In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 378: Avengers 2: Civil War (2)

Chapter 378: Avengers 2: Civil War (2)

"Jarvis, prepare the fleet, all weapons on standby, safety protocol lifted. Once we receive the attack order, immediately open fire on the ground. We must take care of this damn guy."

As Stark spoke, he manipulated the panel on his arm. Just as he was about to call upon the fleet, he suddenly realized that his vision was starting to blur. He asked, "What's going on? What's obstructing my vision?"

"Sir, sensors indicate a type of mist."


"All sensors are open. You can switch between different viewpoints. Environment scan...viewpoint switch complete."

"Please note, the new viewpoint is a long-distance view that uses magic energy. Currently, the magic energy stored in the mecha is insufficient. Please replace the core energy immediately or equip a mecha that is more suitable for magic energy..."

Stark's vision suddenly changed, but he didn't feel surprised. This was his creation from a long time ago. After that moment of upgrading, he had infused some magic energy into his mecha. In a sense, he was also controlling magic.

As the hazy mist gradually dissipated, Stark widened his eyes and swore, "Damn it! What is that??"

Appearing in front of him was a huge and indescribable strange Sun, a huge entity condensed from deep gray mist. Each strange pattern in the midst of it possessed terrifying and magical power that could make people scream.

Stark unconsciously took a few steps back. Before he could activate the scanning device, another giant creature appeared. It was a black bat with a strange shape, surging with a black tide like seawater.

Just as the two forces collided, Stark's vision became blurry again, and the warning sound rang in his ears: "Warning! Insufficient remaining energy! Please replace the energy core in time, sir, or you can authorize me to operate..."

Stark didn't hesitate. He spread his arms and several mechanical arms emerged from near his chest armor. He opened the energy core compartment on his chest and replaced the original core with a Blink core that shone with magic light. It was a product of Schiller's recharging.

Stark closed his eyes and felt the power surging within his body. Although it was not as powerful as the first time he had encountered it, he could still control it as he wished.

Then, he flew to a higher altitude and observed this strange and special battle with his special vision.

It was a scene he had never seen before, and a feeling he had never experienced before. He could clearly see the process of each symbiote factor fighting and devouring each other in the microscopic world. Countless army charges constantly launched in the micro world, colliding, defeating, and reorganizing each other.

In the dark city skyline, the battle of the living hell, as it was that day, was staged again. An intense battle that could not be observed by the naked eye spread throughout the city, even crazier, more reckless, and more thrilling this time.

At the same time, Hive, who had just appeared, said, "...?"

When he asked this question, it didn't mean he had a problem, but he felt that these humans were the problem...

Actually, Hive had been watching all of this for a long time, but he didn't care. In his eyes, it didn't matter how many buildings were destroyed or how many people died. His goal from beginning to end was to counterattack Earth, and he couldn't ask for a better opportunity to observe human strength now.

However, the more he looked, the more something felt wrong. Whether it was the sudden appearance of an unknown fleet, or the two madmen who seemed to be performing a play but were inexplicably frightening, Hive felt like a lost practitioner who had returned from seclusion after a hundred years to find that the whole world had changed.

He vaguely remembered that when he left Earth, most humans could only cower in crude shelters, trembling and praying to the heavens, and worshiping those with special abilities as gods.

Why had the life forms on the other side changed so much after he had been operating his base for a while? What was the story behind this mist and this...mud?

Just as he was thinking about this, he was suddenly knocked down by the Venom bat's sudden turn. These two monsters were already bigger than him, and fighting them was no holds barred. It was inevitable that there would be collateral damage.

Poor Hive, who had just made his debut, took seven big hits after walking three steps.

"You dare!! How dare you treat the great Hive like this!!!"

Just as he finished shouting, at the end of the skyline, a burst of rosy light ascended. Hive thought it was the light of a star, but suddenly he realized it was an enormous cannon that was concentrating a terrifying amount of energy.

Stark, who had switched to magic energy, once again freed the endless wisdom in his mind. Although he couldn't break through the single-space limitation due to insufficient energy, he still arrived at the top of this Space again.

Although he no longer had a transcendent view above Space, his power had not diminished much. The manifested mechanical army descended again, and this time, Stark chose to conduct a different experiment.

He gained inspiration from the principle of the Asgard Bifrost that Loki described to him. The strongest innate talent humans have is to make bombs, followed by making cannons.

Range determines the scope of truth, and caliber determines the strength of truth.

