I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 78 Surpassing Limits Yet Again

Chapter 78 Surpassing Limits Yet Again

Clang! Clang!

Amidst the resounding clash of swords,

Lakradiyon, who had been confronting Nakcheon for quite some time, exhaled harshly. Perhaps it was because she had dedicated her entire life to the sword that she did not retreat and faced Nakcheons blade head-on. However, the number of wounds on her body continued to increase due to the characteristics of Rain Thunder Prime. Each collision with the sword unleashed an aura like thunder, causing injuries to Lakradiyon beyond the swords reach. Consequently, Lakradiyon had to constantly envelop herself in aura, rapidly depleting it. Unless one had an inexhaustible aura like Charlotte, Lakradiyons slightly superior aura was insufficient to fully negate the effects of Rain Thunder Prime.

And the problems didnt end there.


In a brief moment of opportunity, Lakradiyon managed to strike Nakcheons arm. However, the sliced arm promptly regenerated. This regenerative ability, supported by the Demonic Bastion, is why Nakcheon was deemed an undying monster. Even if decapitated, he would regenerate, thanks to the Bastions infinite life force.

Facing Nakcheon alone was daunting enough; being immortal made it nearly impossible for anyone to confront him. Thats why everyone naturally gave up on advancing to the ninth floor. But there stood Lakradiyon, once defeated, facing Nakcheon again.


Another clash sent a wave of aura slicing through Lakradiyon, causing her injuries. Despite her labored breathing and the sensation of her lungs being torn, she stubbornly held onto her sword and blocked Nakcheons assaults. The many wounds she had sustained soaked her clothing in blood, her consciousness flickering from blood loss and physical exhaustion.

Just a bit more.

She forced herself to remain conscious and parried another strike from Nakcheon.

Just a bit more.

Lakradiyon felt as if all sound and presence around her vanished, focusing solely on Nakcheon. This focus sharpened her movements, intuitively understanding where her sword needed to be to transfer her strength effectively and how to adapt her swordsmanship to buy more time.

This realization was an epiphany, a step upwards on the wall she climbed. Though reaching the pinnacle required many more steps, this steady progress lifted her higher.


Lakradiyon chuckled softly, realizing this was what she soughta world where she continued to swing her sword, desiring growth. She now fully understood why she had yearned for this path.


Flesh torn by the swords impact fell to the ground. Yet, she was still inadequate to defeat Nakcheon. But the path forward was clear to her, step by stepher specialty.

Mr. Kraush,

Lakradiyon spoke amidst the engulfing black flames.

You no longer need to worry about me.

Crack, Boom!

As flames erupted, the carriage disintegrated, and the plain below became visible. Lakradiyon, already weakened from injuries and exhaustion, couldnt prevent her fall. But when she closed her eyes, expecting impact, she realized she was caught by someone.

It was Kraush.

Though slightly shorter, he easily caught Lakradiyon, standing firm on the plains above.

Kraush then set her down.

Staggering slightly, Lakradiyon bowed her head.

Thank you for waiting.

She realized Kraush had burnt the entire carriage earlier but waited, recognizing that she was in the midst of growth. If she had been a prodigy, she couldve soared on this opportunity, but her level was between ordinary and genius, making her progress nearly invisible to others.

But Kraush clearly saw that small step she took, understanding the effort it represented.

Well done.

Leaving Lakradiyon behind, Kraush began walking across the plains outside the Demonic Bastion, an undefined grassland area. Fortunately, the Armed Princess was nowhere in sight, likely due to the carriages continuous movement altering the landscape.

Through the dissipating smoke, an old man stood on the plains, Rain Thunder Prime extended, his chest caved in, revealing his ribs. Despite his frail appearance, the old man was on the brink of collapse.

Naturally, being outside the Bastion meant using his own life force, depriving him of infinite regeneration.

Outside the Bastion, Nakcheon was merely a skilled old swordsman.

If he had emerged a few years later, he wouldve collapsed immediately.

According to Belorkin, Nakcheon had turned into a corpse as soon as he exited the carriage. Likely, his life force had been utterly depleted by then, allowing Belorkin to easily acquire Rain Thunder Prime.

But Nakcheon hadnt collapsed immediately this time, indicating he still had some life force left.

No need for words, I see.

Now free from the Bastions domain, Nakcheon, regaining his senses, chose to respond with his sword rather than words. His eyes, glaring at Kraush, blazed with a determination to burn his remaining life in this battle.

If its the end anyway, Ill fight as a swordsman to my last breath. Is that it?

Kraush thought disdainfully.


He wondered if Nakcheon wanted to test if Kraush was truly worthy of Rain Thunder Prime.

But thats just my assumption.

