How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 99: Grand Festival 2

Chapter 99: Grand Festival 2

In an empty wasteland where the days go by under the blistering heat of the sun and the wintry, wet colds of night touch your skin, I found myself in the same haunting dream again.

'This same scenario... this same sensation...'

Holding onto the metallic weapon, that kept me safe all this time my hands trembled with each explosion happening near me.

Remembering the faces of the fallen comrades near me.

I fully realized, that I had not forgotten about this past.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get up you idiot!" a voice barked.

"But C-captain Tony, he-"

"Just shut up and run, you bastard!" came the harsh command, cutting through everyone's hesitation.

Tossing the shocked man aside like a mere sack of empty rice, the man in front of me looked ahead, his face a mixture of deep rage, regret, and acceptance.

He was like a man walking through a dark tunnel, fully aware that he could never come back, his expression full of resolve.

"Take Tony with you and report back to HQ," he ordered. "I'll stay behind."

As the sound of blazing gunfire pierced through the destroyed building we were in, my feet moved first, my aching body flexing its muscles as adrenaline forced me to get out of that wretched place at once.

It was a wretched memory-a memory full of regret not just for me but for everybody else. But deep down, I knew I was at fault at that time.

'If only I made the decision to shoot....'

I remember the chaos vividly.

The scent of gunpowder filled the air, mingling with the acrid smell of burning debris.

The heat from the flames mixed with the cold sweat of fear on my skin, creating a sensation of feverish desperation.

My legs felt like they were moving through molasses, every step an arduous struggle against the weight of my guilt and the horror of the situation.

The sensation of flipping through the pages of a book wasn't that far off from that distant memory now.

'I used fantasy and games to forget all of it.... But why am I reminiscing about that time now?'

What was going on?

My body felt like it was in pain yet at the same time I felt like I was in heaven, as a soft, mushy cloud filled the back of my head.

But wasn't I supposed to land on the hard ground after the explosion of a random shell near us?

No... I remember now, this pain wasn't due to an explosion but rather through a streak of bright blue lights.

And the face of a girl that brought upon those lights.

[Hidden Blade 4th Form]



That's right, Seo launched all those sword strikes at me like a rain of lightning.... 'Did I pass out?'

It seems the damage I accumulated was too much for my measly endurance to endure.

This pain of deep regret reminded me of my life back in the military.

Did I pass out on the ground? No, this warm feeling... I'd felt it before. Only this time, it was much plumper and even a bit softer. This sensation was...


I opened my eyes slowly, trying to focus through the haze of pain.

The sterile ceiling of an unfamiliar room greeted me, along with the concerned face of Seo hovering above me. Her usual stoic expression was marred by a faint trace of worry.

"You're awake," she said, her voice as monotone as ever, yet I detected a hint of relief. She touched my head gently, patting me.

"Seo...?" I muttered slowly. I attempted to sit up, wincing at the familiar sharp pain that shot through my ribs, only this time with the added pain through my neck, head, and arms. She really got me good, huh.

"You've been asleep since yesterday.... I was really worried," she said.

Since yesterday? You mean to tell me I've been out for around an entire day? Looks like I really pushed myself a bit too hard.

Seo's hand was warm against my forehead, her touch gentle despite her usual stoic demeanor. "You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard...."

"Sorry..." I could only turn my head back down on the soft pillows behind me. As much as I wanted to be careful, experiencing it head-on was the only option if I didn't want to get into a situation I might regret later on.

Though Lucas wasn't on par with Seo in terms speed, he wasn't that far behind either.

He wasn't just a genius in aura control but also in swordsmanship.

I knew I had to be prepared in some sort of way in case things go south for me, but I guess this method was rather selfish of me.

"You always just apologize...." Seo grumbled quietly, but since she was close to me, I could hear the exact context of her words.

Not to mention the subtle signs of frustration.

I felt this before, but now I truly felt like I'd been taking too much advantage over Seo's kindness, ever since we first met. I'd never really done anything for her; all this time, I'm either asking for a favor or making her deeply worried about me.

'I'm a really shitty friend, huh...'

"I'm sorry."

"You're apologizing again..."



For the first time, I saw Seo's brows twitch evidently, a subtle sign of frustration creeping

into her emotionless gaze.

