How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 70: Snowy Train

Chapter 70: Snowy Train

Hours Before Riley and Seo Arrived at the Cafeteria

Snow sat in her private chambers, a look of contemplation on her face as she listened to Ellie, her personal maid and confidante.

Ellie, ever the enthusiastic advisor, was giving Snow a rather passionate lesson on romance and the subtleties of courtship

"Remember, Your Highness, when it comes to matters such as this, push and pull tactics are important!" Ellie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Push and pull?" Snow repeated, tilting her head slightly.

She looked genuinely curious but also a bit confused, she had a general idea about the notion but actually experiencing it was another...

"Yes! I know you have a crush on Sir Riley, but Your Highness, you must also remember your position and value as a woman. You mustn't just aggressively dive right in just because you like him!" Ellie explained, her voice rising with a mix of urgency and excitement.

Snow sighed softly, a delicate blush coloring her cheeks. "I-I don't have a crush on him...!"

"Oh please, do you know who you're talking to right now, Your Highness?" Ellie replied with a playful smirk.

Snow couldn't deny Ellie's words as she annoyingly stared at her overly candid maid.

A childhood friend, Ellie knew practically everything there was to know about Snow, from her likes and dislikes to her overall personality.

They were like sisters growing up, so secrets were practically nonexistent between the two of them.

This deep bond was one of the main reasons Ellie could sometimes talk to her without any honorifics, even if it occasionally irked Snow. 'Isn't she getting ahead of herself right now?' Snow thought, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement.

Snow knew that Ellie herself had no experience in the art of love, so how could she so casually suggest and give her opinions on such topics anyway?

But Ellie's earnestness and confidence were hard to dismiss. Snow sighed again, this time more in resignation than irritation.

"Ellie," Snow began, trying to maintain her composure, "you do realize you're giving advice on something you haven't experienced yourself, right?"

Ellie puffed out her cheeks, crossing her arms in defiance. "Experience isn't everything, Your Highness. Sometimes, intuition and observation are just as valuable! Besides, I've read plenty of romance novels."

Snow couldn't help but laugh softly at her friend's earnestness. "Romance novels, Ellie? Really?"

Ellie nodded, her serious expression contrasting with the light-hearted topic. "Yes, really! They're full of valuable lessons on the dynamics between men and women. Trust me, Your Highness, a little push and pull will work wonders."

"You know the work of fiction doesn't naturally translate to reality, right?" Snow said, her voice laced with skepticism.

She was a woman who let logic triumph over emotions.

The notion of manipulating emotions should have been easy with that mindset, but actually doing it might backfire in unexpected ways.

She had already realized this when she impulsively kissed Riley last time-she had no practical control over her emotions when it mattered most.

Ellie nodded vigorously. "I understand, Your Highness, truly I do. But think of it like a dance. You take a step forward, and then a step back. It keeps the intrigue alive. Men, especially someone as unique as Sir Riley, are drawn to a bit of mystery."

Snow leaned back in her chair, her fingers absentmindedly twirling a strand of her long, silvery hair. "A dance, you say?" The idea intrigued her.

Just like with her political opponents...

A dance was a way to hide one's emotions while guiding the person in front of you on your own flow.

She might be able to manage that.

"Yes, a dance," Ellie continued, her enthusiasm unwavering. "You don't have to reveal everything at once. Keep him guessing, let him be drawn to you naturally. It's all about balance."

Snow considered this, her mind racing with possibilities. "So, it's about maintaining control while appearing to give some of it away," she mused.

"Yes! Exactly!" Ellie clapped her hands together, delighted that Snow seemed to be getting the idea. "For instance, when you see him in the cafeteria today, don't just rush to him immediately. Observe him first, let him notice you. And when you do approach, be confident but not too eager."

"It's about creating a rhythm that's both engaging and elusive.... Well, isn't that quite fun?"

Ellie beamed, encouraged by Snow's receptiveness. "Your Highness...! You have the grace and poise to do it perfectly. Just remember, it's not about deceiving him; it's about creating a dynamic that's both exciting and genuine."

Snow nodded slowly, absorbing Ellie's advice.

"Alright, Ellie. I'll give it a try...."


Remembering Ellie's advice, Snow went into the battlefield of social dynamics with all her weapons on hand.

The earlier beauty regimen she had with Ellie that morning worked wonders.

All eyes were on her as she casually walked through the hallways of the knight department.

Her outfit, personally chosen by Ellie, was designed to enhance her natural beauty and allure. As embarrassing as it was to wear it, Snow accepted everything Ellie handed down to her. After all, Ellie was the proclaimed master of love, right?

As amusing and unbelievable as that title sounded to Snow, in her somewhat confused state right now, any form of advice was almost truly believable.

Snow was a princess, born and raised like a textbook example of royalty.

Everything she learned about matters of the heart was from texts and the limited knowledge of her tutors, who rarely delved into such subjects.

She was a woman destined for a bright future ruling an entire empire, so subjects regarding the heart weren't something she was allowed to learn.

Ellie's words echoed in her mind: 'Think of it like a dance. You take a step forward, and then a step back. It keeps the intrigue alive.' Snow replayed those words, trying to embody the rhythm and mystery Ellie spoke of.

Her appearance today was part of that dance-a careful step forward, designed to captivate

and intrigue.

As she made her way through the hallways, she could feel the eyes of students and faculty

alike following her.

Her high-braided hair, meticulously styled to highlight her graceful neck, and the snowflake hairpin that kept her bangs elegantly to the side, all contributed to the ethereal image she


Her sleeveless white uniform, tailored to accentuate her figure without being overtly revealing, added an element of allure that was hard to ignore.

