Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 143

Suan watched the time. At ten o'clock in the evening, she turned over Gu Mocheng's phone and called.

The first time I called, there came a beep voice. Gu didn't answer her call.

If Gu Mocheng is busy, Su an goes to take a bath first.

As soon as she had finished washing in the bathroom, she heard her cell phone and hurried to pick it up.

She almost fell down because she ran out in a hurry and didn't wear shoes.

"Husband." She called.

"Well." The soft voice came to Gu Mocheng's ear, and he immediately remembered Su an's coquettish face when he was blowing on the balcony.

But one day, he missed her very much.

Gu Mocheng takes a cigarette and talks with su'an on the phone.

"Not yet."

"Waiting for your call." Suan said that she dare not tell the truth and told Gu that he had played mahjong with his mother until now.

"What were you doing? Didn't answer my phone. "

Gu Mocheng listened to the questions in her words, hooked his mouth and smiled. He turned to look at the group of people drinking in the box.

"I didn't hear you at the party."

"Oh." Su'an should know that Gu Mocheng hurried to Jingcheng to deal with business. "Drink less."

She thought about it and told Gu Mocheng that he would drink too much.

"Well." According to Gu Mocheng, he likes to listen to su'an's concern.

Then, the two men were silent. Su an stood at the window and looked up at the sky outside. He was surprised and said, "the sky in the old house seems to be better than that in the city. There are many stars today."

"It's raining here." Gu Mocheng replied, it rained heavily, and crackled against the window.

"Well, I heard it. It rained heavily."

"Husband, when will you come back?" Asked Suan.

Gu Mocheng is not sure. There are some problems with the Xu family's cooperation. He has to stay for a few more days. "As soon as possible."

Su'an knows that Gu Mocheng is a trustworthy person. It must be a tough thing, so he can't be sure when he will come back.

"Go to rest." Gu said to suan'an.

Just as he finished, Suan heard a woman's voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Gu, why do you smoke here alone?"

The woman's voice is very gentle and comfortable.

Suan immediately became nervous and listened to them.

"Ann, go to bed."

Gu added, glancing at the woman who came to him, he knew why he didn't hang up.

"Don't worry."

Simple two words really let Su an an an rest assured, she is reluctant to end the phone, said to Gu Mocheng on the other end of the phone, "husband, I miss you!"

"Good night." Without waiting for Gu Mocheng to reply, su'an hung up first.

Hearing su'an's back thinking of him, Gu Mocheng hooked up his mouth and smiled. The little girl deliberately made him think of her.

"Mr. Gu." The woman came to Gu Mocheng's side and was surprised to see his smile. For a moment, she stood there and stared at him.

"Miss Xu." Gu Mocheng said that when he came to the Xu family twice in Jingcheng, Miss Xu received him.

Gu Mocheng thought of one thing and asked, "Miss Xu, your Xu's jewelry is better than the Xiao's in Ningcheng in terms of customization. Can you let me go to Xu's to customize a jewelry tomorrow?"

There are too many similarities in the shopping malls. Gu Mocheng wants Xu's customized products.

"Is Mr. Gu here to see off?" Miss Xu asked with a smile, her eyes shining with care for Mo Cheng. "Is it for mom or sister?"

"Wife." Gu Mocheng ignored the affection in the eyes of Miss Xu's family and said directly.

"Wife?" She doesn't remember that Gu Mocheng got married.

Her smile faded from the corner of her mouth, and soon she smiled again. "I didn't hear that Mr. Gu was married before."

"I was married when I came last time, but we didn't have a banquet." Gu added, "on the day when our husband and wife hold the banquet, please invite Miss Xu and Mr. Xu to come to Ningcheng for a wedding wine."

"Oh." "Mrs. Gu must be very beautiful," said Miss Xu with a smile

Thinking of suan'an, Gu Mocheng said softly, "well."

"She's beautiful."

"Prettier than me?" Asked Miss Xu.

Gu replied earnestly, "Miss Xu is also beautiful, but in my heart, she is the most beautiful wife."

Said, Gu Mocheng finished smoking his cigarette, and he put out his cigarette end. "Miss Xu continues to blow, I'll go first."

Miss Xu watched Gu Mocheng enter the box, and the smile disappeared.

A man like Gu Mocheng is very popular with women. For women's suggestion, Gu Mocheng has accepted countless times, either directly refuse or turn a blind eye.

Now he has suan'an, not to mention other women.Because in a strange place, without Gu Mocheng's company, Su an fell asleep after a long time.

When she got up in the morning, she saw her cell phone at ten o'clock. She got up in a row, afraid of bad influence on Gu Zhen and Gu Lao ma.

She went to the door and saw a note on the ground.

"Suan, we're not finished."

This was left by Gu Ziming, who had slipped away early in the morning and dared not stay at home again. As for the account with Suan, he can't do that.

Gu Ziming is sure that uncle Er doesn't know that su'an's car racing technology is powerful, because his uncle hates people playing such dangerous games as car racing.

He threatened Suan with this incident, and Suan dared not listen to him.

In Gu's old house, there's a nanny like escort. Maybe he says that su'an will drive fast, and grandma will praise su'an for her strength.

He remembers to count the bill next time he meets Suan.

At the bottom of the note was Gu's phone.

Su'an understood what he meant. She was afraid that Gu Mocheng would know. She wrote down Gu Ziming's number and then destroyed the note.

Su'an didn't go down. She heard a loud voice downstairs. She looked down. There were three old ladies in the living room who were the same age as old lady Gu.

"Ann, come here."

Old lady Gu saw Suan at a glance and waved to her.

Su an an goes to old lady Gu, who holds her hand and says with a smile, "beautiful."

"Your girlfriend."

It's easy to misunderstand Su an's age that this is Gu Ziming's girlfriend. She will never think that she is Gu Mocheng's wife.

"Wrong, my family made it." Said old lady Gu proudly.

"My wife." She repeated, for fear that the three in front of her would not listen.

"Why?" Said an old lady in surprise. "Look at the age of the girl. It's ten years away from Mo Cheng."

"Eleven." Said old lady Gu.

"It's a big difference."

Old lady Gu is not happy that others say her son and daughter-in-law. Looking at the old lady, she says unhappily, "the woman Xiao Yan is playing outside is similar to Ann's

Old lady Xiao shut up when she was told by old lady Gu.

Old lady Gu smiled and said happily, "in a while, I will be able to hold my grandson."

None of the three old ladies here have a family. They broke their hearts for their son's marriage. They came here to chat as soon as they got a call from old lady Gu in the morning. I don't know that Mrs. Gu is specially for them to show off their daughter-in-law.

Who let their sons one by one do not compete, the older generation do not hurry to marry and have children, regardless of career, or play with women outside.

Gu Mocheng was not married before. They gathered around to talk about their son, gossip about which young lady is good, and talk about their blind date.

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