Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 392

Episode 392: Clean as pure gold (5)

“I’m a little embarrassed. How dare I do something like that—”

[Are you saying that? If you really mean it, I’m disappointed.]

Regardless of whether the Archmage wakes up or not, the White Crow reacted calmly. It was natural for him to feel embarrassed as the truth that he had concealed so well was suddenly revealed, but he pretended not to notice without even blinking an eye.

“Old man, please stop misunderstanding. I truly have never been like that.”

Even if I hadn’t heard from Kye-myung about how naturally virtuous that appearance was, I would have thought, ‘Huh? ‘Did I misunderstand?’ It was to the point where I wanted to. The white crow’s face was that calm and clear.

It doesn’t seem like it belongs to someone who discovered a long-standing secret.


However, Suzaku had already reached a conclusion and had no will to withdraw it.

The white crow, who had been lying face down and claiming innocence, sighed for the first time in a while. The image of respect and submission that had been shown just now disappears into thin air with one breath.

“I had a premonition ever since I was wearing the broken mask, but were you caught?”

He stood up confidently even without Suzaku’s permission. Tap, tap. His bent hands brush away any dust that might have gotten on her white dress.

Soon a long, white body stood tall in the primary-colored room. It was the end of ignorance.

“What is it? “Neither you nor I attempted this without knowing the possibility of being discovered.”

He spoke slyly in his characteristic low voice and shrugged his shoulders. The finger, which had a nail the size of two knuckles, spread apart and showed everyone its strangely curved trajectory.

“But I didn’t know that you would sell me out.”

“Those are unpleasant words. Do you think I would have been able to survive with your information?”

“Even if you don’t sell your pride to survive, you can put it on the market to achieve your goals, right?”

But instead of paying attention to the orbit, people focused on the white crow itself. There was nothing he could do because every word he spoke was an admission of his guilt.

While the Archmage was drooling and clenching his fists while asking and answering questions, Gyemyeong placed his teaspoon upside down on the teacup.

“Or what did you say about my deal with Oman? “If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have found out.”

“As you said, I guess it’s because I am someone who can put my pride on the shelf in order to achieve my goal.”

Gye-myeong’s thin voice sarcastically mocked the white crow’s words.

“…is it so. “If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

The white crow also seemed to have felt something from that and folded his arms with a smile disguised as sadness. He was in a posture where he had his arms crossed with one hand and supported his chin and cheek with the other hand.

“So what do you plan to do now?”

[…Since I confessed the truth, I should be punished accordingly.]

“Punishment later.”

He’s a criminal, so why is he so relaxed? Is there anything you have prepared in case something like this happens?

I sharpened my senses just in case. This was because I did not want to repeat the cliche of losing one’s guard and missing the traitor inside.

“Old One, do you know what I am studying now?”

[take no interest. Such as that of a traitor.]

“It is filtering demonic energy or converting it into magical energy.”

However, when he said that, he couldn’t stop everyone in the hall from being silent. Even that Suzaku was enough to temporarily stop the flame in my body.

Hwareuk. Free from embarrassment, the fire burned in its original form.

“This is research that applies the exact technology to the body.”

[…So, do you want me to save your life? Why should I do that?]

“Then are you going to throw it away?”

No, you mean there was such a skill? Why is White Crow conducting such research? What…!

“Aren’t you resorting to fraud to avoid risk?”

“…No, it’s not a scam. “As far as I know, several great sages have joined in and the process continues.”

“Is it possible to filter demonic energy…?”

“I filtered out my divine power, so what is there that Magi can’t do?”

While I was making a serious face, Deathbringer and Daniel took turns asking and answering questions with Meister. Divine power filter. My eyes turned to the decoration attached to the collar.

“Progress may have slowed down due to Yeonggamtaeng’s absence, but a prototype should have been released by now. “It’s just that mass production is not possible because of the need to match efficacy and cost.”

“What do you mean by parasol…?”

“The production difficulty is a bit difficult. “When the size of the object to be enchanted becomes small enough to be portable, only a few great sages can make it.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course, this will get better as it is improved… but how easy is it to improve a technology that has just been developed?”

“…If area is an issue, wouldn’t it be possible to engrave it in a larger area?”

“that’s right. Even a senior wizard is sufficient for hanging it in a room or on furniture. Well… since it doesn’t protect you directly, it will be useless when you go out, but some people will think that it’s a good idea.”

Contrary to his indifferent tone, the content is simply unconventional. I thought about the number of filters I had and their sizes.

“However, this can only be done if you are a senior wizard who is skilled in making items. So, you have to be from Bemurgen or Hudelen to do it.”

…This was something very precious?

“But think about what Bemurchen looks like now. Do you think they can send wizards to other cities?”

While I was sweating profusely, Meister looked down at the city he lived in with a withered look on his face. It was a line that was even more difficult to argue with because it was not wrong.

“Even if we send a dispatch, the travel time is a problem. This is a world where you have to take a month or two to travel to even the nearest city. “In the end, there is a long way to go before it can be commercialized.”

“I see….”

