In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 379: Avengers 2: Civil War (3)

Chapter 379: Avengers 2: Civil War (3)

About ten minutes ago on Earth, Blink brought Banner to Charles' office. Charles smiled and asked, "How have you been feeling lately? Last time you told me you were able to see the Hulk in your consciousness?"

"Indeed, I have to admit that your and Dr. Schiller's work on my consciousness has been effective. Now, even when I'm not asleep, as long as I focus, I can feel his presence. But we still can't communicate."

"How's the Hulk doing? Any signs of anger recently?"

"He always has signs of anger. It's hard to say when he'll actually come out. I'm really worried."

"Remember the plan Schiller told you about last time?"

"What do you mean? Oh, I remember. You mean finding an uninhabited area in space for the Hulk to vent, right?"

"Yes, and now there's an opportunity. Have you heard about the Avengers' investigation? A group of parasitic beings has been lurking in human society, capturing humans as their hosts."

"I've heard about it. It seems like this world is much more dangerous than I imagined."

"Actually, when I thought of this fact, I felt a bit restless inside. I can't think too deeply about this topic, I'm afraid the Hulk will come out because of my fear."

"But now there's an opportunity that the Hulk needs. Tony and Steve have found a way to go to that planet, but you know, who would complain about having a stronger fighting force?"

"You mean..." Banner widened his eyes and said, "Okay, so the uninhabited area in space you're talking about refers to this kind of place..."

"This is a win-win situation. It can release the Hulk's anger and make him a bit quieter. After all, keeping him locked up all the time is not fair to him, right?"

"Right." Bruce nodded and said, "He's a part of me, and suppressing his nature for a long time will only bring worse results. I've experienced it."

"The Hulk's anger comes from my inner fears, and he has borne many of my fears, but he has never been able to vent his anger. This is not fair."

Just then, Charles turned around and took out a ring from a box behind him. He said, "This is something Schiller sent through someone. It is said to have the power to awaken people's inner fears. You can use it to awaken the Hulk, which can give him stronger and more lasting power."

Banner took the ring and looked at it thoughtfully.

As Hulk appeared on the Hive's main planet, the originally chaotic battlefield became even more chaotic. The angry Hulk didn't differentiate between friend or foe and had no tactics, simply using anything within his sight as a weapon.

The first target to suffer was the large-sized Hive. Because the Hulk had little reason, he only attacked the most obvious objects in his sight. Hive's tentacle attacks were useless against him, and the Hulk hammered all the tentacles in his sight into a pulp, causing Hive to scream in pain.

Peter had originally planned to attack Hive, but he was hit by a rock thrown by the Hulk and was a little dizzy. He covered his head and said, "What's going on? Where did this yellow giant come from? Is he an enemy? Why is he attacking me?"

Then came the sound of wind as Captain America was also knocked away. The Hulk was spinning wildly and shooting everything within range with the mech that Stark had released.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Stark's missiles chased and exploded around the Hulk, while Captain America charged forward with his shield.

Another scream was heard as Hive's two tentacles were cut off again, and he frantically attacked everyone on the field with his remaining tentacles.

In Peter's view, above the black city skyline, the Hulk, glowing yellow all over, spun quickly with Blink's indicator light mech. Stark, covered in turrets, chased after the Hulk and fired at him.

"Bang! Boom!"

Peter watched them run past, then Captain America rolled and dodged between the tentacles, hitting Hive's face with his shield.

"Damn bug!"


As he watched them go, a huge Venom bat chased after the Hulk.

"I'm Venom! I'm revenge!"


Different figures moved from left to right and then from right to left. Peter's head turned back and forth, trying to keep up.

In no time, the once towering skyline filled with skyscrapers collapsed like a line of dominoes, flattened into a straight line, leaving only countless craters and billowing smoke.

Although Peter had no idea what was going on, his fighting instincts kicked in, and he became excited. He eagerly joined the battle, making the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.

Peter's core strategy in this battle was to help whoever was weaker.

Although he didn't know what complicated relationships existed between Stark, Steve, that yellow monster, and Hive, which led to this fight, he just punched whoever he saw.

Blue Spirit stood on a tall building on the other side, watching the scene in the sky. He swallowed and said, "I think we should reconsider how to write the file of the human race... They are truly a miraculous race, as if chaos and madness are engraved in their genes. But at the same time, there are countless delicate emotions, an endless desire for order." Thunderbolt shook his head and said, "A contradictory race, but full of charm."

"Hive is probably finished. I don't think he can survive under the siege of so many people. Now the only problem is that Brood has more than one main planet. They have probably received the distress signal from here and will send a fleet soon."

