I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 80 False Hopes

Chapter 80 False Hopes

As midsummer arrived,

With the sound of cicadas from outside the carriage, Kraush awoke to the rattling noise of the carriage.

Turning his head slightly from the position he was seated in, he saw Bianca, who was resting her head on his shoulder, deeply engrossed in reading a book.

Sensing Kraushs gaze, Bianca glanced over.

Did you wake up?

How long have I slept?

About three hours.

Kraush yawned, covering his mouth with his hand.

Then, looking at Bianca, who was diligently reading her book, Kraush asked,

Dont you get bored being in the carriage every day?

As long as youre here with me, Im fine.

Kraush thought he hadnt particularly done anything interesting.

As Kraush stroked his chin, Bianca stared intently at him.

Feeling his puzzled gaze, Bianca spoke up,

Mr. Kraush, how can I stay by your side continuously?

Im right here, arent I?

In the long term.

Kraush fell silent for a moment.

During their time in the Demonic Bastion, Bianca had to be away from Kraush for over a month.

He hadnt noticed it at the time because he immediately passed out, but when Kraush woke up, Bianca was sleeping by his side, gripping his shirt tightly.

The faint shadows under her eyes indicated that Bianca had been restless and worried during that time.

Bianca felt anxious whenever she was away from Kraush.

After all, she essentially abandoned her family to come here.

Kraush was all she had to lean on.

It is said that an abandoned child harbors the fear of being abandoned again.

Even though Kraush would never abandon her, Bianca couldnt help but think otherwise.

And it seemed she felt this strongly during their time apart in the Demonic Bastion.

What if Kraush never returned from the Demonic Bastion

Such thoughts had occupied her mind.

Mr. Kraush, you will continue to venture into dangerous places.

Kraush couldnt deny it.

With the world on the brink of destruction, he had no choice but to plunge into danger.

Otherwise, he couldnt stand on the same level as a genius.

And I would just have to watch.

There was an eerily stern feeling in Biancas eyes.

Looking directly into Kraushs eyes, Bianca hesitated for a moment before gently taking his hand.

I dont just want to watch. If something bad happens to you, Id rather be by your side and face it together.

She then shared her honest feelings.

Kraush opened and closed his lips repeatedly.

Without realizing it, Kraush thought he should at least teach Bianca to defend herself.

He remembered all too well that those who couldnt defend themselves ended up dead.

Fortunately, with her background as a white ghost, her talent was expected to be exceptional.

Bianca, now a servant of the world eater, had forcibly pulled her future talents to the present.

Thus, her innate talent was deemed sufficient.

Kraush had the intention of introducing her to a master through Crimson Garden.

However, standing by his side was another matter.

Standing beside Kraush meant entering the Skyborne Generation.

To be honest,

He disliked it.

He didnt want to take Bianca into that dreadful place and didnt like the idea of them looking at Bianca in various ways.

Is this just my selfishness?

Was this the kind of selfishness fathers felt when raising their daughters like precious jewels?

Perhaps because of what he and Bianca had built up over time, Kraush was indulging her too much.

This isnt the right direction.

For Biancas sake, this approach had to stop.

She couldnt remain a child forever.

Kraush raised his hand and gently stroked Biancas head once.

Her small head wobbled under the motion of Kraushs hand.

Why would anything happen to me? And even if something did, you dont have to suffer too.

Bianca looked at Kraush with a slightly pouty expression.

Seeing her like that, Kraush couldnt help but smile.

I have something in mind for you personally. You should be able to protect yourself at least.

I want to be by your side, Mr. Kraush.

I have to go to Rahelrn Academy in half a year, regardless.

Bianca fidgeted with her feet before looking up at Kraush,

Cant you not go?

It was quite forceful coming from Bianca, who usually didnt throw tantrums.

Seeing Bianca gripping his shirt tightly, Kraush removed his hand from her head.

Sorry, this is one thing I must do.

Rahelrn Academy was a path Kraush had to take.

As Kraush made it clear, Bianca let go of his shirt and leaned back in her chair.

It didnt work.

Kraush paused.

It didnt work?

Was her action just now deliberately planned?

Is she becoming sly?

If asked where she learned that, shed probably say from a book.

Alright. I dont want to be a burden on your path.

