In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 384: Schiller is Sick (2)

Chapter 384: Schiller is Sick (2)

"Multiple personality disorder?" In the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Stark and Steve looked at each other and then turned their heads together to look at Charles, who uttered the name of this disease.

"Tony, I remember telling you before that Schiller is a mentally ill person."

Steve turned to Stark. Stark touched his nose and said, "I thought that was an adjective, you know, sometimes he's a little..."

He sighed and said, "Well, I just knew he was never quite normal, with a kind of..."

Stark flipped his palms, seemingly struggling to find a word to describe that state. A few seconds later, he said, "...try hard to pretend to be an ordinary person, but because the imagination of ordinary life is too scarce, the feeling of overdoing it."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?" Steve thought about it and said, "I think he's pretty normal."

"Do you know? Peter still thinks his good doctor is just an ordinary person." Stark shook his head and said, "Even if he's not mentally ill, he must be a damn liar."

"I'm more curious, if he really is a patient with dissociative identity disorder, why haven't we seen other personalities come out before?" Steve asked Charles.

"In general, patients with dissociative identity disorder develop other personalities in response to some kind of stimulation. It may also be some kind of stimulation that brings his other personalities to the surface."

"Stimulation? What kind of stimulation has he been exposed to recently?" Stark stroked his chin and said, "Although it's possible that Hydra influenced him, I always feel that's not the right answer..."

"Actually, you can try another method." Charles reminded, "Did you forget? Before you asked me to go to your lab to debug the personality analysis module for your AI butler to provide psychological and behavioral support."

"I have to admit, you have achieved great achievements in AI. I feel like I'm not talking to a machine, but teaching a real person."

"Jarvis is a good student. He has a natural advantage in learning. His understanding and associative abilities have completely exceeded the level that an intelligent life should have. He can be said to have mastered it thoroughly."

"If he had a body, I think it wouldn't be hard for him to get a few PhDs and even teach at a prestigious university."

Facing Charles, Stark rarely emphasized his genius. He was just a little surprised to say, "Actually, I just hope he can help me analyze suspicious characters. If he's really that capable, won't I have a psychological expert to carry with me?"

Charles shook his head and said, "In terms of theoretical knowledge level, it can indeed be called an expert. But you have to know that in psychological treatment, empathy is also very important. His understanding of psychology and behaviorism is more based on a relatively rigid logic. In terms of emotion, it has not yet reached this level. So you'd better not count on him to help you solve psychological problems at any time."

Stark smiled and said, "I remember that some time ago, an unscrupulous doctor extorted me for millions of dollars. Now the identities are reversed, and I can let Jarvis treat him..."

Charles also smiled and said, "I guess the scene would be interesting, but you'd better not have too much hope. Schiller must be aware of his illness, or..."

Charles showed a strange expression. Stark asked urgently, "What?"

"According to my understanding of him, his condition may be beyond Jarvis's ability to treat."

"Okay, I was just saying it." Stark said casually, "Anyway, if there's really a problem, at least there's Professor Xavier, right?"

Charles' expression became even stranger. He paused, sighed, and then said, "In fact, his condition may also be beyond my ability to treat."

Stark waved his hand. He felt that Charles was being modest. Since knowing Professor X, even Stark had to admit that he was a man of high moral character. His personality was almost flawless, powerful, gentle, humble, courteous. You would hardly hear him boast about himself. So Stark thought Charles was just politely modest.

But soon he realized he was wrong.

It was another morning. Schiller was standing next to the self-service counter in the S.H.I.E.L.D. cafeteria, picking bread with tongs. He heard the mechanical clatter behind him and said without turning his head, "I didn't know your armor needed to eat until now."

"Hey, don't you look back? Look at my armor, just born from the genius Stark's laboratory!" Stark opened his arms. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents around him all turned their heads because Stark's new armor looked really beautiful.

The Mark armor worn during the Civil War was scrapped by Stark because the energy was exhausted, the exterior was badly damaged. Now he was wearing a brand new Mark armor, so it was very shiny because it just came off the assembly line.

Natasha happened to pass by and whistled at Stark. Stark immediately turned around and pointed at her with his arm, indicating that she had good eyesight. The surrounding agents began to cheer. Stark flew up with a swoosh. The cheers became more enthusiastic. He waved his arms like a big star.

Schiller took the bread, took a small piece of cheese, then took the beef cake and lettuce, and walked to the table without turning his head.