“Oh, come to think of it, if you use this to make money, recovery will be quick. “Whether you invite someone to carve it in your room, or buy a portable filter that Yeomgangtaengi carved by hand… you can charge a very high price for it.”

“It’s a risk of monopoly…”

Strictly speaking, Hudelen is possible, so it’s not a complete monopoly, but… As expected, the imbalance between supply and demand leads to extreme value values. I nodded to the untimely economic problem and then came to my senses again.

“Was it this much more precious than that?”

“Then you thought it wasn’t true?”

“…Thank you.”

Archmage, what on earth did you make for me? No, the requester was a meister, so should I say it was made by a meister?

In any case, it is clear that it is very expensive and made with great care. I thanked them both sincerely and straightened my already upright posture even further. Since I thought that my clothes were covered with products that couldn’t even be converted into value, I had no choice but to do that automatically.

My body stiffened as if I was getting a ride in a car worth 100 million won.

“That’s the great master.”


“If several great sages are working together on research, shouldn’t there be an author?”

Meanwhile, the Inquisitor, who was glaring at the white crow, said something. Unlike the head that is slightly bent downwards, the eyes that are slanted like three hundred eyes are full of the green color of arsenic dye. It looked like he was going to break off the white crow’s head at any moment.

“…well. “Because it’s not a story that can be resolved so lightly.”

However, even after seeing her expression, Meister showed no enthusiasm on his face. The white crow’s head, which had not seen him face to face since he came in, fell down on the desk.

“Applying this technology to items is possible without that human, but applying it to the body is different.”

“…You mean it’s impossible without him?”

“I don’t know either, right? However, whether the research can proceed smoothly when the highest authority on life magic disappears… I think there is a rough answer.”

It seems like he is protecting the white crow, but he is not protecting him. This was a fact that could be known because the vibrating voice clearly revealed his unpleasant and undesirable feelings.

But even if it is not protection, it is protection. This was especially true because it contained only facts.


The Inquisitor grabbed the spoon he was holding tightly. It was made of silver and bent with a squeak.

[doesn’t care. Even without you, it will be developed someday.]

However, Suzaku, who was quietly listening to the Meister like an Inquisitor, declared. I thought he would be a little concerned as he cared about the people working on the northern front, but his attitude was stronger than I expected.

[You are waiting outside.]


But maybe this is true. Having a history of voluntarily dealing with Oman means that you never know when you might do business with Oman again.

It was a different case from the commandments that were forcibly used.

[Tie their hands and put them in the prison provided in the tower. Since we need to find out how much information was leaked, we also prepare advisors.]

Of course, there is room for suspicion about the commandments as well. It was in that context that she ate with us in silence and answered every question we asked.

She must not be out of our sight, and if she acts even slightly suspicious, she will be imprisoned. It was unreasonable from the perspective of the woman who was taken advantage of, but it could not be helped because the damage she had caused was harm. If this were Munmund, she would have been used and her head cut off.

“…All right.”

[I’ll tell you in advance, if you escape, you can kill me.]

The person who had received Suzaku’s orders approached the white crow while holding a rope. It looked like they were going to tie his hands and wrap his body around him.

“That’s too bad. “I wanted to see the end of the contest of wits.”

Also, the white crow did not resist it. I really didn’t know if it was a good thing or not. The insider’s non-resistance was so leisurely that it felt somewhat ominous.

“But Suzaku…”

But before I could get anxious, the person who was being dragged out while tied up turned his head.

“You’ll think again.”

Are you looking at Suzaku or are you looking at us? I followed the direction of his gaze for a long time and then stopped my actions.

“In the battle ahead, it will be impossible to even judge good and evil.”

He was looking at me.

* * *

“…There was a lot I wanted to say, but it ended up like this.”

After the white crow was dragged away, the Archmage collapsed on a chair helplessly. It was inevitable that this reunion, which should have been a joy after the divorce, ended like this. Her hands ran over her face.

“Are you okay?”

“Would you like to drink some of that water?”

They didn’t seem that close, but was there still some camaraderie between them as great sages?

I quietly handed over the car while looking at the Archmage who was distraught. A lot of the scent has dissipated, but it’s still better than nothing. Since ancient times, tea has been helpful in stabilizing the mind and body.

“Thank you.”

The person who pushed the cold tea down his throat relaxed his entire body. Her muscles relaxed and her hair became limp, making her feel like she had shrunk in half in an instant.

“…I originally wanted to ask how things were in the north, but I guess this should come first. “Why did things happen like this?”

Still, she didn’t stop asking. It seemed that the immediate curiosity was greater than the burden of the situation.

Even if we don’t get along, I think if a magician of the same rank is suddenly captured, we can’t help but wonder why.


While I heated the water in the cup with my finger on fire, Deathbringer and Daniel explained all the facts in detail. In the process, I saw the Archmage several times, the Commandments several times, and the Meister and Berserk several times.

“So that’s how it happened…”

I just listened to the story over there. But why do you look older than before? We’ve been through some tough times, but honestly, compared to what’s happened so far, isn’t the risk itself just like acorns?

“…First of all, everyone came back alive and well. “It was a lot of hard work.”

…Oh no?

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