Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 115: Desperate Battle of Goldsteel 1

Chapter 115: Desperate Battle of Goldsteel 1

"To avoid exposure, all fighters must be moved through the underground tunnels. All combatants will be taking the underground trains to reach Goldsteel City," said Baron Sisse.

We took our leaves from the two princes and were led by Baron Sisse to Milk City's train station. The train station was located underneath the city. The massive tunnels connected to the station were built deeper under the mountainous terrain, making these tunnels even harder to discover than the underground city.

Before long, all combatants were gathered at the train station. The station was filled with soldiers slated to reinforce Goldsteel City. The platforms were filled with soldiers waiting for their respective trains. There were two floors to the platforms. A large group was standing on the upper platform while only a small group was on the lower platform.

"Why don't we wait at the lower platform? It's so messy to have everyone squeezed here," said Zhang Bao'er.

"The lower platform is for arrivals, not departures," explained Baron Sisse.

"But shouldn't things change during wartime? You guys are too rigid," said Zhang Bao'er, acting like he was some sort of veteran.

Baron Sisse merely smiled and refrained from saying anything. Sounds of train wheels grinding against the railway suddenly rang out from afar. Before long, we saw a train with six coaches coming out of the dark tunnel. It seemed to have rushed straight up from the ground at a 180-degree angle before slowing down and stopping at the train station.

Numerous civilians streamed out of the train. It was obvious these were the refugees from Goldsteel City. After all the refugees left, two massive mechanical arms descended from above, grabbed the front of the train, and dragged it toward the railway in front of us.

"Warriors, our train has arrived," said Baron Sisse.

We immediately entered the train and sat down. Each seat was equipped with three belts.

"Is this going to be a shaky ride? You need three seat belts?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

"The train is probably very fast? Just keep the belt on," I said when I saw the soldiers around us strapping the belts on.

Then, the green signal in the train lit up.

"Dear passengers, please remain in your seats. The train will be moving at a high speed shortly," said Baron Sisse.

"How fast can it be?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

He had merely finished his words when I felt the three belts tighten around my body, firmly strapping me to the seat. Then, the train shot forth like a bolt of lightning. Before I could even adapt to the high speed, the train shot down at a 90-degree angle, shooting straight into the earth.

An immense sense of weightlessness assaulted me as I felt like I was floating. The train did not show any signs of stopping. Rather, it shot down faster and faster. The train wheels shrieked loudly from the friction with the railway, making our experience even more intense.

I could see that beside me, Zhang Bao'er was vomiting his guts out. To the other side, Domo and Dondon were also vomiting like living fountains.

The train descended for about 20 minutes, pushing everyone to their limits. Abruptly, the train made a u-turn before going up at a 180-degree angle, shooting straight up.

The switch made me feel like my heart was going to pop out of my body. However, it certainly felt much better to be going up than to drop down. After a while, I felt the train slowing down, allowing gravity to take care of the massive inertia from the crazy acceleration earlier.

Suddenly, something clicked in my mind, and I understood how this train worked. It made use of gravity to massively accelerate and then borrowed the power of inertia to help the train finish its journey.

'What shitty technology is this? Sure, it saves energy, but the passenger experience is horrible,' I complained inwardly.

As I complained inwardly, the train slowly came to a stop. The soldiers left one after another, acting completely fine. Old Du and I were doing decent as well, but after the belts were removed, Zhang Bao'er, Domo, and Dondon immediately dropped onto the ground and resumed their session of vomiting.

"Perhaps you're unused to our transportation system. My apologies," said Baron Sisse.

"The passenger experience has a lot of room for improvement," I said tersely.

We helped the ones who were still feeling sick and walked to the platform.

"Which squad will we join for the battle?" I asked.

"Warrior Canyue, I gave this a long thought while on the train. I have a suggestion," said Baron Sisse.

"What suggestion do you have? Feel free to say it. We will follow the plan," I said.

"That's good to hear. I wish to have you join me in commanding the battle from inside Goldsteel City," said Baron Sisse.

"Me? Joining the battle command? But I have no experience," I said in astonishment.

"I believe you have potential in this aspect. Everyone needs to do their best and be in positions best suited for them," said Baron Sisse.

"Canyue, I agree with Baron Sisse. Soldiers are duty-bound to follow commands. With you part of command, our hearts will also be at ease," said Old Du.

"Canyue, just go. Old Du and I will go to the battlefield," said Zhang Bao'er.

Suddenly, an oppressive sound rang out, and the world around us shook. Dust and pebbles dropped from the ceiling above us.

"This is bad. The enemies are attacking. We need to get to the command center immediately," said Baron Sisse.

"Domo, Dondon, come to the command center with me. I need your data and experience," I said.

