How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 71: God given Escape

Chapter 71: God given Escape

"I just wanted to spend some time with you~"

The moment she said those words, the whole atmosphere seemed to freeze. Everyone around them seemed to stand in place, like malfunctioning robots who couldn't process and understand what she had just said. Even for someone of her nature, wasn't that a bit too bold? Wasn't Snow the type to make the one she liked do the confessing? So what was going on?

I wasn't an idiot; I knew what she was practically implying with those words. But wasn't she being too open about it?

Hello, aren't you the same Princess Snow I knew from the game?

'What about your position as a princess?'

Chuckling nervously at her words, I tried to brush it off. "Haha... is that so? It's actually my honor to spend some time with you, Your Highness..."

Snow smirked, finding my reaction amusing, and giggled a little. Her laughter was soft and melodic, drawing the attention of everyone in the cafeteria even more.

"Riley, you always know how to make me laugh," she said, her eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and something deeper.

I felt my face heat up under her gaze. "I'm glad I can entertain you, Your Highness," I replied, trying to maintain a semblance of composure.

Snow's smirk softened into a genuine smile. "You don't have to be so formal with me, Riley. We've known each other long enough for that, don't you think?"

Her words sent a shrill through my nerves.

'Excuse me, are you really trying to go in that direction?'

Is this innocent-looking princess really trying to kill me right now?

Sure, she had asked me to be more informal with her last time, but that was only when it was the two of us alone, not in front of the entirety of the academy populace.

Although this was the knight academy cafeteria, students from all departments tended to visit from the magical department to the general department, as well as the specialized courses like necromancy and theology.

This place was a melting pot of students, from seniors to first years, making it a prime spot for gossip.

Rumors could easily spread here, and once rumors spread, they could quickly turn into information.

Once that information reached the wrong ears, especially those of people I really couldn't afford to mess with right now, I would be in serious trouble.

If there was even a simple rumor floating around that Snow and I were that close, it would be the end of me-literally.

The political implications alone were enough to make my head spin.

The royal family was always under scrutiny, and being seen as too close to the princess could be misinterpreted in countless ways.

It could be seen as a power play, a romantic involvement, or worse, a scandal that could tarnish both our reputations.

Haah.... although unlikely, the image of that specific bad end resurfaced in my mind... [Bad End No. 73: A Place Too High]

It was one of those ridiculous bad ends where her father's personal shadow knights would literally hunt you down upon learning about your favorability towards his daughter.

The Emperor's shadow knights were infamous, a terrifying force known for their ruthlessness and efficiency.

If they deemed you a threat to the royal family, there was no escape.

I remembered that particular scene in the game all too well.

The tension, the chase, the inevitable end where the protagonist is cornered by the shadow knights.

Their cold, merciless eyes as they carried out their duty.

It was a bad end that left a lasting impression on anyone who played the game

Even if the Emperor did miraculously let someone like me go, I couldn't be sure about Liyana.

She was my bloody fiancé, after all, and the Emperor's protective streak extended to her as well, as she was technically his uncle...

'What was up with white-haired girls and their indirect cause to my end?'

At this rate, this situation alone would be enough to end my life. There was possibly no way I could come out of this unscathed.

If I tried to deny Snow and she became sad, my social standing would be doomed.

If I accepted, the chances of me dying at night were practically guaranteed.

And if I just played it off, another mysterious surprise would undoubtedly come my way...

Hahaha... help me out here, system.

[Note: Escape is not applicable in user's situation.]

What did I expect from this punk...

[Mission: Slap the princess!]

This petty system... do you really want me to ruin my main scenario?

[Note: .....]

That's what I thought.

Now then, how should I escape this predicament?

I looked at Seo to my side, but she was just busily ogling the food she was eating, seemingly

not caring about the situation I was in right now.

Well, that was very much like Seo, but even still, help me out a little here, best friend...

Do I really have no choice in this situation?

[Note: the Gods are on your side!]

'Huh? the gods?'

"Riley...!" Suddenly, a voice resonated near us, pulling all of our attention back to the present.

Snow, Seo, and I looked in the direction the voice was coming from.

Near the center of the cafeteria, a handsome young man was making his way toward us,

carrying a tray of food.

He waved at me with a smile, his golden eyes locking onto mine. It was Lucas, with Janica trailing right behind him.

"Lucas?" As Lucas got closer, Snow couldn't help but let out a surprised yelp at his


"Ah, Snow, you're also here. That explains the grand array of chefs....." Lucas commented as he scanned the personal staff of the princess dressed up as academy staff.

Even if the princess lied to him, those golden eyes of his would see right through it.

"Ah, yes... why are you back so early?" Snow mumbled slowly at the end, making subtle

glances at Ellie, who immediately averted her gaze.

Lucas, not noticing her hesitation, turned his attention back to me. "Riley, about what I was

trying to say earlier, maybe you could hear m-"

Before Lucas could finish his words, he screamed in pain as the back of his hair was pulled by an angry Janica, who was fuming as she quickly followed behind him.

