Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 145

The airport in Ningcheng has to drive on the expressway. It's a weekend. There are many cars to the airport. Su'an directly came out of his old house and drove on the highway.

In the news, it was said that the plane from Jingcheng to Ningcheng was hit by lightning because of the weather, and its whereabouts was unknown after it fell.

Gu Mo is in that plane. This is the idea in Su an's mind when driving.

The old lady Gu in the back seat cried bitterly. She thought of her dead eldest son. "If it's gone, I don't want to live."

She can't stand the blow of always sending black hair to white hair.

"Nonsense?" Gu Zhen's worry about Gu Mocheng is not less than that of his wife and Su An'an. When he saw the news, he wanted to call Gu's people and ask others who followed Gu to Jingcheng.

Gu's wife and su'an didn't make a phone call or bring out the mobile phone.

Now they can only visit the airport.

"Mocheng will be OK." Said Gu Zhen.

But his mind is still in a state of confusion. How can he not worry before he is sure?

That's his only son on the plane.

"Whoops." Old lady Gu is still crying, "Chengcheng is not easy to get married. This grandson didn't give birth to me, so it's gone."

The more she thought about it, the more sad she was, the more she thought about her life.

The old lady Gu's crying made Su an's heart even heavier. Her eyes were wet, which affected her vision. She reached out to wipe away the tears and got wet again.

Gu Zhen saw Su an's tears through the rearview mirror and said, "an an, concentrate on driving."

As he spoke, Suan shifted gears abruptly to speed up.

There is more traffic on the highway. Su'an is in a hurry after them. Influenced by the mood of old lady Gu, she can't care about other acceleration.

She moved the steering wheel to overtake on the left and overtake on the right.

The speed of the car went up to 150, and it was overtaking from left to right. The old lady Gu stopped crying when the car was driving in the back seat.

Gu Zhen sees Su an's familiar acceleration and overtaking. This kind of speed and skill can not be controlled by ordinary people.

If you don 't exceed it, you will let the car behind you hit or hit the car in front of you.

But Suan drives very steadily.

"Old man." Old lady Gu also looked strange. As she said this, Gu Zhen looked down at her seat belt.

"It's OK." Gu Zhen holds old lady Gu's hand.

"It's all about you. If you want to save money, the private plane will not be used. Every time Mexico Chengdu has to catch its own plane. " Old lady Gu thinks and blames Gu Zhen.

The plane crash is not something Guzhen can control. Now it's something wrong. He's asked by old lady Gu.

They have two sons, one is gone, the other is gone, no one can bear it.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault." Gu Zhen clenched Gu's hand and said that the most important thing now is to get to the airport as fast as possible. The three people rushed out and forgot their mobile phones.

When we get to the airport, we can settle down a little.

It usually takes more than an hour to get to Ningcheng airport from Laozhai, but with Su an's skill, she drives for more than 20 minutes, which shows how fast she drives.

As soon as he arrived at the airport parking lot, suan'an made a beautiful drift and stopped in the parking space with her head turned away.

The rotation of the car frightens old lady Gu Zhen.

Su'an remembers Gu Mocheng. She can't care about Gu Zhen and his wife's strange driving skills.

If Gu Mocheng is gone, she will be scared if she is known about the racing.

After su'an got off, old lady Gu and Gu Zhen got off the bus.

Old lady Gu felt dizzy and had to admit that she was old.

Su an an looks back at Gu Zhen and old lady Gu. She realizes that she is driving too fast, which frightens them.

"Mom, are you ok?" Asked Suan.

Old lady Gu waved. "Go to the airport information desk and ask."

She motioned for suan'an to go to the airport hall, saying that she stood up, and with the help of Gu Zhen, followed her to the hall.

The plane crash has been broadcast in the news, but the families who took the plane didn't come as quickly as they did. They should be the first family members to come to the airport to ask.

"Show us the list of people on the one o'clock flight from Jingcheng to Ningcheng." As soon as Suan arrived at the information desk, he asked eagerly.

The staff had already prepared the list and handed it to suan'an.

Su An'an receives the list. When she sees the name of Gu Mocheng on it, she is shocked.

After that, Gu Zhen and his wife came to see him. Gu Zhen grabbed him first and saw his son's name on it. He couldn't help turning white.

How could this happen?"Gu Zhen!" Looking at Gu Zhen's face, old lady Gu guessed that Gu Mo had come true.

"It's all your fault."

"You give my son back!"

When the three were very sad and desperate, the airport staff rushed into the hall in a hurry. When they saw Gu Zhen, he was relieved.

"Is it Mr. Gu?"

because he came directly from the upstairs business, he said breathlessly, "Mr. Gu's phone number?"

Mr Gu?

Su An'an is stunned. Her gray eyes suddenly brighten. Old lady Gu stops crying. She urges Gu Zhen, who is stunned, to answer the phone

Gu Zhen responded and picked up the phone.

"Dad, I'm fine." After Gu Zhen heard Gu Mocheng's voice, the stone that was pressing heavily on his chest suddenly fell down.

He was under no less pressure than old lady Gu and suan'an.

"Good, good!" Gu Zhen even said two words, in front of a black, suddenly fell to the ground.

The blow of Gu Mocheng's accident was too big for him. He was forced to stay there and guard the old lady. He was afraid that she would collapse once she fell down.

So after hearing Gu Mocheng's voice, he made sure his son was ok, and then he let himself faint.

"Ah Zhen." Old lady Gu watched Gu Zhen fall, and the tears that had stopped ran out again.

When she was young, she was stubborn and liked to swallow tears in her stomach when she met anything. When she was old, she would cry instead.

It's all the fault of being spoiled by the fainted man.

Su'an begins to hear Gu Mocheng's phone call, and then listens to the old man saying two "good" words on the phone. She is relieved and thinks Gu Mocheng is OK.

However, Gu Zhen fainted and worried.

She thought that she didn't drive too fast just now, which scared Gu Zhen.

"Dad." Su An'an cried anxiously. As soon as everyone at the airport saw Guzhen's accident, they came to take the old man away.

The mobile phone dropped on the ground, and su'an picked it up.

Because of the noise at this end, Gu didn't hang up and waited there.

"Husband." There were not enough things that su'an met. One afternoon, Gu Mocheng had an accident and Gu Zhen fainted. She sobbed.

"Ann, take my dad to the hospital first." Gu said calmly, "I will contact Han longyi."

The old man's heart is not very good. He is old and has all kinds of problems.

"I see." Suan'an replied, she looked at Gu Zhen and old lady who fainted beside her eyes, but there was no tears in their eyes and more firmness.

Gu Mocheng is not here. She has to take good care of her second eldest brother.

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