But soon she just sighed slightly as she kept stroking my hair.

Now that I think about it... why is she so close right now?

I looked around to see where I was situated and only then did I realize that Seo was on the bed with me... and the soft squishy sensation behind me wasn't exactly pillows but rather the soft

and warm sensation of her legs.

"That explains why the sensation reminded me of Liyana.'

She always used to do this back when we were kids. Now, though, with Seo doing it... somehow it feels a bit embarrassing, like I'm a child being cradled with care from my mother.

Looking around, I could tell that we were in a private dorm room. It wasn't hard to guess whose. The bed was unnecessarily large, similar to the one in my room.

The interior design had a unique touch with an eastern flair. It was clearly a room for a woman, specifically a rich one from the East.

'This was Seo's room'

Why did she bring me here? No, how did she bring me here? Didn't her maid prevent it? What

about the people passing by?

All dormitories in the academy were divided into male and female sectors, and Killian Hall

was no exception.

It was strictly forbidden for the opposite sex to enter or even pass by the dorms of the other


My mind raced with questions as worry began to blare in my mind.

I didn't really want to think about what exactly happened, but guesses were already forming

in my head.

I knew Seo was a bit out of touch with what was considered normal in this world, but even she had to realize that what she did didn't just warrant demerit points, right?

"S-Seo..." I began hesitantly.

"Yes?" she responded, her voice calm and monotone.

"Is this your room?"


"I-I see... how exactly did I make my way here?"

"I brought you here when you passed out yesterday," she replied matter-of-factly.

"Did other people see you?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Yes, there were a bunch of girls staring at your sleepy face when I carried you here."


'I'm doomed.'

Couldn't she have just brought me to the infirmary when I passed out?

My reputation..."Haha.... haha."


With the number of scandals already etched across my name, I might as well earn a new title


In the academy, three buildings were considered of the utmost importance.

One was [Killian Hall], a castle-like mansion designed to house the top 10 students of each

grade from each department.

Here resided the geniuses and monsters of the academy, waiting to spread their wings upon

the wider world.

[Killian Hall) was a place of unparalleled prestige, where the most promising minds were nurtured and prepared for their future roles as leaders and innovators.

The second was [Heavenly Hall], a grand three-story building and among the largest

structures in the academy.

Sponsored by the Heaven's family itself, this building not only held grace but also the prestige of the noble household that funded it.

Its primary purpose was to serve as the Academy's Student Council headquarters, where the logistics and operations behind the council's authority were managed.

The council, composed of influential and capable students, worked tirelessly within its walls

to maintain order and support the student body.

Lastly, perhaps the most important of the three, was [Chronos Hall).

This was the tallest and largest building in the entire academy, rivaled only by the clock tower

in terms of height.

[Chronos Hall) was an architectural marvel, symbolizing the academy's commitment to knowledge, progress, and the relentless march of time.

It housed the main library, extensive research facilities, and lecture halls where the most advanced classes were held. Within its towering walls, countless secrets and vast repositories of knowledge awaited those who sought to unravel the mysteries of the world.

It was the very first building established in the academy, a testament to the vision of its founding fathers and mothers. Its name honored the legendary archon Lavine Chronos, who catalyzed the legendary age of magic, bringing about a new era of wonder and discovery in

the world.

[Chronos Hall] was more than just an architectural marvel; it was the heart of the academy's intellectual life.

It housed many academic staff, including department heads and the principal herself.

The hall served as the base of operations for the entire staff, offering a space for collaboration

and administration.

Additionally, it provided dormitories for graduate students who aimed to pursue careers in the magical academic field.

These students, driven by a desire to expand the boundaries of knowledge, saw [Chronos

Hall] as a gateway to completing their unfinished theses and advancing their careers.

The hall's reputation as a gateway to a prestigious career path was well-deserved. Within its walls, students and scholars had access to unparalleled resources, mentorship, and opportunities to contribute to the magical community.

The collaborative environment fostered innovation, encouraging students to push the boundaries of what was possible.

At the very top of its wide, open floors, a private room could be seen.

This room, secured by a large magical door, was the principal's office. It was a place of great

importance, where decisions shaping the future of the academy were made.

