I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 79 Collapsed Again?

Chapter 79 Collapsed Again?

After the storm of black flames and lightning had swept through,

Kraush was quietly catching his breath.

Perhaps due to the intense battle, his vision was blurry.

Simultaneously, his body throbbed, yearning to collapse onto the ground.

However, Kraush tenaciously resisted this temptation.

Creak, creak, creak!

At that moment, cracks began to form on Kraushs dark sword.

Despite its renowned durability, the sword couldnt withstand the force of Kraushs Sky-Thundering Annihilation, resulting in it fracturing.

The destructive power Kraush had concentrated into once strike continued to escalate.

A technique with such destructive power that even masters would struggle to withstand it once.

Kraush continued to refine such a technique.

Just once.

For that single moment, Kraush was nearing the realm of the ultimate strength.

The problem was that the additional strain from such destructive power was also increasing.

Kraush clenched his fist.

Have I advanced another step?

The sheath of lightning created through Lioner.

The combination of this lightning sheath and the explosive power of the Sword Demons fusion technique meant Kraush could forego the basic stance typically required for the fusion technique.

He had transcended the limits of the fusion technique.

Thus, Sky-Thundering Annihilation couldnt be considered a fusion technique anymore.

It was a new technique crafted from elements of Kraushs various skills and spells.

Of course, given its high output, its not something I can use unless its crucial.

Normally, deviating from the fusion techniques form wouldnt be easy.

Perhaps thats why he felt thirsty.

A fierce thirst for greater strength.

Holding the shattered dark sword, Kraush heightened his intuition.

He then quietly waited for the smoke to dissipate.

After a while, as the smoke cleared, Kraush could properly see the devastation he had wrought on the surrounding plains.

In front of the scorched landscape lay an old man on the ground.

The man, essentially reduced to bones, was no longer breathing.

Confirming this, Kraush took a step forward.

Holding onto Rain Thunder Prime tightly until the end, Kraush took the sword from the old mans hand.

The hollow blade of Rain Thunder Prime was visible.

Kraush quietly summoned his aura.


With a sound of thunder, a golden blade formed along Kraushs aura.

He then infused the power of world erosion into it.

Black flames rose atop the golden blade of the sword.

Even though it was his first time wielding the sword, it felt as if he had used it all his life.

Truly, it was worthy of being called a heavenly sword.

Kraush carefully stored Rain Thunder Prime and turned around.

There, Lakradiyon and Crimson Garden were waiting.

[Youve gone to the trouble of getting a sword, only to smash it to pieces. Really, you never take care of anything.]

Although Crimson Garden spoke gruffly, she understood the value of Rain Thunder Prime.

Thats probably why she didnt say more.

The problem was with Lakradiyon.

Mr. Kraush, that lightning

She had seen Pendals skill, Lioner, before.

Naturally, she recognized it as Pendals skill at a glance.

When it was Ignis, the curse seemed to come from the Annihilation Erosion obtained through Extreme Blood Poison, so nobody recognized Ignis.

But there was no such ambiguity with Lioner. Lakradiyon had to have recognized it.

Its my skill. I stole it from Pendal.

So, Kraush straightforwardly explained.

After all, there was no other way to explain it.

Does it seem lowly?

He had even taken the skill from a dying comrade.

From Lakradiyons perspective, it was something that could be criticized.

No. Pendal would have been pleased to fight Nakcheon in such a manner.

Rather, Lakradiyon seemed grateful, bowing her head.

Kraush awkwardly scratched his head.

That was enough of that topic.



Hearing Kraushs call, Lakradiyon rummaged through her belongings.

She then produced a scroll, which had been well-preserved even in the midst of their fierce fight.

It was a coordinate-designated teleportation scroll bought at a high price in Halgram.

The coordinates had been pre-set to the entrance of the Demonic Bastion.

Prepared for this very day, Kraush stepped forward.

Ill use it now.

The moment she tore the scroll, the plains beneath Kraush and Lakradiyons feet transformed into a paved ground.

In front of the entrance to the Demonic Bastion.

Kraush, having returned to that place in broad daylight, staggered as he stepped forward.