I never thought of you as a burden.

Thank you.

Kraush felt tangled every time he conversed with Bianca lately.

Im looking into something personally. Just wait and see.


Bianca once again comfortably leaned on Kraushs shoulder and resumed reading her book.

Seeing this, Kraush smirked and looked out the window.

The Green Pine Mansion was finally coming into view.

I never thought Id be returning like this.

Originally, he had no plans to return so soon, but there was a call from the Balheims.

The First Prince of Starlon wanted to meet him.

The First Prince.

Hilnider Starlon.

The only successor to the Starlon throne, hoping to consolidate Starlon around royal authority.

As any king would naturally wish, but Starlons case was somewhat unique.

Because the name of the Balheim family stood too high in Starlon.

So much so, that mentioning Starlon immediately brings up the Balheims.

Hence, historically, the royal family and the Balheims were neither good nor bad allies.

From the royal familys perspective, the Balheims were an indispensable existence.

Yet, they also had to check the concentration of power within the Balheims to some extent.

But the First Prince wanted to make the Balheims his pawns.

He was quite an ambitious figure.

No wonder the royal family, which usually avoided concentrating power to the Balheims, proposed a marriage with Charlotte, dubbed the greatest genius of this generation.

The First Prince prefers to grow Starlon with the support of the Balheims rather than fearing their consolidation.

That was the kind of person he was.


As the carriage stopped,

Bianca immediately closed her book.

The First Prince said he would come.

Yeah, I was planning to get ready as soon as we arrived.

Its the First Prince, after all.

Kraush decided to prepare in advance.

As Kraush opened the carriage door and stepped out, he spotted a familiar figure.

Chief Butler.

Causing quite the stir, arent you? The First Prince of Starlon.

It seemed Keselin had come to greet him upon hearing that Hilnider was coming.

Of course, such a position warranted the Chief Butlers personal attendance.

Considering mothers personality, she might have wanted to come.

Keselin likely prevented her tactfully.

Bianca followed Kraush out of the carriage and stood by his side.

Seeing Bianca, Keselin smiled warmly.

Welcome, Miss Bianca Hardenhartz, I am Keselin Balheim, the Chief Butler of the Balheims. To Kraush, I am his great-aunt.

Pleased to meet you, Ms. Keselin Balheim, I am Bianca Hardenhartz.

Bianca responded to Keselins greeting with a polite bow.

Seeing this, Keselins face lit up with a kind smile.

Bianca, go ahead and wait inside.


Without another word, Bianca entered the mansion.

Watching her go, Keselin turned to Kraush and inquired,

The curse on Miss Bianca has been lifted.

She noticed.

As expected of someone who had survived in the Balheims, she easily saw through the curse.

The curse that even famous exorcists couldnt break was on Miss Bianca.

Continuing, she looked at Kraush with a gentle smile.

What do you think, Kraush?

Pretty amazing, Id say.

Kraush played it off nonchalantly.

Seeing this, the Chief Butler sighed briefly and probed no further.

Well, its okay for you to have one or two secrets at your age. But dont rely too much on curses. Youll have to pay the price eventually.

Ill keep that in mind.

Though it wasnt a curse but world erosion, Kraush said no more.

Instead, he quickly prepared to receive the First Prince.

The First Prince had personally expressed his desire to meet Kraush.

Thus, Kraush cleaned up, changed clothes, and even had Keselin check him over.

How much do you know about the First Prince?

I know hes the First Prince of Starlon. And that hes quite a proactive figure.

Thats about everything. Just keep this in mind: the First Prince wants the power of the Balheims.

So, the Balheims had also figured out what Hilnider wanted.

Ill remember that.

Ah, here he comes.

At that moment, carriage sounds began outside.

Glancing out the window, Kraush saw the First Prince, escorted by several knights.

Ill go and welcome him.

Arent I supposed to go?

Kraushs question was met with Keselins proud smile.

Kraush, we are Balheims.

That arrogance was something only the Balheims could afford.

The King himself didnt make the trip, and hes just a prince. Why would the master personally welcome him?

Kraush had a fresh realization of what the Balheims represented.

And he agreed with her.

The meeting between Hilnider and Kraush was a negotiation table.

