Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 114: Battle of the Fort

Chapter 114: Battle of the Fort

"The two fleeing fighters. Please give us your designation number," came a voice from the communicator.

"We don't have a designation number. What now?" asked Dondon.

"We're special forces in charge of escorting Prince Arude. We don't have a designation number. Prince Arude is with us. Please lead us to Prince Gede," I said.

"Prince Arude? Please wait. We will perform the identity verification," came the reply.

"Special forces? You're quite a story maker, Canyue," said Zhang Bao'er with a laugh.

"Please follow me. I'll show you the landing site ahead of us. Everyone else, split up and escort the prince," an answer came a minute later.

The four fighters around us immediately dispersed. One led the way in front of us while the other three surrounded and escorted us as we advanced. The six fighters flew over the ash-gray shrubs and hills. About 10 minutes later, the front fighter spun and then descended into the ground.

I followed the descending fighter and saw a pitch-black tunnel between two hills. Utilizing the guided flight mode, I entered the tunnel leading into the ground. It was slanted downward. I could clearly see several thick steel doors in the tunnel that, according to my laser scans, would close after we flew through them.

After flying through the final door, a massive underground airport appeared before my eyes. I hovered at the designated position and had my fighter slowly descend to the ground. After the fighter landed, its door opened. Prince Arude immediately jumped off the fighter and ran toward a middle-aged military official standing not far away. The red fero canine was also running behind the prince.

Zhang Bao'er jumped out of his fighter and said, "Looks like that's his uncle."

"Um. It doesn't matter. We only need to know if this is a friend or an enemy," I replied.

We then walked forth and stopped before Prince Gede. Prince Gede had long, deep blue hair and the gruff face of someone who had experienced much in life.

"I'm Prince Gede. Thank you for rescuing Prince Arude. I am aware of your heroic feats, warriors. Unfortunately, I can't give you your deserved welcome due to our current circumstances. I need to go to the battle command and make my next plans," said Prince Gede as he extended his hand toward us.

I shook the prince's hand and voiced my request, "No problem. We don't need to rest. We hope to participate in the strategy meeting."

"You are more than welcome to join us. The league is the ally of Akko, after all. Everyone, please come with me," said Prince Gede.

While we spoke, a shuttle flew over. Numerous Akko refugees and injured soldiers streamed out of the shuttle when it stopped. The airport personnel were quick to step forth and help the newcomers.

"Sigh. The refugees and injured soldiers are constantly coming to Milk City. If this continues, I'm afraid that we will reach the limits of the city very soon," said Prince Gede.

"Milk City?" I asked.

"That's the name of this underground city. We have five wells here that produce a type of milky white liquid. The wells serve as the water source for the whole city, hence the name," said Prince Gede.

After the conversation, we followed the prince out of the underground airport toward the battle command room.

"This prince is much friendlier than those arrogant bastards we met previously," said Zhang Bao'er.

"I hope he can help us save the team leader and the others. They are all stuck in the underground palace right now. This can't go on forever," I said.

After leaving the airport, we arrived at a massive underground city. The city was built underground, avoiding the high temperature of the surface while also making use of the light energy from the two stars of Epsilon Canis Majoris to provide the power needed by those living in this city.

In the city, we saw several massive wells. Massive hauler vehicles were constantly pumping water out of the well to provide for the city. At the same time, some refugees and wounded soldiers were being led by the city residents to some temporary refugee camps in the city.

Shortly after, we arrived at the battle command center. Two sturdy Akko warriors were standing guard outside the command center's door. Each warrior was equipped with a raygun. The two guards looked much more spirited than the ones I had seen in the imperial palace.

Several individuals clad in military uniforms were already in the command center. They were busy with their own job, and when they saw Prince Gede arrive, they all stood at attention and saluted him.

Prince Gede waved at them and asked, "Aden, where has the imperial offensive reached?"

"Reporting to the prince, the imperial vanguard has reached a town at the border of Henda, Fudo. Our fighters were forced to retreat after an intense battle with their fighter drones. Our ground troops couldn't resist the attack from their battleships, so they were forced to go underground. The enemy foot soldiers are already starting to attack the underground city of Fudo," replied the military official called Aden.

"Sigh. We are disadvantaged by our lack of battleships. Have the Fudo residents retreated?" asked Prince Gede.

"About 90 percent of them have retreated. The rest are slow-moving wounded individuals. Our army is fighting with their lives to cover the retreat," said Aden.

"What is the estimated time to complete the retreat?" asked Prince Gede.

"We estimate that the wounded individuals will need two to three hours," said Aden.

"I can only give them two more hours. The moment that period is up, the Fudo army must retreat to prevent encirclement and elimination. Of course, they have to make sure that the wounded individuals have all retreated before their own retreat. Otherwise, the commander of the Fudo army will be punished in accordance with military law," said Prince Gede.

"Roger. I'll pass on the order," said Aden.

"Kelle, are there any new updates on our intelligence?" asked Prince Gede after he was done with Aden.

