How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 98: Grand Festival

Chapter 98: Grand Festival

After my little introduction to the student council, days passed as usual.

With no specific chapter to continue on and highlight some key details of the story, I was left with not much to worry about except for the upcoming second act.

My routine was simple: wake up early for training, attend classes, and help out Dorothy with various student council tasks.

Her rewards of candy were amusing, though somewhat infantilizing.

She never failed to show appreciation, but there was an underlying sense that she saw me more as a helpful junior than a true peer.

'Although I appreciated her kind gestures, I feel like she's treating me as a kid for some reason....'

Despite my efforts to observe any signs of her darker transformation, Dorothy remained consistently pleasant.

Her clumsiness added a layer of charm, and her kindness was genuine. She had an innate ability to balance seriousness with humor, making her a natural leader. It was hard to reconcile this Dorothy with the one destined to fall from grace in the game.

Dorothy's versatility stood out. Unlike the heroines, who each had distinct traits that made them shine, Dorothy's appeal was in her well-rounded nature.

She excelled in everything she did, from leading the council to handling conflicts.

It puzzled me why the developers relegated her to a side character role when she had the potential to be a standout heroine.

Her beauty alone would have made her a popular DLC addition, like there was something more-a depth that wasn't fully explored.

[Act 2 Chapter 1: Elections]

[Act 2 Chapter 2: Wits and Plays]

[Act 2 Chapter 3: Joining Sides]

[Act 2 Chapter 4: President]

[Act 2 Chapter 5: Heroine]

The overall storyline of Act 2 revolves around the fight for power among the top heroines.

In this stage of the game, Lucas is forced to choose sides among multiple heroines, and depending on which heroine he chooses to support, that heroine will win. Essentially, it's an on-route system where you decide which girl to romance first.

Of course, there are alternative decisions that can be made to achieve other routes, like the secret route and the harem route.

However, looking at how much interaction Lucas has had with all the heroines so far, he's most likely going towards Snow's route.

I've even seen the two together hanging out from time to time with Janica. Lucas getting involved was set in stone now.

Meanwhile, Clara, another factor in the upcoming elections, hasn't made too many moves yet.

From what I've investigated about Clara so far, she wasn't really engaging in politics; she was more focused on expanding her family business here.

But that to will probably change soon.

Rose, on the other hand, wasn't making many moves aside from relying on her already popular fame.

There wasn't much she did inside the academy, well, at least from what I've seen so far. She considers me her ally, but she doesn't indulge me with any information or the moves she's making, which is a bit frustrating.

But considering our agreement last time, I guess she's hell-bent on giving me a bus ride toward the council.

Technically, I'm a member, but the thing I need in order to access that certain room wasn't the member brooch they gave me but rather the brooch given to the President and Vice President.

So for now, I'm still hoping for Rose's win as long as she keeps her promise.

Act 2 begins with the election preparations heating up, and the tension is palpable among the student body.

Though talks weren't quite open inside the academic halls and fields, in the commercial district, people were loud and clear.

I guess even certain merchants are threatened by a newly elected president, huh? Trying to stay productive whenever I had free time, I decided to clean up some random dungeons. These expeditions allowed me to polish some of my skills, though I didn't level up.

It would take a few more months before stronger dungeons popped up in the academy, so there wasn't much I could do about it.

Proficiency levels are also important to improve my overall specs, so even though it's a bit tiresome, I tend to explore dungeons on my own during weekends. In the afternoons, I take sword training from Seo herself.

Surprisingly, she is a very good teacher, focusing on the basics instead of jumping straight to advanced lessons. She would often correct me with precise, concise instructions:

"Your grip is too hard."

"Flex your muscles."

"Straighten your back."

"Make sure to swing your blade a thousand times a day."

Seo always has a serious and emotionless look etched across her face, but during our training hours, I could tell she was very happy to be teaching me.

My proficiency didn't exactly rise significantly, but I could feel myself getting stronger with

each session.

Seo's dedication to teaching was evident. Her methods were rigorous and methodical, ensuring that I built a solid foundation.

Despite her stern demeanor, her passion for swordsmanship and teaching shone through.

She would sometimes demonstrate techniques with a fluidity and grace that seemed almost effortless, inspiring me to strive for the same level of mastery.

During our sessions, I noticed subtle changes in her behavior. Occasionally, a faint smile

would play on her lips when I executed a move correctly.

Her eyes would light up with a rare spark of approval, giving me a sense of accomplishment that fueled my determination to improve.

Beyond the physical aspects, Seo's training instilled a sense of mental clarity and focus. Her constant emphasis on form and precision taught me the importance of patience and


Although I hoped Seo would teach me some secret techniques, like the hidden blade technique she's known for, I doubted it would happen based on her current teaching style. The swords we used and our specs were completely different. Besides, learning that secret sword technique would be nearly impossible unless I managed to kill something every day. For now, I needed to find a solution to this matter through other means. Perhaps in time, I'd be able to bridge the gap and uncover those elusive secrets.

Meanwhile, the sudden disappearance of the twins raised concerns in the classroom. The professors offered some pathetic excuses about investigating the matter, but classes proceeded as usual.

'I don't know what happened, but I have a feeling that I somehow made things worse for


Some of my classmates complained about the twins' sudden disappearance, especially Theo and Susan, who seemed extremely agitated by it.

The absence of two members from our S-class left a significant void, and with the upcoming event, another re-scheduling might be necessary.

