Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 149

Su an an chuckles and opens her mouth to say a silent "lovely".

Seeing Su An'an's complacent appearance, Gu Ziming wants to stare back, but seeing that the second uncle is holding Su an's hand so tightly, we can see that the second uncle is very precious to his wife.

"Er Shu, where did you find your wife? Listen to grandma, she is smaller than me. " Asked Gu Ziming.

"Smaller than you." Gu Mocheng said quietly that he had sat down on the sofa holding su'an's hand.

He repeated what Gu Ziming said and was dissatisfied with what he said.

The truth is bigger than Suan, and he doesn't like to be told it over and over again.

Seeing that his second uncle is not happy, Gu Ziming dare not say small things about su'an any more. He smiles and flatters Gu Mocheng. "The second uncle is powerful."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on suan'an. "By the way, I know a girl with the same name as her second sister-in-law."

"There's an in her name, too."

Gu Ziming said it on purpose. Seeing the panic on Su an's face, he continued, "her name is he an."

Su'an stares at Gu Ziming. Isn't her name on the racetrack he'an?

"He an is very good. She has a very good technique of racing." Said Gu Ziming.

He proudly raised his eyebrows at suan'an. "Second uncle, do you know? She used to race with me and beat me. "

"Son of a bitch." When Gu Ziming spoke vigorously, he was kicked by old lady Gu, "what are you chatting about here?"

"Truant for me every day? If you don't study hard, you often run for a fast car! "

Saying that, Gu Laofu is going to kick it again.

Gu Ziming quickly flicks away and looks at old lady Gu wrongly.

"Grandma, you called me to go home to play truant last time." he didn't finish his words, and saw Gu Zhen on the bed sink his face and stare at him.

Gu Ziming did not dare to go down. He saw that grandpa and grandma plus su'an were on the same front. If he dared to talk, they would kill him.

"Call me home and kneel on the washboard." Gu Ziming lowered his voice, took what he had just said and changed his meaning by the way.

Old lady Gu bullies Gu Ziming. Gu Mo has a lot of prejudices. He never interferes. Although old lady Gu can hit Gu Ziming, she knows that she won't really hurt him.

Gu Ziming is the only child left by his brother. Both of them are in pain too late. How could they really have a fight.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to do. Let's go back to my family first." Said Gu Mocheng.

Listen to Gu Mocheng to leave. Su an looks at him anxiously.

Before, he was not so sticky. After the accident at the airport, she couldn't see him for a moment and thought that she was surrounded by others. Even if she looked at him from afar, her heart was full.

"I'll be here at five." Gu Mocheng felt su'an's reluctance, looked down at her, and said softly, "darling."

"Well." Su an an nodded. In front of Gu Zhen and Gu Lao Ma, she could not kiss him.

Darling? Gu Ziming thought that he had heard it wrong. His second uncle said the word to su'an, and su'an was very clever.

Su'an is not so obedient in front of him. Don't be cheated by su'an if you are so smart.

"Uncle Er, some people are different from each other. You need to polish your eyes." Gu Ziming reminded that when he had finished speaking, old lady Gu said angrily, "what are you talking about, you stinky boy?"

Gu Ziming looks at the old lady and gets angry. He thinks he is wise and keeps away from the old lady.

Gu Ziming shut up. He's very aggrieved.

After Gu Mocheng left, four of them remained in the ward.

Gu said directly to Gu, "don't talk about your aunt's speeding in front of your uncle. If you dare to say more words, I will beat you to death."

"You all know?" Gu Ziming said in surprise. He looked at su'an and then at old lady Gu. "Grandma, she's racing!"


"Don't talk to uncle Er." Gu Ziming asked how good he had said to his second uncle, who would have beaten Suan angrily. In this way, he was relieved of his anger in Suan.

"You dare say, try." Old lady Gu threatened.

"She's faster than I am." Gu Ziming stressed his voice and said.

Old lady Gu said, "what's the matter? You dare to tell me if you're not as good as others. "

Gu Ziming listened to old lady Gu's words, and the whole person was stunned.

Grandpa and grandma are united to protect suan'an, and then hide the matter of the second uncle suan'an's racing.

"Ziming, do you hear me?" Said old lady Gu.

Gu Ziming is threatened by old lady Gu. He can only nod his head. He turned to look at suan'an, who dared to laugh at him in front of his grandparents.

But what can he do?

Su'an is his second aunt. If he offends su'an, he offends his second uncle and grandparents.

Gu Ziming can only endure the anger of su'an for a while.Su an happens to meet Han longyi when he leaves the ward. Before Han longyi was busy with Gu Zhen's business, Su an didn't have time to communicate with him about his sister's illness.

She saw Han longyi, and Han longyi also saw her.

However, when Han longyi saw her, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Han longyi." Cried Suan.

There are too many things happened in this period. First, she was beaten, then thought that Gu Mocheng had an accident, and then Gu Zhen fell ill. One after another, she didn't have time to talk about her sister with Gu Mocheng, or go to the Su family to see her sister.

Han longyi is stopped by su'an. Instead of stopping, he speeds up his steps.

Su an ran to stop Han longyi.

"Han longyi."

She stood in front of Han longyi and looked at him strangely.

What's the matter? He saw that he was going to hide. Did something happen to his sister?

"What happened to my sister?

Han longyi said, "she's fine. She's fine."

"Nonsense." "She's fine. Why are you avoiding me?" she said

"Isn't she in a bad mental state, or is she getting worse?" Su an anxiously grabs Han longyi's hand.

She is catching, but seeing is touching in other people's eyes.

"It's really OK." Han longyi affirms, "you have to believe my medical skills."

In the second half of the sentence, Su an believed.

Han longyi's medical skill is very good. Otherwise, how can Jiang's side rush to see Han longyi for Jiang Shengxu.

Gu Zhen falls ill. The first person Gu Mocheng calls is Han longyi.

"Your sister is fine, really." Han longyi promised.

"Then what do you see me hiding from?"

Han longyi laughs. "Isn't that afraid of his misunderstanding?"

"Last time I saw you back home, I was just seen by my second brother. The second brother scolded me for being close to you. "

"Is it?"

As she said that, Su An'an's mouth overflowed with a smile.

Gu Mocheng will be angry, indicating that he cares about her.

Han longyi looks strange, "what are you laughing at?"

"No, no, No." "You're good enough to treat my sister," said Suan. "Don't give her any advice."

Han longyi didn't respond to her words. He thought in his heart that he was already fighting.

Su'an learns from Han longyi that her sister is OK, and she leaves at ease.

Han longyi looks at the back of su'an's departure and thinks of Su ruocheu, who recovers his mind from the top floor of the Su family.

"Dr Han, please do me a favor?"

He went to Su's house last week. He was used to chatting with Su ruocheu and telling her about things outside.

Su ruocheu suddenly looks at him, her eyes are clear, different from the chaos before.

"Dr Han, do me a favor."

As she spoke, she looked out. "I want to go out."

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