How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 69: Afternoon troubles 2

Chapter 69: Afternoon troubles 2

After Class ended Seo and I decided to take our lunch together.

Making our way to the cafeteria, Seo and I noticed the absurd number of students busily trying to take any available seats.

"Everyone sure is lively today..." Seo commented.

"Yes..." I replied, observing the bustling scene.

Although the reason was obvious, it was still surprising to see so many students here.

Did they miss the cafeteria food that much, even though most of the items here cost around 2,000 gems on average?

Considering that most students, surviving off missions and such, only earn an average of around 10,000-15,000 gems every moth at best, it was pretty surprising to see some students from the lower classes actually buying food here.

The food inside the commercial district is much cheaper, so I reckoned all of them would've gathered there like usual.

'Is there something different now?' I wondered.

Looking around, it was clear that finding any available seats here was going to be a hassle just from the sheer number of students lining up in the canteen.

Even the staff were busily trying to handle all of them.

Although I was the one who invited Seo to have lunch here, it seemed we might have to change our plans for a bit.

"Seo, how about we have lunch somewhere else?" I suggested.

"Ok..." came Seo's fast response. She also realized that we would only be wasting time here if we waited for some seats to open up.

We could probably use our authority as A-class students to force out the ones sitting, but that would just be plain old bullying.

Besides, I don't want to have such a record attached to my name.

As much as power hierarchy rules this place, at the end of the day we are all just students trying our best to survive this hellish academy in our own ways.

Turning around, Seo and I were just about to leave when a sudden commotion took place. "Wow, look!"

"She's so pretty."

"Is that...?"

"Look, it's the princess!"

"Why is she here?"

"I've heard she sometimes visits the cafeteria along with a black-haired boy, but to think the rumors were actually true."

"But she's alone now, though?"

Conversations rallied up like a buzzing feed as all of them stared at the goddess walking closer to the cafeteria...


'But Lucas is not with her though?'

Walking right behind us was the very epitome of beauty itself, Princess Snow White.

She had a very natural and esteemed look and grace in her aura as she walked closer to us.

Ignoring the people mesmerized by her, she casually walked past everyone as they made way for her.

Her eyes locked onto mine, and she suddenly smiled in the most nonchalant of ways, as if we were long-time friends.

It was disarming, to say the least.

"Good afternoon, Riley... and Miss Seo, perhaps?" Snow greeted us warmly.

"Yes, good afternoon, Your Highness," I replied, making a slight bow.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness..." Seo followed my lead, bowing as well. Although this was probably only Seo's and Snow's second time meeting, they were essentially acquaintances now, which saved me the trouble of introducing them.

"Are you two about to have lunch, perhaps?" Snow said with a smile, subtly glancing at Seo.

Like a long-time friend you haven't seen in a while, she casually initiated a conversation as if it were nothing.

Talking to someone wasn't particularly difficult, but even still, after what happened to us a week ago, I thought she might be a bit more reluctant to speak with me-especially after that kiss.

'Is she alright now?' I wondered, feeling a pang of uncertainty.

I had a feeling she had been purposely avoiding me all this time, but seeing her now, I guess that wasn't the case?

"Yes, Your Highness, but as you can see, there are a lot of people here, so Seo and I were about to go out," I explained, gesturing toward the crowded cafeteria.

Snow nodded. "I understand. The cafeteria does seem particularly busy today... but don't worry, a table was specially reserved for me today!" she said with a clap, then gently grabbed hold of my right hand.

"Uh-Your Highness?" I stammered, taken aback by the sudden contact.

"The two of you are about to have lunch, right? It's perfect. Why don't you join me? It's pretty lonely eating alone, you know?" Snow's smile was warm and inviting, making it hard to


Seo, who was standing on my other side, grabbed onto my left hand.

We looked like a bunch of kids holding hands together, being dragged along by the princess's


The stares from the other students intensified, a mixture of curiosity, admiration, and perhaps a hint of jealousy directed at us.

I exchanged a quick glance with Seo, who seemed as bewildered as I was but also slightly


Snow led us through the cafeteria, her presence parting the sea of students effortlessly.

They all made way for her, their whispers and curious glances following us.

It felt surreal to be the center of attention, but Snow's grip on my hand was reassuring, her demeanor as graceful as ever.

As we approached the reserved table, I noticed it was situated in a quieter corner of the cafeteria, away from the bustling crowd.

It was elegantly set, with a pristine white tablecloth and a vase of fresh flowers at the center.

The staff had clearly gone to great lengths to ensure it was perfect for her.

"Please, have a seat," Snow said, releasing our hands and gesturing to the chairs.

Seo and I sat down, still slightly in awe of the situation. Snow took her seat opposite us, her smile never fading.