Green Thorn opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He really wanted to say that the current situation didn't look like they were attacking Hive, but rather like the Avengers were fighting each other. However, he had to admit that the aftermath of their internal conflict alone was enough to level this planet.

"Let's go back to the spaceship and discuss countermeasures, see how to deal with Brood's warships, and hopefully eliminate them all here."

Back on the battleship, several symbiotes saw Schiller sitting in the cockpit as expected. Schiller turned his head and smiled at them before saying, "Listen, I have a plan..."

A few minutes later, Peter shouted at Blue Spirit, who was shuttling through the center of the battlefield, "Why did you come back?! What's going on now? Why are we fighting??"

"Who knows? Didn't you start fighting first?!" Blue Spirit yelled back.

"Forget it, just knock everyone down!" Thunderbolt transformed into his lightning form and shot out, striking Stark's mech with a lightning bolt. Stark cursed and commanded his army of mechs to attack the symbiotes.

As Peter was about to be knocked over by a charging robot, he shouted, "Wait! Mr. Stark, it's me!"

"Oh, Captain! I'm here to save you!" Peter quickly got up, swung on his web, kicked Hive's huge tentacle, and saved Steve, who was wrapped up in it.

But Steve mistook Peter for Stark's robot and threw his shield at him. Peter dodged the shield and was hit by a stone thrown by the Hulk, sending him flying.

Suddenly, the air on the battlefield became stagnant, and a huge portal appeared in the sky above the planet.

Strange and the other sorcerers appeared on the planet, with countless rings blinking behind them and their cloaks fluttering in the air. After landing, their magic radiance suddenly lit up, and Strange's voice echoed in the battlefield, "...magic Eternity!"

As he raised his hand, countless beams of light descended on the battlefield, turning most of the tentacles and ground machinery into ashes. The sorcerers unleashed their spells, leveling all the surrounding buildings in no time.

Stark snorted, his eyes bursting with white data stream. He spread his arms and flew into the air, with more and more mechs materializing behind him.

A rain of machines fell from the sky, and more large nests landed, followed by a swarm of mechanical bees. In an instant, they engulfed everything on the ground, transforming them into nourishment for the mechanical army.

Suddenly, another figure rushed out of the portal, crashing onto the ground and sending countless debris flying. A huge lizard monster, as big as the Hulk, landed on the ground, whipping its massive tail toward Stark and sending him flying.

"Professor Connors?!" Peter shouted. "Why are you here? And why are you attacking Mr. Stark?!"

The lizard Dr. Connors slowly walked over, bowed his head, and looked at Peter with his giant vertical pupils. "Don't you understand the situation?" he said. With each word, he slashed two attacking tentacles with his tail. He spat out venom and spoke with the cold indifference of a cold-blooded animal. "The situation is revenge for revenge, grudges for grudges!"

As more tentacles were trampled into meat by the lizard monster, Hive finally erupted. His figure suddenly skyrocketed, and all the tentacles gathered together, forming a gigantic monster with the planet as its lower body. He roared, "Enough! You humans!"

Meanwhile, all the people below were getting carried away in the fight, no longer distinguishing between friend and foe. They attacked any living thing in sight, but their strength was equivalent, so the battle became increasingly intense, with no one paying any attention to Hive.

The aftermath of the battle was clearing out Hive's buildings and tentacles on his main planet.

Looking up, the planet in view became smaller and smaller. Suddenly, a beam of light shone in the darkness of space, and a massive Brood fleet arrived.

"Front fleet, please respond. This is the Brood Third Fleet. You have declared war on us, and we will open fire in ten seconds..."

This fleet was much larger than the previous Octopus fleet, although still slightly smaller in size compared to the Glorious warship. However, they had more ships and appeared to be carrying many powerful weapons. Clearly, this was an experienced armed fleet.

In the control room of the main ship of the fleet, a Brood person dressed in a magnificent military uniform looked at the monitor and said, "The shape of the opposing warship looks familiar... Could it be Kree? But the colors are wrong."

Before he could figure it out, two small black dots suddenly appeared in their view. The Brood commander said, "Zoom in! What is that?"

After zooming in on the screen, two small figures appeared in space. Upon seeing them, the commander was shocked and burst out in a series of incredulous laughter. He said, "Are these people crazy? They actually sent two people to face the most powerful Brood Third Fleet??? "

Immediately afterwards, one of the figures, wearing a helmet and a black cloak fluttering behind them, raised their hand and lightly pinched it.

A wing of the warship shattered.


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