Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 123: Operation Generator

Chapter 123: Operation Generator

"We can pretend to be guards and distract one of the teams while Bulu controls the other team," said Zhang Bao'er.

"That's a good idea. I'll go with Bulu and deal with one team. Old Du and Bao'er, you'll deal with the other team," I said.

We started moving according to our plan. Zhang Bao'er and Old Du first tied up the unconscious guards and covered their mouths. I placed Bulu into my backpack. When everyone was ready, we went up the staircase. At the middle level, I walked straight to the team stationed midway to the cockpit. There were four guards in the team. Three of them were dozing off, leaving only one of them to keep watch.

"Soldier, why are you here? Are you not afraid that your superior will punish you?" the soldier asked in astonishment when he saw me.

Immediately after, the guard stood frozen. He had fallen under Bulu's control. The three sleeping guards were also easily placed under Bulu's control. After dealing with the four guards, I quickly looked at the other side. Things seemed even more straightforward for Zhang Bao'er and the others. They simply knocked the four guards unconscious before tying them up.

So far, everything was progressing smoothly for us. After dealing with the two security points, our next target was the cockpit. Everyone gathered up. Just as we were about to draw a plan to take the cockpit, the sound of a door opening rang out followed by heavy footsteps.

"Gando," Old Du exclaimed.

We did not expect the Gando to suddenly patrol inside the ship at this moment. The mood turned nervous. We could no longer think too much. The general, Dondon, and Domo quickly worked on pushing our captured guards into a side room. Meanwhile, Zhang Bao'er, Old Du, Kelly, and I immediately pretended to be the guards stationed at this security point.

In less than a minute, a sturdy Gando warrior appeared from the passageway, dragging a massive club behind him. The friction between the club and the floor was incredibly loud, causing us to shiver involuntarily.

The warrior's gaze landed on the four of us who were standing at attention. He rolled his eyes and said, "What a surprise. There are actually Eternals stupid enough to keep watch instead of dozing off?"

We did not know what to say, so we remained silent because we were afraid that we would expose ourselves the moment we spoke.

Perhaps noticing that we were acting slightly off, the Gando warrior suddenly said, "Darkness persists on the far Planet Divine."

'Shit, that must be some sort of code,' I exclaimed inwardly.

"There is no water on Planet Eternal," Zhang Bao'er replied after an awkward silence.

We helplessly laughed at the reply, while an odd expression appeared on the Gando's face as he stared at Zhang Bao'er with his white eyes. After several seconds, the Gando slowly lifted his club in preparation to bash Zhang Bao'er's head down. I immediately aimed my raygun at the Gando. In an odd turn of events, the Gando suddenly froze while lifting his club.

"Bulu!" I exclaimed.

I immediately took my backpack off and looked inside. I found Bulu shining brightly like a sun while the substance within its body moved rapidly in a straight line. The Gando's body was slightly trembling, as though the Gando was trying to shake off Bulu's control.

On the ground, Bulu shone brighter and brighter, looking like it was trying its best to deal with the Gando. Everyone was stunned by the exchange. We watched silently as the exchange continued for about 10 minutes. At that point, the Gando's body was trembling harder and harder.

'Shit. The Gando is too strong. Bulu won't be able to last much longer. I need to help it,' I thought anxiously.

The Gando's thick white armor gave the Gando excellent protection, leaving no opening I could take advantage of. Suddenly, my gaze landed on the Gando's white eyes.

"Dondon, come here," I said.

Dondon ran over from the side room.

"See the eyes of that Gando? Climb up his body and cover his eyes," I said.

"I doubt we can get close enough to him. His armor is probably equipped with a shield," said Dondon.

"I believe he hadn't even gotten the chance to turn on his shield before he was frozen," I said as I tried sending a kick at the Gando.

My kick connected, proving that the Gando's shield wasn't on. Dondon immediately took out some adhesive bandages from his bag and climbed up the Gando's body before covering the Gando's eyes. The moment the Gando's eyes were covered, I saw the red light in Bulu's body dim considerably.

Any living being would instinctively feel fear after losing vision, resulting in a drop in willpower. That was the same for the Gando. Slowly, the blinded Gando became incapable of resisting. He slowly lowered his raised club and gradually sat down on the ground. Old Du and Zhang Bao'er rushed forth to grab the massive club before slowly placing it onto the ground.