Lakradiyon quickly supported him.

Are you alright?

Im fine. I just need to hang on until I see a certain face.

Kraush brushed off Lakradiyons support as if he was alright, standing on his own.

Though he seemed about to collapse, he forced himself to stay conscious through sheer willpower.

Hed probably be bedridden for about three days upon returning.

But by now, even that had become routine.

Mr. Kraush, before I enter the 8th floor, I mentioned I had one request.

Yes, he remembered.

It wasnt that long ago, after all.

But now.

Id like to make that request here and now.

Lakradiyons eyes were earnest.

Seeing that, Kraush turned towards her.

Go ahead.

I will conquer the Demonic Bastion.

The remaining floors of the Demonic Bastion were the 9th and 10th.

Kraush had no intention of challenging the Bastion beyond acquiring Rain Thunder Prime.

Yet, Lakradiyon declared her intention to conquer it.

And when I have conquered the entire Demonic Bastion, as I promised Pendal

She spoke as if this were her next life goal.

I wish to become your knight, Mr. Kraush.

Kraushs eyes widened in surprise at her unexpected request.

Be my knight?

He had seen such things before.

There were many who had offered to become Arthurs knights.

Mary, that thick-headed fellow, was a prime example.

But Kraush had always regarded such matters as distant concerns.

However, Lakradiyons eyes held sincerity.

She genuinely wished to become Kraushs knight.

Im the youngest of the Balheims. Theres hardly a place for me there.

Setting aside Charlotte, his older siblings were monstrous in his eyes.

Even Belorkin, who would be considered remarkable anywhere else, was nothing special within the den that was the Balheims.

Standing out among them was still a far cry for Kraush.

Its fine. Being your knight is enough for me.

After meeting Kraush, Lakradiyon saw the path of the sword anew.

Thus, she wanted to be a knight who wielded her sword for him.

A knight at the threshold of mastery.

From Kraushs perspective, it wasnt a bad proposition at all.

Masters were exceedingly rare worldwide.

Given Lakradiyons performance today, it seemed possible she could surpass that threshold someday.

Having such a person as a knight would undoubtedly mean gaining a formidable ally.

Kraush didnt dislike Lakradiyons steadfastness.

Therefore, he saw no reason to refuse her request.

If you still feel the same after clearing the Demonic Bastion, then well talk.

Peoples thoughts can change unpredictably.

Kraush expressed his thoughts without much expectation.

Yes, Ill return to you in not too long a time.

Her response made it seem likely they would meet again soon.

When that time came

Kraush merely thought about how much he, too, might have grown by then.

After parting ways with Lakradiyon, Kraush immediately set off.

His destination was none other than a certain inn.

The inn where Kraushs companions had been staying.

Upon his arrival, all eyes in the inn turned towards him.

Most of those staying at the inn were adventurers living off the byproducts of the Demonic Bastion.

Naturally, when Kraush appeared, whispers started.

Is that a Balheim?

Hes back? Does that mean

Just the other day, the Pendalords were completely beaten. I heard they were in a terrible state. And Pendal isnt seen among them.

Balheim looks fine though. What about Nakcheon?

Despite the murmurs, Kraush paid them no mind.

Instead, he ascended the stairs and knocked on a door.

The door creaked open from inside, revealing white hair and a snowflake pin.

Perhaps because a month had passed, Bianca, whom he hadnt seen in a while, seemed to have grown a bit taller.

Seeing Kraush, Biancas eyes widened.

Mr. Kraush!

As if she had been waiting for him all along, a smile spread across Biancas face the moment Kraush spoke.

Ive reached my limit.

And with that, Kraush fainted.

The news that the ghost of the Demonic Bastion, Nakcheon, had fallen stirred up the entire Bastion.

The individual who defeated Nakcheon was none other than Kraush Balheim of the Balheims.

Perhaps because Kraush had arranged things in advance with the Pendalords,

Fortunately, there was no mention of the Armed Princess among the people.

If it had been known that a world eroder appeared in the Demonic Bastion, it would have caused a huge uproar.

