I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 35

C35 – Jiao Lexin

“So it’s Miss Wang,” Zhou Jibo said with a slight lift of his hand. “Has Master Wang returned to Icefair City?”


Wang Xuelan had a charming presence, her bright smile radiating an inexplicable charm that was utterly infectious.

Even Zheng Fanshuang, who was currently entangled in a web of complex emotions, found herself disarmed by the sight of the delightful young girl, and a smile naturally graced her face.

“Then I shall go and pay my respects to Master Wang,” Zhou Jibo declared. “Miss Wang, would Master Wang have a moment to see me?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xuelan’s smile vanished, replaced by a sullen expression. “He’s available. You can follow me to meet him.”

Zhou Jibo gave her a puzzled look, but before he could voice his questions, Wang Xuelan preemptively shared her concerns. It turned out that Master Wang was in another private room, not only with another scion from the Family of Forgemasters but also with Yan Yuanlu from the Myriad Treasure Auction House.

Their visit was prompted by the discovery of an iron mine in Osobron Mountain, a hundred kilometers south of Icefair City. Yan Yuanlu was there to secure the iron mine for the Myriad Treasure Auction House, while Wang Sibo, who had deep ties with the auction house, was assessing the mine’s potential value, including the presence of other rare metals and the feasibility of extracting spirit steel or spirit iron.

The young master from the Family of Forgemasters, however, had simply tagged along with Wang Xuelan, much to her dismay.

“I’m not a beauty; there’s no way he’s pursuing me,” Wang Xuelan stated indignantly. “He’s obviously trying to take advantage of my grandfather.”

Zheng Fanshuang couldn’t suppress a chuckle at the girl’s candidness. Both Wang Xuelan and Zheng Xunqin were teenagers, around fourteen or fifteen, with a refreshing naivety and an absence of guile.

Zhou Jibo, though young himself, had the advantage of wisdom from two lifetimes, enabling him to respond astutely to any situation. Zheng Xunqin, on the other hand, harbored a cruel streak, possessing a cunning that was uncharacteristic of most youths.

“Is your maidservant mocking me?” Wang Xuelan asked, her mood still clouded. “Are you all laughing at my expense?”

Zhou Jibo offered a smile and said, “I think you’re selling yourself short. There are many forms of beauty in this world, and to me, your looks are certainly one of them.”

Wang Xuelan’s cheeks warmed with a blush. “Really? Do you truly think I’m beautiful?”

Zhou Jibo’s words were sincere. In contrast to those traditionally beautiful women with their elegant figures, Wang Xuelan’s charming personality and looks were a beauty of their own, far surpassing that of the average beauty.

Seeing Zhou Jibo’s confirming nod, Wang Xuelan’s spirits lifted, her earlier concerns vanished, leaving only a faint blush on her face. “Thank you. Let’s go see Grandfather now!”

They approached the door of a tastefully appointed room, and Wang Xuelan pushed it open. “Grandfather, I’m back!”

Inside, a man in his early twenties rose to his feet, greeting her with a smile, “Xuelan, come, have a seat.”

His smile wavered upon noticing Zhou Jibo behind her. He scrutinized Zhou Jibo for a moment before asking, “And who might this be?”

“Zhou Jibo,” he introduced himself, stepping into the room and giving a respectful nod to Wang Sibo at the head of the table. “Master Wang, Mr. Yan, it’s good to see you both again.”

Yan Yuanlu stood, his laughter ringing out warmly. “I’ve only just returned to Icefair and already your name has reached my ears. It’s quite the surprise – our humble Icefair catching the eye of the Shrine of Astral Radiance. Your talents are indeed exceptional.”

His praise was effusive, yet he carefully avoided any mention of the potential influences or powers that might be backing Zhou Jibo, as well as the possible pursuit from the Shrine of Astral Radiance.

Wang Sibo gave a subtle nod, his gaze drawn to the Blood Stripe Sword at Zhou Jibo’s side. His expression turned from one of reminiscence to a shadow of concern, his demeanor darkening.

Seizing the moment, the young man from the Family of Forgemasters interjected, “Zhou Jibo? You’re the celebrated young prodigy of Icefair, aren’t you? I’m Jiao Lexin from the Jiao family of Basinpond, with a bit of knowledge in the art of forging.”

Zhou Jibo acknowledged him with a nod, a silent but polite greeting.

Jiao Lexin pressed on, “Zhou Jibo, do you possess an Earth Spirit root bone? Your fiancée and the Holy Land’s people are after it, wanting to extract it from you?”

Zhou Jibo’s eyebrows lifted subtly, sensing Jiao Lexin’s intent to provoke. If not, he wouldn’t persist with such impolite questioning.

Was this because of Wang Xuelan?

Jiao Lexin was acting like a rabid dog. If he was interested in Wang Xuelan, why provoke others?

Zhou Jibo lost all respect for Jiao Lexin and, ignoring his question, countered, “How many masters does the Jiao family boast?”

Caught off guard, Jiao Lexin blurted, “What?”

“How many masters are there in the Jiao family?” Zhou Jibo repeated.

Jiao Lexin’s face, which had lost its smile, now soured. “The Jiao family is Basinpond’s most prominent clan and a renowned Family of Forgemasters across hundreds of miles and several cities. We have four Innate Experts and over a thousand Acquired Warriors.”

He spoke with a hint of pride. “Our family’s prestige is recognized even in the vast Iphaseon Empire, unlike the so-called families of Icefair.”

Zhou Jibo smiled, probing further, “Only four Innate Experts in your family. Is your family resilient enough to endure the disasters you’re inviting upon it?”

Jiao Lexin’s face reddened with rage as he glared at Zhou Jibo, “You!”

Zhou Jibo’s words had reduced him to a do-nothing, troublemaking noble scion. Jiao Lexin, who always held himself in high regard and considered himself accomplished, saw this as the ultimate scorn and disrespect.

With a cold laugh, Jiao Lexin found his retort, “I’m nothing compared to you, who has managed to antagonize the Shrine of Astral Radiance!”

“You are truly lacking manners!” Wang Xuelan interjected, then turned to Zhou Jibo, “Don’t bother with him. Please, continue your conversation with my grandfather.”

Witnessing this exchange, Jiao Lexin’s anger surged. “She previously dismissed me, and now she sides with Zhou Jibo? It seems my suspicions were correct; she does have a connection with Zhou Jibo, who is indeed a significant hindrance in my quest to extract the secrets of refining from Wang Sibo!”

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