I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 34

C34 – Wang Xuelan

Zhou Jibo possessed a top-grade Earth Spirit bone root, a trait that, when combined with the medium-grade Earth Rank mental cultivation method, enabled him to cultivate at a speed unmatched by the warriors of Icefair.

Even beyond the borders of Icefair City, an Earth Spirit bone root was a coveted asset for cultivation, which is why the Second Palace Holy Son from the Shrine of Astral Radiance made a special trip to claim Zhou Jibo’s bone root.

Similarly, Earth Rank mental cultivation methods were exceedingly rare. Within the entirety of Icefair City, no one but Zhou Jibo had managed to cultivate a method beyond the Profound Rank. Despite the city’s relative poverty, high-grade mental cultivation methods were inherently scarce.

Zhou Jibo alone had transcended this limitation by evolving his bone root, mental cultivation method, and martial skills with attribute points.

“I’ve finally reached the ninth layer of the Acquired Stage, just one step shy of the Innate Stage,” Zhou Jibo murmured to himself.

He anticipated that reaching this level wouldn’t take too long.

The system rewarded Zhou Jibo with another 100,000 attribute points. His initial instinct was to hasten his cultivation by allocating points to his bone root and mental cultivation method. Regrettably, both now required more than 100,000 points.

His only option seemed to be enhancing the Blood Stripe Sword, Mountain Suppressing Palm, Cool Breeze Bright Moon Sword Technique, and auxiliary skills such as medical practice, alchemy, and forging.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhou Jibo refrained from using any attribute points.

He was certain that whether it was weapons, martial skills, or auxiliary abilities, any enhancement would benefit his cultivation. In a less pressured environment, with an abundance of attribute points, he could indeed gradually improve his own cultivation level.

But considering his enemy was at the Innate Stage, such incremental improvements wouldn’t significantly narrow the gap in their strength.

“I need to ascend to the Innate Stage as quickly as possible to achieve a substantial increase in my power,” Zhou Jibo resolved, beckoning the maidservant waiting by the door.

Zheng Fanshuang and Ninghe entered together, greeting him in chorus, “Young Master!”

“Check with the family on how much Element Gathering Powder we have left, and bring me ten portions,” Zhou Jibo instructed.

Zheng Fanshuang acknowledged the request and was about to head out when Ninghe interjected, “Young Master, I’m afraid there isn’t much Element Gathering Powder remaining. The family distributed a significant amount to the promising youths just a couple of days ago.”

With a chuckle, Zheng Fanshuang responded, “Ninghe, you’ve got it wrong. If the Young Master needs Element Gathering Powder, the Zhou family will spare no effort to procure it for him immediately. He’s the linchpin of our family; we won’t let him run short of it.”

Zhou Jibo, listening to their exchange, gained an indirect insight into the Zhou family’s commitment to nurturing its younger members.

As Ninghe fell silent, Zheng Fanshuang prepared to fetch the Element Gathering Powder, but Zhou Jibo, with a laugh, stopped her, “Zheng Fanshuang, don’t bother. Since they’re willing to purchase it for me, I’ll go buy it myself.”

After donning his sword, Zhou Jibo took a couple of steps and turned to Zheng Fanshuang, “Come with me.”

Zheng Fanshuang hesitated, a mix of delight and anxiety crossing her face. She gestured dismissively, “Miss Zhou has already sought you out for shopping trips several times. It would be perfect for you to accompany her.”

Zhou Jibo gave a slight shake of his head and gestured for her to keep up, “We’re leaving now.”

Zheng Fanshuang glanced down at her attire, a bit self-conscious, but ultimately held her tongue. She followed Zhou Jibo, head bowed, as they quickly departed.

They withdrew some money from the Zhou family’s accounts and left the estate, one after the other. Their first stop was a shop specializing in Element Gathering Powder, where they purchased twenty portions. Strolling leisurely through the streets of Icefair, Zhou Jibo led the way with Zheng Fanshuang in tow.

Icefair wasn’t a large city, and Zhou Jibo had become a figure of considerable interest there over the past month. It wasn’t long before they were recognized, prompting people to dismount their horses or step out of their carriages to exchange pleasantries.

Initially, Zhou Jibo exhibited patience, but as time wore on, his tolerance waned. He headed straight for the Swan Goose Inn and requested a private room he frequently visited.

The waiter brought him steaming tea and a selection of fruits and pastries.

Zhou Jibo stood at the window, hands clasped behind him, gazing outward.

“Have you been adjusting well these days?” he inquired.

Zheng Fanshuang’s cheeks flushed with color as she nodded. She had been both startled and frightened earlier when others greeted Zhou Jibo, worried about being recognized, hence her reddened face.

Once a young lady of the prestigious Zheng family, she and Zhou Jibo were scions of influential clans. Now, she found herself in the role of Zhou Jibo’s maid, a thought that filled her with mortification.

Zhou Jibo let out a soft chuckle, turned, and took a seat, gesturing for her to join him. “You’re not like any ordinary maid. Please, take a seat. I mean no disrespect, nor is it my intention to force you into servitude,” he assured her.

“But given that you’re a woman and I’m a man, I can’t ensure your safety if you’re left elsewhere. That’s the reason behind my decision.”

Zheng Fanshuang looked at Zhou Jibo, taken aback. “Does that mean I don’t have to address you as Young Master? I’m not expected to wait on you as Ninghe does?”

“You’re not obligated to,” Zhou Jibo replied. “But you must realize, from the moment you revealed the Zheng family patriarch’s secret, you became a traitor in their eyes. Your former status as the Zheng family’s young lady no longer applies to you.”

“I saved your life and took you away from the Zheng family over those two books, but I can’t look after you indefinitely. Staying by my side is for your protection, ensuring you’re not harmed by the Zheng family or anyone else with malicious intent.”

“And as for any whims or fits of temper, I believe I’m under no obligation to indulge you, am I correct?”

The color drained from Zheng Fanshuang’s face as she bit her lip, absorbing the harsh truth Zhou Jibo laid bare: she was no longer the Zheng family’s young lady but a traitor. Zhou Jibo would offer his protection, yet he wouldn’t pamper her as if she were still a cherished daughter of wealth—he wouldn’t stand for her temper.

She remained silent, simply stepping up beside Zhou Jibo to pour him a steaming cup of tea.

Zhou Jibo had intended only to watch her behavior carefully. Now that she was aware of her predicament, he saw no need for further conversation.

The private room at the Swan Goose Inn had once been a resting spot for Zheng Fanshuang and Zhou Jibo during their shopping excursions. Zheng Fanshuang had visited it on several occasions. Yet, as Zhou Jibo and Zheng Fanshuang found themselves in this familiar setting once more, the dynamics of their relationship had shifted dramatically.

Zhou Jibo was indifferent, but Zheng Fanshuang’s eyes darted about, betraying her growing conviction that Zhou Jibo’s demeanor was the result of emotional wounds inflicted by love.

Without touching his tea, Zhou Jibo lingered briefly before escorting Zheng Fanshuang out of the room, ready to head back to the Zhou household.

No sooner had they exited the private room than a young girl approached them. Zhou Jibo did a double-take, recognizing something familiar in her features.

The girl approached with a beaming smile, exclaiming, “Zhou Jibo! I’ve heard about your latest feat. Are you doing well?”

Caught off guard, Zhou Jibo nevertheless identified the girl. She was Wang Sibo’s granddaughter, Wang Xuelan. Their acquaintance was slight, having met just once before, and he wondered at her forwardness in greeting him so warmly.

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