Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 124: Drifting Spaceship

Chapter 124: Drifting Spaceship

We could see Dondon rapidly working on the reserve energy system. Soon, he finished all his preparations and connected all relevant cables. Then, he started the ship's electrical power generator.

A blue current could be seen slowly taking form. It became thicker and thicker as it traveled along the Gando's body, circulating from his head to his legs.

"There's electricity! This fellow's body can actually produce so much electricity!" Zhang Bao'er exclaimed.

"Canyue, I need to start the spaceship immediately. And the moment the ship moves, it needs to fly away, or the enemy might shoot us down," said Dondon.

"Do it," I said with a nod.

Dondon then inserted my amulet into the control desk. A powerful volume of energy surged through the ship's engine, and the same energy made use of the electrical charges generated from the Gando's body to convert into a powerful source of electricity.

Then, the entire ship lit up as the various functions of the ship recovered. The Gando on the ground was violently convulsing. The electrical current was obviously subjecting his body to great pressure. If this was an ordinary person, the body would have exploded by now.

The imperial guards and the Gandos around the ship immediately noticed the movement. They were all completely stupefied by what they saw. Dondon swiftly shut all the doors of the ship when the ship took off shakily with the help of the reserve electrical power system.

At that time, the imperial police finally recovered from their shock. All sorts of weapons were aimed at us before the police pulled the triggers. A Gando warrior used the massive hatchet in his hand to hook onto the edge of the ship. He slowly climbed up.

"Dondon, why don't you turn on the shield?" asked Zhang Bao'er anxiously when he saw the numerous explosions all around the ship.

"The shielding system has been removed. Remain in your seats, everyone. I'm going to start evading," said Dondon.

The shaky Fearless rose to the sky while avoiding the attacks coming from the ground. In a short time period, the ship reached an altitude of thousands of meters in the air. At that point, the ground weapons could no longer damage the ship, leaving the four drones and the Gando hanging outside as the ship's remaining threats. The Gando used his hatchet as a hook as he slowly climbed to the cockpit window.

"We can't let him approach the window. Things will be troublesome if he gets in here," said Old Du.

"Brace yourself. I'm speeding up," said Dondon.

As everyone braced themselves, the ship suddenly made a 720-degree turn, attempting to throw the Gando off. The resilience and strength of a Gando was displayed to all of us. No matter how the ship moved, the Gando stubbornly hung onto the ship.

Meanwhile, the four drones continued shooting relentlessly at Fearless. They were able to land a lot of shots, but the energy supply of these tiny drones could not power an attack capable of actually threatening our ship.

The enemies also realized this, so the four drones came together to form a thick red beam and launched it at the ship. Dondon hurriedly moved the ship aside to evade the shot.

Everything was happening too quickly, and we were all feeling light-headed from all the evasive maneuvers. The Gando on the ground was even more miserable; he was constantly flung up and down as the ship moved, to the point I started to worry that he would suddenly wake up. Finally, a thick red beam struck the ship's wing, destroying a part of the ship that served to maintain balance.

"If this continues, we will be shot down. We must think of a way to hit back," said Zhang Bao'er.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of the hanging Gando still steadily climbing toward the cockpit. An idea came to me.

"Dondon, try to use the drones to kick the Gando off our ship," I said.

Dondon's smart brain immediately understood what I meant. He maneuvered the ship in a manner that would use the Gando's body as a shield against the drones. An opportunity finally appeared, and Dondon pulled on the control stick, causing Fearless to drop down straight toward the incoming massive red beam.

At that moment, Fearless moved slightly following a predetermined setting, placing the Gando directly in the way of the shot. The red beam struck the Gando. No body or armor would be powerful enough to tank a beam that powerful. I saw the beam pierce right through the Gando's shield to his back.

Even inside the ship, I heard a painful wail. The pain caused the Gando to release his grip and drop down from the ship. The drones also seemed stunned by the sudden change, stopping momentarily. However, they recovered quickly and immediately flew toward the falling Gando. They were probably trying to rescue the Gando.

"We finally got rid of those fellows. Looks like not even the heavens want to see us die so early," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Shit! The enemy fighters are coming," said Dondon anxiously.

Everyone ran toward the control desk and saw that numerous red dots had appeared on the screen. They were coming toward us from far away.

"These people are too persistent. Just speed up and leave," said Zhang Bao'er.

"No, we can't. The reserve electrical power system is good enough to support flight but not high-speed flight. There is a limit to how much electrical power can do," said Dondon.

"What should we do, then? After doing all this, we still can't escape?" said Domo.

"Dondon, can the reserve engine system produce a wormhole?" asked Old Du.