Touching the door, the principal of the academy, Leilah Grace, activated its magical mechanism, causing the door to vanish at her touch.

She stepped into the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. "Ah, Principal, you're here!" her secretary and granddaughter, Amelia Grace, greeted her warmly, swiftly moving to take off the dark, feathery cloak draped over her shoulders.

Leilah made her way to the far front of the large circular table and took a seat. She scanned the faces of the department heads and staff who had arrived before her, noting their anxious expressions.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but I was investigating something important," Leilah said, her

voice steady but laced with an underlying tension.

"It's alright, Principal," Dean Gale, the head of the Knight Department, replied immediately. He could sense the stress and annoyance etched on Leilah's face. Everyone in the room noticed the change in her demeanor. Leilah's unique magic manifested

visibly; her usual light brown hair had turned a deep shade of black, and her blue eyes now glowed a luminous purple. This transformation was a clear sign of her agitation. Leilah was typically a kind and charismatic leader, approachable and understanding. But now,

the recent string of problems plaguing the academy had tested her patience. The staff knew this was not a time for levity.

"The recent incidents have already put us all on edge," Leilah began, her tone firm. "And now

two S-rank students have gone missing without anyone knowing why or how. I believe none

of you have any new information either, correct?"

The department heads could only nod in agreement, trying not to agitate her further.

Leilah looked disappointed but didn't press the matter. "Well, it matters not. I'm already investigating the issue, so I want you all to perform your roles meticulously as well, especially you two." She turned her gaze to Dean Gale and Dean Hanah.

"I want the two of you to increase the academy's security measures even further. Word has already spread about the twins' disappearance, and our image in the world is in shambles." "As you wish, Principal," the two deans said in unison with a slight bow. Judging from how

stressed Leilah looked, they both knew she was probably being roasted and questioned by high-ranking individuals from all around the world.

Even they couldn't imagine what it was like facing emperors, popes, and tribal heads from

across the globe.

"We'll do everything in our power to restore the academy's reputation," Dean Gale said, his voice resolute. "I'll mobilize additional patrols and ensure that our defenses are bolstered." Leilah nodded at his promise and sighed heavily, gradually the magic on her body lifted as her hair color returned to its light brown shade and the beautiful light blue covered her pupils

once more.

"Regarding the upcoming Grand Festival, is everything running smoothly?" Leilah inquired. "Yes, President Dorothy is handling things as meticulously and efficiently as last year," the

head of the financial department reported. "Judging from their constant reports, no problems have arisen so far."

Leilah nodded, finally feeling a bit of stress relief at the news. "Make sure to contact Dorothy

and assist her in preparing for any upcoming events. Ensure they have enough budget to finalize the event."

"Yes, Principal," the financial head responded promptly.

Just as Leilah was about to open another topic, a sudden hand was raised among the round


The woman who raised her hand was Professor Rosa, the head of the foreign affairs


"What is it, Rosa?" Leilah asked.

"I think we might have a bit of a problem regarding the Grand Festival," Professor Rosa


Her words sparked murmurs across the table as everyone waited for her to continue. "What problems are they exactly?" Leilah inquired sharply; her gaze fixed on Professor Rosa.

As the head of foreign affairs, Rosa's responsibilities heavily involved meeting, interacting,

and planning schedules for important foreign guests entering the academy.

If there was one thing that could potentially lead to a problem, Leilah knew it had to be

significant. "Did one of the visitors cancel their schedule for the event?" Leilah continued, mindful of the importance of the guests attending to watch the matches.

Any changes would require careful rescheduling to accommodate others joining as well.

"Ah, no... not exactly. It's more of like we had an upgrade?" Professor Rosa hesitated slightly before continuing.

"An upgrade?" Leilah raised an eyebrow, curiosity tinged with concern.

"It's the empire... They informed us that instead of the usual diplomat, Miss Bella, the Duke

himself will be coming to watch and visit," Professor Rosa finally revealed. "The.... duke?" Leilah's voice betrayed her shock.

"Yes, they say 'Duke Heavens' will personally come to watch the festival," Professor Rosa


"What?" Leilah's shocked words echoed in the room, sending a chill down everyone's spine. 'Why is that man coming here!!!???'

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