Moreover, Kraush had said, as he told the Pendalords, that they cooperated to tackle the 8th floor.

A final courtesy to Pendal.

As Kraushs situation was rapidly changing,

Ironically, Rahelrn Academy was also experiencing its series of events and accidents.

Of course, that was to be expected.

The Empire and the Four Major Kingdoms.

Including talents sent from smaller countries compared to the Four Major Kingdoms, the academy was a melting pot.

Among them, the Imperial and Kingdom factions became the focal points.

Naturally, conflicts between the two factions emerged repeatedly.

Although the professors tried to mediate, the factions merely changed their tactics to avoid overt actions.

At the forefront of this conflict were two individuals.

One was Sigrid Ephania from the Empire, renowned for her stunning looks and exceptional swordsmanship, considered the leading talent to guide the future of the Empire.

Wielding one of the top ten celestial swords, the White Dragons Fang, her abilities were astounding.

Not for nothing was she called a sword prodigy by the Empire.

Thus, those from the Empire naturally gathered around her as their leader.

Of course, there was subtle checking from the First Prince behind the scenes.

However, he was over 20 years old and ineligible for the academy.

Even he couldnt prevent Sigrid from dominating the Imperial faction within the academy.

And facing Sigrid was Charlotte Balheim, the Sword Saint of Balheim.

Even Sigrid had to concede to her, already a complete prodigy.

In the academy, she virtually reigned supreme with absolute power.

However, the issue was that Charlotte had no intention of gathering or leading the Kingdom faction.

She simply roamed the academy as she pleased.

When representatives of the Four Kingdoms tried to check her,

She crushed them with sheer power.

After being decimated by Charlotte, the Four Kingdoms didnt dare to provoke her again.

Naturally, Charlotte became the center of the Kingdom faction.

It was better to follow the path of a dragon than to try to tame it.

As fierce storms brewed within Rahelrn Academy,

A man was slowly walking through the palace of Starlon.

His unique hair mixed with white and gold shone, his violet eyes glimmering brightly.

So, Rahelrn Academy is in that state, huh.

He had somewhat expected this upon hearing the news.

The middle-aged nobleman following him bowed his head.

Yes, but with Charlotte Balheim taking the lead in the Four Kingdoms, if we can appease Ms. Balheim, we could stand at the apex of the Four Kingdoms.

Ha, Chancellor, you havent seen Charlotte with your own eyes, have you?

That side is managed by the diplomats. It seems the First Prince has seen her directly.

Yes, Ive seen her with my own two eyes. After all, there was talk of our betrothal.

Hilnider Starlon, the First Prince of Starlon,

Apart from the King of Starlon, he was essentially the center of power and the future ruler of Starlon.

Shes not someone to be appeased. Shes not only willful but egocentric. Even if you put a leash on her, shes a beast that would tear it apart.

Thats quite a harsh way to speak of someone you were betrothed to.

Were completely incompatible.

Now 23, he felt a sense of loss in many ways.

If I had gone to Rahelrn Academy, I could have stirred things up. Its a pity.

Thats why Rahelrn Academy imposed the age limit of 20. If the First Prince and the Empires First Prince were to enter Rahelrn Academy, it would have gone beyond turmoil.

I wont deny it.

Hilnider shrugged lightly.

Instead, he began to take an interest in something else.

I hear the youngest of the Balheims is entering Rahelrn Academy next year.

Yes, thats correct.

He was called a halfwit, but recently, he seems to have shed that label and is seen here and there.

Hilniders gaze drifted toward the window looking out of the royal palace.

Balheim, truly, is a headache in various ways. The greatest sword protecting Starlon, yet Starlon itself cant wield it as it pleases.

He mused, smiling gently.

So, Chancellor, how about this? Instead of being overshadowed by the giant monster Charlotte, lets hand the sword to another opportunist.

I agree with meeting directly.

However, the Chancellor cautioned,

First Prince, just be mindful not to treat Balheim as a mere tool. Balheim is not called a den of monsters for nothing.

Ill keep that in mind.

Thus, quietly, Starlon too began to stir with new transformations.

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