I made contact with her shoulders, a searing heat and a blinding white flash filled

my vision, overwhelming my senses.


A powerful shockwave erupted between us, forcing the two of us apart with a force that felt

like it could tear the very air around us.

The impact sent us both stumbling back, the sudden burst of energy leaving us disoriented

and momentarily stunned.

As I regained my balance, I looked around, trying to understand what had just happened.

The snow around us was disturbed, swirling in the aftermath of the shockwave, and the air crackled with residual energy.

My eyes met Seo's, and I could see the confusion mirrored in her expression.

"Oh my... I'm so sorry~"

A quietly gentle voice, laced with cold bitterness, suddenly filled the air, catching both of us

off guard.

The sharpness of the words sent a chill down my spine.

We turned towards the source of the voice and were met with a sight that made my blood run


Rose stood there, her golden hair shimmering like the sands of a scorching desert under the sun, and her eyes, hollow and devoid of warmth, glowed with an eerie radiance.

But it was the cold, unyielding glare she directed at Seo that truly unsettled me-it was the

coldest look I had ever seen from her.

How long had she been standing there?

When did she arrive?

I hadn't sensed her presence at all.

'Did she teleport here?'

But teleportation—or any form of Celestial magic-was strictly forbidden outside of

academic purposes within the academy grounds.


The air around her crackled with an unsettling energy, and I watched as light began to solidify

behind Rose, forming into a series of short, glowing swords.

Her wand, gripped firmly in her hand, was pointed directly at us, its tip glowing ominously

with barely contained power.

"A black rat being sneaky won't do any good, you know?"

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