How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 68: Afternoon troubles

Chapter 68: Afternoon troubles

"Hm~ hm-hmm-" Ellie, the royal maid assigned to Princess Snow, hummed cheerfully as she enjoyed the fresh breeze wafting through the curtains.

She woke up with an infectious energy that radiated through her smile.

Shaking her head slightly to the rhythm of her hums, she carefully folded the blankets and duvet of her bed.

Her movements were graceful and precise, a testament to her meticulous nature.

After tidying up, she headed to the bathroom, where she washed her face lightly, the cool water invigorating her senses.

Proceeding to her maid quarters, Ellie donned her royal uniform.

The outfit, a blend of white and sky blue details, was both grand and unique in design, reflecting her status as a royal maid.

It wasn't just any ordinary maid attire; it symbolized her prestigious position within the royal household.

"Hehe~" she chuckled lightly, twirling and turning in front of her giant mirror. Her lively eyes sparkled with delight as she admired her reflection. With a satisfied smile, she then combed her hair neatly before tying it into pigtails, adding a touch of youthful charm to her appearance.

"Perfect~!" she exclaimed, beaming at her reflection.

For Ellie, this entire routine was a well-practiced ritual. It took her a mere five minutes to complete, a testament to her efficiency.

Like a well-oiled machine, she seamlessly transitioned from one task to the next, ensuring she was ready to start her day in under ten minutes.

With her preparations complete, Ellie felt a surge of excitement. Today, like every other day, she was dedicated to serving Princess Snow with the utmost care and devotion.

Checking herself one last time, Ellie examined her face in the mirror to ensure everything was perfect.

Satisfied with her appearance, she nodded in approval and left her room, making sure to lock it securely behind her.

With purposeful steps, Ellie made her way to Princess Snow's chambers.

The sun was already high in the sky, indicating that it was time for the princess to awaken.

As she approached the room, Ellie felt a sense of duty weighing on her shoulders.

Entering the room quietly, Ellie glanced around, expecting to find Princess Snow already awake and ready for the day.

However, to her surprise, the princess was still fast asleep, curled up in her bed, looking serene and peaceful.

A gentle smile graced Ellie's lips as she observed the sleeping princess.

She knew how hectic the princess's schedule had been the previous day, and she felt a pang of sympathy for her highness.

Despite wanting to let Snow rest a little longer, Ellie knew that her duties came first.

Moving swiftly, Ellie crossed the room and opened the curtains, allowing the soft morning light to filter in and gently illuminate the sleeping princess's face.

"Good morning, your highness" Ellie said softly, her voice filled with warmth and respect, as she approached the bed.

"Mm?" Whispering softly, Snow slowly opened her eyelids to find Ellie's blurry figure before her. "Ellie?"

"Mhm- it's your one and only cute maid, Ellie, your highness," Ellie replied with a smile before gently removing the white blanket covering Snow's body. "Please wake up, your highness, the sun is up."

"Can I have 5 more minutes, at least?" Snow tried to plead with puppy eyes, but Ellie just shook her head.

"No, you're the one who told me to wake you up no matter what, your highness," Ellie reminded her.

"You, meanie."

"That is why I am assigned to you, hehe~" Ellie chuckled softly.

As Snow got up from her bed, Ellie meticulously cleaned up the room before guiding Snow towards the dining table. There, a hot breakfast prepared by the chefs awaited them.

After finishing breakfast, Ellie guided Snow towards the bathroom, despite her groggy and still sleepy responses.

Once Snow had finished her bath, Ellie proceeded to dress her in her school uniform and draped her with her unique white shawl.

Setting her down in front of the mirror, Ellie brushed Snow's beautiful white hair with care and adjusted her light makeup to enhance her natural beauty.

Just as always, her lovely princess was as beautiful as ever.

It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that she was the most beautiful person in the academy right now.

Ellie smiled at her satisfying work, proud to serve her highness with such devotion and care.

"You're as perfect as always your highness hehehe~"


"Yes, your highness?"

"Uh- can we tone down the make up for a bit?"

"Eh? But you look so pretty though...."