"We captured an imperial police officer. We learned that the Divine Empire has named this mission Operation Typhoon. They aim to conquer the entire Planet Akko within 48 hours," said Kelle.

"Emperor Fille is truly becoming ambitious. He thinks he can eliminate the Kingdom of Akko in only 48 hours?" said Prince Gede with a snort.

"The situation is urgent. Apart from our Henda, Pulin of Prince Asulu, and Honlin of Count Fekkex, 80 percent of the planet has fallen to the enemy," replied Kelle, the intelligence official.

"The main reason for the rapid defeat is the lame performance of the Interstellar League. The old king had been badly manipulated by the league politicians," said Prince Gede with a sigh.

"Uncle, we can't surrender. No matter what, we need to reorganize our army, rescue Royal Father, and launch a counterattack," said Prince Arude.

Only then did the other military officials in the room realize that Prince Arude was with them. They quickly stood up and gave him a salute.

"Prince, we won't surrender so easily. Don't worry. The Kingdom of Akko has stood tall for hundreds of years. Not a single king and prince has ever surrendered to an enemy," said Prince Gede firmly.

"Respected prince, can I ask if the army has a new plan to deal with the invasion?" I asked.

"Baron Sisse is my war advisor. He will present our next plan," said Prince Gede.

"Roger," answered a young military official beside Prince Gede.

Baron Sisse then turned on a hologram projector, projecting a clear map into the room. According to the map, right behind Fudo was the final city between Milk City and Fudo, Goldsteel City.

"Goldsteel City has a high terrain because it is nestled amid a series of steep mountain peaks. It is the final gate to Milk City. The city is filled with bunkers, and its sole entrance is at a steep elevation halfway up a mountain. The enemies will have to go through countless bunkers and pay a high price regardless of whether they are attacking from land or air," said Baron Sisse.

"What if they decide to use their battleship and just level the mountains? What if they just skip the city altogether?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"We're not afraid of the mountains being leveled. We're more afraid of them getting into the city. There are several important tunnels connecting Goldsteel City and Milk City. If the enemies skip Goldsteel City to attack Milk City directly, the people here can quickly retreat to Goldsteel City. Furthermore, Milk City is also an easily guarded and hard-to-attack city. The two cities form a perfect duo because they can support each other," said Baron Sisse.

"I understand. To take both cities, one has to use force and take at least one down first and lock all means of escape for the other city. Rather than taking a detour, the imperial army would rather borrow their current momentum and launch an assault against Goldsteel City," said Old Du.

"Yes. This warrior is right. The imperial army must have learned of the two cities. To take Milk City, they must take Goldsteel City first," said Prince Gede.

"Thus, we must defend the sturdy fort known as Goldsteel City and perform well in the upcoming battle," said Baron Sisse.

"We will follow the advisor's suggestions. Make the arrangements as quickly as possible. How many soldiers do we still have in Goldsteel?" asked Prince Gede as he turned to look at Aden.

"We have about 2,000 elite assault soldiers and about 50 tanks. We also have about 200 rail cannons and laser towers scattered over the various bunkers."

"How can a military so small stop the imperial army? Just their tens of thousands of drones are enough to outnumber you," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Aden, transfer the 500 special assault soldiers under me and 30 fighters from Milk City to help Goldsteel City with the defense," commanded Prince Gede.

"Your Highness, these fighters are the last we have. If we transfer them over, our remaining forces won't be enough to guarantee your safety," said Baron Sisse with worry.

"Ignore my safety. Our kingdom is on the verge of destruction. Can anyone really be safe when the kingdom is destroyed? I only hope that the soldiers can defend the city with everything they have for three days. Three days later, retreat to Milk City immediately," commanded Prince Gede.

"Prince, will we receive reinforcements after the three days pass?" asked Baron Sisse.

"Order the soldiers. Defend for three days. After three days, the result of the battle will become apparent," said Prince Gede firmly.

"Roger. I'll make the arrangements," replied Baron Sisse.

"Also, Aden, transfer all civilians of Goldsteel City to Milk City through the tunnels within 12 hours. If you overlook any civilian and cause any civilian casualty, you will be punished in accordance with military law," said Prince Gede.

"Roger. The mission will be accomplished," replied Aden.

"Everyone, get to your tasks. Dismissed," said Prince Gede.

'Loves his people like his children, strict and impartial with the military. This Prince Gede is quite an impressive individual,' I praised inwardly.

Done with his arrangements, Prince Gede turned to face us and said, "Warriors, do you wish to join the battle or do you wish to wait at the command center?"

I looked at Zhang Bao'er and Old Du. Both looked at me with resolute expressions.

"To lower the casualties among the civilians, we are willing to participate in the battle and buy more time for everyone," I said firmly.

"Well said! Li Canyue is truly as the rumors say. A responsible person and a stout defender of justice! Go. I'll be right behind you. Remember, try to last at least three days. Even if you die, make sure to have your corpse stand in the way of your enemies," said Prince Gede.

We were all youngsters, so the talk of war caused our blood to boil. We promised loudly and prepared for battle in a high-spirited manner.

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