Even though she was nervous, she maintained her composure. She had to; this was part of the


She reminded herself that this was a strategic move, a way to blend the lessons of royalty with the subtleties of personal affection.

The thought that Riley might be watching her, noticing her every move, kept her going.

As she entered the cafeteria, the buzz of conversation died down. She could feel the weight of their gazes, the curiosity and admiration.

She spotted Riley and Seo immediately, standing together as if waiting for her. Snow took a deep breath and approached them, her heart pounding but her exterior calm and collected. "Good afternoon, Riley... and Miss Seo, perhaps?" she greeted them, her voice steady and


"Yes, good afternoon, Your Highness," Riley responded, bowing slightly.

Seo followed suit. "Good afternoon, Your Highness."

Honestly, she only wanted to see Riley today. However, after doing a bit of background

research on him, Snow knew that the top knight among the first years, Seo Gyeoul, was someone particularly close to Riley.

So, she let it be. But even still, seeing another girl casually getting close to Riley and grabbing hold of him irked the innocent princess in many ways. Just staring at Seo's apathetic gaze

annoyed her even more.

Ever since she first met Seo back in the duo exams, Snow already had a rough assessment of her. Seo was a stoic, focused individual, dedicated to her training and her goals.

Snow knew that Seo wasn't intentionally trying to annoy her; in fact, she probably didn't even realize the effect her actions had.

Seo was oblivious to the intricacies of Snow's feelings, which made the situation even more


The sight of Seo's calm demeanor, combined with Riley's nonchalant attitude, added to her irritation. Snow couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. For a girl in love, blindness was truly

a sickness. But even in the throes of her emotions, she knew she had to maintain her


Taking a deep breath, Snow tried to calm her mind.

She reminded herself of Ellie's advice and focused on the delicate dance she needed to


This wasn't just about winning Riley's affection; it was about navigating the complex web of emotions and social dynamics that came with her position.

"Remember, Your Highness, your presence itself is already the pull, so be sure to wait for a

while before pushing, okay~?" Ellie's words echoed in Snow's mind as she sat, trying to hide her mounting frustration.

Following her maid's advice, she set aside any minor inconveniences and played along for


For as long as it lasted, that is. Riley was truly the epitome of a man she struggled to

understand and, at times, hated.

'Why isn't he making a move? Why isn't he saying anything?'

'Everything should be obvious now right?'

Their conversation was flowing well enough, yet no reaction came from the man in front of


Even when she had purposely dragged him to this corner of the café and held onto his hands to gauge his response, there was nothing. 'He didn't even say anything about me...' "Please, order whatever you want. I'll pay for it," she said casually, giving him subtle hints,

but even then, he wouldn't give away any sort of reaction. 'Was I the only one bothered about that kiss, perhaps?' she wondered.

Although Ellie had advised her about push and pull, waiting alternately, there was no such dynamic happening here. Both the pushes and pulls were all initiated by Snow herself. Watching Riley and Seo meticulously order their meals, Snow sighed and slumped back in her

chair. Was the plan doomed from the start?

Riley was an enigma-full of mysteries and extraordinary strength. Perhaps the notion of romance didn't apply to him at all.

'Is he really that oblivious, or does he just not care?' Snow pondered.

She stole a glance at Seo, who seemed perfectly at ease, her expression unreadable.

This only added to Snow's frustration. She had hoped for some acknowledgment, some sign

that Riley was affected by her presence.

Feeling a wave of doubt, Snow tried to reassure herself. 'Ellie's right. It's a dance. Maybe I

just need to be more patient.'

But patience was never her strong suit, especially not when it came to matters of the heart. Snow straightened in her seat, trying to regain her composure.

She couldn't afford to let her emotions show. Not here, not now. She glanced at Riley once

more, this time with a softer gaze.

Maybe if she gave him more time, more subtlety, he would eventually come around. Sighing once more she tried to hide the fatigues, she felt from all of this and smiled as best as

she could...

"I'm glad you could join me today," Snow said, her eyes flickering "I've been meaning to talk

to you both, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity."

"Is there something specific you wanted to discuss, Your Highness?" Riley's question made Snow pause and consider her response.

She almost laughed out loud at the simplicity of his question. A specific reason? There was

none to begin with.

All her motivations were because of Riley himself, but there was no way she could admit that


"A specific reason, hmm-?"

"There's none, really..." she answered as honestly as she could. It was a bit of a lie, but also

the closest to the truth she could manage.

There was no grand scheme behind her actions; she simply wanted to see the man in front of

her, to be near him. That was all.

"Excuse me?" Riley's perplexed response nearly made her chuckle. How could someone be so obliviously innocent and frustratingly dense?

He might just be the worst man out there, making a princess like her go to such lengths

without even realizing it.

Snow's thoughts raced as she tried to maintain her composed exterior.

Riley's cluelessness was both endearing and infuriating.

She couldn't help but think that if he was making her do all this effort for nothing, then he was

truly a despicable man.

But then, as she put her attention back to him, her eyes widened slightly as she saw the way he

stared at her.

"Riley, is something wrong?" she asked with a gentle smile. "N-no, Your Highness," Riley stammered, quickly averting his eyes.

'That reaction... Did I successfully pull him in now?' Snow felt a surge of excitement. This was

the perfect moment to push, right?

"Fufu- is that so?" she said, pausing lightly as she picked up her knife and fork. "Please don't

think too much about my actions for today, Riley."

"I knew it might seem suspicious but...." She trailed off, giving him a soft, reassuring smile.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you~"

Like a train with no brakes, she was determined to push all the way through into that thick

skull of his.

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