Despite the concerns, the academy's routine continued.

The professors tried to maintain a semblance of normalcy, but the undercurrent of unease

was palpable.

The twins had been integral members of the class, and their absence left a noticeable gap. Whispers and speculations filled the hallways, adding to the tension.

Theo and Susan, in particular, were vocal about their frustrations.

Theo, with his strong sense of justice, was determined to get to the bottom of the twins'


Which was a bit of a surprise.

'I didn't think he was that type of character'

Susan, on the other hand, seemed more worried, her usual calm demeanor replaced by


In the midst of all this, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. My actions, or perhaps my inactions, might have contributed to this situation. It was a nagging thought that

I couldn't shake off.

With the upcoming event, the need to fill the vacant positions in our S-class became urgent. The professors hinted at a re-scheduling, which added another layer of complexity to our

already hectic schedules.

The pressure was mounting, and everyone could feel it.

Right now, it wasn't just the council that was busy but the whole academy itself.

The board of directors, the principal, and all the academic staff were probably working day

and night to solve the problems that kept arising within the academy.

The academy's image as a safe haven for knowledge, wisdom, and power was already broken due to the terrorist incident involving Princess Snow.

Now, with these sudden disappearances, low funding, way behind schedules, and even

mysterious crimes happening inside their doors, the situation was deteriorating rapidly.

The amount of bad reputation building up here was palpable.

Unless you were living under a rock, every student realized that fact but just ignored it,

hoping for things to get better.

'If the academy knew what sort of problems they have to face in the future, our principal

might just commit suicide'

Although fairly low now, I'm still hoping that the entirety of Act 2 proceeds smoothly without

any need for an actual bloody battle.

It was a battle of minds to begin with, so it wasn't that violent.

Even still, with things as they are now, you never know what might happen, so I should

prepare to interfere when I can.

After Act 2 comes Act 3, the most annoying of all the acts, as the number of heroines would be


Right now, there were about five confirmed heroines and one secret heroine in the current


Once the next year arrives, five more heroines would join the fray, and these girls also have their own set of unique stories that will gobble up Lucas's destiny.

They say the golden age of the academy ended with Alice, Dorothy, and Celine's time.

Then came along our generation, full of geniuses, and next year another batch of geniuses would be joining in as well-a back-to-back entry.

Though I doubt the academy would celebrate such a fact, once they know the identity of the

people joining, they would experience the same stress and tension they had with handling Princess Snow's incidents.

The prospect of dealing with another wave of prodigies made the upcoming year feel even

more daunting.

The academy, already stretched thin, would be hard-pressed to manage the influx of talent and the inevitable power struggles that would arise.

'[The first princess of the Kingdom of Luna], [the saintess of the Church of Light], [the last

disciple of the ruined druid of the north], [the Noxus of the Germonia Empire], [and the Spear of the Heavens.]'

Each heroine joining next year was world-famous in their own right.

I just hope they're exactly as they were in the game and only focus on bothering Lucas.

Reina, my little sister, would also be joining the academy next year.

As her older brother, I suppose I have to maintain some semblance of dignity.

I wonder what her reaction will be once she finds out her useless and annoying older brother is

part of the student council.

The thought of seeing the look on her face fills me with anticipation.

For the first time, I'm actually excited to see her little smug face once more.

Reina was always a handful, sharp-tongued, and full of energy. Despite our constant

bickering, there was a deep bond between us.

Her arrival would undoubtedly add another layer of complexity to my already complicated


But it also brought a sense of familiarity and a reminder of home.

[Hidden Blade First Form]


A blue light flashed, and before I knew it, pain was already encroaching on my body.




Did I break a rib or two? It's kind of hard to breathe.

"S-Seo, I told you to hold back a little, right?" I managed to say through the pain.

Seo, looking at me with a bit of confusion, tilted her head. "That was the weakest version I could muster...." she said in her monochrome-like voice. I know she doesn't mean it, but when she says it like that, I feel even more embarrassed now.

All I saw was a flashing blue light of blue electrical currents, and before I even realized it, my

body was already flying through the air, slamming into a nearby boulder and crashing into the tree behind it.

The impact made me spit out blood as I felt my lungs being pierced by multiple little rib



I got too ahead of myself there. Trying to dodge something that moves faster than sound

really wasn't the best option....

As I lay there, struggling to catch my breath, Seo approached me. Her expression remained

unchanged, yet I could sense a hint of concern in her eyes.

"You need to build your resilience and reaction speed if you want to handle techniques like

this," she said, her voice calm and steady. "The Hidden Blade techniques are not just about

speed and power. They require perfect timing and control."

I nodded weakly, still coughing up blood. "Got it..."

'If she was using a real sword right now, my body would've been cut in half...' Even with a

wooden sword, her strength is absolutely crazy.

Did she level up, perhaps? I can't see her stats at the moment since we weren't in a party, so I

can't really tell.

"But why did you want me to hit you with hidden blade techniques?" Seo asked.

I groaned and managed to raise my body upwards before taking in a small healing potion, just

enough to fix the damage inside me. It was still painful, though.

"Well, I just want to prepare myself..." I replied. My fight with Lucas was happening soon. I'd

really die if I couldn't manage to at least block or dodge one attack from the fastest sword in

the academy.

"Let's go again." "...Okay," Seo seemed reluctant but went along with it anyway.

'I should treat her to some ramen later as a thank-you.'

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