I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 62: A drama with the Fei's!

Chapter 62: A drama with the Fei's!

Zhao Tian retracted the blade from Fei Lingxi's body and stood up glancing at Fei Ziyu. Fei Lingxi was startled to hear her daughter speak "Z-Ziyu?"

Feeling Zhao Tian's icy glare, Fei Ziyu lowered her head in fear. Zhao Tian took a step forward and raised her chin with the blade making her look at him. "So?"

Seeing the blue eyes, Fei Ziyu gulped but she decided to tell the truth "I-I wanted to kill her... so that you would love me."

Huh? Tf is this bitch yapping about? How would he love her if she killed his sister? Seeing him narrowing his eyes, Fei Ziyu stammered "I m-mean, I thought... if I killed your sister you would fall into depression and at that time I would provide you with emotional support and y-you will love me."

Wtf? This twisted logic left him speechless. Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "Are you retarded?" he asked retracting the blade from her neck. "But still..." Zhao Tian grabbed her neck with his left hand and pulled her.

"You have done something you shouldn't...." He spoke as he slowly tightened his grip on her neck.

*gasp* Fei Lingxi's eyes widened in shock and she quickly stood up and grabbed him shaking his body "You... let her go! Shit!" she cursed in frustration.

*slap* Zhao Tian gave a slap on her cheek "Ahhh!" Because of the force of his slap, she was sent backward tumbling over the sofa, and fell backward along with the sofa. *thud*

She again stood up on her knees and felt the burning sensation on her cheek "Tchhhh!" she let out a shrill cry as her cheek had reddened and swollen a little.

Fei Ziyu's eyes trembled as she felt his grip almost crushing her neck "H-Hear me Tian.. urghh I love you so much. S-So that's why I wanted you to love me no matter w-what...*cough* I love you Tian!! I love you!"

"Hm? Really" Zhao Tian asked and Fei Zuyu hurriedly nodded her head "Y-Yes, Tian..." Zhao Tian spoke, "So, you love me how you loved your previous boyfriends during school?"

H-Huh? Fei Ziyu was startled hearing this and her heart palpated "T-Tian... you?"

When Li Jie talked about the cultivators in the University, the old man spoke about some wealthy families in the city that he shouldn't provoke, and he especially mentioned the Fei family as Fei Ziyu is always trailing his back in the University.

Fei Ziyu previously had three boyfriends during school time and every one of them was handsome men who were popular. But after they started dating Fei Ziyu, their life's been tragic and they all went missing.

He doesn't know if it is his sixth sense or what, but from the start, he also kept his distance from her because he felt something was wrong with her and her gaze. That is why he acted distant whenever she tried to talk to him in the University!

Fei Lingxi was also surprised that Zhao Tian knew about that. Did he do any investigations?

"Those guys went missing right?" Zhao Tian asked and Fei Ziyu panicked "T-Tian, No Tian...This is different. They are just play things... I truly love you Tian... believe me..." she hastily pushed out her words.

"Is that so?" Zhao Tian asked gripping his fingers and despite the pain, Fei Ziyu nodded with a smile "Y-Yes, Tian... I would do anything for you."

"Ok, then..." Zhao Tian let go of her neck and Fei Ziyu gasped for air. Her neck is deep red with clear finger marks of someone gripping her neck.

Zhao Tian walked towards Fei Lingxi. Seeing him coming towards her, Fei Lingxi took a step back and covered her boobs with her hands "W-What?"

*thud* Zhao Tian just flipped the couch and broke it taking the hidden gun from underneath. "Here!" he tossed the gun to Fei Ziyu catching her off guard but she somehow managed to catch it in her arms. She looked up in confusion, unsure of what was happening. "H-Huh?"

"Haa!" Zhao Tian walked to another couch and sat on it "Shoot that bitch and I'll love you." he said comfortably leaning back on the couch.

"W-What?" Fei Lingxi shouted in shock upon hearing this. "Do You think she will kill me for a bastard like you? huh?" she spoke and glanced at her daughter.

Fei Ziyu's body was shaking uncontrollably as she slowly gripped the gun in her hands, her mind racing with thoughts to take the decision. Seeing this, Fei Lingxi was horrified "Z-Ziyu....?" her eyes quivered in disbelief.


Fei Ziyu's heart raced in panic and sweat appeared on her face "I-I already told you, Mom. This is different.... First time in my life Mom, my love. I-I love him so much, Mom."

H-Huh? Due to the immense shock. Fei Lingxi's legs gave up as she stumbled on the floor and raised her head to look at her daughter "I-is this really different? You really love him?"

Seeing her Mom's distressed face Fei Ziyu's heart ached, tears welled up in her eyes "I-I will do anything... I want him Mom. I can't live without him..."

Zhao Tian just enjoyed the drama unfolding before him as he felt like getting VIP front seat for a dramatic movie.

Fei Ziyu's fingers shook as she tightly held onto the gun and discreetly glanced at Zhao Tian who was sitting on the couch "Tian, you will love me right? really? REALLY?" she asked out desperately.

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Yeah, I won't go back on my words."

Fei Lingxi looked at her daughter's desperate eyes "A-Are you really going to...?" Fei Ziyu's mind is also chaotic as she has to decide between two things now.

Fei Ziyu took a deep breath and pointed the gun at Fei Lingxi her hands still trembling. Fei Lingxi's breathing quickened, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched in horror, Fei Ziyu slowly squeeze the trigger.

*clank* a sharp sound echoed through the room.

Fu Ziyu's grip on the gun weakened and it slipped through her fingers, landing with a dull thud on the ground. Even though she loves Zhao Tian, she couldn't just kill her mother like that. She also loves her mother.

"M-Mom, I couldn't!" Her Mom has raised her as a princess from birth always treating her and taking good care of her.

Fei Lingxi's eyes softened upon seeing this and a sigh of relief escaped her lips "Ziyu..."

Zhao Tian stood up from the couch "Well, that was expected... now I'll just kill you so you won't cause feature problems."

H-HUH?! Fei Lingxi's eyes dilated in shock and as Zhao Tian moved towards Fei Ziyu, In a panic, Fei Lingxi scrambled on the floor, desperately reaching out and grabbing Zhao Tian's leg to stop him.


Zhao Tian stopped in his tracks and glanced at Fei Lingxi "Let me go!"

"No, please... don't kill her. I beg you!"

"She was like this because of me!"

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