Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 148

Gu Ziming really guessed right. He ran to race with others. Old lady Gu would let Gu Zhen break his leg. Knowing that su'an had been racing, she joined Gu Zhen to hide from Gu Mocheng.

There's no way. Gu Laofu's heart thinks that his son has managed to beg for his wife. How can she break them up?

Besides, su'an's car skills are much better than Gu Ziming's. young people, there's nothing wrong with pursuing stimulation. When she was young, she was not the Lord of peace.

In the evening, Gu Mocheng asks the driver of the old house to come and send Suan and Gu laoma back.

Old lady Gu doesn't want to leave. She wants to accompany her in the ward.

Gu Mocheng can't help but she knows that she and Gu Zhen have deep feelings, so she lets su'an go back first.

As Gu Zhen's only son, he must stay here at this time.

Suan didn't say much. She listened to Gu Mocheng's arrangement.

As soon as Suan left, Mrs. Gu praised her.

"Ann is such a sensible girl. Your father and I are very satisfied."

Gu Zhen pales her face. She likes it if she likes it. She has to be involved.

This Suan is not smart on the surface. She can do red wine, mahjong and racing. But the girl's heart is not good, which can bring happiness to her son.

So when the old lady talked about su'an's excellent car skills, he didn't find out that su'an was good at drinking and would play mahjong.

It's not easy to meet someone you like all your life.

"You will be better to others in the future." Said Mrs Gu. "Don't bully her with your age."

Gu Mocheng is speechless. Can his mother talk less about things older than Suan?

"Your father and I are old and will soon step on the coffin. You and su'an are supporting each other." Old lady Gu's tone suddenly faded, and Gu Zhen frowned.

"Han Yan." Gu Zhen was annoyed.

He didn't like to care about the old lady's mention of life and death. He knew that once he was gone, she would definitely follow him.

But he thought about her life.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm so kind to her that she can't live without him.

However, after all these years, I have been used to being good to her. It is impossible to give up being good to her because of birth, old age and death.

Seeing Gu Zhen's calm face, old lady Gu immediately closed her mouth.

At ordinary times, watching her drink to and fro to Gu Zhen, she was afraid when Gu Zhen was really angry.

"Mom and Dad, you take care of yourself. It's the best for me." Gu Mocheng said from the bottom of his heart, "Ann and I will be fine, and have a grandson as soon as possible to make you happy."

It's hard to hear that. Mrs. Gu is very happy.

"Well." Gu Zhen answered first.

"You go back to accompany Ann. My aunt and I take care of you." Old lady Gu urges Gu Mocheng to go back.

Gu Mocheng didn't listen to old lady Gu. He got up and lay down in the bed beside him.

He took up the bed and left the room for Mrs. Gu.

Gu Zhen is ill. How can he leave as a son of man? Nothing is more serious than taking care of your father.

The next day, Su an got up early and went to the hospital with the breakfast made by the old house servant.

On the other side of the school, because of Gu Zhen's relationship, she was absent badly, but because of her good scores in the exam and the greetings from the president and the professors, no professor deducted Su an's score.

She came early. She had to knock on the door to enter. The door of the ward opened. Gu Mocheng came out.

"Husband." Seeing him, Suan called with a smile.

She raised the incubator in her hand and said, "bring you breakfast."

Gu intended to go downstairs to buy breakfast for Gu Zhen and his wife. Seeing the lunch box in the hands of suan'an and his servant, Gu said, "well."

As he spoke, he took the incubator in Suan's hand.

Su'an followed him and took up his empty hand.

Gu Mocheng glanced at him, but he didn't break away. He took su'an's hand and went inside.

Old lady Gu is still in the room to rest. Old man Gu has woken up and is lying in bed reading the morning paper.

When he saw Suan stupefied, he didn't expect him to come so early.

"Ann will bring you breakfast." Gu Mocheng said, put the lunch box at the head of the bed.

Gu Zhen's eyes fell on Gu Mocheng's and su'an's hands. Because of his gaze, su'an shamefully opened his hands and Gu Mocheng didn't take it seriously.

There is nothing wrong with holding his wife's hand.

"We need to hold hands when we come to a ward." Gu Zhen said in a low voice, and continued to read the newspaper.

But when he looked down, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

I haven't seen my son's smile for a long time, let alone his son's maintenance of a girl.

Gu didn't look back at Zhen. He looked back at su'an and motioned her to sit on the sofa next to him.He took out the breakfast and took care of Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen disdains, "I haven't reached the point where I can't move my hands. Put down the chopsticks, and go with the little girl."

"The man who feeds you is not right." Said Gu Mocheng.

Last night, Mrs. Gu could feed her for half an hour. It was dinner, water and fruit.

After Gu Mocheng finished speaking, he went to the sofa and had breakfast with Su An'an.

Su An'an didn't eat either. She looked at the meat bun in the bowl, looked up at Gu Mocheng, who was drinking porridge beside her and couldn't help chuckling.

Last night, she went back to Gu's house and couldn't help laughing at Gu's confession in the car.

The news of Gu Zhen's illness spread, and Gu Ziming came first.

It was too late yesterday. Gu Zhen and his wife didn't let Gu Mocheng call Gu Ziming. They mean that Gu Zhen is OK. It's useless to let Gu Ziming come, but it's just one more to worry about.

In the morning, Gu Ziming received a phone call from Gu Mo Cheng and hurriedly rode the locomotive to come over.

"Grandpa." As soon as Gu Ziming ran into the ward, he called to Gu Zhen, and as he said that, he went to check Gu Zhen.

"Ziming, I'm fine." Said Gu Zhen.

"Scared me to death." Gu Ziming said nervously that he was sweating.

His parents died early, and he followed Guzhen and his wife since childhood. Although he was scolded by Guzhen because of his mischievous behavior, he had a deep relationship with his grandparents.

"I have nothing to do with you. You are all too nervous." Said Gu Zhen.

"Grandpa, how are you? We are good." Gu Ziming said with a smile that he was relieved to see that Gu Zhen was OK.

He then called Gu Mocheng and said, "it's the same with the second uncle. He called me in the morning and didn't tell me about Grandpa. He made me sweat all over."

He said that he came to the side of old lady Gu, "grandma, do you smell it?"

"Son of a bitch." Old lady Gu swung her hand and hit him on the back.

"You say your uncle behind your back, not afraid that he will hear you." Old lady Gu followed.

When he mentioned his second uncle, the smile on Gu's face suddenly faded. Before he spoke, he heard the footsteps behind him. Turning around, he saw Gu Mocheng leading su'an in.

Gu Ziming got up from the bed and shouted to Gu Mocheng, "second uncle."

As for su'an beside Gu Mocheng, he ignored it.

Let him call the "second aunt" of su'an, who is smaller than himself. I can't really call him out. It's still su'an who has a festival with him.

"Call people." Old lady Gu reminded me.

Gu Ziming refused to call, and Gu Mocheng did not speak. He stared at him with a calm face. Seeing Gu Ziming all over, he had to open his mouth. "Good second aunt."

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