Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 393

Episode 393: Clean as pure gold (6)

“And you too…”

When I was reconsidering the seriousness of this incident—no, but wasn’t it really a similar difficulty to normal times?—the Archmage’s eyes turned to Gye Myung. .

“…There are quite a few things I want to ask, but I will ask this first. “Why did you and White Crow join despite being prepared for your true identity to be discovered?”

Meanwhile, the question she suddenly asked was something I had missed.

“Even if his dealings with Oman were not discovered, just hiding the man who betrayed Munmund would be a huge blow to him. Even if he claims he didn’t know, it’s the same. “There is no way permission from the main shrine could be given while the identity of the test subject is unclear, so the problem will eventually arise in the direction of illegal experiments.”

Oh right. I should have asked this too. Because I asked about something else first, I completely forgot about it. The answers that came out before that were so shocking that I think there was nothing we could do about it.

“What is the reason why he allowed you to join and why you chose to join?”

However, looking at Archmage’s survey, I think it’s a good thing I forgot about it. If I had interrogated him, I wouldn’t have been that sharp.

“Because it was the most efficient.”


“My and his purposes are different, but they do not coincide. I hoped for the fall of arrogance and he hoped for the defeat of arrogance. And you are the most effective player in drawing that future.”

Anyway, the commandment that was asked for an answer answered with both hands folded on the desk. It was an attitude that seemed both compliant and defensive.

“…Did you say that White Crow hoped for Oman’s defeat?”


“What exactly does it mean to lose? Are you saying he wanted to kill Oman?”

However, the momentum of those asking questions was strong enough to break down the wall and jump over it. Daniel and the Inquisitor asked in succession.

“no. The defeat it defines may include the death of arrogance, but it does not necessarily mean that alone.”

“…So you’re saying you’re not necessarily trying to kill me?”

“Do I have to say this twice?”

“Then why don’t you tell me in a simpler way from the beginning? “Do smart people get thorns in their mouths when they speak simply?”

Deathbringer, who had been quietly listening to the conversation, grumbled and complained. At the same time, it seems that the glance at the Meister is not necessarily a complaint towards Kyemyung alone.

“Then the defeat he defines is—”

“If the person involved is in prison awaiting interrogation, would you want to ask me that question? “I think it’s somewhat irrational behavior.”

“…All right. “Let’s skip this part.”

But does that mean those two guys will be considerate? It’s a good thing if you don’t hear it through your ears.

With that in mind, I listened to the Archmage’s interrogation. She moved on to the next topic very naturally, as if she had not intended to ask about that question from the beginning.

“I understand that there is an intersection between the two goals. “But the reason for joining us still doesn’t seem to be explained.”

“This war will soon reach its end.”

One commandment was also not an easy task. The room became quiet at her words. The end of the war. It was a word that could not help but make someone’s heart flutter.

“Even if the whole point is not recorded, it is the same. When this era passes, some of the most powerful people will inevitably disappear into history, leaving only their names behind. As someone who hopes that one of those names is Oman, I have no choice but to naturally stand in opposition to the devil.”

but. One conjunction and one long breath revived the heavy atmosphere.

“In your eyes, I am a sinner, and I do not deny the karma I have accumulated. “If there were no special measures, all I would have done was wander around the border and die without leaving anything behind.”

“…So that special number was us? “If you weren’t an adventurer, you could have avoided getting caught, right?”

“The fact that the adventurer joined is definitely a variable, but the result of the choice will always be the same.”


“Because only you have potential.”

The Archmage, who understood everything, swallowed his sleep. “What a difficult thing to say…” The person next to me unfortunately seems to have failed to interpret it.

“You didn’t think you were going to die from that guy, did you? After all, he’s a good guy.”

“Do you think I would be foolish enough to place my hopes on a deceiver? “I just chose the most reasonable method.”


A car that was trying to explain something to the Deathbringer. I was taken aback by the words that suddenly came out.

Oh wait. That’s—!

“My strength lies in knowledge that is superior to any other being, but it cannot be revealed carelessly. In order for me, whose identity is unknown, to be active on the battlefield, I would have had to risk everything on just one sword.”

Fortunately, the commandment did not respond to the Meister’s question. Maybe it was because I didn’t know much about my situation and didn’t feel it was worth responding to individually, but from my perspective, it was just luck.

“But my sword cannot escape the limitations of humanity, so how can it reach the point of arrogance?”

“Oh, so. “Did you take a gamble by joining the warrior’s group only to die without being able to reach Oman?”

“If you understand, there is no need to explain further.”

Something… I guess I can understand it, and I don’t think I can understand it either. In that case, wouldn’t it have been better to come forward later to reduce the risk of being discovered?

“…If you were targeting something like that, wouldn’t you have been able to join us when we went hunting for Oman?”

“Let me ask you the opposite. You guys only allowed this joining after some discussion. “How do you feel when Oman’s hunt is about to happen?”

…I completely understand.

“If we hadn’t been caught, we would have been given broad permission based on our previous experience, but if we had been caught, we would have either died or been given limited permission to accompany him like we are now. So I simply chose the most appropriate method for my purpose. “Now there is nothing more to add or less to say.”