The Balheims were the only family that could match the Starlon royal family in a power struggle.

There was no reason to give up that advantage willingly.

Then Ill leave it to you.

Thank you.

Kraush felt he had a long way to go to match Keselin in matters of political intrigue.

He was always at a distance from such disputes.

Kraush took a seat in the neatly prepared room.

Before, the First Prince only had interest in the Balheims, so Kraush had no dealings with him.

But now, at merely 14 years old, Kraush had caught the First Princes eye.

Lets see.

He thought it time to try some of the sly tactics he had learned by observation.

Following Keselin, Hilnider walked down the corridor of the Green Pine Mansion.

The meticulously cleaned hallway felt somewhat cold, perhaps because it was a part of the Balheims.

Maybe thats just my prejudice.

After all, that was how he pictured the Balheims.

He always found Balheim to be a fascinating place.

Notably, the Balheim direct descendants were peculiarly strong from birth.

They all grew into world-renowned powerhouses.

Now, the Balheim family head was among the Heavenly Four Champions, and other members were in the Ten Great Swordsmen.

There was even a time when two were in the Heavenly Four and three in the Ten Great Swordsmen an absurd era.

Thus, the Balheims were always a family of concern.

Even the Starlon royal family couldnt easily handle them.

Hilnider Starlon, we have arrived.

Suddenly, Keselin stopped in front of a room, knocked, and then pushed the door open for Hilnider to enter comfortably.

Thank you for the welcome.

After a brief thanks, Hilnider entered the room.

There, a young boy seated in a chair stood up late and bowed.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hilnider Starlon. I am Kraush Balheim.

Observing the boy introducing himself as Kraush, Hilnider smiled.

He seems older than expected.

Although he was said to be only 14, the achievements Kraush had amassed in just a year were splendid.

Though rumors were still circulating and not yet spread worldwide,

In another year, news of Kraush would spread far and wide.

And that meant Kraush had fully shed his halfwit image.

Even now, its certainly true within Starlon.

Ordinary citizens werent yet buzzing with news of Kraush,

But the nobles of Starlon were all aware of Kraushs resurgence.

The affairs of the Balheims were something they couldnt afford to miss.

Imperial spies would have noticed by now, and the major spies from other kingdoms would have done similarly.

Thus, Hilnider knew.

Not just him, but soon, hands would reach out to Kraush from all over, aiming to use him.

Having been treated harshly for being a halfwit, if his resentment is well stirred, theyll think hes easy to exploit.

If someone can appeal to him now before he becomes further entrenched,

It could be a crucial move to infiltrate the Balheims through one of their direct descendants.

Those with nothing often rush at the slightest opportunity.

If I support the boy from behind, fueling his desire for revenge, making him the head of the Balheims.

Starting from this generation, the Balheims might become a loyal sword for Starlon.

I wonder if hes aware of that.

Hilnider took a seat after Kraush.

I apologize for calling you out during your busy schedule. I wanted to see the new flame of the Balheims for myself.

Its quite alright. When the First Prince himself expresses a desire to meet, how could I refuse?

A well-measured response followed.

Is it true you defeated the ghost of the Demonic Bastion, Nakcheon?

Youve heard about that too. Indeed, the royal family of Starlon is well-informed.

Ha, of course. Its a feat accomplished by one of our kingdoms own. I was very proud to hear it. The achievements of the Balheims are those of Starlon. I couldnt be prouder.

Its my honor to contribute to the kingdom.

I hope you continue to work for Starlon.

Hilnider intentionally emphasized Starlon over Balheim.

However, Kraush took it in stride.

Hmm, unexpected. I thought he might instinctively prioritize Balheim over Starlon and show some reaction.

Kraush remained unresponsive to Hilniders words.

Perhaps due to his halfwit days, he might not place much importance on Balheim.

He might harbor resentment towards Balheim for their treatment, perhaps even harboring a desire for revenge.

If true, that would be an excellent opportunity for Hilnider.

If handled correctly, he could recruit one of the Balheim direct descendants to his cause.

Those who felt they had nothing would eagerly grasp any opportunity given.

If I support this boy from behind, fueling his revenge, and help him rise to the position of the head of Balheims.

From this generation onward, the Balheims might become a faithful sword for Starlon.

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