"Ah no... I actually like the look but it's just I'm feeling like going a little more natural


Ellie had a skeptical look on her face but eventually sighed and respected her master's wishes. "Let me fix it..." she said.

It doesn't really matter if her highness wears makeup or whatever, as she was already pretty enough even without it.

But still, doubt crept up inside her as she wondered why her highness would suddenly ask her


She had been serving her highness ever since they were both 10, so she knew what she always liked and disliked.

For the longest time, Princess Snow had been rather sensitive about her slightly pale complexion, so that was why most of the makeup Ellie did was more inclined to highlight her


The way she had dressed up her highness was something she always liked too as well but she could tell that Snow was dissatisfied with something for some reason... making her even more curious to what was up, as there was no way she would dislike something like this now for no reason whatsoever.

Examining Snow and her work once more Ellie could see nothing wrong so what was the reason for the sudden change?

'What's the issue?'

"Ellie... don't you think a new hairstyle would be good every once in a while?" Snow

tentatively suggested, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Ellie, surprised by the unexpected request, hesitated before responding, "...Yes?"

"And this shawl, maybe we can set it aside for today?" Snow continued, her tone growing

slightly more urgent.

"Excuse me?" Ellie's confusion deepened. Snow's attachment to her signature shawl was well-known, making this sudden suggestion seem out of character.

"Oh, no, it's not that I think it's bad or anything," Snow hurriedly clarified, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I'm just suggesting we set it aside for now and perhaps use it on a later day. And also the uniform, maybe we could use the uniquely tailored ones..." Snow's sudden change in demeanor caught Ellie off guard. She observed as Snow nervously clasped her chest; her cheeks now tinged with red. "Y-you know.... something that'd make me look more Mature?" Snow's voice trembled with uncertainty, her gaze flickering away

from Ellie's.

Ellie, now even more perplexed, couldn't help but mumble, "But, you looked perfect in the way you usually are, Your Highness..."

"I-I know that..." Snow stammered; her embarrassment evident as she avoided meeting Ellie's eyes in the mirror.

"It's just that, you know... maybe I feel like showing a bit more skin today?"

As Ellie processed Snow's peculiar behavior, a sudden realization dawned on her. "Ah~ I see," she said with a knowing smile, watching as Snow dropped her head in embarrassment. Though Ellie herself was innocent in matters of romance, she had keenly observed Princess Snow's feelings for a certain young man ever since his incident with her that day. "Looks like Her Highness has found her spring, huh? Ehehe~" Ellie chuckled softly. "Don't worry, Your Highness, I'll make sure you become the prettiest person in school today!"


When classes finally resumed after a two-week-long suspension, the academy suddenly became livelier than ever.

This was to be expected, considering the academy had forcibly locked the students in their dorms, not allowing them out under any circumstances.

As I knew the lockdown was enforced to investigate the incident regarding the assassination attempt on Princess Snow. It didn't really affect me that much.

However, for the normal students who weren't informed of such matters, it seemed like the

academy had imprisoned them without reason.

'They should have come up with an excuse, no matter how pathetic it was,' I thought,

reflecting on the situation.

From the academy's standpoint, not showing any biases was crucial.

They couldn't afford to risk being seen as partial toward the princess.

But even so, not saying anything only made things worse.

I could feel the tension back in the dorms, even though I barely left my room, focusing on my

training in my private training room.

The bustling energy of the returning students was palpable as I made my way to my first class.

Conversations filled the air, and laughter echoed through the hallways.

It was clear that everyone was eager to catch up after being cooped up for so long.

As I made my way ignoring the antics around me, I couldn't help but notice subtle gazes

glancing at me.

From my left, right, front, and back, it felt like hundreds of eyes were watching my every

move for some reason.

Turning my head around as nonchalantly as I could to avoid alerting whoever it was that was

watching me, I just stumbled upon nothing.

Students around me were having casual conversations, some going to their respective classrooms and some enjoying the fresh breeze through the open windows.

It was the usual morning routine, the usual sight I saw whenever I went to my classroom.

'Could it be... Liyana?' My heart almost skipped a beat at the thought as fear and anxiety grabbed hold of my beating heart.

