I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 61: Tell me bitch!

Chapter 61: Tell me bitch!

An old man who was floating in the air, his sharp eyes narrowed in thought as he looked at the large blazing fire which has obliterated a building and the vicinity in the Silver Mist forest.

"Which faction did this?" a mutter left his lips. *swoosh* At this time, another man appeared beside him in the air and bowed "Lord Ombudsman!"

The old man is none other than the 'Ombudsman' of this nation who oversees the activities of cultivators within the country. Inside the nation, he is the strongest cultivator under the government.

If any of the powerful cultivators went rampage destroying public properties and causing havoc, he was the one who should capture them under the name of the government.

The Ombudsman turned his eyes at the man bowing "Any leads, Sheng?" Dan Sheng raised his head and gave a nod "Yes, Lord Ombudsman... The cultivator who did this has actually done a good job for the government."

"Hoh?" The Ombudsman raised an eyebrow. Dan Sheng spoke, "Since we came before everything could burn completely, we could find some things."

"We found hundreds of corpses without their heads and their bodies are almost charred in the fire. The cultivator has gone rampage killing all of them mercilessly."

"And the ones who died were not normal cultivators, they are all assassins."

"Hmm... So this is the hideout of an organization?" The Ombudsman asked and Dan Sheng nodded his head "Blood Blade Organization! who kill people for money from rich people which was actually illegal under the government."

The Ombudsman glanced at the destroyed trees on the side "I can sense a battle has happened between two Heaven Stage cultivators." His frown deepened feeling the lingering astral energy from the battle.

"A lightning elemental and the other one is fire it seems." Dan Sheng was surprised as the old man even said the elemental energy just feeling the spark of the astral energy 'Monarch Astral Stage is no joke!'

The Ombudsman glimpsed at the water and ice cultivators trying to put off the fire in the woods. "Why is it taking so long?"

Dai Sheng also glimpsed at it and spoke with a wry smile "Well, they are trying their best... but the fire seems so intense and it is not dying away easily."

"Oh..." The Ombudsman mused and slightly waved his hand *WOOOSSSH* suddenly a strong wave of air swept through the forest instantly putting off the fire.

Dai Sheng's eyes trembled to see this. This is not an elemental attack, The Ombudsman doesn't have wind affinity...he just waved his hand and controlled the energy perfectly so as not to harm the other cultivators on the ground.

'The Strongest cultivator in the country!'


Fei Ziyu's eyes fluttered in disbelief as she saw the white-haired young man in front of her. "T-Tian?" Fei Lingxi was also taken aback and narrowed her eyes "You were a cultivator?" *tap*

She quickly moved and went behind the couch to retrieve the gun she had hidden underneath. As she crouched down, Zhao Tian appeared behind her startling her. He bent and grabbed her hair pulling her up from her crouched position.

"Ahhhh!" Fei Lingxi screamed in pain as she felt her hair getting pulled and she instinctively raised her arms to grab her hair.

Hearing her Mom's scream, Fei Ziyu came out of her shock and hurried to Zhao Tian her voice trembling with fear and desperation "T-Tian, what are you doing? Let mom go!" she yelled as she grabbed his left arm and shook it.

Zhao Tian didn't heed her and pulled Fei Lingxi's hair making her stand upright "So, what's the deal with you trying to kill my sister?" his cold voice rang in the room.

*gasp* Fei Ziyu's eyes widened in shock hearing this 'H-He found it?' Her body trembled and she withdrew her hands from his arm.

Fei Lingxi gritted her teeth in pain "Let me go bastard." she yelled and hit him in the chest with her hand. Feeling the feeble punches, Zhao Tian pulled her hair even more as her legs inched up from the floor.

"Argghhhh!" Fei Lingxi let out a piercing scream, filled with intense pain, as Zhao Tian forcefully pulled her up from the ground, his fingers tightly entwined in her hair. "Tell me, bitch, why did you try to kill my sister?"

Fei Ziyu's heart pounded in nervousness and her body flinched seeing her Mom being tortured by Zhao Tian. 'W-What should I do...' Her breathing quickened in a state of panic.

*thud* Zhao Tian let go of Fie Lingxi's hair and she collapsed on the floor on her knees. Hufff! Huff! Gasping for air, she struggled to catch her breath and lifted her trembling arms to touch her throbbing head. "M-My head..." she muttered, her voice filled with pain

*threikk* Zhao Tian raised his foot and placed it on her head, stomping her face on the ground. "Urghhh!" The sound of her muffled cry echoed through the room as she felt her face being crushed on the floor.

"Are you telling me or not?" Zhao Tian asked twisting his foot on her delicate cheeks and Fei Lingxi felt so humiliated being stomped by a man.

But Fei Lingxi kept silent because she knew if she told the truth, Zhao Tian would next aim for her daughter.

She glared at him and spoke, "*cough* I-I didn't like her face so I... ordered to kill her."

Hearing the shit, Zhao Tian gave a kick on her face "Arghhhh!" Holding her face, Fei Lingxi rolled on the ground her face bruised in red because of the kick *cough* *cough*.

"I really didn't want to ask this way... but you forced me." Zhao Tian said as a blade appeared in his hand. He placed his foot on her crotch and bent down bringing the blade near her stomach.

Fei Lingxi's eyes trembled to see this "W-What are you..." *sleesh* Zhao Tian did a slight horizontal slash *thrieek* and her dress was ripped apart, revealing her toned stomach and the black bra holding her voluptuous boobs.

Fei Ziyu was shocked to see this "M-Mom..." a faint voice escaped her lips. "You fucker!" Fei Lingxi's anger boiled over as she tried to get up but Zhao Tian pinned her down on the floor with his cultivation pressure. *thud*

"So, are you willing to tell me now?" Zhao Tian asked as he teased her belly button with the tip of the blade. "Hnn..." Fei Lingxi's eyes were full of anger as she saw Zhao Tian casually playing with her body the blade delicately dancing every inch of her stomach.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" She yelled looking at him but she couldn't move her body as her hands were pressed down on the ground.

"Still reluctant, huh?" Zhao Tian spoke as he saw her giant boobs jiggling as she struggled to move from the coercion.

"You got something nice stack up here..." He uttered and slowly trailed the tip upward from her belly button moving it towards her bra.

Fei Lingxi's heart raced with fear as she watched in horror, her lips trembling as she stammered "D-Don't tell me... you." Zhao Tian slowly glided the blade towards her bra strap.

"N-No..." Fei Lingxi vehemently shook her head as the blade inched closer and closer to her bra. With each passing second, her fear intensified, her breath hitching in her throat as the blade hovered just millimeters away from tearing through the fabric.

Fei Lingxi closed her eyes bracing herself for the inevitable..

"I... I am the one who wanted to kill her." Fei Ziyu finally spoke overcome with dread andZhao Tian stopped his hand turning his eyes at her. Feeling his sharp gaze, Fei Ziyu's body shrieked in fear.

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