"How did you know that the freak can be controlled after covering his eyes?" asked Kelly.

"I didn't, but from the few encounters I have had with Gandos, I have gained a feeling that their eyes must be their sole weakness," I said.

"Haha. Canyue is essentially saying that the Gandos have turned their entire bodies into forts, leaving their eyes as gates," said Zhang Bao'er as he laughed.

"Canyue, this Gando is too strong. I don't know if he will remain tied up after he wakes up," said Old Du after he finished tying up the Gando.

I shot a glance at Bulu, who was resting on the ground, and said, "The mind control won't last long on a Gando. Also, things will be troublesome if his companions come looking after noticing his disappearance."

"Move. Seize the control room," said Old Du.

With our previous experience, we were able to easily take down the security point in the control room still waiting for the Gando warrior. In the control room, Dondon immediately stepped forth to check the ship's engine system.

"Fearless has been stripped clean of weapons. The energy supply has been removed as well. Most of the control system and nuclear power system has been damaged. Although the reserve control system is still in relatively good shape, we can't take off without energy," it did not take Dondon long to return with an update on the ship.

"What? This ship actually doesn't have any hidden reserve energy? So what's the point of wasting so much effort taking the control room down?" complained Kelly.

"Dondon, apart from nuclear power, what other energy is compatible with Fearless?" I asked.

"Fearless is a rather ancient model. Apart from nuclear power, it can also run off electricity generated from solar power," said Dondon.

"Electrical system. Where are we supposed to get electrical energy now?" grumbled Zhang Bao'er.

"We have the energy, but we lack electricity," I said.

"Energy? Where?" asked Kelly in astonishment.

I slowly took off the so-called amulet Old Du had given me before our Jupiter II expedition. The imperial guards had thought that the amulet was merely a regular necklace, so they had left it on me.

"Emergency energy supply. I almost forgot about it. I used mine on Sirius," said Zhang Bao'er, pleasantly surprised to see the necklace.

"Yes. The nuclear power system of the ship has been damaged, but this necklace can provide the energy we need. However, how do we turn the energy into electricity? Sure, the ship can still generate electricity through solar power, but it's currently night. We won't be able to generate anything," said Dondon.

We have the proper system in place, we also have the energy source we need. We only lack the ability to harness the energy into something usable. This feeling of failing to raise a fire even with firewood and flint present was rather disheartening. Time passed, and with every passing moment, things grew more and more dangerous for us.

"I have an idea, but I don't know how well it will work," Zhang Bao'er suddenly said hesitatingly.

"Now is not the time to keep everyone in suspense. Say it already," I said.

"I once watched a science fiction movie that was produced 100 years ago on Blue. The movie is about a machine empire and its control over human bodies. In that movie, the machines had lost the sun as a light source. However, the machines ingeniously made use of the electrical impulses in biological life forms to generate electricity, turning that into their energy source," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Fatty, you're wasting our time with your bullshit," cursed Domo impatiently.

"No, Bao'er makes sense. We can try using the electrical impulses in our bodies. But who is going to volunteer as the source? Excessive energy flow might even detonate our weak bodies," said Dondon.

Everyone instinctively looked at Old Du. He was the sturdiest among us. An awkward look covered Old Du's face, but he still braced himself and rolled up his sleeves. Right at that moment, a series of heavy footsteps rang out. A Gando warrior was walking up from the middle level.

"This is bad. The Gando has awakened. Be careful, everyone," I warned in a low voice.

We all raised our guns nervously and aimed at the control room's entrance. The footsteps came nearer and nearer, but the person jumping into the room was actually Bulu, whose entire body was shining with a red light.

Close behind Bulu was the Gando warrior with his eyes still covered. This time, he did not come with his club. Rather, he slowly walked into the control room before lying on the steel floor. Everyone stood confused. I came to a sudden realization.

"The Gandos are sturdy enough to be the perfect electrical generator for us," I said in excitement.

"Yes! With his sturdy body, I doubt we will be able to hurt him much. We'll borrow some electricity from his body and start the ship," said Dondon, who was similarly excited.

Old Du was visibly relieved hearing that he no longer needed to be the generator. Dondon immediately took out two power cables, one positive and one negative, from the reserve stockpile and attached the cables to two of the Gando's fingers. At the same time, Dondon ran over and locked the door of the control room.

"Please be seated, everyone. Operation Generator is commencing," announced Dondon.

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