In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 385: Schiller is Sick (3)

Chapter 385: Schiller is Sick (3)

As the sun set, the New York coastline was covered in the glow of the sunset, like a golden snowfall from the night before. Not far from the shore, a luxury yacht slowly set sail.

From the exterior, it was clear that this was a luxurious yacht. As the light gradually faded, the cabin lit up with brilliant light, and those aboard the yacht quietly enjoyed the upcoming night.

On the second deck of the yacht, at a table on the terrace of a golden-positioned restaurant, two men in suits sat at the edge of the table. Grant was absent-mindedly playing with the food on his plate, while Schiller had finished his meal and was leaning back in his chair, blowing in the sea breeze and watching the sunset.

After a while, Schiller stood up. Grant didn't say anything and followed him. Schiller quickly walked through the restaurant, past the crowded dance floor, and through the elegantly dressed gentlemen and ladies, and the hazy light reflected in the exquisite glassware.

He arrived in the corridor of the yacht's cabin. After standing in front of a door, he knocked. Schiller's voice and the sound of the door opening sounded at the same time. He said, "At the moment you see me, you'll think you've been discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., but on the contrary, Nick traced you, but I covered it up for you, Alexander Pierce."

A man with half-white hair appeared behind the door. After hearing Schiller's words, he was slightly stunned, but seeing Grant Ward standing outside the door and the gun he was already holding, he knew he had no choice.

In an instant, Pierce seemed to have aged several years, no longer possessing the confidence he had when he sat on the Security Council. He took a few steps back, allowing Schiller to enter.

Schiller looked around the room and said, "I know you're going to tell me that 'the most dangerous place is the safest place,' but actually it's because you don't want to suffer in those dark and damp underground bunkers. You describe hiding on a yacht as your foresight and strategic thinking."

"You know that when you used to do this, you did it with a sense of luck. Every time you survived, you would remind yourself to try a different way next time. But after so many years, you still only have this one trick, Pierce. Why can you and I both live to this day? We both know."

Pierce's face became extremely ugly. He had never heard such sharp words that directly hit his innermost thoughts. Agents liked to be straightforward and didn't like to waste time, but they also didn't like to pry into others' hearts and seldom brought up this topic in conversation.

But the psychologist in front of him seemed to have no such concerns, which also meant that he was not a good person.

Pierce quickly adjusted his state of mind. He knew that a battle was waiting for him next. If Schiller had just opened the door and shot him, it meant that they still had something to discuss.

At the same time, in the same night, Stark took off his armor and was looking at a book in front of the experimental table. He was rubbing his chin with his fingers and shook his head, saying, "If I hadn't memorized all those messy game theory theories overnight, I probably wouldn't have the patience to sit here and read these books related to mental illness and psychology."

"Sir, I suggest you not get too involved in it. People tend to bring psychological and psychiatric cases into themselves, which can affect your emotions."

"It seems that your level is much stronger than mine now, but I want to say that I will soon catch up with you, Jarvis." Stark didn't take it seriously.

"I was not interested in this kind of thing at all, but Schiller's performance today made me doubt. Just like the conclusion you drew, he seems to have completely changed, and it doesn't seem to be explained by multiple personalities. And you say his body is fine, his veins and nerve structures are completely consistent in the scan."

"If he really is sick, then I will find a way to cure him. If he has been replaced by Hydra, then I will expose this conspiracy and rescue him. Just think about how exciting his expression will be. Ha ha!"

Stark laughed twice and continued to read, but as he read, his face changed a bit. He held the book page between his two fingers and flipped it back and forth. He hesitated and asked, "Jarvis, have you studied about anxiety disorders?"

"Yes, I have more detailed information here, would you like to hear it?"

"No, that's okay." Stark immediately replied. He bit the inside of his lower lip, shook his neck gently, straightened his spine, and then spoke faster, "I'm fine now. If you had learned this earlier, maybe I wouldn't have beenso reckless in the past. But now, I'm going to focus on Schiller's case and find a way to help him. Let's get to work!"

Stark closed the book and walked over to his computer. He began to type away, searching for information on anxiety disorders and their treatments. He was determined to help Schiller, no matter what it takes.

Stark is reading a book and commenting on the symptoms listed on it, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and bipolar disorder. He mentions a person he knows who exhibits these symptoms.

The next day, at the S.H.I.E.L.D. cafeteria, Stark observes Steve's behavior and realizes that he is exhibiting signs of anxiety, such as tense muscles and defensive body language. Stark reflects on his own experiences with mental health and wonders if he shows similar symptoms when he sees a therapist.

The conversation then turns to a discussion of a mutual friend who may have harmed innocent people in the past due to being brainwashed by Hydra. Steve defends his friend and the two have a tense exchange.

Throughout the conversation, Stark is observant of Steve's behavior and his own mental health struggles.Suddenly, he had a feeling of being both amused and helpless. He seemed to understand the absurd and helpless feeling Schiller had when he asked him for the first time if he had telepathy.

Stark suddenly realized that if he spoke the words hovering in his mouth, it would probably trigger Steve and plunge him into even more extreme anxiety, like a sword piercing his soft spot. This would be more painful than being hit by hundreds or thousands of missiles, but in the end, Stark still didn't speak.

He changed the topic and said, "Let's talk about the Avengers' work. How should we target Hydra next?"

Steve took a big bite of his sandwich, chewed it vigorously, and swallowed it down. He seemed to be in a state of not knowing what to do, so he focused all his energy on a simple matter, making himself look busy.

"You said before that the assassination of the officer may be related to Hydra?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I don't think it's just a coincidence that so many assassinations occurred while we were giving Hydra a pounding."

"Then let's start from here. Any murder will leave clues, and if we find out who the killer is, we may be able to figure out the reason for these changes in Hydra."

Stark noticed that Steve's nervousness had eased a bit after he entered the area he was good at. He leaned his elbow wider, held the sandwich lower, and showed his face.

He suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Schiller about the armor, and had a strange feeling, as if it were just like this moment.

"Also, do you remember telling me before that if someone suddenly becomes a little strange, we can't rule out the possibility that they have been replaced by Hydra?"

"Yesterday, I analyzed Schiller's behavior logic with Jarvis, and Jarvis's data told me that his behavior overlap with the old Dr. Schiller that we knew is very low."

Steve shook his head, which surprised Stark. Then he heard Steve say, "If he was really replaced, the overlap would not be so low. He must have disguised himself to look very similar to the original Dr. Schiller, with only some subtle differences."

"It's impossible for him to be completely different, like someone else entirely. That would be telling us that he has been replaced, wouldn't it?"

"What if they predicted our prediction?"

"Then Hydra has already ruled the world."

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