"O-ow! Janica, wait..."

"Lucas, I told you not to just barge in on people, right? That's very rude, you know!

Seriously...." She sighed heavily while still pulling down the somewhat rude Lucas.

Janica then looked at all of us before making a light bow. "I'm sorry, everyone... I know Lucas is very impulsive, but I promise you he means no trouble."

"No, it's quite alright. I know Lucas has a very abrupt personality, so I don't mind," Snow said

with a gentle smile.

This woman surely knows how to switch on her business-like smile, huh... but I could tell she was slightly pissed off right now.

"Riley, please, I really need to talk to you about something important," Lucas insisted,

wincing as Janica finally let go of his hair.

Sensing my opportunity to escape the delicate situation with Snow, I quickly agreed. "Sure...

let's step outside and talk."

"Huh, but you haven-"

I didn't let him finish, as he was my only hope of escape right now.

"It's about that, right? Sure, let's talk about it," I said as casually as possible before dragging

him along with me outside the cafeteria.

Turning around to look back, I said my goodbyes to Snow, who looked at me with a mixture of


"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but our conversation is about something really important, so I'm

going to have to head out first."



Leaving all three girls behind before they could even react, I sighed heavily as I dragged along

the seemingly happy Lucas, who followed me attentively.

Seriously, this guy was getting weirder and weirder the more I interacted with him.

But oh well, since he was the God-given gift who made me avoid that situation, he's practically my hero now.

'As expected of the protagonist I guess? always coming out on the most random of times'

Once we were a safe distance away from the cafeteria, I slowed down and released Lucas.

He looked at me with a curious smile. "So, you really believe our conversation is important

right?" "....."

'Why do i feel like I'm in danger for some reason?'


[Luminous Hall]

[Section B-3]

[Underground Level]

"Hmm~ you don't have to be so scared, little puppy-"The young lady's voice was almost sing-song as she addressed the quivering beast before her.

"Since darling left you here for the time being, it seems he doesn't have a familiar summoning bracelet yet... maybe I should send him one when I get back home~ but then again he can always buy one here.... I wonder which would be more entertaining?"

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes glinting as she stared into the fearful red eyes of the

massive wolf.

The creature's whimpering cries echoed through the chamber, a sound of pure terror and submission.

It couldn't handle the overwhelming aura of the monster standing in front of it. "Shh~ being loud won't help your situation, you know? And besides, trust me, I won't harm

you, since that would make darling sad..." The young lady reassured the wolf, her voice a

gentle coo as she slowly stood up.

"Raijin, was it? Darling sure has a weird sense in naming his pets~" she mused, observing the

gigantic wolf with a playful smirk.

The wolf, still crying and kneeling behind her, seemed paralyzed by the sheer presence of the

young lady.

The overwhelming despair and dread it felt in her presence were unlike anything it had ever experienced, even from its new master.

The young lady's appearance was deceptively delicate, her porcelain skin and flowing black

dress giving her an almost ethereal look.

Yet, the power radiating from her was anything but delicate.

It was raw, oppressive, and unyielding.

The wolf's instincts screamed at it to run, to flee from this embodiment of danger and death.

But its legs wouldn't move, pinned down by an invisible force.

If Riley had the presence of a king, the young lady before Raijin possessed the presence of an

absolute being, an unfathomable power it could not oppose.

"Don't worry, Raijin," she continued, her tone now almost motherly. "I'm not here to hurt

you. I just wanted to meet darling's new pet. And I must say, you're quite the impressive one, even if you're a bit skittish right now."

Raijin whimpered again, lowering its head further, trying to make itself as small as possible.

The young lady's aura was suffocating, a constant reminder of the chasm of power between

them. "Now, now," she chided softly, reaching out a hand. Raijin flinched but didn't move as she gently patted its head.

"You'll get used to it. And soon, you'll realize that I'm not someone to be afraid of. At least, not when you're on darling's side."

"Oh yeah, I still haven't introduced myself, right? My name is Liyana... Liyana Heavens, the

future wife of your master"

"Nice to meet you, okay, Raijin?"

Liyana continued to twirl around, turning side to side on tiptoes before directing her draconic

eyes at Raijin, whose body shrank with every wave of fear she induced. "Raijin, you see, I've gotten into a bit of a problem recently... so I can't keep my eyes and ears

on my dear at all times now, missing out on crucial details and events that I should've been keeping watch on. That's why..."

Kneeling down once again, the young lady touched the wolf's whiskers.

"I need you to be my eyes and ears while I'm away... Can you do that for me, little Raijin?"

The wolf's eyes widened, the gravity of her words sinking in. Despite the fear coursing through its veins, it felt an odd sense of loyalty stir within.

It let out a soft, reluctant whimper, a tentative nod following as it accepted the task bestowed

upon it.

Liyana's smile widened, a mix of satisfaction and amusement dancing in her eyes. "Good boy, Raijin. Trust me, this will be beneficial for all of us. Keep an eye on darling for

me, and make sure he stays out of trouble, okay-?"

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