When the crowd dispersed, Stark landed. His vision appeared blue analysis panels. He asked, "How is it, Jarvis? Have you analyzed it?"

"Insufficient behavioral data, need to continue collecting data."

"Okay..." Stark turned around to get his meal. After taking it, he sat across from Schiller again. With a "ka-cha" sound, the faceplate rose. Schiller looked up at him and said, "You said yesterday that your anxiety disorder hadn't occurred. Why are you wearing armor to eat today? "

"Is there necessarily a connection?" Stark asked puzzled.

"Of course, you used to like wearing armor all the time, precisely because anxiety disorder brought you terror and anxiety. You took mechanical weapons as a kind of spiritual sustenance, which is a way to alleviate anxiety."

"Uh...not this time." Stark denied. But when he mentioned anxiety disorder, he thought of some other things. As he ate, he asked, "Speaking of which, how did my anxiety disorder get better? I don't remember when it started to improve."

"If you need it, I can send you the medical records he wrote. Although I always thought he was too verbose in his analysis of the causes, explaining it to an outsider should be enough," Schiller said, wiping his sleeve as he spoke.

"Him?" Stark stared at Schiller and asked, "Who are you referring to?"

"My other personality, who else? Shouldn't you and Steve Rogers go find Professor X overnight? And then he'll tell you that I'm a multiple personality disorder patient."

"It seems that although your personalities are different, the ability to read minds is shared."

"This is not mind reading, it's just psychology."

Stark noticed that the tone and facial expressions of the person who claimed to be Schiller's other personality were different from those of the Schiller he knew. His voice sounded colder, his tone was lower, and his facial expressions were less varied. Stark stared at him for a while and noticed that the rhythm of his blinking was completely unchanged.

Then he looked down at Schiller's plate and saw that after he had finished messing around with scrambled eggs yesterday, he had started messing around with the beef patty today, moving it from left to right and then from right to left, and finally putting it aside with some disdain.

"Don't you want to eat it?" Stark asked with a frown.

Schiller shook his head, and Stark asked, "Then why did you take it?"

"Because there are no more scrambled eggs."

"Why do you have to take a beef patty when there are no more scrambled eggs? And why don't you eat it, just move it around?"

Schiller pursed his lips and showed an impatient expression, as if he could not communicate with Stark at all. He said, "Because I need a circular object, got it?"

Stark didn't really understand, but he understood one thing: this personality definitely had a problem.

"Do you know?" Schiller said as he ate, "Where I come from, no one cares about these details. You look at me like I'm crazy, but in fact I'm a normal person, just not used to your society."

"Where do you come from?" Stark became more and more puzzled. He had never encountered such a strange mental patient before, so he asked curiously, "So what is your identity? Do you share memories? Can you communicate?"

"Why don't you ask that AI that was about to tell you the results?" Schiller said without looking up.

At this point, Jarvis's voice rang in Stark's ear, but it was not the usual data broadcast he often heard, but a hesitant voice: "Sir, I suspect there is a problem with my behavioral analysis data..."

"What's wrong?"

"I have specific analysis data, but it doesn't look like the data that should be obtained."

Stark spread some soft cheese on bread and said, "Don't worry, this system still needs some debugging, so it's normal to have problems. Just tell me the data."

"Behavioral logic analysis is complete. Autism spectrum disorder may be 58%, anti-social personality disorder may be 22%, Asperger's syndrome may be about 11%, other comprehensive diseases may be about 9%, and most importantly, the behavioral logic of Dr. Schiller on record is completely inconsistent with the data obtained..."

Looking at the medical terms he had never seen before, Stark was not surprised. At this point, Jarvis said, "I think there is a problem with the data analyzed by this system..."

"From the data analysis, I cannot determine which is the main personality occupying Dr. Schiller. This is not consistent with the symptoms of dissociative identity disorder. Regardless of which of the two personalities that has appeared is a possible secondary personality, they both behave too complete and independent."

Jarvis tried to explain the relevant knowledge to Stark, who listened carefully and basically understood it. He summed up, "So what you mean is that based on the behavior of these two personalities, it is impossible to determine which one is the dominant personality occupying the body. This is not like multiple personality disorder, but more like two souls living in one body?"

"Wait..." Stark narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you remember what Steve told us before? If one day he becomes a stranger, we cannot rule out the possibility that he has become Hydra..."

As he spoke, Stark pretended to casually raise his eyes and wanted to observe Schiller. He happened to see the familiar eyes on the opposite side, also looking at him with a slightly cold gaze.

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