In some ways, there is not much difference between the present, when cooperation is forced under surveillance, and the past, when freedom was limited. However, the reason she put the leash around her neck again was probably due to the existence of her own will.

“…I understand. However, as long as there is no proper evidence, surveillance and action restrictions will be maintained.”

“I have never wanted the freedom you do as you please.”

“And your presence will be known throughout the city. In Munmund too.”

“Do you think I’d be scared by that?”

I saw the first tooth twist its lips in a sneer. “Tell it.” The corners of the mocking mouth are conjuring up an even harsher declaration.

“I don’t know if one city’s resentment can take precedence over war.”

Unfortunately, her declaration bears infinite resemblance to a prophecy.

* * *

“Why did you do that?”

The Archmage briefly visited the prison downstairs while everyone, including Suzaku, was informed of the situation at the front.

Since I had heard all about the situation at the front while I was here, I wanted to spend that time elsewhere.

“Was your knowledge that good?”

And it wasn’t just because of Housemaster Puck. Because the Great Sage’s interrogation ultimately had to be handled by the same Great Sage.

“So, do there exist wizards in the world who reject knowledge?”

“But no one makes a deal with the devil.”

“Oh, are you serious?”

A man sitting in a stone prison cell with his arms and legs tied chuckled. Letters blocking the flow of magical power are flowing everywhere.

“Or did you finally forget about the harsh cold wind as you studied?”

“…It’s nasty.”

“It was nothing.”

The person who barely shrugged his shoulders wiggled his fingers. ah. A weak sigh escaped his lips.

“Ah, the mask was also taken away. “Be sad.”

“Why don’t you stop taking the medicine right now?”

“It’s not a substance that’s toxic enough to cause mental illness, so is there really a need for it? “Do I have a future where I can quit in the first place?”

“…I obediently accept that it is a deadly sin.”

“I wonder if I don’t know how serious a sin it is to have intercourse with the devil here in the North.”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t have done it.”

“Hehe, but it was too fascinating knowledge for that.”

He seemed to be in an uncomfortable position and moved his legs to correct his posture. The iron shackles on my ankles, which were individually fastened but not misaligned, made a clicking sound every time.

“Also, no one would dare blame me if I knew how many magics were improved thanks to that knowledge and what they were.”

“…It’s a magic that would have developed at some point even if there wasn’t the power of the devil.”

“But it would have taken a long time.”


“Don’t avoid it, Geumpung. You know. “As time goes by, it is not humans who have the advantage, but immortal demons.”

“That’s just your opinion. “Humanity has never been more advantageous until now.”

“Not even a joke! The only reason humanity has an advantage now is because a rare variable called the Demon Knight has appeared. “It was possible because someone appeared who swallowed an archdemon and used its power to kill the same archdemon.”

If there were no demon knights, would it have been possible to do anything other than maintain the status quo?

“Will there ever be a human in the future who can endure even if he has the great evil in his body? “If the devil he contained had acted as a devil before then, wouldn’t humanity have been ruined long ago?”

The white crow came up with an easy answer by reflecting on long history and measuring the strength of the warriors he had heard about.

“The Great Demon of Wrath does not have a body. The Great Demon of Anger entered the body of the Demon Knight. The Demon Knight chose to stand by the side of humanity despite all the persecution. All of that is just a coincidence and a miracle. “It is not a result that humans want and can achieve through effort.”

The future of this world was a world filled with nothing but destruction.

“…So you were in cahoots with the devil?”

“As long as there are no miraculous variables like this, what’s wrong with trying to twist a hopeless trend even a little? And considering the results the Archdemon of Arrogance has achieved through me and the amount of knowledge I have gained from him, isn’t that a pretty good exchange rate?”

“How can you be so sure of that? “I know what the devil got.”

“I gained nothing. “What he wanted from me was the results of research, and that was a research that was destined to fail from the beginning.”

“…Are you saying that you faked failure so that he wouldn’t get anything out of it?”

“Not even a joke. How could it be possible that someone who is even called the master of magic would not notice such an act?”

However, games with a fixed ending are not fun. The life to which the answer was revealed was the same as the lifespan of the world.

Life must always be a mystery.

“That’s just it. It was literally just a study that was doomed from the beginning. “That experiment.”

“…What is the proof of certainty?”

“Otherwise, would the Great Devil have entrusted research to a mere human?”


In the end, there is nothing the devil can actually gain from that transaction. That was his assumption, and it turned out that way.

It was a truth that both people knew, but turned a blind eye to for their own benefit.

“If you look at the loss I gained there… I guess it’s because my level of magic was revealed. But how much of a loss would it be if the level of one of the many wizards was known? Moreover, even at this moment, the skills of the wizards on the battlefield are likely to continue to be known to the devils.”


“I also admit that it was a wrong action. But I have no regrets. I just made the most reasonable and efficient choice. “I won’t say that I did it solely for the greater good, but I am confident that I did something that was helpful to the world.”


“Unlike you, who tried to burn all valuable materials just out of guilt.”

The Archmage’s mouth finally closed at the white crow’s words.

All that remained in the corner of the war of words was a bitter sense of self-destruction.

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