But if it was really Liyana, then my senses should've gone haywire right away.

As someone who has been constantly monitored by Liyana in the past, I knew just how potent

and distinct the presence and feeling of being watched by her draconic eyes can be.

That was why I shook my head at the thought. There was no way it was Liyana, right?

I continued walking, trying to shrug off the unsettling feeling.

The academy's lively atmosphere contrasted sharply with my internal turmoil.

Despite the cheerful chatter and laughter, I felt an undercurrent of unease.

Was it just my imagination, or was there something more sinister at play? If I take Liyana out

of the equation for now, there were only three other beings capable of watching someone

while going almost entirely undetected:

[Fantastical Cat Cheshire]

[The academy's principal) and lastly the student council president [Dorothy] with her

mystical familiar, [the great fairy wizard Oz.]

Three highly skilled and powerful individuals, each capable of toppling me down with ease if they chose to do so. But what reason do these guys have to watch over me though? 'Did I unknowingly mess something up again?' I wondered. Aside from the fact that all the

main scenarios for Act 1 are now literally done, I don't think I did anything to harbor their attention, though?

The thought nagged at me as I tried to recall my actions over the past few weeks. The attempted assassination of Princess Snow had certainly drawn a lot of attention, but that

was an event I had no part in to begin with, I'm her savior and that was it nothing more to it. 'Could it be that they're suspicious of my rapid progress?' I mused.

It wasn't every day that a student managed to contract an A-rank familiar like Raijin, the

Tempest Wolf. That alone might have raised some eyebrows.

Or perhaps it was my connection with Alice, who had her own unique reputation within the


Thinking back on the three most suspicious individuals, I considered each one carefully.

Cheshire, although rather whimsical, tends to approach everything in a more open and direct way when something interests him.

If he were the one watching, he would've presented himself the moment I noticed. Besides, I

don't think Alice would actually order Cheshire to watch me; she literally has no reason to.

The principal, although rather mysterious even in the game, was a character who upheld students' rights, including their privacy.

Being stalked or watched by her wasn't an option either.

This left the latter of the three: student council president Dorothy. I had no connection with

her, although she was technically someone I should watch out for as she was a mini-boss in

Act 2.

She wasn't someone who would bother watching me unless I did something that shook her position in the school.

"Haah... the academy just started getting back together, and now I have to deal with this crap..." I muttered to myself, feeling the weight of the situation.

As I approached the classroom door, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

Entering the room, I scanned the faces of my classmates, looking for any sign of suspicion or malice.

But all I saw were familiar faces-some smiling, some indifferent-but none that hinted at anything out of the ordinary.

'Maybe I'm just being paranoid,' I thought, trying to convince myself. But the nagging feeling at the back of my mind wouldn't go away. I had to stay vigilant, now more than ever.

"Good morning," came the subtle greeting of Seo, who looked at me with a tinge of happiness despite her usual emotionless face.

"Good morning, Seo," I greeted her with a smile. Taking my seat right next to her, I relaxed a

little and let go of my worrisome thoughts.

Now that I think about it, it's been quite a few days since I've last seen her. Ever since I got out

of the hospital, we haven't been seeing each other lately.

"Are you alright now, Riley?" Seo asked with concern, her hand slowly touching my cheek as if

checking for a fever. Feeling the overwhelming stares of my classmates, I gently shook her hand off with a laugh.

"Haha, yes... I know this may come off as a bit late, but truly, thank you for taking care of me during that time." I knew I'd already thanked her numerous times, but I just couldn't thank her enough.

Although she insisted it was just what friends do, I couldn't keep thinking of it that way.

How could I not be forever grateful when she was the one who practically took care of me while I was bedridden, even doing the most mundane tasks to help me out? Honestly, during that time, I even thought of marrying Seo.

She had become the very personification of the perfect wife-she cleaned, cooked, took care

of me, and even helped me during my contained practices and exercises.

If in the future something does bloom between the two of us, I won't hesitate to embrace it.

'Seo already holds a special place in my heart.'