Therefore, the descending mechanical army no longer evolved and iterated continuously like before, but directly transformed into adaptive components, forming a cannon with an incredibly large caliber.

As for energy, it was naturally extracted from the star. After all the mechanical power was fully activated, the cannon's muzzle bloomed with a star-like light in almost an instant.

Soon, Hive discovered that these humans not only changed the form of life, but also developed black technology that he didn't know where it came from.

The cannon's brilliance bloomed, and it should have been aimed at Hive, but the battle between the two gigantic monsters was too large. This beam not only hit Hive's main tentacle, but also evaporated a portion of the symbiote factor.

Immediately, Stark noticed that the two monsters were targeting him. He coldly snorted and said, "Who let you be within my strike range?"

The Grey Mist and Venom, who were in the heat of battle, didn't want to hear his explanation at all. The factors of the two symbiotes were released from entanglement and both attacked Stark together.

Stark was not afraid at all. He spread his arms, and magic light surrounded him. Soon, with a slight mechanical friction sound, a silver-colored mech covered his body.

Blinking with intense white light in his eyes, the silver mech gradually turned into a magic shield as thin as a cicada's wings when it approached his face. His face mask disappeared, replaced by a semi-transparent mask with strange patterns, only covering his eyes, where data was flowing.

At the same time, more and more mechs were deployed, and all kinds of strange weapons were assembled. In the moment they simultaneously extracted energy, the star paled.

The battle between the mechanical army and the symbiote giant began, and the macro and micro levels of the battle occurred simultaneously. Visible and invisible light burst together, engine roars and magic casting sang together.

The fleet with special luster shuttled through the mucus and fog like sharp blades, causing layers of ripples. The large-caliber artillery continued to fire, and Venom and the Grey Mist constantly changed their forms, wrapping around Stark layer by layer.

Stark refused to show weakness. He quickly developed sound wave and flame weapons specifically for the symbiotes, but these two special symbiotes were very resistant. Then, Stark took out... a high-powered vacuum cleaner.

And as Hive watched the battle, he exclaimed, "!!!"

Before he could be amazed for long, the battle spread uncontrollably towards his direction. Or rather, the whole planet had become their battlefield, and no one could escape.

Steve stood at the top of a high-rise, shouting at Stark, "What are you doing?! Stop it! Why are you attacking Venom?! He's one of us!"

Steve gritted his teeth and lifted his shield to block a beam attack that swept over. Peter swung over with his spider web and came to his side, also puzzled, "What's going on? Why are Venom and Mr. Stark fighting?"

"I don't know, but I know we have to go give Stark a punch now to wake him up!"

As the battle intensified, no one noticed that the Grey Mist suddenly disappeared from the battlefield.

On the deck of the Glorious Ship, Schiller slowly materialized and removed his smiling mask. He breathed out and said, "This is really troublesome."

Then, he walked into the ship and chatted with the Grey Mist, "I really didn't expect that you would be weak against a vacuum cleaner."

The Grey Mist protested, "Is that a vacuum cleaner? How can a vacuum cleaner be over 200 kilometers long?!"

"Well, it seems that in addition to fire and sound waves, the weakness of your species can also be exploited with a large vacuum cleaner."

He arrived inside the ship and muttered to himself, "While Stark is busy, let me see... where's the communication device?... Oh, here it is..."

"Hello, this is Schiller. Is this Professor Charles? I need your help with something..."

Back on the Hive homeworld, Hive realized that he couldn't just sit and wait for death. If these humans continued to fight, there would be nothing left on the planet.

So he decided to take action, but just then, a small circular shield intercepted his attack. Steve's voice rang out, "Well, if Iron Man isn't going to do the right thing, then let me handle it."

Just as Steve was about to take action, Stark's cold voice came, "Get out of the way!"

A "boom" sounded, and a disintegrating beam hit Hive's tentacle. Hive was made up of countless giant tentacles and a head with the same appearance as those monsters. The beam hit the tentacle around his head, causing Hive to scream in pain.

Steve was even angrier. He realized that Stark was deliberately provoking him, and his actions weren't about defeating the enemy, but just to make him mad.

As Steve glared at him, Stark's expression didn't change at all. His eyes were filled with countless streams of data, and the light began to grow stronger.

Just then, everyone heard a "crackle" sound, followed by a earth-shattering roar.

A huge yellow figure jumped out of a portal. It was a giant like a small mountain, and when he landed on the ground, the earth shook. He fiercely pounded his chest with his fist and roared, "Hulk!!!!"


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