Preparing for the Sword Demons fusion technique, Kraush lowered his stance, ready to face the challenge. If Nakcheon wished to fight, he would oblige, especially since he had something to test as well.

In that moment, Nakcheon charged, his aura overflowing with a golden radiance.

Facing Nakcheon, Kraush closed his eyes.


Sparks danced over his body, and in that instant, Kraushs drawn sword met Nakcheons.

Nakcheons eyes slightly widened in surprise, but he immediately retracted Rain Thunder Prime and launched another assault.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Nakcheons sword dance began, his strikes akin to a downpour. Amidst this barrage, Kraush, with eyes closed, blocked every attack without sustaining any aura-inflicted wounds. He managed to deflect even the auras impact with his sword.

Nakcheons brows furrowed. Despite being the attacker, Kraush steadily advanced, an incomprehensible situation unfolding before him.

It works.

Kraush, even with closed eyes, felt more intense presences than ever before.


His intuition spread thin layers of aura, capturing the sparks from Lioner that constantly transmitted electrical signals to Kraush. These signals detected everything, even invisible aura impacts, and conveyed the information instantly to Kraush, enhancing his ability to process it through his intuition.

With Dull Sword added to the mix, Kraush entered an entirely new realm.


Within this span, his intuition and Lioner collaborated to forge a new state.


Reacting like lightning to everything, this was the new domain of Dull Sword.


Nakcheon, feeling the pressure as Kraush closed in, let out a gruff noise, realizing he couldnt penetrate Kraushs defenses.

So, Nakcheon changed tactics.


A fierce collision occurred between Kraushs and Nakcheons swords despite Kraush using the Thunderclap technique to deflect the force.

Damn, this crazy old man.

Kraush, too, was baffled by the encounter.

Nakcheons face, wrinkled and aged, tightened momentarily. But in exchange, Rain Thunder Prime swung towards Kraush with even fiercer intensity.

The so-called source of life, innate vital energy, was now being burnt by Nakcheon, paying his life as the price to fuel his final blaze.

If its going to end anyway, let it be this!

Kraush roared, drawing upon Annihilation Erosion.

If Nakcheon was willing to expend his innate vital energy, Kraush would respond in kind, fully committed.

As the heat of Annihilation Erosion permeated every part of Kraushs body, entering its second phase, his sword movements transformed.


The ensuing blasts made it hard to believe the clash was between swords. A battle of pure force ensued.

With eyes glowing red, Kraush, exhaling smoke, engaged Nakcheon head-on.

Boom, Boom, Boom!

Sweat flew. Despite using Annihilation Erosion, Kraushs bones trembled, and his muscles screamed as if they would tear apart. The heat from Annihilation Erosion threatened to cook him from the inside.

Similarly, Nakcheons burnt life force rapidly dwindled, draining his vitality and aging his skin at an alarming rate. His muscles shrank, revealing stark bones.

Yet, as Nakcheons aura fueled Rain Thunder Prime, it burned even brighter.

And atop Kraushs dark sword, the black flame storm raged more fiercely.

As golden light and black flames clashed once more, Lakradiyon watched from afar, realizing both had strained their limits to transcend humanity.


The explosion marked Kraush gripping his sword until his hands nearly burst.

One second ahead.

The time sped up by Annihilation Erosion spoke to him, and Kraush sensed Nakcheon also reaching his limit.

This next exchange would be the last, both recognizing this truth.

Nakcheons sword moved first, its blade reaching a pure white color, signifying a determination to cleave through anything, embodying Nakcheons entire life force.

The ominous light, distorting the air, suggested Nakcheon had momentarily transcended human bounds.

Lakradiyon, witnessing this, felt a chill. Even without confronting it directly, she knew facing it meant certain death.

Mr. Kraush!

She screamed his name, but Kraush was enveloped in profound silence.

Deep within Kraushs psyche, a drop fell onto an endless lake, ripplinga process leading to One Sword when achieving Sword and Spirit Fusion, albeit differently this time.

Above the fiercely burning flames, a streak of lightning surged.

Atop the dark sword,

Lightning, forming a sheath-like structure, enveloped it. Inside, Kraushs black flame wildly roamed, enhanced by Sword Demons fusion technique.

With the addition of lightning, Kraush stood in an entirely new domain.


The power grew, reaching storm-like intensity, the sword in his hand feeling explosively heavy. Yet, Kraush clenched his teeth, enduring the force.

As the storm peaked,

Kraushs eyes flashed, and the lightning sheath split.


A light burst forth, engulfing everything. The storm, now a black flame, revealed itself.

Annihilation Erosion

Third Form:

Sky-Thundering Annihilation

The storm of black flame and lightning consumed all light in its wake.

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