Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 144

"How old are you, little girl?"


"Where to go to school!"

Knowing that Suan is Gu Mocheng's wife, the old ladies curiously asked Suan one question after another.

They want to find their son's favorite type from suan'an, so that they can find their daughter-in-law.

"Ann, go and have breakfast." Old lady Gu said to suan'an, and then said to old lady, "don't ask me questions. I'm tired of asking my daughter-in-law."

Su An'an breathed a sigh of relief and didn't have to face the scrutiny of a group of them.

Old lady Gu stood up and said, "rub mahjong."

Suan, who had just turned around, heard it and exclaimed that old lady Gu's energy was good.

"Good." The three of them should take care of each other. Old lady Gu's playing skills are too bad. How can they disagree with her when they win a lot of money back this time.

"In a few days, we will have a party at Xiao's house. Will you come?" Xiao Yan's mother asked Mrs. Gu.

Old lady Gu didn't answer. She said, "the old lady of Jiang's family is also here."

"Come on." Old lady Gu was stunned and immediately replied.

With that, old lady Gu looked at su'an, who was going to the restaurant, and said, "I'll take my daughter-in-law."

The weather in Ningcheng began to get worse. It rained for several days. 'it's raining more in Jingcheng, but it's going to come back as soon as possible,' Mr. Gu said.

As time goes on, su'an's Thoughts on him become more and more intense.

She lives in Gu's old house and proposes to go to school. Gu asks the driver to take her there.

In the old house, su'an saw that Gu Zhen and Mrs. Gu lived in such a large manor and were very lonely. Otherwise, Mrs. Gu would talk to her when she was free.

Gu Zhen didn't dare to let su'an drink again because of his last drink.

At the dinner table, with suan'an, they felt that the house was no longer cold.

When old lady Gu is free, she will take her to visit the villa nearby.

The old lady likes her. She says it's his son's wife.

She's really glad her son got married and had a baby.

The old man likes her company, and su'an also listens to her words and rushes back and forth to school.

It's just that sometimes the driver's uncle drives slower and doesn't overtake too much on the road, which makes su'an, who is used to driving fast, uncomfortable.

Today, it is still drizzling, and su'an has a rest. Gu said that he would be in Ningcheng this afternoon. Mrs. Gu asked the servants to prepare the dishes that Gu liked.

Suan helped, too.

Gu Mocheng has been out for seven days. She really wants to.

For seven days, su'an always felt that he had left for a long time, and thought that the ancient saying "one day is missing, like the next three autumn days" was very reasonable.

After lunch, Suan anxiously guarded her cell phone. Two hours from Jingcheng to Ningcheng, it took Gu Mocheng more than three to get to the airport.

But Suan was in a hurry and wanted to get to the airport to see her right away.

Old lady Gu looked anxiously at Su An'an, and she teased, "little girl, you want to be a success?"

Suan blushed when she was told. She nodded.

Su an an's admission made old lady Gu laugh.

She likes direct people, like is like, bashful what. The one Gu Mocheng found ten years ago can't do it. I dare not admit it in front of her if I like it or not.

Chengcheng sees the progress of people's vision, which is like her!

"Don't worry, he'll be here at four." Said old lady Gu.

Of course, Suan knows she can see him today, but she wants to see him now.

When I miss myself, I feel really anxious.

"Now young people are impatient to fall in love." Gu Zhen has an opinion on suan'an, he said unhappily.

Mrs Gu didn't like it. "You didn't do the same before."

Who is not impatient when he pursues love when he is young.

Gu Zhen shut up immediately after being crowned by old lady Gu.

Su An'an sips her mouth to watch the quarrel between the old lady and Gu Zhen. She feels that they are so old and can still love each other so much. They are really happy.

In particular, Gu Zhen's love for old lady Gu is beyond the average man.

I'm old. Gu Mocheng will not follow her like this.

"Dad is nice to mom." As she spoke, she thought of Suhua.

Early on, Su ruocheu said to her that her mother broke off the relationship between Suhua and her family and worked hard with Suhua to start a business.

At the beginning, Suhua was also very good to her mother.

People change when they touch money. Suhua still cheated and did something sorry to her mother.

"Well, yes." Old lady Gu admitted that she reached out and held Gu Zhen's hand, smiled and said, "it's not easy for a person to meet someone he loves all his life, and he loves his own. So we should cherish the present happinessSuan thought the old lady had a point.

"Ann, Mocheng will be good to you." Old lady Gu said that she usually called Gu Mocheng "Chengcheng". This time, she solemnly mentioned the word "Mocheng".

She is as lucky as suan'an. She met Gu Zhen when she was in such a mess. Then Gu Zhen has been very good to her. She has never changed, even though her face is full of pleats.

Before long, old lady Gu and Zhen fell asleep on the sofa. When they were old, they closed their eyes and went to sleep.

They are also waiting for Gu Mocheng to see that their son's mood is no worse than that of su'an.

Su An'an looked at the past. The two of them held each other's hands. They never let go.

Old lady Gu is really happy. Suddenly, su'an wants to know how they are together! Gu Zhen's character should be similar to that of Gu Mocheng. He is indifferent to everyone.

Su an an was about to turn off the TV when she saw the news that suddenly jumped out of her head.

Hearing the words "the plane from Jingcheng to Ningcheng", her tears came out one by one.

Gu Zhen was first woken up by the sound in the TV. He opened his eyes and looked at it. He shook Gu's hand.

"Turn off the TV." Gu Zhen said to Su an in a low voice.

Su an is immersed in the news on TV. She doesn't hear Gu Zhen at once.

"Give me the remote control." Gu Zhen said in a sharp voice.

Suan responded and handed over the remote control with tears in her eyes.

But it's too late. Old lady Gu wakes up and hears Gu Zhen's words, "what's wrong with Ann?"

"Watch TV for Ann."

As she spoke, she looked at the TV in front of her.

As soon as Mrs. Gu heard about the plane crash, the whole person was stunned.

"OK, it's OK." Gu Zhen said, "let's call Mo Cheng."

"Nothing, what is nothing?" As soon as he finished, old lady Gu cried out, "you told me that Jingxing was ok, but that?"

"He's dead, dead!"

At the mention of her old son, old lady Gu was so excited that she burst into tears.

She had a very good life, so in middle age, her eldest son was taken away by God.

Su An'an takes out the phone to call Gu Mocheng when old lady Gu cries.

Gu Mocheng's phone was turned off, and su'an then called, but he didn't get through.

She didn't think much about it. She went straight to the gate. Mrs. Gu followed her first.

There are only two cars in Gu's old house. The car that is easy to drive is driven by the driver to repair. It will not come back.

Now the car is in manual gear. Su an goes in. There is a key in it. Old lady Gu and Zhen Gu also go in.

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