"So which squad will the two of us join?" Zhang Bao'er asked.

"Report to the tank division at the eastern gate," said Baron Sisse.

Both Zhang Bao'er and Old Du were about to move out after receiving their order.

"Bao'er," I called out before they could leave. I took off my shield device and gave it to him. "Remember to stay alive. I might come looking for you guys at any time."

Zhang Bao'er nodded and rushed off with Old Du. The sounds of explosions grew louder and louder as I followed Sisse toward the command center. The city had been transformed into a massive military base. All the civilians had been evacuated and only an endless stream of soldiers could be seen traveling the streets with ammunition and other necessities of war. A few minutes later, we reached the command center. The room was in chaos.

"Mayor Andi, I am War Advisor Sisse from the general headquarters. This is Advisor Li Canyue from the Interstellar League. We're here to help with the battle," said Baron Sisse as he saluted an old military official.

"Advisor from the Interstellar League? Someone so young? Has he fought in any war at all?" asked the busy Mayor Andi as he looked up from his desk.

"Reporting to the mayor, I have experience in battles," I said.

"Is Prince Gede still in Milk City?" asked Mayor Andi, completely ignoring me.

"The prince still needs to finish up some preparations. He commanded that the defenders must defend Goldsteel City for three days regardless of cost. The prince will come and back us up the moment he is done with his preparations," said Baron Sisse.

"Alright. You're here just in time to join us in the battle planning," said Mayor Andi.

As the mayor spoke, a young military official projected the hologram of the city from the control desk. The holographic map showed that the imperial soldiers were pushing in from both the mountain peak and the foot of the mountain. Countless imperial shuttles could be seen moving around, shipping an unending stream of soldiers into the battlefield.

"At present, our anti-air artillery has turned the air above our front gate into a no-fly zone. The enemy shuttles can only land at either the mountain peak or the foot of the mountain before releasing their soldiers," said the young official.

"How many soldiers do we have running interference against the push?" asked the mayor.

"About a third of our force is running interference, trying to deal as much damage as possible to the enemies," replied the young official.

"Where are the remaining soldiers?" asked Baron Sisse.

"Most of them are gathered at the main gate in preparation to face the enemy assault," said the young official.

"What is the status of their main force?" asked Baron Sisse.

"They are using medium tanks to weaken our anti-air defense from afar. From the map, we can see that a large number of drones and fighters are being assembled. They are likely preparing for their first push," said the young official.

"Is this why you have the majority of your army at the main gate?" I asked.

"Yes. That was my train of thought," answered the young official.

"I suggest that we first have the soldiers gathered at the main gate help the soldiers running interference. The enemy will still need to get through a series of defensive fortifications before actually reaching the main gate. We can take this opportunity to gather our forces and eliminate as many of their combat-capable units as possible," I suggested.

"Continue," said Mayor Andi.

"As for the main gate, we should concentrate our weaponry to deal with the enemy drones and fighters. So long as we can obtain an advantage over their ground forces, their fighters and drones won't be able to truly take over the city," I said.

"I agree with Canyue. We don't need that many soldiers at the main gate for now. We should make full use of them and deal even more damage to the enemy's ground forces," said Baron Sisse.

Mayor Andi gave it some thought before saying, "We'll adjust our plan according to the advisor's suggestion. Order the squads running interference to focus on the opposing ground forces."

The young official immediately implemented the order. At this time, the sounds of explosions had also stopped.

"Intelligence officer, I need the latest update on the main gate," said Mayor Andi anxiously.

"Lord Andi, the enemies are mustering their forces. They are preparing to launch an attack on our main gate," said the intelligence officer as he pointed at the concentrated red dots on the map.

"What is the status of our deployment at the main gate?" asked Mayor Andi.

"Fifty heavy tanks and the thirty bird-shaped fighters from headquarters have all been deployed to the main gate. All the firing ports have been opened. We also have about a hundred automatic rail cannons and laser towers near the main gate," said the intelligence officer.

"Good. Since everything is in place, we'll see what the invaders can do," said Mayor Andi.

"Reporting to the mayor, the interference units are all in position. They are currently engaging the opposing ground forces in an intense firefight. According to our data, they have successfully slowed down the enemy's advance," said the young official.

"Tell everyone to slow the enemies down as much as possible and to try to kill as many of them as possible. Do not let them join the battle at the main gate so easily," said Mayor Andi.

"Intelligence officer, turn the map into a real-time video. I want to take a look at the situation inside and outside the main gate," said Baron Sisse.

The intelligence officer did as told and activated the surveillance system. The scenes inside and outside the main gate were then clearly displayed on two screens in the room.

'A battle will break out at any moment,' I told myself.

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