Looking at the overall preparation and the vibe of this place, I couldn't shake the feeling that all of this was pre-arranged.

The entire setup had a carefully orchestrated feel, as if this whole situation had been planned

from the start.

Seo, standing beside me, seemed to share my bewilderment. This was a public cafeteria, after all-students wouldn't just clear out and not use the available tables without a very good


My suspicions grew as I glanced around. Two chefs were busily cooking something that smelled absolutely mouthwatering. From just a glance, I could tell they weren't the usual

academy staff chefs.

No, these were Snow's personal chefs, dressed in academy chef uniforms to blend in. And then there was the familiar face of a very notable character-Ellie, Snow's personal maid and top

agent royal guard.

Despite her overly gullible and lively appearance, Ellie was a deadly assassin and one of the fastest characters in the game. If she was here, something significant was definitely up. Snow sat down in front of me, her gentle smile making it hard to focus on anything else. Stroking the back of her hair, she settled into her seat and then snapped her fingers. Ellie immediately approached and handed us menus. "Please, order whatever you want. I'll

pay for it."

The situation felt surreal, like a scene from one of the high-stakes missions in the game. Snow's presence, the exclusive setup, the personal chefs-it all seemed too extravagant for a

simple lunch.

But here we were, being treated like royalty.

Seo and I exchanged glances before opening the menus.

The dishes listed were gourmet, far more elaborate than the standard cafeteria fare.

Despite my curiosity about what Snow was up to, the aroma wafting from the kitchen made it impossible to resist ordering something.

I picked a dish that looked particularly appetizing, and Seo did the same. Once we had placed our orders, Snow leaned back in her chair, looking genuinely pleased.

"I'm glad you could join me today," she said, her eyes flickering with a hint of something I couldn't quite place. "I've been meaning to talk to you both, and this seemed like the perfect


"Is there something specific you wanted to discuss, Your Highness?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual despite the growing curiosity.

Snow's smile widened, but before she could respond, our food arrived.

The chefs placed the dishes in front of us with a flourish, and the aroma was even more

enticing up close.

For a moment, the conversation paused as we took in the beautifully presented food.

After enjoying the warm aroma and the sweet scent of the beautiful food in front of us, Snow

pondered my question for a bit, leaning her arms on the table and resting her chin on her hands. She looked at me with a slight smirk.

"A specific reason, hmm-?" She let the question hang in the air for a moment before

continuing, "There's none really...."

"Excuse me?" I asked, still a bit skeptical. I knew Snow's character the best. She was the type

to do things with utmost purpose, always having some plan in mind.

Her actions lately seemed to contradict that, but even so, she was essentially the same Snow

from the game.

There was no way she didn't have a motive.

Was she here to discuss the upcoming student council elections? Or perhaps to entice me to

join her side for the grand festival?

Considering all the political schemes that happen there, did she want me to become her


Now that I think about it... isn't she a bit more beautiful than usual?

Her hair was braided up high in a bun, highlighting her delicate pale nape.

Her usually disheveled bangs that sometimes hid her captivating blue eyes were now

meticulously put to the side by a beautiful snowflake hairpin.

A pair of blue earrings that matched her overall color scheme also highlighted her already

stunning features.

She looked like an angel who had descended into this very world.

Honestly, it was hard not to get lost staring at her due to her beauty alone.

Not to mention...

'Isn't her dress a bit more... sexier today?'

I knew the heroines each had their own unique types of uniform, but the white uniform she

was wearing right now was a tad bit too unique, no?

From what I remember, Snow doesn't like showing her skin in front of other people due to her

complexion, which she was secretly sensitive about.

That was why she always wore a shawl or a white cardigan and jacket to cover up most of her skin, sometimes even wearing white gloves just to make up for it during summer.

Yet here she was, wearing a sleeveless white uniform that showcased the beauty of her white

arms. Even the skirt she wore was a bit shorter than usual.

Although she wore white tights to cover up her pristine legs, somehow... it made her look even

more erotic?

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush slightly at the thought.

Snow, usually so reserved and modest, was now dressed in a way that emphasized her natural

beauty in a more alluring manner.

It was as if she had transformed into a vision of elegance and sensuality.

Snow noticed my lingering gaze and tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. "Riley,

is something wrong?" she asked with a gentle smile.

"N-no, Your Highness," I stammered, quickly averting my eyes.

"Fufu- is that so?" she said, pausing lightly as she picked up her knife and fork. "Please don't

think too much about my actions for today, Riley."

"I knew it might seem suspicious but...."

"I just wanted to spend some time with you~"



The moment she said those words, a heavy silence descended over the entire cafeteria.

Glancing around, I noticed that everyone had paused, their conversations and even their

eating interrupted by Snow's statement. 'Were these people seriously listening...?'

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