I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 36

C36 – He Secretly Speculated

After Wang Xuelan’s interjection, Jiao Lexin found himself unable to continue interrupting the exchange between Zhou Jibo and Wang Sibo, resigning himself to silently harbor resentment for the time being.

Wang Sibo’s attention returned to the sword by Zhou Jibo’s side, his displeasure evident to all. Not only did Zhou Jibo notice, but so did Jiao Lexin, Wang Xuelan, Zheng Fanshuang, and Yan Yuanlu.

Was Master Wang truly dissatisfied with Zhou Jibo?

Jiao Lexin’s spirits lifted, sensing an opportunity on the horizon.

Yan Yuanlu and Wang Xuelan, however, were confused. Master Wang had previously spoken of Zhou Jibo as a courageous youth, noting that even with backing from other powers, challenging the Holy Land was a bold move.

So why did he now seem so displeased?

“Grandfather, what seems to be the problem?” Wang Xuelan inquired without overthinking it.

Wang Sibo let out a soft sigh, fixing his gaze on Zhou Jibo. “Logically, once the Blood Stripe Sword was sold via the Myriad Treasure Auction House, I shouldn’t have intervened.”

“However, I did express my hope that you would take good care of the Blood Stripe Sword and even provided you with a book on my own insights into weapon refining.”

“Zhou Jibo, you didn’t bring the Blood Stripe Sword with you today, but instead another sword. This disappoints me.”

It was then that Zhou Jibo realized the root of the displeasure. Master Wang held a deep affection for the Blood Stripe Sword.

“Master Wang, there seems to be a misunderstanding. The sword I have with me is indeed the Blood Stripe Sword, not a different one,” Zhou Jibo clarified.

Wang Sibo dismissed the explanation with a gesture. “Remember, I am a Technomancer. I possess an almost intuitive sense of a weapon’s quality. The sword you’re holding is of Profound Rank, correct? I can tell just by observing the vitality and spirit light that surrounds it.”

Zhou Jibo internally conceded that it was no surprise Wang Sibo was mistaken. The Blood Stripe Sword’s true potential would only be unlocked once he reached the Innate Stage and could harness his true essence. Until then, it wouldn’t display the characteristics of an Earth Rank weapon.

Indeed, Zhou Jibo had not perceived any vitality or spirit light emanating from the Blood Stripe Sword. Naturally, if a Technomancer couldn’t perceive the subtle changes in the weapons they crafted, they wouldn’t be capable of producing superior artifacts.

Wang Sibo had crafted innumerable devices, so his keen insight was nothing short of expected.

A Profound Rank weapon?

Zheng Fanshuang’s heart leapt: Could the weapon in Zhou Jibo’s possession be of the Profound Rank? Surely no other family in all of Icefair City had such an artifact.

Both Wang Xuelan and Yan Yuanlu were taken aback: Zhou Jibo had a Profound Rank weapon?

Jiao Lexin was equally astounded. What kind of backing did Zhou Jibo have? Even the Jiao family only possessed a single ancestral weapon of that caliber.

Zhou Jibo offered a smile, drew the Blood Stripe Sword, and presented it to Wang Sibo. “Please take a look. Is this not the Blood Stripe Sword you forged?”

Upon inspection, Wang Sibo abruptly rose to his feet, reaching for the sword. He recognized the intricate patterns etched upon the blade; though they were now many times more complex, it was unmistakably the low-grade Yellow Rank Blood Stripe Sword he had once created.

The Blood Stripe Sword appeared unassuming, yet its edge was incomparably keen, leaving a trail of blood upon Wang Sibo’s palm with a mere touch.

Overcome with surprise and elation, he turned to Zhou Jibo. “Have you truly elevated the Blood Stripe Sword to the Profound Rank?”

Before Zhou Jibo could reply, Wang Sibo bowed deeply in gratitude. “My thanks to you, Young Master Zhou! My final regret has at last been lifted.”

Wang Xuelan, puzzled, interjected, “Grandfather, you said the Blood Stripe Sword’s flaw was something you could never rectify in your lifetime. How then has it been raised to the Profound Rank?”

With unfeigned admiration and fondness, Wang Sibo bowed again to Zhou Jibo, who gestured for him to refrain from further thanks. Zhou Jibo then clarified for the group, “I believed my own skills in alchemy and my financial resources were insufficient for such a task.”

“It’s generally unthinkable for a weapon’s rank to be elevated. To illustrate with the Blood Stripe Sword, the precious minerals and metals required to enhance a low-grade Yellow Rank to the Profound Rank are not merely a matter of adding a bit more. It’s far from the simplicity of procuring the minerals for an ordinary Profound Rank weapon.”

“The rare minerals required to craft a Profound Rank weapon are five to ten times more costly than the weapon itself. Moreover, I need a Forgemaster capable of refining a top-grade Profound Rank weapon to meticulously repair and forge it.”

“The cost I incurred was several times higher than that of commissioning a top-grade Profound Rank weapon.”

Upon saying this, he bowed again in gratitude to Su Ze, “The Blood Stripe Sword has long been an indelible regret in my heart. Young Master Zhou, you have managed to push it to its ultimate potential. My thanks are boundless! Please forgive my earlier narrow-mindedness!”

Jiao Lexin stood there, slack-jawed. Yan Yuanlu and Wang Xuelan were equally astonished, while Zheng Fanshuang felt as though lightning had struck her, leaving her mind utterly blank.

Wang Sibo’s statement was crystal clear.

After purchasing the low-grade Yellow Rank Blood Stripe Sword, Zhou Jibo astonishingly chose to spend a fortune, several times the cost of a top-grade Profound Rank weapon, to have a Forgemaster forcefully enhance the Blood Stripe Sword’s quality, elevating it to the Profound Rank!

This implied that Zhou Jibo, and the force behind him, possessed a Forgemaster even more formidable than Wang Sibo. They could effortlessly produce the exotic minerals needed to refine top-grade Profound Rank weapons!

What magnitude of power could this be?

Such strength seemed beyond the reach of any single family. Even with the necessary resources and manpower, such privileges were typically reserved for sect leaders or the emperor himself.

What then was the nature of the power backing Zhou Jibo?

Could it be another Holy Land? In the modest town of Icefair, did two seemingly insignificant families each have the backing of a Holy Land? The mere thought seemed wildly improbable to Yan Yuanlu and the others.

Countless esteemed families and major sects longed for the opportunity to align with a Holy Land, yet here were the Zhou and Zheng families—what stroke of fortune had they encountered?

“Master Wang, there’s no need for such formality. Regarding the Blood Stripe Sword, perhaps you haven’t examined it closely enough. I suggest you take another look,” Zhou Jibo prompted Wang Sibo.

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