"I told you, Riley, you don't need to say thanks... it's what friends are for, so it's alright," Seo


Although she acted like she didn't want my gratitude, she seemed genuinely happy when I expressed it.

Hiding the huge smile that was about to stretch across my face, I gently patted her head.

"Riley?" She seemed confused, looking at me with slightly bewildered, cute eyes that seemed

to close a little more with each stroke.

She looked more like a cat than a person, making it even more enticing to continue.

'If you won't accept all of my thanks, then it's best to reward you, right?'

In the game, there were only a few actions that significantly boosted the love meter for Seo.

Among them, the best way to improve our likability and increase my chances on her route was through head pats.

It was one of her few weaknesses and an integral part of her character, as ridiculous as that might sound.

Seo's eyes fluttered closed, a small, contented smile forming on her lips as she leaned into my


I could feel the tension melting away from her, replaced by a serene calm.

It was a small, simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about our bond.

"Mhn~" Seo murmured softly, almost purring like a contented cat. It made me want to keep

patting her head even more.

But as with all good moments, the bad ones i


"What are you doing?" a loud voice suddenly interrupted. Looking to my side, my face

immediately fell into a slight frown.

Since I got distracted with Seo, I completely forgot about this guy. "Lucas...." I mumbled

quietly, staring into his golden eyes.

I knew this protagonist was dense as a brick, but couldn't he see the adorable moment I was sharing with Seo?

Why did he have to ruin it with his presence? And why does he look so annoyed for some


"L-Lucas, I told you not to bother Riley," Janica, his childhood best friend, said nervously.

She bowed and tried to pull Lucas away from us. "I'm sorry about this, Riley. Lucas has just

been a bit too hot-headed lately."

"Janica, I told you I'm not hot-headed!"

"Yes, you are!" she insisted, her voice filled with exasperation. Lucas's annoyance was palpable, but his reason for interrupting was beyond me.

Did he have some issue with Seo and me being close? It was irritating, to say the least, but I

had to play it cool. "What do you want?" I asked calmly, my voice steady even as I stopped stroking Seo's head. She looked a bit sad as soon as I stopped, which made me sigh internally. Considering this guy's personality, was he here to challenge me to a fight once again?

Was he annoyed that I hadn't thanked him for his gift last time, or was he just irritated by the very act of talking to me?

If that was the case, he didn't need to come closer. Feeling a bit tired, I was about to shoo him off when I noticed his gaze intensify.

He grabbed the sheath of his sword, making me more alert.

Even Seo, who usually paid him no mind, looked at him dangerously now.

"Riley, I've learned many things during the Duo exams, and you were right. I am weak..."

'Where was this guy getting at now?'

"When I faced a truly strong monster, I was greatly humbled, and the words you said to me on

that day resonated within myself. That is why..." He bowed his head in front of me. "Thank you for making me realize my mistake."


What in the actual fuck is this guy talking about right now?

All I did was spout some bullshit during that time; I didn't mean for it to get so deep.

"Is that so?" I said casually, trying to remain nonchalant. Inside, my thoughts were racing.

Lucas straightened up, his expression earnest. "Yes. Your words made me reflect on my actions and my approach to becoming stronger. I realized that strength isn't just about power; it's about understanding and growth. I owe that realization to you."

"I see... Well, I'm glad you found it helpful then" I replied, still unsure how to handle this


Straightening up his posture, Lucas glanced at Seo behind me one more time before looking

back at me.

His mouth kept moving up and down as if he wanted to say something but then stopped as he sighed heavily.

Seriously, what's wrong with this dude now?

He wasn't like this while I was the one playing him in the game.

Is this his true personality without a player's influence, perhaps?

Well, he didn't outright change his archetype and demeanor as he was in the game, but it still

felt weird seeing someone act different than they usually do.

For some time now, why exactly does he seem so bothered?

"Riley... This afternoon, do you have some ti-"

"No...." I replied immediately, realizing what he was about to say.

He looked stunned as I didn't let him finish, but I'm sorry, I have no time for some other


Please just go ahead and do your protagonist thing and accidentally meet up with one of the heroines or something.

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