"Yes, but we will be completely out of energy afterward. We need to decide on a destination," said Dondon after looking through the system.

"Go to Akko. We need to help Zhang Xingxing and the others. We're still within the ceasefire period," I said.

"Do you have shit for brains? You're sending all of us to death with that command. With the few guns we have and this shitty ship, who do you think you can help? You'll only bring trouble to the one you're trying to help," criticized Kelly without holding anything back.

I couldn't really think of a counter, so I could only shut my mouth gloomily.

"What do you know, little girl? The number of battles we had fought in is higher than even the number of movies you have watched," said Zhang Bao'er.

"God damn fatty, fighting in battles does not automatically make you smart. Have you gotten a good body from all the food you have eaten?" Kelly retorted unyieldingly.

Domo looked happy to see Zhang Bao'er being scolded.

"We don't have time. Stop arguing. Kelly, what do you have in mind? Just say it," said General Edward.

"I have the coordinates of the withdrawn league fleet, including the exact location of Carter's Zeus-class battleship. I suggest we look for Kate first," Kelly suggested.

"Who's Carter? Can we trust him?" questioned Zhang Bao'er doubtfully.

"Carter is my brother. He is definitely more trustworthy than a fatty like you," replied Kelly with her sharp tongue.

Finally, Zhang Bao'er shut his mouth like me after failing to think of a proper retort.

"That's settled, then. The enemies are catching up soon," decided Old Du on my behalf.

Kelly then gave Dondon the coordinates. He immediately produced a wormhole leading to their destination. The wormhole produced using electrical power seemed extremely unstable; its edge flickered in and out of existence. Producing the wormhole had almost fully exhausted the reserve energy, and the lights in the ship dimmed significantly.

"Go, go, go! The enemy is here!" Domo exclaimed.

Everyone looked out the window and saw about a dozen unmanned fighters flying rapidly toward us while unleashing red laser beams in our direction. Dondon unhesitatingly navigated the ship into the wormhole.

That final movement finally drained the last bit of energy from Fearless. The powerful energy that had formed the wormhole was damaging the body of the ship. The entire ship shook violently, looking like it was going to fall apart at any moment.

'May Prophet Nommo's ship be durable enough to take us out of this wormhole,' I prayed inwardly with Bulu in my arms.

As the shaking intensified, some parts of the ship actually detached and flew off.

"Shit! The ship won't last much longer!" exclaimed Domo anxiously.

"Pray, everyone. Pray to Nommo and hope that he can hear us," I said.

Everyone sank into silence. I could see that some were already praying with their heads lowered. After a few minutes of intense shaking, Fearless, badly damaged, finally shot out of the wormhole, appearing once again in the boundless darkness that was the universe.

"Success! We're finally safe!" Kelly cheered.

"Dondon, nobody can use the wormhole we produced, right?" asked Old Du.

"Yes, I'm sure of that. This wormhole barely supported our travel. It won't be able to support any other ships through it. Also, I regret to inform everyone that due to our lack of energy, we seem to have failed to reach our actual destination," said Dondon helplessly.

"Little cat, what did you just say?" screamed Kelly as she rushed toward the control desk.

"My apologies. Due to the lack of energy, we are still one lightyear away from the coordinates," said Dondon.

"One light-year. Fuck me. Won't drifting aimlessly here be the same as waiting for our deaths?" said Zhang Bao'er.

"Due to the lack of energy, the temperature regulator will also stop working in an hour," Dondon dropped another piece of bad news.

"Can we send a distress signal to the fleet?" asked Kelly.

"Yes, but the signal will only reach them after a year. There is a massive cosmic void between us," said Dondon.

"Cosmic void," Domo muttered.

"Basically vast spaces that are essentially empty," said Dondon.

One trouble after another showed itself, demonstrating the difficulty of survival in outer space.

"What now? We will all turn into popsicles in an hour." Domo grumbled non-stop.

"Don't worry, everyone. Just also use the final emergency reserve," said Old Du as he took out the energy stick hanging from his neck.

Everyone immediately calmed down. We had been too anxious earlier, to the point we had forgotten about the amulet.

"Old Du, can you tell me about the origin of this equipment?" asked General Edward.

"Yes, sir," Old Du replied. He then told the general the origin of his amulet.

"I did not expect the Gliesens to have such technology. To cram the core energy of a star into something so small in such a stable manner. This is a technology that needs more study. It will provide much good to society," said the general.

"Everyone, the temperature regulator is nearly down. I'll be inserting the energy stick," said Dondon.

Although we were reluctant to waste the final energy stick here, we had no choice.

"Do it," I said.

Right as Dondon was about to use the stick, a loud sound came from outside the window.

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